Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 139 \"Witch Season\": Fierce Battle

“What book” De Bezac asked facelessly to download.

Xiao Yuxin reluctantly handed the book over. There was no hint of the book in the task reminder, and she couldn’t understand the text above, knowing that it was not her own dish, she had no interest.

De Bezac took over the book, and his eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly turned a few faces, with an excited look on his face: “Great, this is what the Cardinal said all the rituals, prayers and mantras are recorded. The keys of Solomon, with these, we can deal with witches”

“What are you waiting for?” Berman strode outwards. Debezak looked at the body on the ground and followed the book with the scriptures.

In the prison car, Mira, a witch, appeared a little anxious. She saw Berman striding behind De Bezac, and she shouted loudly: “Beman, is this the fair trial you promised me?”

The expression on Berman’s face was calm and calm: “Your destiny is determined by your own download.”

De Bezac came to the prison car and pointed to Mila loudly: “Let the world and God know that this woman is accused of using witchcraft. She has admitted that she caused the plague and killed humans.”

“I’m really flattered” Mila sneered in the prison car. “But I must confess my guilt. I deceived you.”

De Bezak said sharply: “If you think you can be redeemed by confessing your mistakes, then you are wrong. You must tell the truth before God”


Mila suddenly became furious. She shook the iron fence hard and scolded: “Don’t tell me any facts. You hypocrite has been killing any unbelievers with gallows, burning and crosses for centuries. God’s people. In fact, I should thank you, the church has destroyed more people than all famine, war and plague”

“Witch. You’re lying” Debezac shouted.

Berman couldn’t listen anymore, this kind of drool battle had no meaning at all, he reminded: “De Bezac, ceremony”

De Bezac woke up dreamily, quickly took out the cross and opened the scriptures to start the preparation ceremony.

“And you,”

Mila’s gaze passed over Xiao Yuxin and others, “You all need to be redeemed, and how many innocent people’s blood is stained on your hands”

With her voice. In front of everyone’s eyes, phantoms appeared, and Berman and Fiosen saw the scene where they were wielding long swords on the battlefield of the Crusades and captured the fortresses; Xiao Yuxin and others saw them in Amadeus In the war. The appearance of struggling to kill among the soldiers; and De Bezac also seemed to see the groaning of countless civilians in pain.


A high-pitched Qingyue’s long chant sounded, and at the critical moment, he listened to the Savior again, and Xiao Yuxin suddenly awakened and exhibited Long Yin’s skills. The illusion in front of everyone suddenly disappeared. Fiore looked at the witch in surprise and asked in surprise: “How do you know this?”

Mila sneered. She didn’t feel angry or panicked because Xiao Yuxin broke her spell, her eyes condensed on De Bezac.

“You are not a witch”

De Bezac’s face appeared tense, and he quickly flipped through the scriptures, and suddenly there was a trace of horror on his face: “You are a devil, you are not a witch”

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line —



He read it loudly, and there seemed to be a mysterious force condensing in the air.

“Damn it, don’t read this text”

Mila’s complexion changed, and he crashed in the prison car like a trapped beast. There was a roar of undefined meaning in his mouth.

De Bezac was certainly not able to obey Mila’s words, chanting more quickly, the energy was getting bigger and bigger, the whole square was filled with wind noise, and the fallen leaves on the ground were also rolled up. The prison car trembles violently, and seems to fall apart at any time.

The chanting sound became more and more rapid. Thunder sounded faintly in the sky, and large patches of dark clouds gathered above the monastery from all directions. , The atmosphere is very depressed.

“Prison Car” Kay shouted suddenly.

I saw that the iron grid on the prison car seemed to be burned on the fire, gradually reddening, and a small cluster of small flames jumping on it became red and red, which began to melt and became a large group. The hot metal and the witch in the carriage have also changed. Her face has become very grim, a pair of wings spread out behind her, and her claws have become sharp.

With a roar, it stepped out of the prison car and strode toward De Bezac, his eyes showing scarlet eyes.


Fiosen and Berman waved their long swords from left to right, and the long swords stabbed under the devil’s ribs.

Two sounds of Zheng and Zheng struck the demon’s fingers on the long sword. The two fell backwards like a lightning strike. Before the demon could take another step, a black sickle chopped his neck.

A strange red light flashed in the demon’s eyes. It stretched out its claws, grabbed the blade with a bang, and threw it far away.


Shen Ruolan was thrown on a colonnade like an individual. Although protected by armor, he did not breathe for a while.

The demon strode forward, grabbed his claws towards Debezak, and Debezak panicked and retreated. He fell down on the steps, but the devil didn’t succeed when he was leaning over to catch Debezak. , A piece of holy water suddenly came face to face.

