Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 85 Zhang Yufeng

She was looking for a waiter to ask. A small and delicate girl came out of it and found that no one greeted Xiao Yuxin. She immediately came over with a smile and kept following Xiao Yuxin’s constant introduction. Thin sweat beads were on the tip of her nose.

“Are you nervous?” Xiao Yuxin asked curiously.

The girl was a little embarrassed and whispered: “I’m just here. If I can stay, it depends on the sales during the trial period, so I’m a little nervous.”

It turns out so.

Xiao Yuxin, who had just finished her first job not long ago, was able to feel her mood. When she was about to buy something, the man and the woman she met at the door just came in.

Upon seeing Xiao Yuxin, the voluptuous woman immediately regained her pretense. “Yo, it’s been a while since I saw you. Why haven’t you seen something?” She said, beckoning to the waiter who was approaching, “Here you are Take out the most expensive jewelry!”

Xiao Yuxin shook her head slightly. If this kind of person is really boring compared with her, he turned to the girl and said, “I heard that there are some jewellery stores in town stores. Isn’t this the same here?”

The girl covered her mouth and smiled: “Zhendian is superstitious, but every jewelry store has some high-end goods. If you want to see it, I can show you the album first. If you see it, we will Go inside to see the transaction.”

The voluptuous woman saw that Xiao Yuxin did not look at her this time, and she felt that she was just an illusion. She said to the girl, “Sister, don’t show it to her. This kind of person is just idle and has nothing to do with you. Well, it’s better to have a few guests!”


Xiao Yuxin glanced at her and felt amused. She said to the girl, “Go get the photo album.” Then she walked to the chair where the guest rested and sat down, with a smile on her face. Not at all angry.

The girl quickly came back with the photo album, Xiao Yuxin opened it and slowly looked at it, the jewelry on it was more upscale, and the cheapest one was 100,000. A set of jadeite jewelry attracted her attention. This set of jadeite jewelry includes a necklace, two bracelets, a pair of earrings. It is said that it was carved from a piece of jadeite material, especially the lush green color, which made Xiao Yuxin like it at first sight. At first glance, the selling price below is 1.86 million. Xiao Yuxin feels that this set of jewelry is tailor-made for her mother.

“That’s it.” Xiao Yuxin passed the box. “Check out!”

The box opened with a snap, the red ticket was still quite dazzling, and the enchanting woman next to him secretly glanced at it. His eyes widened immediately, and he looked forward to looking forward to snatching it away. After a while, he scoffed and said: “Upstart.”

Xiao Yuxin couldn’t help crying when she heard it. Thinking carefully, she didn’t seem to be an upstart just now.

“Ah… please wait a moment.” The girl was also startled. Although the jewelry store’s daily in and out payments are large amounts, but this payment method is also rare, she immediately went to ask the sales manager.

“Her husband, this necklace is really good, shall we buy one too?” The enchanting woman looked at her eyes and whined at the fat man. Goose bumps all over Xiao Yuxin.

The fat man immediately became energetic: “What’s the meaning of this flashy thing? Let’s go, I know a jewelry store that is better than here, go and see it there!” Pulling the enchanting woman rushed out.

“Who are these people!” The waiter who had received them just now looked sad and cursed.

At this time, the girl led a female manager to Xiao Yuxin, and asked her to go in to get the goods and settle the payment. After the three of them entered the room, several waiters outside gathered together whispering enviously… nearly 2 million in sales. How much is the commission?

After more than ten minutes, Xiao Yuxin still came out with the box. The female manager and the girl who received her followed behind like a classmate, saying words like “Welcome to come again”.

Walking out of the door, I was thinking about where to spend. The phone rang, but after answering it, it was Xia Xinwen’s voice: “Sister Xin, congratulations on your return!”

Xiao Yuxin smiled: “Congratulations to you too! How about it, no big danger?”

“That’s it.”

On the phone, although Xia Xinwen’s tone was indifferent, it was difficult for me to be excited: “Sister Xin, when will we stop the team and go to the wilderness to explore? I got some information about the wilderness.”

“It’s inconvenient to say this now. We’ll talk about it later in the evening.” Xiao Yuxin made an appointment with Xia Xinwen on the phone, hung out on the street for a while, and took a taxi to Quanjude to buy three roast ducks before returning to the hotel.

“Add a dish at night.”

She threw one of them to Wu Qiong, and then looked at the other young soldier and asked, “I haven’t asked you how to call it?”


