Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 253 - Warm picnic lunch

Nuan Nuan was very satisfied with her masterpiece. Looking at the appearance of the four big trees crossing each other, Nuan Nuan felt that if she wanted to camp here in the future, she could build a small treehouse on top of these trees.

But Nuan Nuan didn’t have to wait until he came to camp with Su Qiao in the future before building the tree house. Nuan Nuan looked at the time before noon and planned to make a prototype of the tree house by himself.

Building a house definitely needs a flat place, so Nuan Nuan slowly walked from the sloping trunk to the place where the four trees crossed.

Nuan Nuan walked to the place where the four trees intersected, stood still and observed it. In fact, this place is like an inverted triangle. If you want to build a tree house from here, it will definitely not work, so you have to build it a little higher.

Nuan Nuan put her hand on the trunk, and then her hand began to glow with a faint green light, and the branches on the trunk grew rapidly under the green light on Nuan Nuan’s hand. The branches of the trees slowly crossed together, and then they were placed side by side. In a short period of time, the branches slowly grew into flat platforms next to each other.

The platform is also very large, about ten square meters. The branches forming a ten-square platform began to grow vertically at 90 degrees from the edge, and the branches thus grew from the sides of the platform to form a vertical wall of trees.

Afterwards, these branches began to bend again at a height of more than two meters from the platform to intersect with the surrounding branches, forming a sloping triangular roof.

Obviously, this is Nuan Nuan’s use of his ability to spawn plants to naturally form a tree house for these trees, which saves the effort of following Su Qiao and letting Su Qiao build a tree house by himself.

Nuan Nuan is very satisfied with this, and she did not let the twigs on these branches grow when she gave birth. The branches as thick as warm arms are intertwined, but they are all smooth, so the tree house formed is also very smooth and neat.

Nuan Nuan stood in front of the tree house she gave birth to and looked at the empty tree house, thinking it was good. She will not buy any more furniture such as beds, tables and chairs in it. Maybe the people who can enter the mountain in the future will not only be her and Su Qiao, but also other people who go into the mountains to hunt, so Nuan Nuan does not plan to go into the mountains. What kind of makeover to the tree house.

Nuan Nuan stood in front of the tree. After Nuan Nuan stepped on the platform, which was originally less than half a meter wide, the branches began to extend to the outside by nearly two meters in width. In this way, a very spacious corridor was formed. .

Standing on the nearly two-meter-wide corridor in front of the tree house gate, Nuan Nuan was in a good mood. This platform is about three meters high from the ground. Although she didn’t want to climb up on those big pine trees just now, she felt that it was quite comfortable to stand on this platform now.

In fact, now she has made all four trees sloping, and large animals can also climb up. But Nuan Nuan is not worried that any beasts will come to infest her. After all, she can control animals, right?

It’s just that Nuan Nuan thought that maybe it wasn’t just her and Su Qiao who came to live here in the future. If ordinary people came to cook this food, it wasn’t too safe. Although the tree house is quite high from the ground, it will not be soaked by the rain when it rains, but the safety of avoiding animals is not so good.

So Nuan Nuan jumped off the platform of the tree house and walked under the four big trees, and planted a lot of plants that could repel wild animals within a radius of ten meters. Of course, I also planted some plants when removing mosquitoes. few.

In fact, there are some plants in nature that the wild animals don’t like very much, but some people don’t understand it very well, so there is no record of this aspect. But at the end of the world, those plants that can make wild beasts evade become even more evasive after mutating. Even large wild carnivores will run away as soon as they smell the mutated animal repellent when they face it of.

Nuan Nuan took a lot of animal repellent grass and insect repellent grass from his own space and threw them under the tree, and then spawned them to grow into beautiful clumps of grass. And the flowers of the wormwood are also very beautiful flowers.

Beast repellent grass is the whole plant that beasts don’t like, but the most dislike of animal repellent grass is the flower of animal repellent grass. The smell of the flower makes the beasts run far away when they smell it.

The floral fragrance of the repellent grass does not have such a big impact on human beings. If the flower fragrance of the repellent grass is smelled by the human sense of smell, it is not so stimulating, but has a pleasant smell. But for the beasts, it is the kind of smell that can stimulate them to go crazy, and the madness is not the kind of madness that makes them more brave, but it makes them feel dizzy, and a kind of dying. The madness of mania.

The flowers of the repellent grass are also very large, about the size of a slap. Of course, the big palm means that the size of an adult’s palm is claw-like, and the flowers of animal repellent grass are so big.

