Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 116 Mutated Cube: Night Attack of the Legend of Gods and Ghosts

“Sister Xin, this is an opportunity.”

Mo Loudao.

“What opportunity” Xiao Yuxin asked.

“Try to see what happens if you don’t follow the script.”

“what do you mean”

“When the boat is in chaos, we took the opportunity to disembark the horse, anyway, it is not far from that oasis.”

“If those Americans stay on the ship, it is difficult to say whether they can cope with the attacks of the black guardians.”

“The existence of Americans is to bear the curse. According to the development of the original plot, Imerton can only restore the body if he kills those who are cursed. And Immorton after the restoration of the body is the most powerful.”

“Well. You mean that we want to prevent Imerton from recovering, and the best way is to kill those Americans.”

“That change to the plot is too obvious, I am afraid it will cause more trouble, we can not take this risk.” Wen Yuxiu joined the discussion.

“Yes, we will only do a little guidance to see how the plot will develop.”

“If this is the case, we should prepare now. The time should be almost up.” Xiao Yuxin looked at his watch.

Suddenly the cabin door was pushed open, and O’Connor came in: “Why are you all in the cabin, don’t you feel bored?”

Xiao Yuxin and the four of them all talked with a chain of hearts, but he was not afraid of what he heard, but the outside was originally guarded by Mo Hongxia. Where did this woman go and let O’Connor walk in directly.

“O’Connor, what’s wrong with your hand?” Xiao Yuxin noticed that there seemed to be a scratch on his hand, and the topic changed indifferently.

“Oh, I met an acquaintance just now, maybe I accidentally encountered it.” O’Connor said carelessly.

It should have met his old comrade Benny.

Xiao Yuxin did not ask who he was, but asked: “What do Eve and Jonathan do now”


O’Connor shook his hand. There was a helpless expression: “That little woman is really in trouble. He even asked someone to bathe in hot water. Jonathan ran to gamble with those Americans.”

“Ocono, how did you find the capital of the dead” Mo Lou asked curiously.

“It’s a long story.”

O’Connell sat down on the chair and tapped the index finger gently on the table: “That was three years ago. At that time my troops changed their defense from the front line. In fact, the war is nearing its end. We all want to go home early. But the superior ordered us to look for the capital of the dead, Hamnata. We brought a lot of supplies into the desert and finally found the legendary place. But we haven’t waited until we confirmed that a group of people in black suddenly attacked us. I The soldiers are brave, I watched them die in front of me. Finally, I retreated into those buildings, and I thought I would respond to the call of God like those robes. But the black men suddenly went crazy. Seems to run away.”

Speaking of which, there was a trace of fear on his face: “It’s weird. I stood in front of that weird stone statue, but a strange face-like pattern suddenly appeared on the ground. It was the first time I was afraid. The ground rushed out, and the box and map were picked up at the foot of the stone statue. They came out of the capital of the dead. The horses and supplies were gone. When I was hungry, I grabbed the scorpions in the sand to eat. When I was thirsty, I dig sand. , Digging deep, all the way to the wet sand, and then use them to moisten the lips, fortunately my memory is good. In the desert is made of wood

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line —

Nai found the oasis before and returned to Cairo. This is the whole process of discovering Hamnata. If you didn’t save me, I was going to take this secret to the grave. If you are willing to listen to me, then I would also advise you to go back. That place is too weird. ”

“We only go because of the weirdness there.” Xiao Yuxin said.

“Since it’s so weird, then we”

Xiao Yuxin seemed to sound something suddenly. To Xia Xinwen and Mo Lou said: “You go to see Eve, I think we’d better be with those animals tonight to avoid accidents.”

“Hi, don’t need to be so nervous, this route is really safe.” O’Connor said in amazement.

“Be prepared and ready to go to the place anyway. Let’s be more alert at night.”

Xiao Yuxin took O’Connor and walked away: “Bring your weapons, if there is danger, we will at least protect ourselves.”

“But Jonathan is still playing cards with the Americans.” O’Connell felt that Xiao Yuxin’s strength was so great that he had to keep up.

“Well, you should stop him. It is possible for him to export all his sisters at the table.” Xiao Yuxin said.

“That’s his sister, it doesn’t matter to me. Ms. Axin, you mean his mouth is not reliable.” O’Connor woke up.


When they came to the deck, they were hearing Jonathan yelling. Obviously, he lost.

“Hi, O’Connor, come and play,” an American greeted O’Connor.

O’Connor shook his head: “I only play life, not play cards.”

The American seemed to identify O’Connor: “Bet five hundred dollars and see who comes to Hamnatta first.”

O’Connell’s face changed slightly: “You are going to Hamnata”

“Of course, don’t you go to Hamnata?” the American asked.

