Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 216 - The original male protagonist, Yuan Lao

At half past twelve, the old men finally came down. The way down from the private room upstairs can avoid the sight of the guests in the hall downstairs, so the old men don’t have to worry about being seen.

The old men were full at eleven o’clock, and the reason why they are here again is because there is still something to talk about with Chen Chaoyang. In such a quiet and beautiful environment, everyone’s mood was much quieter, and they were all calm when talking.

After all, Chen Chaoyang was an outstanding talent discovered by Mr. Yuan and the others. They all felt that Su Qiao was very capable. Yuan Lao and Zhu Lao are military generals, but Song Lao and Zhou Lao are civil officials, and they both appreciate Chen Chaoyang even more.

But Mr. Yuan knew that Chen Chaoyang’s skills were also very good, and he had a special fondness for this evildoer who had both civil and military skills since he was a child. Chen Chaoyang could talk about many things.

Therefore, Chen Chaoyang can enter the eyes of these bigwigs because he is indeed capable, and he can say something every time. Everything he says is practical rather than empty words, and it is easy to implement.

This time, Mr. Yuan and the others were talking to Chen Chaoyang about this matter. After all, the country is in turmoil at the moment, and many things need to be developed. Chen Chaoyang also bluntly said that his twin brothers are very talented in mechanical physics and technology, and even showed the old man the model of the gun that Chen Ouyang made before.

Chen Chaoyang’s purpose is to hope that his brother-in-law’s business and his brother’s business will be safe. He is not willing to let his brother and brother-in-law finally set up a business, because a revolution will be gone, and even will lose his life. .

After all, Yuan Lao came from a later generation. Although he has always been in the army, it does not mean that he does not know the outside world, so Yuan Lao agrees with Chen Chaoyang’s opinion very much. It is not impossible for China to surpass other countries, but it cannot use extreme means.

There are so many countries in the history of China that were able to develop slowly after being established. They have so much history to learn from, and there are so many talents at the moment, so of course they will develop better.

Chen Chaoyang and Yuan Lao and the others talked for more than an hour. When they were almost talking, it was already 12:30 noon. They just had dinner and were not very hungry.

However, Lao Lao planned to pack a medicinal meal back for his wife to try.

Yuan Lao’s wife is a lady who he met after he crossed over. Although Yuan Lao’s wife is a girl, she is not so traditional and feudal. Of course, she doesn’t follow the trend and thinks how good the open-mindedness of the West is. She is always very knowledgeable and kind. An understanding character.

Although Yuan Lao is a typical male protagonist, he did not become king and hegemony as soon as he crossed over and then opened a harem or something. He had a girlfriend in his previous life, but he never got married. For the reason of the nature of the work, the girlfriend also fell through.

After crossing the road, he finally met a girl he liked so much in every way. Of course he didn’t want to let this girl down.

Yuan Lao’s wife was only in her early twenties when she married him. In this age when a girl’s family could marry in her teens, Yuan Lao’s wife was indeed an old girl when she married him.

But Yuan Lao thinks it is very suitable. It is much better for a 20-year-old girl to give birth to a child than a teenage girl to give birth to a child. And the reason why his wife married him in her early twenties was also because the elderly in the family passed away one after another, and she needed to be filial to the elderly.

Yuan Lao liked this wife very much, and they have supported each other for so many years of marriage. It is also because he has a virtuous and capable wife who is helping him take care of Jialing, so he can charge into battle without any worries and make achievements.

Of course, the character of Yuan Lao as the male protagonist of the novel must have met many excellent women when his wife was not around, but Yuan Lao received education in the 1930s to have a sense of responsibility, and to his family and himself. His lover was in charge, so Yuan Lao was not tempted.

Mrs. Yuan is a very good woman. She is very good-looking and has a very good personality. She is very good in every aspect. She is such an excellent woman who has no complaints and no regrets to marry him, even if he is not around for many years. , Yuan Lao is absolutely impossible to live up to.

The girls I met later were indeed excellent, some were more beautiful than their own wives, some were more temperamental than their own wives, and some were younger and more beautiful than their own temperaments, but Yuan Lao strictly followed his own heart, what he loved was His own wife, he is responsible for his own wife, so even if it is a male protagonist who crosses frequently, Yuan Lao is his wife and a woman in this life.