Moreover, the petals of the repellent grass are still in gradient color with multiple petals, and the flowers of the repellent grass are very beautiful.

The flowers of the repellent grass may be similar to the peony flower, but the shape of the petals of the repellent grass is different from that of the peony flower. The shape of the paw prints of animals is very vivid in the shape of the paw prints of animals. The color of the animal repellent grass is a gradient of red and purple, and there are no other colors.

Nuan Nuan stood under the tree and gave birth to clumps of animal repellent grass and insect repellent grass, and looked at the big bowl of animal repellent grass flowers in full bloom and felt particularly pleasing to the eye. The flowers of the animal repellent grass can drive away beasts on the plant, and it can also drive away beasts to a certain extent after being plucked and processed.

Cordyceps is a very common repellent, but the effect of the mutated Cordyceps after the apocalypse is very powerful. Insects and snakes are only ten meters away, and they will not get close to the place where the Cordyceps grows. .

Looking at the place where the big flowers with red and purple gradients bloomed and the verdant Cordyceps beside it, I felt warm and satisfied. She is a girl, even if she is similar to a girl most of the time, she has no hobbies for girls at all, but she loves flowers.

Nuan Nuan doesn’t like jewelry, bags, or cosmetics, but she likes flowers. Also because she has a better figure in her life, she likes beautiful clothes more – of course, she only likes simplifying Hanfu.

However, in addition to eating, the warm and unchanged hobbies in the past and present are only flowers.

So when she saw big red and purple flowers blooming within a radius of ten meters, she was in a very good mood. The flower scent of the herb repellent is very unfriendly to beasts, but human beings like it very much.

After planting the animal repellent grass and the insect repellent grass, Nuan Nuan saw that it was almost noon, and she began to prepare lunch for herself.

When she went out today, Nuan Nuan had already made it clear to Su Qiao that she would not go back at noon. She had already told Su Qiao that she would spend her time in the mountains at noon, and she would also have lunch in the mountains. In fact, Nuan Nuan still likes picnics very much, especially the food made from local ingredients makes people feel more happy.

Although Nuan Nuan’s cooking skills are not as good as Su Qiao’s, the taste of the food she cooks is also very good. In addition, the ingredients are better, and the food she makes is also very high-grade and attractive.

Su Qiao knew that his wife would not come back for lunch, and he also had his own lunch in the hospital cafeteria. But he also prepared a lot of seasonings for Nuan Nuan before she went out, prepared various seasonings and told her some tips on what to do when she was cooking.

With these seasonings and the tips Su Qiao said, Nuan Nuan can simply cook something for herself in the mountains.

When it was near noon, Nuan Nuan began to summon some small animals, and she was going to make lunch.

Nuan Nuan summoned an ordinary pheasant, but the pheasant was not a pheasant with beautiful feathers like the golden pheasant. The color of the feathers of the pheasant she chose was a very ordinary gray pheasant. But even the gray pheasant without shiny feathers is very big. When Nuan Nuan picked it up, he felt that the pheasant weighed about two or three pounds.

After catching a pheasant, Nuan Nuan caught another hazel chicken, which is the hazel chicken nicknamed the flying dragon of the legendary “donkey meat on the ground and dragon meat in the sky”.

After catching a pheasant and a flying dragon, Nuan Nuan began to prepare other ingredients. She took a walk in the forest and picked a lot of mushrooms, such as pine mushrooms, hazel mushrooms, and a lot of wild mushrooms such as chicken champignons, and they were ready to eat them later.

After bringing back the pheasants, hazelnuts, and mushrooms, Nuan Nuan took out a pot from her space, then poured a pot of water from the nearby stream and put it on the stove she built with three stones and started to burn it. .

When the hot water was being boiled, Nuan Nuan had already killed all the pheasants and flying dragons, but she didn’t want chicken blood or anything. Simply wipe the necks of the pheasants and the flying dragons and kill them, and wait for the water to boil before shedding their hairs.

After killing the pheasants and flying dragons, Nuan Nuan took a small basket and slowly washed the wild mushrooms she had just picked up by the creek. They were going to eat them later, so it was better to wash them early to save a while.

By the time Nuan Nuan had washed all the wild mushroom pots almost completely, the water in the pot had already boiled. Nuan Nuan lifted the lid of the pot and put the dead pheasants and flying dragons in to scald their hairs. After scalding for a while, they took them out to remove all the feathers of the pheasants and flying dragons.

