Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 203

Chapter 203 Xuanbing, fierce beast, cold and frozen

“The inheritance of the Sea-Monster Emperor sounds very attractive, but it doesn’t seem to have much influence on us.” Su Zishuang’s eyebrows were gathered.

Mo Junzhi raised his eyes and said: “Not necessarily, don’t you have a spirit beast? You can let it try.”

“Isn’t the Sea Monster King targeting the Sea Monster?” Su Zishuang asked in confusion.

Mo Junzhi shook his head: “Look at the Profound Cloud Demon Sparrow clan, they are not sea monsters, and among those monster clan, at least one-third of them are not sea monsters.”

A strange brilliance throbbed in Mo Junzhi’s eyes.

“I think those monster races will not be so stupid that they have nothing to do with them, and they will run over to compete.”

Su Zishuang pursed her lips: “Well, if I have a chance, I will let Xiaozhu go out and try.”

In fact, Su Zishuang had no hope in his heart. Su Zishuang knew what piggy was like.

At least the current piglet has not only the extremely fast escape technique, but also the invisibility technique and other auxiliary spells. If it really fights, it will not have the ability to attack at all.

However, everything is possible, Su Zishuang will not say too badly, just let him go out and try it.

“It’s about to start, they have all entered the Mo Crow Abyss…”

A cloud of glow was ejected from the Black Crow Abyss in front, and the many monster races staying in the valley began to quickly swept towards the direction of the Black Crow Abyss.

“Master, let’s go there too.” Su Zishuang’s eyes fell on the front of the glow, and a lingering color flashed in his eyes.

After all the monster races had entered, Mo Junzhi and Su Zishuang got up and flew forward.

Soon, they entered the abyss of Mo Crow.

Mo Crow Abyss is a huge crack with no bottom, falling from above, the wind whistling, and a huge aperture can be seen faintly flashing below.

“That’s the entrance of the land of inheritance, they all passed in.” Mo Junzhi’s clothes fluttered, and a dignified face showed on his handsome face.

“Should we take risks?” Su Zishuang hesitated.

“Since it’s here. We can’t turn a blind eye. Besides, so many demons dare to enter, there is nothing we dare to enter.” Mo Junzhi showed no fear on his face. The long body is jade, and the evil charm is incomparable.

Since Mo Junzhi has such courage. Of course Su Zishuang was not willing to show weakness.

Seek wealth and danger, then try it out.

And this is not a groundless fight. After all, there are so many monster races rushing down without hesitation, which shows that at least there is vitality inside, not the kind of complete death.


Su Zishuang and Mo Junzhi rushed through the halo together!

Su Zishuang was in a trance before her eyes, when she waited to stop her, she found that Mo Junzhi was not by her side. That strange aperture actually distinguished everyone who came in.

“If you have come, you will be at ease. Take a look at the deep flight first.”

Su Zishuang’s figure shook, and a bone chariot appeared under him, and he began to flee to the depths.

Su Zishuang flew deeper into the land of inheritance. The more I felt that there was a very strange power that was imprisoning her, allowing her to use less and less spiritual power.

Gradually. Su Zishuang’s spiritual power was completely imprisoned and fell to the ground.

Su Zishuang looked at the scene ahead, with ice peaks standing upright, as high as several thousand feet. Like a sharp blade with a handle, it sticks out from the ground, without a glance.

The ground is full of Xuanbing, and nothing else can be seen.

Here is an icy world, even Su Zishuang feels a bit of cold!

“Is this the place where the Sea-Monster Emperor inherits?” Su Zishuang murmured as he looked at the ice world in front of him.

Although the spiritual power was imprisoned, Su Zishuang’s physical strength was still quite strong, and waiting for the cold ice did not make it feel cold. But at this moment, there was a feeling of icy coldness, and bursts of chill came straight to the heart, and even the bones were cold.

Su Zishuang hurriedly stretched his body and kept it in motion to keep the blood flowing smoothly. This will ensure that in this icy land, the physical body will not be frozen. If you stand still, Su Zishuang believes that it will not take too long. She will be assimilated by the cold breath of this place and become an ice sculpture.

This place is only the place where you first entered the inheritance place. It is more than ten thousand miles away from the real inheritance place. It is already so cold. The cold temperature in the inheritance place is already a huge place. It’s dangerous.

Su Zishuang put away the bone chariot, because there was no spiritual power control, instead he could only rely on the power of the physical body.

Fortunately, under the tempering of “Now Tathagata”, her body is much stronger than ordinary monks.