And his wife has made countless sacrifices in order to manage the housework, to have children, and to make countless sacrifices. If such a woman does not spoil her for a lifetime, she has to live up to her. Isn’t that a loss of conscience?

Yuan Lao’s wife also gave birth to three sons to Yuan Lao, the eldest son was less than thirty years old, twenty-six or seven years old. The youngest son was only nineteen years old.

Yuan Lao respects and loves his wife, also because his wife suffered hardships in the early years. When he was not around for many years in the war, she had to take her children to hide and hide from the devils, and to support herself and her children. He hurt his body when he gave birth to his young son, so Yuan Lao also hoped that his wife could eat more medicated meals and recuperate her body.

Mrs. Yuan’s health is not too bad. She was left with gynecological diseases because of the childbirth, and she was sad when the weather was cold, or when it was hot.

Yuan Lao loves his wife, so when he plans to go back now, he will also pack a medicated meal for his wife, just to recuperate his body. He specifically told Su Qiao to take care of a woman’s body after giving birth to a child, and Su Qiao also prepared it.

The conversation is almost over, the medicated meal is ready, and everyone is ready to leave. Old Yuan and the others were also careful about their whereabouts, and they came down from a path specially carved out of flowers.

But it happened that Yuan Beibei and Yuan Zhan bumped into each other when the old men came down to the hall. A group of old people were indeed eye-catching, and the first thing Yuan Beibei and Yuan Zhan noticed was their own grandfather Yuan Lao.

Although Yuan Lao was wearing it back then, he was recognized by the Yuan family as his own child and became Yuan Beibei’s little grandfather. Originally, Yuan Lao only married a wife in his thirties, and he was almost forty when he gave birth. Now his eldest son, who is sixty, is only in his twenties.

And Yuan Beibei and the others also have several uncles and aunts who are about the same age as them. They also grew up together since they were young, and they have a good relationship with these uncles and aunts of the same age.

Yuan Beibei and the others all like and respect Yuan Lao, the little grandfather. After all, Yuan Lao is a marshal no matter what. Back then, he was brave and good at fighting and led his soldiers to fight countless times and won countless victories.

This makes the Yuan family’s children worship Yuan Lao very much, and the children all strive for Yuan Lao as the goal.

In fact, the highest-ranking member of the Yuan family is Yuan Lao, but the achievements of other Yuan family members are not low. Besides Yuan Lao, the Yuan family also has several generals.

Yuan Beibei and the others like Yuan Lao very much, but because they don’t live together, they really don’t know that their little grandfather also came to the pharmacy restaurant opened by Suqiao for dinner today.

Yuan Beibei was extremely surprised by such a collision.

“Little grandpa.” Seeing the figure of his own little grandfather and the figures of several other old men, Yuan Beibei was surprised but still wanted to say hello, and hurriedly shouted honestly, “Grandpa Zhou, Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Song “Hello, Grandpa Li.”

Several old men were quite surprised to see Yuan Beibei and Yuan Zhan. After all, it was normal for them to eat medicated foods to condition their bodies. When they were young, they suffered a lot of injuries in wars, so they left a lot of dark diseases.

But Yuan Beibei and Yuan Zhan are both young people. Maybe Yuan Zhan has been in the army for years because of his physical training. But Yuan Beibei, a little girl who has been in good health since she was a child, why did she come?

Yuan Lao was also very happy to see Yuan Beibei. He also had no daughter. His wife gave birth to three sons for him, but he didn’t have a daughter, so he took Yuan Beibei’s granddaughter, who was about the same age as his child, as a daughter. .

Yuan Beibei is the only girl in the two generations of their family. Yuan Lao wants to have a daughter when he is old, but when he is old, his wife is old and does not ask for another daughter. Treat Yuan Beibei like a baby.

Even Yuan Beibei’s name was originally Beilei’s Bei, but when Yuan Lao or the elders in the family called it, it was really a precious Bei. It shows how much Yuan Beibei is loved by his family.

Of course, the Yuan family is also a deep-rooted family. They dote on their children, but they do not teach them to be useless bullies who only use their power to bully others. The kind of people who are spoiled all day and know that bullying others can’t be seen in any form. The children of the Qing, the Yuan family could never teach.