The holy water landed on the demon, and immediately emitted a white smoke with a sneer. It immediately made a sharp cry and suddenly turned back, flapping its wings and soaring into the sky.


The windows of the buildings around the square were suddenly knocked open, and black shadows jumped out from the inside to pounce on everyone.

Da da da

Wen Yuxiu first took a gun to shoot, and others followed suit. These black shadows were all monks who died from the plague in the monastery, but now they have become the same kind of demon-controlled undead attacking their lifetime.


A zombie’s head was shattered and fell down suddenly. Xiao Yuxin suddenly sighed in his heart and violently displayed the method of wearing flowers and winding trees. A strong wind rubbed her back and swept across the ground. There was a score of Xu Shen and Mi Xu long. She raised her hand violently. A holy light bomb hit the black shadow flying over her, and the angry roar of the devil came from the air.

“De Bezac, continue the ceremony, don’t stop”

Xiao Yuxin shouted loudly, and raised his hand again when two holy light bombs hit two zombies. The two zombies stayed a little bit, and instantly turned into fly ash. Her behavior reminded Wen Yuxiu and others, and took out the holy water and sprinkled on the zombies. After a while, all the zombies were wiped out.


—This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-


In the air, the demon gathered his wings and rushed towards Debezak, and a loud eagle crowed, and a huge black figure appeared suddenly above the demon, and the claws of the Griffon grabbed its wings.

“Nasty Reptile”

The demon growled in disgust, but turned his back on the griffon’s abdomen. A small piece of flying feathers fell across the floor, and the blood spewed out thinly. disappear.

“Look at the palm”

Xiao Yuxin didn’t intend that the firearm could hurt it. Seeing that the demon had already slammed down, she raised her hand with a palm, and the violent palm rushed toward the demon.


The demon law hummed quietly, then immediately raised his hand unhurriedly and photographed it in the face of Xiao Yuxin’s palm.


The two forces collided violently. Although Xiao Yuxin knew that his strength was not as good as the demon, he didn’t think how far apart from each other. The moment the two forces collided, Xiao Yuxin felt his arm was like being hit by a fast train Like that, he immediately lost consciousness, and his body was like a kite with a broken thread, and he slid backwards against the ground.

“it hurts”

Xiao Yuxin shouted, and the carp stood up, and she moved her arm. It seemed that she didn’t break it.

At this time, the demon who was about to pursue Xiao Yuxin continued to eat a small loss. Xia Xinwen suddenly shot a crossbow. In the middle of its left wing, a layer of light blue frost covered half of the wings in an instant. The devil only felt that his body was sinking. , With a thump, fell to the ground.

Seeing the demon fall from the air, Wen Yuxiu and Mo Lou felt the opportunity was rare, and the two were not nonsense~www.mtlnovel.com~ slammed “kill” and rushed up.

Mo Lou’s body was light, and he first came to the demon. His figure flew past him like a light breeze, and the dagger flicked to his neck like lightning. Don’t watch the demon suddenly fall down unexpectedly, but it was fierce. Nowhere did it go, it swung its other half of its wings violently and swept fiercely towards Molou.


Mo Lou snorted and flew upside down, but the devil himself was only left with a mouth in the jaw by Mo Lou’s dagger.

At this time, Wen Yuxiu also came behind the demon, and the spear of judgment shone with a golden cold awn, straight to the devil’s neck. However, the demon seemed to have long eyes behind his back. He gently ducked his head to avoid the spear, and then flicked his forearm with his left hand, intending to fly Wen Yuxiu out.

After seeing that Xiao Yuxin and Mo Lou were nearly hit hard, Wen Yuxiu certainly refused to let the other party hit her directly, so she hurriedly used the method of unloading force to meet the other party’s attack with a spear, and then rotated the opportunity of retreating. Discharge the other party’s power. As a result, Wen Yuxiu was like a gyro, spinning a few hundred times in the air, before barely taking the devil’s blow.

At this time, I just stayed to see the fighting style of Xiao Yuxin and other four people. Although Xiao Yuxin sometimes uses bows and arrows to fight enemies, he still fights with swords, palms, and body techniques more often. This close combat fights for strength, so he is vulnerable to counterattacks. Xia Xinwen is not good at close combat. , Long-range attack will bring many opportunities for the partner; Mo Lou’s fighting style is very skillful, if it is unexpected, it is easier to attack the other party; and Wen Yuxiu’s spur awareness is higher, and he is in self-protection The aspect is the most unique, so although she did not hurt the demon, she could easily withdraw. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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