“But how do you know?” O’Connor now understands what Xiao Yuxin means, because the American has reached out to Jonathan, “He said.”

Jonathan also knew that he didn’t put the door on his mouth, and said awkwardly: “Uh, O’Connor, this is just a coincidence.”


O’Connor pulled Jonathan from his seat and said to the Americans: “I have something to say to this gentleman. The money on the table is yours.”

“Wait a minute.”

Jonathan struggled desperately, “There is a lot of money on that table.”

“Not much.” O’Connell clearly saw it early, and Jonathan put a few tickets in front of him, and the rest of the money was estimated to have been exported.

When they came to the animals, Xia Xinwen and they also came. Compared to Xiao Yuxin and them, these three people were much more weird and almost came masked.

“What are you doing?” O’Connell asked suspiciously. The man was very alert. It soon became apparent that Xiao Yuxin and others were hiding something from him.

“That’s it, do you remember what I reminded you just now”

Xiao Yuxin explained: “In the evening, we found that the expressions of several crew members on the ship seemed wrong and worried that they would be bad for Eve.”

“Too much doubt”

O’Connor did not believe it, because he had traveled many times on this route, and it seemed that there was no danger, but the soldier’s caution still made him decide to follow the arrangements of Xiao Yuxin and others. Only Eve and Jonathan were somewhat reluctant to the former because Her hair is not yet

—This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

There is work, and the latter is thinking of winning back the money from the table.

“Be prepared.”

Xiao Yuxin stood lightly in front of a white horse and took out a desert eagle. This is an item rewarded by the plot, unlimited bullets. Has armor piercing effect. This pistol looks beautiful and easy to use, but the recoil is relatively large, generally men prefer it, but Xiao Yuxin’s current physique. Shooting with a heavy machine gun doesn’t feel too hard. A desert eagle is just a trifle.

“What a beautiful gun” O’Connor’s eyes lit up. With an envious expression, the automobile technology of this era is not yet developed enough, but men seem to have a natural love for firearms, and the shape of the Desert Eagle is even liked by girls, and it has fascinated countless men who love guns.

“so so.”

Xiao Yuxin is not a gun lover, but the ammunition of this gun is unlimited and saves the trouble of getting bullets back and forth.

at this time. Mo Lou, who has been responsible for monitoring the river, passed a picture. More than a dozen boats were approaching the ship, and the driver of the ship seemed to be unaware. The speed of the boat was very slow. The boats approached the ship effortlessly.

Nearly ten people in black were riding in each boat. The people on these ships add up to more than a hundred people, which is already a terrible force. And Xiao Yuxin and others do not want to have a deep enmity with this guardian family at the moment, so she let Mo Lou wait for the opportunity to issue an alarm, and when the ship begins to fight, they will run away.


There was a sharp gunshot, followed by a scream and heavy objects falling into the water. There was a sudden chaos on the ship. Those men in black who had just sneaked into the ship obviously did not expect this to happen. Had to change the sneak attack to a strong attack, the gunshots on the ship suddenly sounded together.

“nailed it.”

Mo Lou’s voice came from his ears~www.mtlnovel.com~ Turning around, Mo Lou had returned.

“Ocono, it was these people who attacked you and your soldiers,” Xiao Yuxin asked softly.

“Yes, their costumes are exactly the same.” Although O’Connell’s face showed hatred, he didn’t rush forward to fight.

“Let’s go”

Xiao Yuxin instructed the people to leave the chaos, they released the horse reins, led the horse to the side of the boat, Xia Xinwen kicked the ship’s side, jumped into the river holding the horse’s neck.


The rest of the depositors also jumped into the river one after another. Chen Ke and Mo Hongxia both obviously hesitated when they disembarked. They were photographed by Xiao Yuxin on the hind hips of the two horses. After two sounds, they led them into the river.

Xiao Yuxin took out a grenade and threw the grenade into the herd of animals while leaping into the water. When she fell into the icy river water, a loud noise accompanied by the mourning of the horses came from the boat.

“I’m sorry”

Xiao Yuxin didn’t want to let those Americans catch up with themselves after getting out of danger, so he came to the bottom of the plan.


There was a shout suddenly on the river, and some people in black found that Xiao Yuxin and others had dived to escape and immediately shouted. They all fired their guns and shot, and the bullets flew from the side, and Xiao Yuxin quickly showed his insight. The bullet trajectories presented to her were presented in her eyes one by one. She dodged flexibly in the water, and at the same time added a sacred shield to Eve and others. Those bullets shot on the shield and made a puffy sound. Xiao Yuxin and others also lifted The gun returned fire. After killing several men in black, the firepower of the opponent suddenly weakened, while the gunshots on the ship suddenly became dense, and a scream or scream was heard from time to time. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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