Fictional Chat Group – All-girls Only Edition

My Eyes Opened to the Truth!

Eleonora Pendragon is having a bad day. Today she encountered something that even science can't prove, at least for a science of the current level. It is something that she was never expected, and Eleonora doesn't know about it at all. Although it's given since she's not someone who always stays 24/7 observing or stalking, I mean since she has a company or companies to run on; she's busy but not too busy since her employees handle everything with good performance.

Even if there's sometimes a minor problem showed up. But it didn't trouble the young bluenette too much since the company won't be affected that much. But to Eleonora, a problem is still a problem, and it's needed to be solved right away.

Okay, back to the current topic.

The 13 years old CEO didn't expect this. She didn't expect to be surprised by something that supposedly only is found in fiction. A creature suddenly appeared and gave her a pleasant surprise, making herself slightly startled as she was trying to be brave, but her legs betrayed her.

Her long and lovely legs go trembling. It is trembling in fear, yet her face didn't show that she's scared.

It's really her unforgettable day. After finished with today's works, she leaves the company and goes home. But in the middle of the night, without thinking correctly or just because bored, Eleonora sneaked out from her room and went out at night—without any guards that can protect her.

'Calm yourself, Eleonora. It's scary, I know, but as realistic as it be, I can't get scared and let that creature be aware of my presence.'

Yes. Eleonora encounters the creature from a fair distance. She just hopes the creature didn't notice her when she was trying to sneak away from it. To be honest, she can't think like 'I have to defeat it, or someone would be hurt by it.' Because that kind of thinking is absolutely absurd, and she can't defeat it.

No matter what, from what she sees right now, it's not a person who does cosplay. The creature has green-like skin and shorter-than-human stature. It has a long and hooked nose and bat-like ears. The teeth are sharp, almost like... jaw? Importantly, from what she sees, it can easily bite someone, and if it's correct according to her fictional knowledge, the creature she currently seen is a goblin.

'The typical weak-looking monster that is always introduced as a monster who loves to rape women, especially humans, to increase their population. If it's alone or one vs one, someone can easily defeat it, but if they are surrounded by many goblins... I don't know how they can survive unless they're skilled.'

She shook her head as she was thinking that. She is right now hiding in the bushes and trying to not get any insects crawling over her body. Although she's scared as hell, if she doesn't do anything, she will never be safe, and escape is the correct answer for now.

'Okay, I'll slowly stay away from that goblin. There's not the time to be scared.'

With that kind of resolution or determination, she moved her trembling legs only after calming it down for a few minutes and slowly moved as far as she could from the goblin. Luckily, based on what she knows, some goblin is stupid, and their mind isn't that great or good compared to another creature.

Sometimes she is amazed that fictional can help her in this kind of situation.


A few minutes later

After escaping and stay away quietly from the goblin, Eleonora can finally breathe freely as she already avoids critical danger from an unknown and foreign threat. Weak it's maybe, but goblin is a monster. Weak or not, a monster is still a monster, and the logical choice is to flee. She has to run and escape from that kind of danger.

She can breathe happily. It was nerve-wracking for her. She's terrified, but it didn't show on her face. She tried to not make any sound when hiding, or she would be discovered. The rest of it... she already knows what is that but is not willing to think again about it.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

She kept doing it for a few seconds. Eleonora was also trying to calm her mind.

But she also remembered something. Something that might be connected with it. Something that this past week felt weird for her.

She even doubting it and trying to ignore whatever was inside that thing. But because of the absurd event that happened this night, she has no choice but to accept the harsh truth about it.

As crazy as the sound of it, it's undoubtedly true. It's the truth.

'I can't believe it... then whatever they talk about in that weird chat group... all of it is true? I... I still cannot believe it.'

She shook her head in frustration. She definitely has no choice but to accept. Denying it just made her felt like a retard. The young CEO absolutely knows it. She doesn't want to be labeled as stupid or retard, even if it is by herself.

There's a saying that 'seeing is believing.

The event that she earlier experienced is real. She has a goosebump. Fear is crawling over her body. It cannot be fake, it must be real, and that's why she has to keep it quiet. She doesn't want to blurt it out tell people that she saw something that only came out from fiction.

It's feeling unreal.

'Okay, it's not a bad day but definitely bad night ever. I've never thought of encountering something like this. The thing that is always discussed in the chat group must be real. But until I can proof of its validity, I cannot be sure. An optimist is good, but ignorance also the best choice.'

She let out a small and tired sigh. Feeling her body sweats a lot because of the earlier event, she intended to take a bath. In the middle of the night, and it can't be helped, she wouldn't have a good sleep this night if she didn't do it.


A new day came by, the sun already up there and replaced the moon.

