Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 People look for him thousands of Baidu

If it is just a blood puppet in the early stage of foundation building, it may not be impossible to win a match.

But the point is that now the oolong golden-eyed apes are attacking Ye Tanqing and the blood corpse puppet in the late stage of foundation building. If Su Zishuang shows up, he is in danger of exposing himself and attracting the oolong golden-eyed apes.

Just a little bit may make people hesitate.

However, at this time Su Zishuang had no other choice. The blood corpse puppet acted like a wind, and under Ye Tanqing’s control, it rushed towards Su Zishuang at an extremely fast speed.

Su Zishuang raised his hand to be a seven-monster purple electric sword aura, and the sword aura flashed with thunder, rushing towards the blood corpse puppet at an extremely fast speed.


The sword qi sank into the blood corpse puppet’s chest, and a big hole burst out all the time.

Su Zishuang’s face was joyful, but Xuanyi’s expression condensed.

The blood corpse puppet didn’t fall down at all, just shook a little, and ran towards Su Zishuang again.

“I thought the sword qi could hurt the blood corpse puppet I refined? Qingyou cousin, you are so naive.” Ye Tanqing carried his hands on his back, with a sneer on his face.

However, Ye Tanqing seemed relaxed and at ease, but in fact, he used his divine mind to control the two blood corpse puppets, and he was constantly consuming spiritual power, not as relaxed as on the surface.

Su Zishuang used his feet to force, and his body jumped out of the concealed place, and then rushed into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Knowing that it is difficult to inflict heavy damage on the blood corpse puppet with his own power, even if he risks exposure, Su Zishuang will start to flee.

As soon as Su Zishuang rushed out, Ye Tanqing had already used the blood corpse puppet in the early stage of foundation building to stop the oolong golden-eyed orangutan, even if he lost a blood corpse puppet. He also wants to kill Su Zishuang!

Because Ye Tanqing felt a strong threat from Su Zishuang, and instinctively told him that if he couldn’t get rid of Su Zishuang now. I am afraid that the future will face great danger.

“Ye Tanqing, you are really crazy, do you have to fight to death and life?” Su Zishuang said angrily while fleeing.

“Hey, you are wrong, you must be the one who died, not me.”

After a while, Ye Tanqing’s face appeared pale, because the blood corpse puppet had been destroyed by the oolong golden-eyed gorilla. In the face of the absolutely powerful force, the so-called immortal blood corpse puppet could not resist.

And every blood corpse puppet was to Ye Tanqing. They are all very precious. Each one is connected to the divine consciousness. So the blood corpse puppet exploded, and Ye Tanqing’s soul was also implicated and wounded.

“You have already exploded a blood corpse puppet, why do you explode a second one? I promise not to reveal your secret. Shall we make peace?” Su Zishuang tried his best to escape in the forest, using words Come to deal with it.

“Only the dead will not reveal the secret, so you have to die, don’t worry, after you die, I will refine you into a blood corpse puppet, you can always be with me.” Ye Tanqing said.

“Nima, another pervert!” Su Zishuang cursed.

The second young master Han Jingwei who met in the Golden Jade Casino also wanted to refine people into corpse puppets, and he also liked to refine beautiful women into corpse puppets. These two perverts are both decent children of a big family, but why do they have similar perverted psychology?

Su Zishuang had a lot of random thoughts in his mind, but all the thoughts dissipated in the front.

Because, in Su Zishuang’s sight, a dim scene appeared in front of him.

It was a bottomless abyss. From bottom to top, the whirlwind was engulfing the yellow sand. After anyone saw it, they couldn’t help shaking the power of heaven and earth.

Even the Golden Core cultivator, facing such power of heaven and earth, felt that he was very insignificant, unless it was a monk who was able to borrow a small part of the power of heaven and earth, this could guarantee his own safety.

A hint of bitterness appeared on the corners of Su Zishuang’s lips.

Unexpectedly, once again facing desperation!

If there is no luck bell, facing this kind of desperation, I am afraid the only ending is death.

Su Zishuang’s heart spontaneously a desire!

She desires to become strong, she desires to run around without being chased by others, she desires to be able to hold the sun and the moon, and look at the world!

After pursing his lips, Su Zishuang glanced at his wrist, saw that it was green, and if he didn’t pay it back, he could only gamble.

He rushed out without hesitation and plunged into the whirlwind.

Ye Tanqing came to the side of the cliff, watching the huge whirlwind of dark yellow color, and had to step back a few steps.

“Having a dead end, thinking that there is a chance? Too naive.”

Ye Tanqing shook his head. In his heart, Su Zishuang was already a dead person. After all, entering this terrifying whirlwind, the Jin Dan monk would be scraped off and die, let alone a Qi-refining monk.

To be cautious, Ye Tanqing still waited by the cliff for two days without hearing any sound, as if Su Zishuang had completely disappeared after entering.

