Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 102 - Lin Cuifen

“Mother Lieyang, I remember that you don’t have so many ducklings in your house, right? Where did you go to find so many duck eggs? Where did you collect so many duck eggs?” Duck, the tender yellow fluff looks like a lot of money to her.

Seeing that Chen Tiechui’s mother-in-law was so curious, Yu didn’t hide it from her, and said with a smile, “These little ducks in my family were hatched from the wild duck eggs that the children picked up, and they were lucky. Most of the duck eggs I picked up were Ducklings can be hatched. How about it? Do you want to raise a few? I can give you evenly.”

“Raising ducks is much more worry-free than raising chickens. As long as the ducks are put into the water or the sea, they will find food on their own. We don’t need to spend too much food? Isn’t it very worry-free?”

Chen Tiechui’s mother-in-law was still surprised after hearing Yu’s explanation, “Did your children really hatch from the wild duck eggs they picked up? How many duck eggs did they pick up? How could they be able to pay for so many ducklings? There must be hundreds of ducklings, right?”

Lin Cuifen is really curious, where can I find so many duck eggs to be able to hatch so many ducklings? And I don’t think there are many wild ducks nearby. How can there be so many duck eggs?

“Our village is close to the sea, haven’t you seen a lot of seabirds? There are a lot of ducks laying their eggs in the grasses near the sea near us. It’s not like you haven’t raised ducks before, I don’t know. Ducks never lay eggs in their nests, right? When our children are free, we go to the beach to see if there are so many duck eggs, and we found them.” Yu said with a smile. said.

She is in a really good mood. Although everyone’s life is not very good in this era, Yu found that since she gave birth to her own daughter, the life of their family has gotten better and better.

In addition, their family is supported by an adult man and has a pillar. The better their family is, the better they are, and others will not think that there is anything magical about their family. They all think that their men are capable.

Yu’s mood is very good, her sons are very capable, her husband is so capable, her life is getting better and better, and there are not as many things to worry about as before. At that time, she was tempered by the warm mental power, and now she looks particularly radiant.

Lin Cuifen looked at such a family of Yu and was very envious. It is very capable of having five sons in their village. A family like Yu is definitely called a hero of the old Chen family.

When Chen Tiezheng brought Yu’s home back then, Yu’s gorgeous face was definitely not pleasing to many people, especially women. Women will never look at a good-looking woman with pure admiration. They are especially jealous of the woman who is prettier than themselves.

When the Yu family just came back with Chen Tiezheng, they were hurt by a lot of gossip. If it wasn’t for Chen Tiezheng’s strength, Chen Tiezheng’s parents would also be kind to the family, and it might not be possible for the family to have such a leisurely life as now.

Later, Yu gave birth to sons one after another, and a couple of years ago gave birth to twin sons. Those women who were envious and hated Yu became even more serious. Especially when Chen Tiezheng is not at home all year round, that is, he only comes back once a year or two, which has caused many people to spread a lot of rumors.

But Yu Shi is capable and strong. She specifically fights with the women who gossip about her, and shows her son for people to see. Who else is Chen Tiezheng who looks like this?

You must know that Chen Lieyang was already three years old when Chen Tiezheng joined the army, and Chen Chaoyang was in Yu’s belly at that time. The two brothers looked alike. Chen Xunyang, Chen Jiaoyang, and Chen Ouyang, who were born later, are also similar in appearance to the two older brothers in front of them.

Such a similar face, such a collection of Chen Tiezheng and Yu’s talents in all aspects, who else is not Chen Tiezheng’s?

The Yu family gave birth to five sons, and Chen Tiezheng treated them with perseverance. When Chen Tiezheng was fighting outside all year round, many people felt that according to Chen Tiezheng’s ability, they would definitely abandon Yu’s poor wife in the future.

The results of it?

Chen Tiezheng was stunned because he gave up his lofty future for his wife and children and came back to his hometown. After returning, he was even better for Yu who gave birth to a little girl. Didn’t you see that since Chen Tiezheng came back, the Yu family has become more radiant, more gorgeous, and more beautiful?

Ever since Chen Tiezheng came back, Mrs. Yu has changed from her gray appearance when Chen Tiezheng was not at home. Now Mrs. Yu can’t hide her beautiful colors even in coarse linen clothes, which is unbelievably beautiful.

Yu’s life is good, and the children are obedient and filial to their parents. It seems that everyone will be very promising in the future. How can such a Yu family not be envied, jealous, and hateful?

Even Lin Cuifen is very envious of Yu. Although her man, Chen Tiechui, treats her very well, and she has given birth to several children, including three sons, Lin Cuifen still feels that her life is not as good as Yu’s. good.

But Lin Cuifen is not the kind of person who complains, nor is she the kind of person who is dissatisfied. Although she saw that Yu was doing well, and that Chen Tiezheng was very considerate to her, she was a little envious, but she didn’t think about what to do.

She still likes Yu’s personality very much. Their men are brothers from the same family. Lin Cuifen and Yu are also very happy when they get along. Her envy is only to envy Yu’s life. how unsatisfactory life is.

Although her husband was not as good to her as Chen Tiezheng, he would not be bullied by her husband in various ways like the Yang family in the village. There are not many men in the village who beat their wives and wives, and Yang’s man is one of them.

In comparison, Lin Cuifen felt that her life was still very good. Although Chen Tiechui was not as careful and considerate as Chen Tiezheng, he did not beat his wife, and Chen Tiechui was good enough for her to know it by herself.

Her three sons and two daughters are also very filial, the sons are also very smart, the girls are also good at embroidery, and those outside the home can also take the lead. Her life is also good, except that her mother-in-law sometimes picks her up, she really has no dissatisfaction.

Of course, what she admired most about Yu was that she got along well with her mother-in-law when she was young, and she never blushed. Later, after the father and mother of the Chen family passed away, there was no in-law pressure on the Yu family, and life became more dashing.

They are both human beings and cannot be compared.

------off topic-----

Hee hee, I think I’m too long-winded.

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