After a good night's sleep she spends, Eleonora will definitely do her best today too. Aside from her usual work, she also has something to do. Mainly revolve the yesterday event she experienced.

After waking up and preparing herself for today, her mind was already filled with many plans.

Something like 'what if' and so on.

But before that, she must have breakfast. Bonding with her family is important too, and she also loves it. Genuinely, she's still a child, a 13 years old girl who has an abnormal growth spurt. Even her parents are confused about it since a case like her is never happens.

After preparing herself and suit up, she then goes to the dining room and greets her parents. She gives them her usual smile.

"Mom, Dad. Good morning."

Their parents nodded and giving her smiles.

"Hey Elly, morning. How ya been?"

"It's fine, Dad, and good morning to you too."

Her father just laughed when seeing his daughter's slight glare, and he just smiles playfully.

"Good morning, my dear. Have you slept well?"

Eleonora nodded at her mother's question, which made the mother smile but gave her a sharp glare. Seeing this, Eleonora was startled and confused why her mother was showing such a face to her just now.

"I heard yesterday, in the middle of the night, one of our guards sees that you're sneaked away from your room. What does that mean, my dear daughter?"

"A-Ah. I-I can... explain it, Mom... later. Please don't... make such a face."

"Hm... what kind of face?"

The young girl felt scared when seeing her mother's eyes. The sharp glare directed at her and the 'happiest' smile that her mother showed make Eleonora uncomfortable; even her father was also affected. He doesn't even dare to say anything and just pretends to ignore it.

"A-Anyway, Mom. I want to ask something. Ah, maybe requesting something is more correct."

Hearing that, her mother suddenly turned back to normal and tilted her head.

"What is that, Ellen?"

"If possible, I want to establish new branches in a specific location. I already had the location in my mind, but I'm not sure about it; hence I want to ask about it with both of you."

Her mother takes a short breathe and lets it out.

"Honestly, Ellen. You don't have to ask about that with us. Right, honey?"

"Yep. Your mother's right. I mean, you're the one who runs the company now, not me or your mother. It's yours, and whether you want it or not, it's up to you; we cannot forbid it. Originally it's my company, and I pass it to you since we won't have a plan to give you a brother or sister."

"Honey... shush. Don't talk about it. But what your father said is right. It's yours, and you can do whatever you want about that. Speaking of the location, where do you want to establish a new branch? Your company already has a lot of branches scattered around Japan. I believe you want to build it in a foreign country?"

But Eleonora shook her head as she denied her mother's answer; it shocked both parents until she spoke.

"It's still in Japan, Mom, Dad. The location is countryside... maybe around a village."

Both parents went in shock when they heard what their daughter said. They gasped in disbelief.

"Ellen dear, are you sure about that?"

Their only daughter just nods in response to that. They went quiet for a few minutes until her father spoke up as he scratches the back of his head.

"Geez, Elly. You surely want to take a long and hard road, aren't ya? I'm pretty sure that people of the countryside would disagree about it as they usually have the whole traditional thingy around their heads that needs to be protected."

"I know, Dad. But if my company wants to grow more, I have to do it. Although from other perceptive my company is already huge and successful, unfortunately, it's not. I'm not talking about dominating the whole area or anything, but just spread our name widely and made people recognize it more. Hence, establishing in that kind of place is a must."

This time, her mother spoke.

"Ellen dear, if that's what you want, then do it. As a mother and parent, I absolutely support you. But please don't overdo it. Don't be arrogant and overconfident. An optimist is good but doesn't be overconfident with yourself, or it would turn bad for you."

Her mother smiled, as well her father as he nodded acknowledge it. Although she actually doesn't need it, both of her parents giving her permission. She felt it's necessary.

"Right again. It's our job to put our utmost trust in you, our daughter, as your parents. We are your family, and we will never oppose you. It's just... I wanna know something, the details about whatever your plan has and what you think. It's not like I disagree with you, y'know?"

"Dad... Mom... thank you."

Although it's unnecessary, she felt great after hearing what her parents think. They told her what is in their mind after hearing her words. There's no lie in it and sincere answers they came up with for their daughter.

They want the best for their daughter, but they also don't have the right to meddle in her life and choice.

She just smiled happily and was satisfied by it. She glad that she was asking this since she would know what is their parents think about her, especially her current condition and situation. But she didn't dare to tell them about what she experienced last night.

Her mother then clapped and smiled at them.

"Okay-okay, it's time to eat. Here you go, Ellen. Eat your breakfast, and don't go too late for your work."

"Yes, Mom!"

"Alright, let's eat first and talk later. Don't wanna miss it! I have something important thing to do today anyway."

Eleonora and her mother just chuckled at his behavior.


