Feng Jue of Ancient and Modern

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Extremely Love

Just now before they entered the door, Ye Kaifeng quickly popularized Yu Lingxi’s identity with them. Of course, he emphasized that he just knew who Ning Ning was from Ye Yao. Because several people knew what Qi Xuning’s temperament was, they consciously beat Ye Yao first in their hearts. Knowing that such a big thing was not said earlier, it could also make them mentally prepared.

For Yu Lingxi, Zhang Boyong and Fang Yi simply thought that the girl was not bad. Zhang Lexin was surprised, of course, she knew that her husband and Chairman Yu had been thinking of marrying the two families, but Ye Yao was the previous candidate, but unexpectedly, these two children joined together.

When the two children saw the ceremony, Zhang Lexin got up and greeted the past, “Okay, Lingxi, I didn’t expect our family Ningning to be with you. It’s not fate, it’s destined If it’s a family. Come, come and sit with Auntie.”

Zhang Lexin said, and went to hold Yu Lingxi’s hand, only to find that they were still carrying something, so she looked at her daughter and blamed: “You are a real child, why? Let the girls take things by themselves, and they will take them before they are too soon. It’s so cold outside, why don’t you put on your coat, it’s hot and cold, so be careful you catch a cold.”

Qi Xuning looked at the two big boxes and clothes that were still in her hand, and saw that her **** were actually not small, and her female characteristics were quite obvious. Well, at times like this, keeping silent is the best option.

Ye Yao looked like he was watching a good show, but thinking of the little sweetheart made him heartbroken again. Getting married, he is boasting, and it is a deep despair for his father to admit that Little Sweetheart is a huge difficulty.

“Auntie, these are all gifts for you, I should have picked them up myself. It’s not cold when I get off the bus.” Yu Lingxi said.

Zhang Lexin didn’t really blame her daughter, but Yu Lingxi would protect her daughter, but she was happy, “You are too polite, we have a good relationship, come home, just be It’s in your own home, you’re welcome.”

“It’s the first official visit, and the etiquette is due. Thank you, Auntie.”

Zhang Lexin smiled and pulled Yu Lingxi to sit on the sofa, Fang Yi also smiled kindly and said a few words to Yu Lingxi. The other two men just listened, didn’t ask much, and occasionally said a few words.

After a while, Yu Lingxi took out the prepared gift and wanted to give it to everyone.

Qi Xuning was left out in the cold, she and Ye Yao looked at each other, shrugged, and put the clothes aside. He sat on the edge of Yu Lingxi, opened the box he was carrying, took out the small box that was packed inside, and handed it to Yu Lingxi.

There is a small card on the box, which is a blessing written by Yu Lingxi. Yu Lingxi handed them over to these Qi Xuning’s family members one by one.

Not the most expensive one, but the most thoughtful gift. Like the old man, he got a fragment of a chess manual, an ancient book, and a few top-quality tea leaves. It was only a few taels in total, and she was bought by Yu Lingxi, so she knew that she must have put a lot of thought into it.

Yu Lingxi was even more attentive to grandmother Fang Yi’s gift. She found some photos of Fang Yi when she was young and classic pictures of film and television, and made a set of albums. In the blank space next to the photos, there were some classic lines of Fang Yi starring in the film. This gift is very fitting.

“You have a heart. You have spent a lot of time, right? I have forgotten many things over the years. Grandma wants to thank you.” Fang Yi patted Yu Lingxi’s hand and turned the page. Looking at the album, the memories were restarted, and I was especially missed and moved.

“It’s good that my grandmother likes it. In fact, many of them were found by Aning. She is more familiar with acting. She wrote many of the lines in it herself.” Yu Lingxi did not take credit at all. , she knew that what they valued most was Qi Xuning, and she was accepted and liked by them because of Qi Xuning. Although the thought and effort she spent on this album was not much at all.

Yu Lingxi’s modesty and maintenance of Qi Xuning naturally made Fang Yi even more satisfied with her, even the others nodded secretly.

Fang Yi and Zhang Boyong are not asking Ning Ning to find someone who is so famous and capable. As long as they can be nice to Ning Ning, they like it. When they first heard about Yu Lingxi’s background and identity, they were worried that such a strong woman could take good care of their granddaughter. As for Ningning’s temperament, you have to follow her. People who are too strong can’t live with her, so they shouldn’t quarrel every day.

And others also have their own thoughtful gifts, which are well prepared and very suitable gifts. Ye Shun’s share was temporarily put aside, and when he came back, he took it apart by himself.

After the gifts were delivered, Yu Lingxi also received several big red envelopes, each of whom gave one. It is the recognition and satisfaction of Qi Xuning’s family for her.

Yu Lingxi does not seem to be resolute and hypocritical in shopping malls. To Qi Xuning’s family, especially when facing Ye Kaifeng and Zhang Lexin, both sides are less polite and more polite. some closeness.

Qi Xuning sat with Yu Lingxi, watching her calmly deal with the family’s questioning conversation, and she would add a few words from time to time. Yu Lingxi talked about the good things about Qi Xuning, even if it was bad, she could tell the good things from it, and let Qi Xuning’s family feel her sincerity.

Looking at Yu Lingxi, who was very different from usual, Ye Yao was stunned secretly. He knew better how Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi usually get along, and also knew that Yu Lingxi was good to Qi Xuning. That’s really good, better than my mother. He felt jealous.