However, this is no wonder, I am afraid that after Su Zishuang enters the whirlwind, it will not take a moment or three to resist it, and the whole body will disappear, and the spirit will also disappear.

Ye Tanqing shook his head, got up and left.

Su Zishuang entered the whirlwind, just a few short breaths, and felt the huge force squeezing every part of her body, as if she was about to press her into meat sauce.

And the spinning hurricane seemed to have countless blades cutting on the body.

When Su Zishuang opened the golden bell, she could only barely resist. It is estimated that if this continues, she will die in at most one cup of tea.

In an extremely dangerous situation, Su Zishuang calmly looked for a silver lining, and kept aiming at Qi Luck Bell in different directions.

Waiting until the color of the Qi Luck Bell changed to blue, Su Zishuang knew that the first line of life was in one of the directions.

If you can’t pinpoint that ray of life, even if the Golden Core monk enters it, he will still be crushed to death.

Su Zishuang moved her body hard, moving in that direction little by little.

Just when the golden bell outside his body was completely shattered, and when his whole body was exhausted, Su Zishuang suddenly felt his whole body relaxed. There was a black sky in front of him, and the brilliant starry sky seemed to illuminate the earth.

And Su Zishuang’s body fell rapidly, as if sinking into an endless abyss.

At this moment, a quiet voice sounded in Su Zishuang’s mind: “This is an extremely clever king-level formation, and at least it is a fourth-level king-level formation.”

Su Zishuang adjusted her body. As her spiritual power flowed, her body gradually became as light as a feather. This type of weight loss technique basically can be used by monks above the qi refining level. Many general small spells are at critical moments. But it can play an extremely important role.

Just like now, Su Zishuang’s spiritual power is not enough to mobilize the water and fire sword, so she can barely activate the weight loss technique.

When the body slowly descended, Su Zishuang responded: “Then I am in the eyes of the big formation now?”

Judging from Su Zishuang’s knowledge of the formation method, from the very beginning, it was seen that this place was not a whirlwind formed by the real world, but the result of a special formation method.

Therefore, she rushed into the whirlwind, just to understand that there will be vitality in the formation.

“Yes, you found the formation eye, but the formation eye itself is another formation method, so here is the serial king-order formation method, which has some similarities with the Yue Waterfall Forest.” You opened the mouth.

Su Zishuang’s eyes swept away, and she felt a familiar feeling from the flow of vitality around the world and the traces of various formations.

“Could it be that the formation here and the formation of the Yue Waterfall Forest were completed by one person?” Su Zishuang’s mind suddenly had such a thought.

“Not necessarily alone, but there are some similarities in the formations of the two places. It is very likely that they are derived from similar inheritance. You have to be cautious. For the time being, we don’t know the true intentions of the people who deployed the formation.” You reminded. .

Even if there is no quiet reminder, Su Zishuang will also be extremely cautious.

Every formation has a purpose when it is arranged. If it is purely for killing, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

And this formation is obviously not for killing, but for what reason?

Killing, guarding, defense, imprisoning, sealing… the effects of various formations flowed through Su Zishuang’s mind, but she did not come up with an accurate answer.

“It’s almost the end.”

When Su Zishuang was about to reach the ground, she turned over and allowed herself to stand on the ground.

Su Zishuang swept around. It was clearly a square with only a strange altar on it, and a piece of land on the side with a lot of herbs planted on it.

When the strong medicinal fragrance entered Su Zishuang’s nose, a hint of surprise appeared in her eyes.

This is really the crowd looking for him thousands of times, but the person is in dim light!

The rare elixir that I have been looking for, Yinwuhua and Bilinguo all have.

Yinwuhua is a small mist-like flower with a yin air. In Su Zishuang’s eyes, it is not much different from dandelion, and it is not as good as dandelion.

Bilin fruit is a kind of green fruit covered with scaly texture. It has the effect of reconciling yin and yang, and plays an extremely important neutralizing effect in the pill recipe of Zhujidan.

If there is no Bilinguo, Jiji Dan cannot be refined, and Su Zishuang has the means to reach the sky, and it is difficult to refine it.

Looking at the elixir in the garden, Su Zishuangyu’s face was full of joy.

God finally did a good deed and made her lucky once.

However, when Su Zishuang approached, she was shocked backwards by a force of strength, and she happened to come to the side of the altar.

“Good things are hard to come by, and there are formations to block. If you want to get the elixir, you must crack the formation.”

Su Zishuang took a breath and said, “You, come and see, what level of formation is that?”

“Okay, I’ll take a look.”

The secluded figure appeared beside Su Zishuang, and then walked towards the medicine garden in front.

Su Zishuang looked at the altar next to her casually, and she was ready to see what was inside the altar when nothing happened.

In fact, this formation must have something to do with the altar.

When Su Zishuang’s gaze turned to the middle of the altar, a hint of shock was revealed in his eyes!

how can that be? Su Zishuang’s body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of moisture in his eyes.

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