Eleonora's day began like usual, but there's something that might be different than before. For now, she has to prepare the plan to establish a new branch of the company in some specific location and to do that she needs to hold a meeting. She takes care of a meeting with some key workers or someone who has an important position within the company.

Some important staff is needed, and it's not wise to decide it herself.

That's why she was planning to win over their votes. Forming a plan to make them agree to her decision, even if it was cruel, she tried to make it 'nice', letting their guards loose and giving her a chance to subdue it. What she does is like making a strategy for war or battle. Although it's not so different than that since this is the form of war on its own.

War or battle isn't always involving killing or bloodshed. There's a saying that 'cooking is a war', and that's not entirely false. Everything has its own form of war, after all.

And because of that, Eleonora's mind flooded with plans and plans. She didn't depend only on a single plan; that's why she needed backup plans in case if her previous plan failed. She also hasn't forgotten to write it down on her note in her laptop, saving and memorizing it.

And after 30 minutes, she already finished forming many plans needed for the meeting the next time.

Eleonora let out a relieved sigh from her mouth and decided to take a small break. One of the things she does recently is checking the chat group, checking if there's anything interesting happening today, and maybe she can get the answer to sate her curiosity.

"Let's see... what's interesting things in the chat group today."

Opening the application, she clicked on the chat group. Surprisingly, there are many notifications buried, which makes her curious and scroll up and down the chat group to see the buried chat inside it that might she missed yesterday... or maybe today? Whatever.

Pudding Lover: "Hey-hey everyone! I dunno why, but I got everyone's coordinate. I got every dimension of your place's coordinate, and with it, Histy can make the dimension travel machine 100%!"

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Ara? How is it possible? I haven't sent you the coordinate of my home dimension, @Pudding Lover. May I ask who give it to you?"

Pudding Lover: "Sorry, but there's no sender name on it! But who cares about that? Since we got the coordinate, then what we need right now is the energy! It looks like I have no choice but to use Share Energy and only allow a maximum of 4 people as they can only stay in one dimension for 3 days of the time limit."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That's... certainly unfortunate."

Demon Sword Murasame: "Then how about adding the energy from any people who do dimension traveling using that machine?"

Pudding Lover: "@Demon Sword Murasame, the problem is... the machine is only available in my home dimension. For the time being, I can't mass-produce it due to how rare and difficult to find materials. Also, the one who can build is only my Nep. Jr! She's die-hard otaku machine after all."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Hajime has a lot of materials. Is it possible for him to give some of it to you? He has a knack involving materials after all."

Pudding Lover: "Eeeeeh?! Is that true, @Hajime True Soulmate? As long as it was similar to the material of this dimension traveling machine, then I'm game! Buuuuut... since we only have three days, then we have to extremely prepare for it. In case something stupid happens like some people tried to harm the machine and we can't go back to our home dimension."

The Nightmare: "That's certainly something we must avoid, isn't it? But I don't mind to trapped in another dimension since it's a rare chance for me to visit something like that. It might give me something interesting, fufu."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Mhm. Hajime indeed has a lot of materials, but I don't know if he has something similar to the materials needed for the machine."

Sword Princess: "Trip to another dimension... it will be certainly amazing."

Pudding Lover: "Then, who's wanna go? Obviously, I'm needed, and since it's a welcoming party for our new member, it's her slot and chance to see another dimension! So that's mean leaving two-slot left."

Sword Princess: "Then, can I volunteer? I want to experience it."

Pudding Lover: "Sold! One more slot left. Who's next?"

The Nightmare: "Then, if anyone doesn't want to, I'd like to join the dimension traveling. Is it allowed? How about everyone?"

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I have no problem since I'm quite busy and have to take care of my works. Although it's unfortunate to miss it, maybe I can join the next time."

Titania The Empress: "Yeah, it's regrettable since, for this week, our guild master want those who are a candidate for S-class Wizard to go to Tenroujima Island. I cannot afford to miss it."

King of Knight: "As well as me. I'm deeply sorry for it."

Demon Mommy: "That's right, it's unfortunate that I, @King of Knight and @Bloodsucker Black Serpent, can't go and join you. I hope you all do well, and nothing goes wrong when traveling to another dimension."

The Florist Succubus: "Yup-yup. It's reaaaally sad I can't join too! Papa won't let me leave Deviluke until he gave me permission. It will be bad if I sneak away like my oldest sister."

Demon Sword Murasame: "If possible, the next time all of you decided to go again, I'll join."

Pudding Lover: "Okay! All the slots are already filled, and I'll prepare them. The fastest is 3 days, and the longer is 5 days! Within those days, I'll provide something to you and only those already listed as the party's members can go! Adios, ciao!"