The girl Yuan Beibei has been doted on since childhood, but her family still strictly educate her. It is indeed her own choice to go to university and choose a major in the Department of Biology, but her character and various skills from childhood to adulthood are strictly required by her family, and she must not teach her children wrongly.

Yuan Lao is also one of them. He also really loves Yuan Beibei. He gives what he wants, but he is very caring about the education of Yuan Beibei. Their little girl was also spoiled as a brainless bear child.

In the previous life, Yuan Lao also participated in a rescue operation, and there was a bear child among the hostages of the rescue operation. A teenage girl, from a very good family, was so hurt that she couldn’t do anything.

I heard that her family is rich, so her parents dote on her very much. The teenage girl will be fed by others when she eats, and the clothes will be worn by others.

Then when she participated in any show, she showed off how much she wanted money and how much she was favored. She also offended many people because she spoke without thinking and felt that the whole world was pampering her.

Someone contacted the kidnappers to kidnap the bear child for money and to teach the bear child a lesson. People in their teens, after being kidnapped, they don’t know how to behave so that the kidnappers relax their vigilance, and they can’t see the reality clearly, and even dare to insult the kidnappers.

Even if she insulted the kidnappers, she even greeted the kidnappers’ family members, and in the process of being kidnapped, she also made various choices and asked the kidnappers to serve her.

Later, when they went to rescue the hostages, she was also restless, the bear child never listened to others, and the ability to cause trouble was never small. Therefore, Yuan Lao’s comrades sacrificed a few in that rescue.

Because the kidnappers angered the kidnappers, when the kidnappers decided to tear up the ticket, Yuan Lao’s comrades blocked the guns themselves in order to save people, and a few others died because of saving innocent passers-by who were implicated.

In that rescue operation, the bear boy was rescued, but Yuan Lao’s comrades sacrificed several, because Yuan Lao and the others killed the kidnappers when they fought back, and Yuan Lao’s rescue operation was even criticized.

Yuan Lao and the others have especially hated arrogant children since then, and even if he crossed over, he should not let their children become such arrogant children. Therefore, in the education of Yuan Beibei, Yuan Lao cares more than anyone else.

Therefore, Yuan Beibei is indeed very close to her little grandfather, but she is also very afraid of this little grandpa. Because the little grandfather pays close attention to her education, whether it is academic or ideological education, he pays close attention to it.

“Little Beibei, why are you here?” Yuan Lao smiled and walked to Yuan Beibei’s side and said, “Little girl thinks of coming to this pharmacy restaurant for dinner? It’s not like you, you girl doesn’t like home. Did your aunt cook?”

To be honest, there have been quite a few restaurants outside these years, but Yuan Beibei doesn’t like going out to eat very much, but likes to eat at home with the meals made by the aunts invited at home.

The aunt’s craftsmanship is indeed very good, but it is not so delicious that people can’t eat other food. That is to say, it is very suitable for Yuan Beibei’s appetite, so Yuan Beibei rarely goes out to eat, but eats at home.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Beibei came to a restaurant that just opened today, and Yuan Lao was quite puzzled.

“Little grandpa, the fiancee of the owner of this store is my classmate, and I was introduced by my classmate.” Yuan Beibei explained to Yuan Lao with a smile. Although she is respectful and afraid of Old Yuan, she really likes this little grandpa very much.

“Oh? So that little girl is your classmate?” After the little granddaughter said this, Yuan Lao also remembered that this little girl Nuan Nuan was indeed a student of Tsinghua University.

“So that’s the case, this girl is so powerful.” Yuan Lao smiled and said.

“How is it? Are the medicinal foods here delicious?” Yuan Lao said with a smile, and then looked at Yuan Zhan, who was silent, “Azhan really should come a little more, it’s good for your health. After all, he has been training all year round. More or less, there will be some dark wounds, so eat more medicated food for conditioning.”

“Yes, Fifth Grandpa.” Yuan Zhan replied with a serious expression.

“Okay, okay, are you full? Let’s go back together when we’re full?”

“Okay little grandpa, I miss little grandma too. I’ll go back with you to see little grandma.”

“Well, your little grandma must also miss you, a clever little ghost.”


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