Su Zishuang took a step, walked forward, took a few steps, leaped abruptly, and directly jumped up to more than ten feet, and landed on a piece of ice that was several feet high.

In this icy land, jumping ten feet with a physical body, this is already Su Zishuang’s limit.

Looking up, there was a long gorge in front of him. On both sides of the gorge, there were two ice peaks each with a height of more than a thousand feet, blocking Su Zishuang’s sight. At the end of the canyon, there is a looming ice peak.

These two peaks can be called ice forbidden peaks.

Any monk demon clan, before reaching this canyon and these two ice peaks, the spiritual power and demon power cultivation base will be imprisoned, no exception.

There is a gorge less than ten feet wide between a thousand-foot-long icy peak, which is several miles long. Standing in front of the ice-forbidden canyon, Su Zishuang felt for the first time the weakness of human beings in front of nature.

If you can fly over the ice peak of more than a thousand meters, like walking on the ground, but with the imprisonment of the spiritual power cultivation base, it is the limit to be able to jump ten meters here with the strength of the physical body. It only needs more than ten meters on one side. The high small ice **** is blocking the front and it is impossible to pass.

Not to mention the Qianzhang Bingfeng, which is completely a moat and cannot be crossed.

Su Zishuang took a deep breath and spit it out for a long time, then jumped off the boulder and walked into the ice forbidden valley.

Although the ten-foot-wide canyon looks very narrow in comparison with the two thousand-foot ice peaks nearby, it is extremely spacious for pedestrians.

Su Zishuang increased his vigilance, did not dare to walk too fast, and carefully paid attention to the surroundings, the ground, and the ice walls of the mountains on both sides, all in Su Zishuang’s attention.

There was silence all around, Su Zishuang could only hear the sound of his own breathing, and there were thousands of feet of ice on both sides. Su Zishuang needs to tilt his head up to ninety degrees” to see the sky.

If both sides of the canyon are blocked, Su Zishuang has the illusion of being in the well.

Half an hour later, Su Zishuang passed the Ice Forbidden Canyon. It’s about a few miles long, about 1,500 feet. Su Zishuang had always been cautious, always thinking that there would be any sudden danger, but until he had walked through the entire ice forbidden valley, there was no accident.

Through the Ice Forbidden Canyon, the field of vision in front is much wider. There are a few shorter ice peaks on the left, only a few hundred meters high. The ice peaks vaguely seen from the end of the Ice Forbidden Canyon are exactly these.

right. It is a flat land with a radius of more than a thousand meters, and the terrain is slightly lower than other places, and it is as smooth as a mirror.

Su Zishuang was a little suspicious. It turned out to be a lake, but one day it was suddenly frozen. All the lake water has turned into Xuanbing, so it is so smooth as a mirror!

At the end of the flat ground, there are a number of ice mountain peaks as high as hundreds of meters, or more than a thousand meters, one by one, dozens of meters. There is nothing more than a hundred-foot-sized ice stone.

This is the place where he has just entered the inheritance of the Sea-Monster Emperor, but it is still not a real place of inheritance, at least, to advance thousands of miles from here.

Of course, it is not safe to be within a thousand miles of the Forbidden Ice Canyon. In fact, as long as they walk into the Forbidden Ice Canyon, at least half of them will have no news from now on and their whereabouts are unknown. On the ground, there are faint traces, which are the traces of countless demons who have entered the land of inheritance since ancient times.

Su Zishuang continued to advance along these ancient footprints.

When anyone arrives here, they will follow the footsteps of their predecessors, instead of going to some unknown places. The places of inheritance are within a thousand miles. The route drawn is precisely these countless predecessors who use their lives. The price is slowly exchanged.

Following the footsteps of his predecessors, Su Zishuang kept walking forward, and gradually walked into the depths of the heritage. Although he was walking, Su Zishuang’s speed was not slow. When he ran, he could walk thousands of miles in one day. , But in this place of inheritance, Su Zishuang walked extremely carefully. After walking for a day, he only advanced more than two hundred miles.

During the journey of more than two hundred miles, Su Zishuang found several ice corpses of the monster race.

These ice corpses were all searched by the monsters who had been here before, and Su Zishuang did not find anything useful.

On the second day, Su Zishuang continued to move forward!

Three days later, Su Zishuang has entered the heritage site for more than six hundred miles. By this point, the footprints of the predecessors have become less and less, and the route on the map has become more and more monotonous, which proves that the demon race that can enter this place since ancient times. , Not many.


In the air that had been silent, suddenly there was a rush of wind, an air of extreme cold, welled up from the crack beside it.