With that, Eleonora then closed the chat group and sighing. She already read all of it from the start and won't be trying to deny it again. Maybe it's just mere words, but it's undoubtedly true from what Eleonora saw just now. She will go to another dimension or another world different than this.

She already acknowledges the existence of another world because of what she experienced last night.

'So Pudding Lover, Sword Princess, The Nightmare, and I is the one who will go to another dimension. We will go to the dimension where Hajime True Soulmate is. Who never thought that I would have something exciting and interesting turn of life like this.'

She's happy. Eleonora, the sole daughter of the Pendragon family, that only left her family alone. The bloodline of the Pendragon family is still there, even though it's not pure Pendragon but mixed with another one. It's not like her entire family wants to make their family grow and reclaim their rights as the ruler of Britannia.

They just want to continue their bloodline and live in peace. There's no need such thing as reclaim Pendragon's nobility or so on. It's pointless for her and her parents. Also, if it happened, then it would felt... wrong and embarrassing. It's old-fashioned and unsightly.

However, she began to felt her life changed for a bit.

She is also excited and curious about what kind of person are Pudding Lover, Sword Princess, and The Nightmare... based on their appearance. For now, she only knows of them based on their personality through the chat group.

To start, Pudding Lover is undoubtedly full of energy to play around with. She seems a bit lazy and playful; she also always brightens up the chat's mood, even though Hajime True Soulmate finds it annoying. Basically, she's a lively person who always enjoys having fun.

And there's Sword Princess. She's a quiet person, not talking too much and too pure. She even doesn't recognize something wrong with her friend in her dimension. Eleonora surely knows that's the friend of Sword Princess is definitely love her romantically.

... It's not like she's the one who didn't felt that. She also prefers girl x girl relationships. The young CEO already knew why her preference in a relationship became like that. It's because of what happened when she's ten years old.

Moving on, there is The Nightmare. She is... quite mysterious. She seems polite and minds her manners when spoke(?). Sometimes she is also aware of her surrounding... it seems. Based on what Eleonora sees on the chat group. Mature and polite may be the right words to describe her. Let's not forget about the mysteriousness.

"Well... let's finish this today's works and go home."

After organizing her thought, she then continues working after being done for a short break. She has a lot of things to do after all when the works are done for today.


A beautiful young girl was spotted. She has the appearance of 12 years old child. Her hair is wavy golden blonde, and she has a stoic expression adore her beautiful face. She almost looks like a porcelain doll. There is someone beside her, a young boy with short white hair and red eyes, while there's an eyepatch cover on his right eye.

The young beautiful blonde girl sat on the chair while holding a cell phone. It's weird how things like that even exist and make the young boy beside her shocked. Because the things that she has are something that only exists in his homeworld.

But after a while, he was calming down and stopped to be surprised.

The girl finished checking her phone and turned away to the young boy who is currently doing maintenance to his hand-made weapons. He's a bit maniac of the military since the guns he has presently resemble the military weapon.


Realized that he was called, the one named Hajime, then turned his head and looked at the girl.

"What is it, Yue? Something going on?"

"My friends on the chat group are planning to come."

Hearing this made the white-haired boy cough. His eyes widened, and his mouth agape, but he cleared his throat to calm himself.

"Are you serious? How's that possible?"

"I don't know about it, but for an unknown reason, the one who built the dimension traveling machine given the coordinate of each world of the members in the group. Although the machine or device is still incomplete and may be unstable, it can still send people out."

Hajime then scratches his head and clicking his tongue in frustration.

"Tch. The unknown reason, huh. It's not like that's my business anyway."


"I know, I know. There's must be something your friends need. There's no way they just randomly want to visit another world, dimension, or whatever the fuck is it like a simple picnic. So, what did they want... or rather what did one of your friends want?"

Yue's lips formed a small smile when she heard what Hajime said.

"They want some of your materials. I told them that you have a lot of materials and may recognize some of them that might help improve the dimension traveling machine more further."

"So is that they want, huh. But it's not free. Tell your friends it's not free and have to pay for it... if only one of the materials I have is caught their eyes. I'm not running charity after all."

Yue nodded at Hajime's words.

"I know, and I'll tell them. This is also for welcoming our new member after we haven't done it properly."

Hajime stopped cleaning and looked up at the ceiling.

"Welcoming, huh... must be fun to experiencing something like that again."

He said the last sentence in a low voice, making the blonde girl tilt her head in confusion. But the boy just shakes his head and grins.

"Well, I'm curious about the friends you made from that chat group. How about you, Yue?"

"Umh. It's my first time... to have friends. Although the Pudding Lover might be annoying."

Hajime just chuckled while sweatdrops. She is really Yue.

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