Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 One pool of spring water law enforcement

“No, Old Monster Ye, I remember you said that you wanted me to take the purple fire lotus for a disguise mask. I must pay attention to integrity in business.” Nangong Yan Xi raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

Ye Tong had a bitter look on her face and looked reluctant, but she was helpless. After all, Nangong Yan Xi was a disciple of the Kunlun School. He was a small vendor who sold things, so how could he be able to question it.

“Okay, just like that.” Ye Tong flipped his hand and took out a disguise mask.

Immediately, Nangong Yan Xi threw a dim purple lotus like a stone…

“The transaction is complete, Old Monster Ye, you are acquainted, but you will cheat on me next time, you’re welcome!”

Nangong Yan Xi glanced at Ye Tong coldly, and her eyes were all murderous. If it weren’t for the inability to kill casually in Kunlun City, Nangong Yan Xi had the urge to kill Old Monster Ye on the spot.

With a fierce light beating in her eyes, she suppressed the killing intent that had sprouted in her body, Nangong Yan Xi grabbed the disguise mask and turned away without stopping.

After waiting until Nangong Yan Xi left, Ye Tong’s slender eyes gradually penetrated with meaningful gaze.

“Although this Kunlun female cultivator is also very powerful, compared with her master, her wisdom is really far behind. The purple fire lotus is the source of spiritual veins, and it won’t be waste anyway. She dedicated the purple fire lotus to her master. I can do a great job again.” A smile appeared on Ye Tong’s face.

After Nangong Yan Xi left the Treasure Workshop, she left this street without stopping. She still had important things to do, and of course she couldn’t do more delays here.

Su Zishuang wandered around with Xiao Lige, and gradually walked to the nearby Qibing Pavilion.

“Sister Su, do you want to go in and have a look?” Xiao Lige said.

“Are there any good things in the Qibing Pavilion?” There are really many shops nearby that specialize in selling magical instruments. Su Zishuang didn’t know if this Qibing Pavilion was similar to other places.

“The quality of the magical equipment sold in Qibingge is not much different from that of other places, but there is an attractive gambler here, which is very interesting.” Xiao Lige laughed.

“I’ve only heard of betting on stones and jade and betting on monsters. I haven’t heard of gambling machines, what’s the specifics? If it’s interesting, I don’t mind going in and have a look.” Su Zishuang smiled faintly.

Xiao Lige said: “It should be very interesting. The general process is like this. The Qibing Pavilion will cover a group of magical objects with a cover to isolate the spiritual sense, and let others bid to guess. If you can guess the good one. It makes a lot of money, but it’s more likely to miss the guess.”

“It’s really interesting, so let’s go in and take a look.” Su Zishuang nodded with interest.

Su Zishuang walked into the Qibing Pavilion with Xiao Lige, and after walking for a while, his eyes suddenly opened up. A hall appeared.

The hall was already full of immortal cultivators from different places. Everyone’s eyes were all staring at the top of the hall.

There was a young woman in a voluptuous dress. Wearing red gauze, white thighs and arms are looming. There is a seductive air between the eyebrows and eyes.

“Guest officials, today’s gambling weapon of Qibingge is about to begin. As the most popular host of Qibingge, Hongying will sell a key when today’s magical weapon is announced. Everyone guesses that the magical weapon this time is What kind? There is a prize if you guess it right.”

Hongying raises her hand and makes every move. When she walks, there is a string of small bells on her pure white jade feet jingling, which adds a bit of charm.

“Girl Hongying, if I guess right, can I have a spring breeze with you?” There was a white-faced scholar-type monk, staring at Hongying’s **** and hips, and the saliva in his mouth was about to flow out.

Hongying cast a wink and said, “As long as you can afford the price, sister is yours.”

When the people below heard Hongying’s words, there was a frolic sound.

However, no one really bid.

Su Zishuang was surprised, and whispered: “How come no one bids?”