Looking at Qi Xuning who was sitting beside her, Ye Yao just didn’t see where this person was going, and meeting such a good person was so kind to her. This is simply an enhanced version of **** luck!

Qi Xuning noticed that someone was looking at her, she followed her line of sight and saw Ye Yao gave her a vague thumbs up. Qi Xuning didn’t know what kind of demon he was doing, so he ignored him at a glance.

“Sleepy or not?” Qi Xuning stroked his cheeks.

At this time, the two had just returned to Qi Xuning’s room to rest in the small building.

Yu Lingxi took Qi Xuning’s hand and shook her head, with a happy and interesting expression on her face, “grandmother is very cute. Your family is very cute.”

We chatted for a long time before, and the common topic was naturally Qi Xuning. When it comes to Qi Xuning, the happiest person is naturally grandmother.

Later, Father Ye went to accompany the old man to play Go, and by the way, he studied the chess manual. And the grandmother kept holding Yu Lingxi’s hand, and the more she talked, the more vigorous she was. How cute, how sensible, how naughty, and how tyrannical he was when he was a child. If it wasn’t for Qi Xuning’s memory from childhood and knowing when to cry and cry, she would probably want to talk about her bedwetting.

Mainly because there were other people present, Qi Xuning still felt a little embarrassed when he talked about his childhood. Not to mention that the mother and Ye Yao listened with great interest, and the old man and Ye father over there also pricked up their ears. Do you think she didn’t see anything? !

When she was a child, she was a child physically, and she had just entered a new and unfamiliar world in her soul. Naturally, she was like a newborn baby. She didn’t understand anything and felt that everything was new. Jokes are normal.

Because of her mature thinking, she looks like a little adult in the eyes of adults, but it makes adults feel very cute and always want to tease her.

“Grandma.” Before grandma could say anything earth-shattering, Qi Xuning interrupted grandma’s review of past events, “It’s your lunch break.”

Fang Yi waved her hand indifferently, “It’s the first time Lingxi has come today, grandma is happy and won’t rest.”

Qi Xuning was exhausted.

Grandma, you are no longer the grandma who loves and spoils me! Am I shameless?

Yu Lingxi looked at her with a smile, but there was more teasing in her eyes. Then she said to Fang Yi: “Grandma, the law of life is good for your health. If your living habits are disrupted because of my arrival, I will feel bad.”

“It doesn’t matter a day or two, you are a good boy, and grandma is willing to talk to you more.” Fang Yi patted Yu Lingxi’s hand, and was very satisfied with her, otherwise I won’t tell her so much about Qi Xuning’s private affairs, and I don’t want these two children to be better.

“Grandma, you have a granddaughter-in-law, so you don’t want me as a granddaughter. You used to say that I was a good boy. I only came back in the middle of the night last night, and you don’t care about me .” Qi Xuning always acted like a spoiled child in front of his close grandparents.

“Oh, let’s not talk about it, I forgot that you just came back from filming, there is still some time for dinner, you go back to your room to rest first, and I will call you after dinner.” Fang Yi slapped her thigh, but she didn’t bother to talk about the embarrassing stories of her granddaughter.

Qi Xuning smiled and pulled Yu Lingxi up by the way, “Then you also have a lunch break, your granddaughter-in-law, I will take it with me.”

Go take a look first, and if you can’t take it, send it back.” Fang Yi waved her hand, got up and moved, getting used to the lunch break, she was actually a little sleepy.

“Then grandma, you go to rest first, and I’ll help you after cooking.” Yu Lingxi said hello to the others, and then followed Qi Xuning upstairs.

Zhang Lexin yawned lightly, and was about to go to the kitchen to turn off the fire for the soup. It has been boiled since the morning. When it is dinner time, let the soup boil again. .

Ye Yao listened to Qi Xuning’s jokes for a long time, and now he is still smirking, ready to remind Qi Xuning from time to time.

Fang Yi, who was about to go back to the room, saw him and said to him: “Xiao Yao, you are so much older than Ning Ning, you should bring a grandson daughter-in-law to grandma to see. Waiting to hold the great-grandson.”

Ye Yao seemed to be hit by an arrow in his knee, and immediately got up straight and said politely: “Grandma, Shun Shun is about to finish school, I’ll pick him up first, I’m afraid of traffic jams. You have a good rest, no need to I’m worried, I’ll pick him up safely.” After that, without waiting for Fang Yi to say anything, he walked out of the living room quickly.

“This child is actually shy.” Fang Yi shook his head, ignoring the old man and son-in-law who were still studying chess, and returned to his room.

Look back to the moment, in Qi Xuning’s room.

“Grandma likes you very much.” Qi Xuning took Yu Lingxi and sat directly on the bed. There was only one chair with a desk in her room.

“That’s because she loves you very much, Aning, your family loves you very much.”

“Do you love it?” Qi Xuning put his head on Yu Lingxi’s body and asked in a low voice.

“Love. I love you, I love you very much.” Yu Lingxi hugged Qi Xuning’s head with one hand and replied in a low voice.

Qi Xuning rubbed her head against Yu Lingxi, and after a while, she whispered, “I love you too.”

The author has something to say: Thanks to the painting paradise on the Jinjiang Forum who helped to make the cover for free, recommend, spread flowers~

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