Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 1115 Del Del Planet (1)

The reason Xiao Yuxin said was not an excuse.

It must be admitted that during the period of Landu City, it was the prime time for Xiao Yuxin’s alchemy to make rapid progress. You know, the materials she can get on the earth are limited, and in the world of completing the mission of the demon system, the materials obtained have a price. As for the exchange of materials from the system, it is even more unimaginable…Every time To exchange materials from the system, she has to pay a huge amount of points, and she will never do so if it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, although she has been inherited by senior alchemists, her progress has been slow due to material constraints, and the practice in Lando City during this time was just an opportunity to accumulate, so the progress was so rapid.

If it weren’t for the special mercenary mission this time, she would not give up this rare cultivation opportunity-not long ago, a mercenary named Deldor found a native planet. The so-called native planet is a planet that can survive for humans without much transformation. In the words of some mercenaries, this guy’s luck is too good.

According to the procedure, Deldor first named the planet after his name, and then applied to join the Human Alliance. After being recognized by the Human Alliance, he naturally obtained funds for the development of the planet. Now his priority is to clean up the planet-all the original planets are There are indigenous creatures that are the overlords of the planet. During the evolution of the creatures, the dinosaur family dominated Deldor.

The human alliance is an organization of human races and their allies in the universe. There is no military organization itself… Well, to be precise, they all exist in the form of mercenaries, and then there is an internal military system of various races. It is impossible for Deldor Provide help unless he surrenders Deldor Star ownership. And this is impossible.

Deldor had no army, no weapons, no diplomacy, he had only money, so he found mercenaries. This task has no level and number restrictions, depending on the mercenary’s performance, giving bonuses and merits. It is a rare and unlimited task. In the short term, a large number of mercenaries swarm in, considering that this is a big deal. The Star Mercenary Trade Union even established a temporary space supply station near Deldor Star.

If this is the case, it is not enough to attract Xiao Yuxin. Although this task is easy to get bonuses and merits, for her, the most important thing is to improve her strength. but. There have been some changes in the mission, and the reward of the mission is based on the original. Some changes have taken place. Deldor has added an additional mission through the Mercenary Union of the Week-if someone kills more than three dinosaur lords, the other party can randomly choose one of them to develop. Of course, this kind of development is subject to taxes, but this is also quite rare, and Xiao Yuxin is going against this condition, you know. The territory of a dinosaur lord also has at least tens of thousands of square kilometers. If the development rights of these tens of thousands of kilometers are obtained, it is a very rare opportunity for Green Mountain Province.

anyway. Xiao Yuxin did not want to lose this opportunity. Be aware that resources are the most demanding everywhere. In the interstellar, even garbage is a resource. There are professional companies that monopolize the disposal of those garbage, not to mention mineral resources. She was reluctant to waste time, and that night she went on the road all night.

At the space supply station of the Star Mercenary Association, there was a lot of people. Every mercenary was in a hurry, and every face was covered with a dark cloud. The atmosphere was very depressed, and Xiao Yuxin quickly got the information he needed.

Very scary!

The mercenaries came to Deldor Star with enthusiasm, but they were greeted not by a group of large lizards lined up to be slaughtered, but by an outrageous battle. In just one week, the number of mercenary deaths exceeded 4,000, and the number of disabled people exceeded this figure.

In addition to bonuses and merits, the prey itself is a valuable resource, so a large number of mercenaries came to Deldor to try their luck, but they just landed on the planet, and died before they could figure out the situation.

The heavy casualties have made some people retreat from difficulties, but the rewards for the additional missions have increased the number of new mercenaries, so the number of casualties is still increasing. The mercenary’s competition mechanism was originally the survival of the fittest. What happened to Deldorin was just that the process was relatively concentrated.

In the lounge, various battle scenes including landing were repeatedly released. Those clips were originally used to calculate merit, but now they are for the mercenaries to learn from the experience.

Most of the mercenaries were attacked by a flying dragon during the landing. The flying dragon was somewhat like a large albatross, but the scales of the body and the long beak with a strong attack made it more powerful than the large albatross. The risk factor is much higher, especially this strange dragon’s strange flight speed and changeable flight technology, coupled with the terrible armor breaking ability, makes them almost a killer of landing airships. And the most annoying thing is ~www.mtlnovel.com~ These flying dragons do not seem to have a fixed area of ​​activity. The living space covers all corners of the planet Deldor. The mercenaries have tried to land from different areas, trying to avoid them, most of them Ended with failure.

Moreover, these flying dragons are just one of the many killers on the Deldor star. The mercenaries who successfully landed will soon attract a large number of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs are called land killers in terms of speed, physique and attack power. Powerful enough to compete with mechs or powerful warriors. In the screen shown, a dreadclaw has torn an eight-meter-high mech into two pieces, which is more neat than cutting with a plasma war knife.

Xiao Yuxin found a lot of dinosaurs similar to the dinosaur fossils found on the earth in the video. She suddenly had a whimsy-in the civilization of the earth, it is said that there was a period when dinosaurs once dominated the earth, and later for some natural reason , Leading to the gradual demise of this behemoth. So, is there a possibility that dinosaurs and other creatures lived on the earth countless years ago, and a group of human mercenaries discovered the planet, they killed the original indigenous creatures on the earth, and then started on the earth Breeding, this is the real human origin?

It’s hard to say that it is human nature to hide evil and promote good. History is always written by living people, and dead people…especially those dead creatures, they will never crawl out of the grave to accuse.

Xiao Yuxin suddenly felt amused. The role of history is not to let people trace what’truth’, but to make people learn from it, just like she and many of the earth’s powerful people do now, their purpose is to avoid letting the intelligent life on earth There is another extinction similar to dinosaurs. (To be continued…)

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