“That woman is a ruthless character. What she said can’t be taken seriously. Someone molested her before, without exception, in the end all accidents happened one by one. Then everyone knew that the woman was secretly vicious, so no one dared to really molest Hongying. “Xiao Lige said.

Su Zishuang pursed her lips slightly and said, “So, the one who molested just now should be a newcomer, and the other people laughed at him as if he did not live or die, right?

“Yes, that’s it.” Xiao Lige nodded and said.

When the white-faced scholar monk heard the others laugh, his face flushed red, he suddenly jumped up from his seat and said, “I bid five thousand spiritual stones!”

Everyone fell silent, looking at the white-faced scholar monk with weird eyes.

The white-faced scholar monk thought that everyone had been deterred, so there was a sense of superiority and triumph on his face.

After being silent for a while, roaring laughter followed.

“I’m really tired of living, and there is such a stupid person?”

“I can’t blame this person, I can only blame his parents for not giving him extra brains.”

“Stupid monk, not far from death, still triumphant, really stupid.”

The discussion from nearby spread to the ears of the white-faced scholar monk, making him very annoyed, but also bewildered in his heart. Why was he so mocked when he said what he said? It’s really unreasonable.

At this time, the white-faced scholar monk had reached a state of dilemma, so he flinched today, and he will definitely be a softie in the future. And if he doesn’t shrink back, the white-faced scholar monk feels weird and inexplicably panic.

Immortal cultivators panic inexplicably, this is extremely rare. After all, the willpower of immortal cultivators is improving. If it is not for the extremely terrifying magic way, then it is unlikely to suddenly have such a feeling.

But now that he was aware of it at this time, the white-faced scholar cultivator went all out and walked all the way to the dark.

The white-faced scholar monk shook his body and quickly swept towards the stage.

“You trash don’t dare to fight for it, I will do it myself, let you see how it is.

The white-faced scholar monk burst out with an awe-inspiring air all over his body, and an air current in the shape of a scroll appeared in front of him, rolling towards Hongying on the stage.

It’s just that Hongying still smiled. It’s as if there is no threat at all.

When the white-faced scholar monk’s attack was about to approach Hongying, Hongying suddenly retreated. With a wave of his sleeves, a wave of fire surged. When colliding with the aura of the white-faced scholar monk, it is estimated that the strange energy expanded, making a deafening sound.


After a loud noise, the body of the white-faced scholar monk was like a kite with a broken string. It rolled a few times at a very fast speed, and finally smashed a few tables and chairs before falling to the ground.

On the contrary, Hongying did not have any scars on his body, not to mention their true cultivation base, but with their current fighting strength, I am afraid that ordinary people can no longer participate.

“Well, there was a little accident in the venue. But it will definitely not affect the next gambling machine. Let’s talk about what you will guess later. If you can guess right, there will be rewards!” Hongying once again winked at the others present.

However, I saw that the white-faced scholar monk was easily defeated. He was dragged out of Qibao Pavilion like a dog.

There was a touch in everyone’s hearts. How dare to step in the footsteps of the white-faced scholar monk again, so everyone seriously cast their eyes on the stage.

Hongying patted the palm of her hand, and from the backstage, many girls filed out, one by one, all of them looked pink and jade, and they were naturally beautiful. They were wearing good-looking dresses with iron-red trays in their hands, and they were made of metal. Cover, cover each pallet.

The trays are of the same size, not only that, but even the metal cover on it is very special, and the workmanship does not seem to be much different.

There are a total of twenty metal covers, and if everyone chooses one, someone will always get a good artifact in the end. And because of this, this kind of regulation is to determine the first three people to choose, and if you rank the latter, you can only wait.

“Has anyone guessed? It seems that no one guessed in advance this time. In that case, the Nujia announced the answer. This time there is a total of good artifacts called Lingshu Rhinoceros Shield. You can bid now.” Red Ying’s eyes turn around.

“I made a hundred spiritual stones.”

“I pay one hundred and fifty yuan…”

“Two hundred yuan…”

The final transaction amount was two hundred and thirty spiritual stones, and that person got a chance to choose.