Su Zishuang’s hair suddenly exploded, bowed his back, and jumped away like a cat that had been stepping on its tail.


With a loud bang, the profound ice on the ground burst where Su Zishuang had just stood, and a large hole the size of a human body was caught.

An ice beast with a length of four meters and the whole body exactly the same as Xuanbing appeared at the place where Su Zishuang had just stood.

“Xuanbing Beast?” Su Zishuang whispered in a low voice.

The world is so big that there are no wonders. There is a piece of cold ice in this Sea-Monster Emperor’s heritage. There is no sign of life, but there is a kind of creature living here: the mysterious ice beast!

They have the body like cold ice, lying on the ground, like a piece of ice stone, it does not move, it is difficult for the monsters to distinguish from the real ice stone.

The Xuanbing Beast is shaped like a leopard, its head is like a tiger, its legs are like a lion, and it has a strong body. It is made of cold ice, but it has more consciousness than ordinary cold ice.

Because the land of inheritance confines spiritual power, the Xuanbing Beast also has only physical power.

Since ancient times, the monster race did not know how the Xuanbing Beast was born. They only knew that it was extremely dangerous to meet the Xuanbing Beast in the land of inheritance. Ten, five or six were lost under the attack of the Xuanbing Beast. .

The profound ice beasts are not so powerful or terrifying attacks, but their ice attributes. The temperature of the inheritance place is already cold enough, but the temperature of the profound ice beasts is a hundred times colder than the temperature, monk When the physical body is touched, it will immediately turn into ice, which is impossible to resist.

Unless it is a monk who has cultivated to the extreme in his body, he can kill the Xuanbing Beast.

If it weren’t for Su Zishuang who had always been extremely vigilant, the Xuanbing Beast had suddenly jumped out of the crack in the ice stone beside him. At this moment, Su Zishuang had already been torn off his neck by the Xuanbing Beast, and perhaps his body had already turned into a piece of ice. corpse.

The Xuanbing Beast made a futile blow, screamed, and exhaled an airflow. The airflow was whitish and it made a piercing sound. It slashed towards Su Zishuang. Before the airflow, a stream of extremely cold air shrouded Su Zishuang. .

What a terrible cold…

Su Zishuang shuddered, kicked his legs, and his body jumped out like lightning, and fell a few meters away. At this time, there was another sound of breaking through the air, and the mysterious ice beast slid, and his whole body rushed towards Su Zishuang. !

What a fast speed!

Su Zishuang’s heart was slightly startled, the speed of this profound ice beast was not slower than her reaction speed.

Su Zishuang had just landed, and the Xuanbing Beast had already flashed before his eyes again.

But never again…

Dodging once is for the next counterattack. If you blindly dodge, then you will be greatly disadvantaged. For a battle that can only be won by close combat, dodge constantly will only make the danger more and more serious.

A blue shadow flashed in Su Zishuang’s hand, and suddenly there was a blue long sword.

Although the spiritual power is imprisoned here, the space of the Universe Ring still exists, and Su Zishuang can still take out the items stored in it.

In the land of the Sea-Monster Emperor’s inheritance, there is a very special power that completely confines the monks’ spirits, and can’t use any spiritual power.

The cold light flashed, Su Zishuang lifted the sword, the sword tip pierced the space, drawing a shining light.


The speed of the green sword was as fast as lightning, and the cold water beast was still in the air.

The ice was splashing, and Binghan’s shoulder was pierced by the sword to a hole as big as two punches, reaching a depth of one foot.

That’s it!

The body of the mysterious ice beast is as hard as the ice in the land of inheritance, and it is extremely difficult to destroy. Although the green sword is the best magic weapon, it is also imprisoned here with aura. At best, it is sharper than ordinary weapons. That’s all.

If it were a mortal soldier, it would not even be able to cut a seal on the body of the Xuanbing Beast. The ordinary magic weapon was imprisoned with spiritual power, and it would be hard to damage the Xuanbing Beast. Even the best magic weapon, the blue sword, could only Poke a hole about a foot deep, one can imagine how hard the Xuanbing beast’s body is.

Of course, even if it was a magic weapon that was much stronger than Qingjian, it might not be much stronger.

The body of the Xuanbing Beast is just a piece of icy stone. Even if it pierces hundreds of holes, it will not feel any pain. To kill the Xuanbing Beast, it can only attack its head and annihilate its consciousness. Its body, without consciousness, there is not much difference between the profound ice beast and the ordinary ice stone, and it will become a piece of ice stone.

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