Another is standing upright, and the casual soldier replied loudly: “If you answer the chief, my name is Gao Sheng.”

Xiao Yuxin smiled and said, “I am not a chief. My name is Xiao Yuxin, just my name.”

Gao Sheng didn’t answer, but just stood upright, but his face was a bit difficult.

Wu Qiong laughed aside: “Don’t force him, this is the command above, he must obey the order.”

Xiao Yuxin shook her head and was about to leave, but Wu Qiong stopped her again: “Wait, Xiao Yuxin, just now Uncle Xia told me to tell you that I have something to discuss with you when I come back to the base tomorrow.”

“whats the matter?”

“I don’t know.” Wu Qiong had guessed a few points, but at this time she couldn’t say that she was also a soldier’s family, knowing that certain things must never be said in inappropriate ways on inappropriate occasions.

“Oh, it’s really Qiongqiong!”

A surprise sound suddenly sounded, and the three looked up and saw a tall young man standing outside the door with a very enchanting woman. The young man obviously drank too much, leaning half of his body on it On the woman’s body, the woman’s strength was not small, but she didn’t fall to the ground. It was difficult to get into the goal. The young man’s hand almost reached into the woman’s corset. It seemed quite unreliable. , And pulled the restless hand out.

“What’s the matter? It’s all about you. What does it matter? What pretend to be?” The man yelled.

Several people in the room frowned. Xiao Yuxin and Gao Sheng didn’t know this person, so it was hard to say anything. Wu Qiong was dissatisfied and said: “Zhang Yufeng, you are going to go home with prestige, don’t stain my eyes in front of me. ”

“Qiong Qiong, speak politely. Anyway, we are also sweethearts. My grandfather is planning to raise relatives with your family during the New Year.”

The young man was originally handsome. At this time, his face was salivated, and his face was completely destroyed, but he did not know it, and his eyes fell on Xiao Yuxin: “This sister’s eyes are tight, it is the girl of that family. ?Qiong Qiong, would you like to introduce?”

“What can I introduce?”

Wu Qiong said in disgust: “Don’t think about good things, if you dare to come to my house, I will let my brother break your leg! Go away!”

“Don’t be so polite to speak, anyway… sooner or later…” The young man burped, and a smell of wine came to his face.

“Wu Qiong, I will go back to my room and rest. I will see you again tomorrow morning.” Xiao Yuxin greeted Wu Qiong and walked out of the door from the young man’s side.


Wu Qiong originally wanted to hold Xiao Yuxin to talk for a while, but she was disappointed by such a guy. She came out of the room, pushed the young man into a stagger, opened the room opposite with the room card, and entered Close the door with a bang.

“Yes… there is something to show!”

After looking around the rooms of Xiao Yuxin, Wu Qiong and Gao Sheng, the young man’s eyes hugged the girl and said, “Let’s go!”

The two came to the elevator in a dangling manner. The young man who was drunk just now suddenly became sober. He took a phone number and dialed a number, then whispered the hotel name and the room numbers of Xiao Yuxin and other three people. … check why Chawong opened the room here, who are the man and the woman?”

“Brother Feng, what’s so strange about a woman opening a hotel room?” the girl next to him said snortingly.

“Shut up! What do you know?”

Zhang Yufeng snarled and pressed the switch of the elevator. After the elevator door was opened, he pushed the girl in. When the elevator door was closed, there were several rumors of humor…

Castle town.

A secluded tea restaurant on the second floor.

Music with a classic charm is like a trickle flowing around the building~www.mtlnovel.com~Many people who choose to drink, eat meat, or go to the bar to sing and dance, so here There are not many guests. There are only about ten people, two or three, and they consciously whispered their respective topics. Suddenly footsteps came from the stairs, causing many guests to glance past involuntarily.

Two girls wearing denim casual clothes came up. The one on the left was a little shorter, pure in appearance, with a ponytail, like a middle school student, and the tall one on the right, with shawl hair, had a beautiful appearance, and it was Chunlan Qiuju, Each is good at making the eyes of many people in the whole tea restaurant bright.

“Look, two pure and beautiful big beauties, look at the facial features… that temperament… It’s really moving.”

“Boy, be honest, although I don’t know who they are, but judging by their momentum, you should be more careful in the end, and don’t blame yourself!”

“Why, anyway, our buddy is also the **** of choice, what is terrible?”

“Are you a great candidate? Have you just completed a few trial tasks? Both of them are veterans. Be careful to play to death!”

The voice of the beginning was silent immediately.

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