The middle-aged man walked upward along the middle passage.

He walked to the front of the twenty girls, and then looked at the metal covers in the hands of different people.

But the man couldn’t see the slightest strangeness at all, so he could only take out one casually.

Su Zishuang shook his head secretly. If you follow the current rules, you can clearly do your best, but afterwards, only disappointment comes in return.

Sure enough, the man opened the designated metal box, and no Lingshu Rhinoceros Shield was found inside.

The middle-aged man thumped his chest and screamed. It was not his loss but the kind of unlucky luck that he cried out.

After several consecutive times, Hongying said with regret: “It seems that this Lingshu Rhinoceros Shield will be discussed later, let’s take a look at the next artifact.”

Hongying patted the palm of her hand, and soon changed a group of girls. They also had similar dresses. She also had a tray in her hand and a metal cover on it.

“Today’s second magic weapon is on the field. This is a flying magic weapon. Although it is a little broken, it is very fast when used for personal flight, so this is a good thing to run away after encountering danger. So don’t miss it, everyone.” Hongying winked and fluttered.

Immediately after a brief announcement, many monks began to bid bravely.

After Nangong Yan Xi walked for a while, Qian Qian was stopped by a figure.

Murong Yu’s long hair was **** at will, dark light flashed in her dark black eyes, and the collar was wide open, revealing a strong chest.

“Is it finished and ready to go back?” Murong Yu said with a light smile.

“Yes, how about you come back to the mountain gate with me?” Nangong Yan Xi’s lips raised.

“Why go back to the mountain gate at this time and go to my other courtyard.”

Murong Yu hugged Nangong Yan Xi’s body with both arms, and then hugged Nangong Yan Xi horizontally.

The light flickered, and after a few shaking, he had entered Murong Yu’s nearby courtyard, and then fell into the big pond from the air.

Soon the clothes fell apart, and Murongyu’s palms were already in Nangong Yan Xi’s arms, kneading the two soft and greasy **** vigorously.

“So anxious, didn’t you just do it a few days ago? I wanted it so soon?” Nangong Yan Xixiu frowned.

“That’s natural. A little fairy like you is so attractive, I don’t think it is impossible.”

Murong Yu panted heavily, her red lips already printed on Nangong Yan Xi’s cherry lips. The tip of his tongue opened his teeth, and soon it was entangled with Nangong Yan Xi’s lips.

Sucking the nectar from Murongyu’s mouth, Nangong Yan Xi’s flame was also picked up by him.

When her lips parted, Nangong Yan Xi’s eyes blurred. But gently bit Murongyu’s earlobe, and said viciously: “Since you are so provocative, don’t think I’m afraid.”

There was only a shallow layer of water in the pool, and there was a layer of petals about one meter thick underneath. Sleeping on it didn’t feel any discomfort, but it was extremely comfortable.

Nangong Yan Xi’s arms hooked Murongyu’s neck, and her lower body was gently rubbed under fiery friction. The high-spirited thing that provoked Murong Yu kept beating. There was an extremely fiery feeling in his eyes.

Murong Yu’s throat made a deep, dull voice. Her body tightened fiercely, her eyebrows raised, she stretched out her big hand and slapped Nangong Yan Xi’s buttocks hard: “Little fairy. Did you deliberately hook someone? Don’t give it to me quickly.”

“Just hang you and see how long you can hold on…” The petals under Nangong Yan Xi’s body touched the high-spirited object. The whole body seemed to have passed an electric current, and the snow-like skin immediately flushed, but she bit her lip, her eyes flowed, and she was fascinated.

After a while, Murong Yu finally begged for mercy: “Okay, okay, can I make it if I admit defeat?”

Nangong Yan Xi couldn’t bear it at all. The bottom was wet, and the top of the high-spirited thing was beating at the overlapping petals, bringing Nangong Yan Xi a strange enjoyment.

Nangong Yan Xi gently sat down, and the huge high-spirited thing sang forward, ironing the overlapping folds, and immediately, Nangong Yan Xi let out a groan from the depths of his soul.

This is Nangong Yan Xi’s favorite posture, and he can control every rhythm so that he can continue to reach the peak of pleasure.

All of a sudden, the water in the pool was full of spring, and the Yang Yuan accumulated by Murong Yu during this period was naturally absorbed by Nangong Yan Xi into his body.

While Nangong Yan Xi was enjoying the sweetness, she also clearly felt that her body had gained a lot of benefits under the double cultivation.

And it was in this situation that made Nangong Yan Xi increasingly hot and unbearable.

With the passage of time, after the clouds collected and the rain dispersed, Nangong Yan Xi snuggled into Murongyu’s arms, and then said: “I have been overcast these days.”

“Who? Who is it that yin you? I’ll help you out!” Murong Yu said indignantly.

“It’s like this…” Nangong Yan Xi said briefly what happened.

“Speaking will raise your fingers, and there are obvious birthmarks. You have to go to the law enforcement hall to look for such a person.” Murong Yu thought thoughtfully.

“I heard that some people in the Law Enforcement Hall are very arrogant and hate our outer disciples from non-affiliated families?” Nangong Yan Xi said.

“That’s the case, the situation is indeed a bit serious, you go first, then I will prepare, and then I will arrive.” Murong Yu said.

Nangong Yan Xi landed at the door of the Southern Territory Law Enforcement Hall, because it was not allowed to fly directly into the Law Enforcement Hall. There were formations on it. Once the formation was touched, he would be convicted.

Nangong Yan Xi didn’t have the intention to touch the formation, so he acted according to the rules and entered from the gate of the Law Enforcement Hall in the Southern Region of Kunlun City.

After arriving at the entrance of the Law Enforcement Hall, Nangong Yan Xi was stopped by three male monks in uniforms.

The head was a male monk who was slightly dazzling than ordinary people. After reaching out to stop Nangong Yan Xi’s path, the look in her eyes was quite amazing.

“Cooperate, please show your credentials.” The male monk said politely.

Nangong Yan Xi said in surprise: “I am an outer disciple of the Kunlun School. What vouchers do I need to find someone in the law enforcement hall?”

“So, you are a member of this group of monks from foreign origin?” The male monk’s tone changed, and he became arrogant, his eyes looked up and down Nangong Yan Xi unscrupulously.

“Tsk tusk, this skin is really watery, if you can hold it down and play with it, it will be a treat.”

The two companions next to him immediately patted the male monk on the shoulder: “Big brother, what’s the matter with you?”

The male monk was suddenly excited. What he said just now was just what he thought in his heart, and he didn’t even intend to say it. Why did he say it so stupidly? Is it bewildered?

“Huh, I’m looking for death.” By Nangong Yan Xi’s side, a sword light quickly hit the male monk’s chest, and a kaka sound sounded. The male monk didn’t know how many ribs had been broken, so he flew in.

“How dare you attack the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall?” the two companions next to him immediately shouted.

“A deacon from the Law Enforcement Hall, when he sees a beautiful female cultivator, he speaks harshly. Such a person should never be hired in the jail, or it is best to kill him with a single sword.” A cold voice sounded.

“Brother Murong, this kind of person really deserves to die, but we still have business to do, don’t pay attention.” Nangong Yan Xi said lightly.

“Let’s go in, check the information, and we should be able to make a judgment.” Murong Yu said with a warm expression.

Murong Yuyi sternly criticized that even if the two companions were unable to defend that person, after all, the monk was not inferior in his words. Even though they are natives who hate outsiders from the bottom of their hearts, the superficial order and rules must be maintained. of.

If you make trouble with the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall like this, there will be absolutely no good fruit.

“Let’s go, Brother Murong, let’s go in and ignore them.”

Nangong Yan Xi glanced at them coldly, and walked into the law enforcement hall with Murongyu.

Walking on the road, Murong Yu asked in amazement: “Yan Xi, did you use a special secret technique? I saw what the hapless guy was thinking and unknowingly said it.”

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