After the pheasants and flying dragons are shaved and clean, Nuan Nuan will hollow out the belly of the pheasants, and don’t need the Nuan Nuan of the chicken’s internal organs. Because she doesn’t like to eat chicken offal, she doesn’t like to eat the internal organs of many animals anyway, so Nuan Nuan threw away all the internal organs of chickens and flying dragons.

After cleaning up the pheasant, Nuan Nuan stuffed a handful of rice that he had soaked into the pheasant’s stomach, and then stuffed some washed wild mushrooms into it. All these wild mushrooms have been sprinkled with salt, and various seasonings have been mixed together. Just smear the seasoning she prepared on the pheasant.

Nuan Nuan used a jar of wine that Su Qiao gave herself to mix with the mud. The mud was the more viscous soil she chose from the creek, plus the wine that Su Qiao gave him to make. When beggar chickens are cooked, these wines can also remove the fishy smell and make them taste better. After reconciling the mud, wash your hands warmly, put a layer of lotus leaves that she had saved in the space on the outside of the pheasant, and finally use the mud that has been reconciled with wine to go over it.

After doing the preliminary work of the beggar chicken, Nuan Nuan put it in the stove and started to burn the fire. After burning the fire, Nuan Nuan was ready to cook the flying dragon soup. She put a pot of water in the pot again, put the whole flying dragon in, and then put the mushrooms left over from the beggar chicken just now and simmered together for a longer time.

An hour later, Nuan Nuan turned off the fire, and the Feilong soup in the pot was already stewed. The mushrooms have been simmered for a long time and slowly melted. The taste of Feilong soup is very fragrant and delicious. Coupled with the fresh fragrance of wild mushrooms, the taste is even more mouth-watering.

Nuan Nuan took the flying dragon soup off the stove and put it on the other side to let it cool slowly, and then dug out the hardened mud from the charcoal pile beggar chicken.

Nuan Nuan knocked on the hard mud block, and after the mud block cracked, the beggar chicken inside exuded a very domineering aroma. There are a lot of mushrooms in the beggar’s stomach. These fresh mushrooms just picked from the mountain are very fresh. Combined with the seasoning prepared for her by Su Qiao and the taste of pheasant, they are particularly domineering.

After Nuan Nuan knocked on the beggar chicken and smelled its domineering aroma, her stomach couldn’t help growling, and a lot of saliva was secreted in her mouth. Oops, it’s really mouthwatering, I can’t wait to swallow it.

The beggar chicken and Feilong soup were fresh out of the oven and still very hot. Nuan Nuan lifted the lid of the Feilong soup pot, knocked on the beggar chicken and spread it out, and let it sit for a while, ready to eat it after it had cooled down a bit.

After waiting for five minutes, the temperature of the soup and the beggar chicken is not so high. After that, Nuan Nuan is ready to eat lunch. Nuan Nuan is going to use the beggar chicken with the rice. The rice is still brought from home in the space.

Because Nuan Nuan has space to carry food, it is also very convenient, so Su Qiao asked her to bring a large bowl of rice when she went out, so that she could have a picnic outside at noon without cooking.

Nuan Nuan is an authentic southerner, she likes to eat rice rather than steamed buns as a side dish. So when he went out, Su Qiao did not let Nuan Nuan bring steamed buns or other pasta, but prepared rice for Nuan Nuan so that she could make delicious dishes to accompany it at noon.

Nuan Nuan also knew that if she was cooking in the mountains, she could make more convenient food such as beggar chicken or barbecue, but it would be more troublesome and time consuming for her to cook. In addition, she still has room to save food, so she brought food from home.

Nuan Nuan took out a large bowl of rice from the space, the kind of sea bowl used for soup. The bowl of rice in it is all eaten by Nuan Nuan alone, and her lunch today is just such a big bowl.

Nuan Nuan first ate beggar chicken. Although this pheasant was big, it had to weigh at least two or three pounds, but the meat was very tender and firm. Because it is a pheasant, its meat quality is very good, but when Nuan Nuan was handling it, he was worried that he would not be able to bite when eating pheasant, so he added other methods to deal with this pheasant.

The beggar chicken also added a handful of rice and mushrooms in the stomach, plus the seasoning, the fresh fragrance of mushrooms, and the meat fragrance of pheasant, all of which were integrated into the handful of rice in the chicken’s stomach. Go, it’s very refreshing to eat warm.

“Delicious, I didn’t expect my cooking skills to be able to make such delicious food.” Nuan Nuan said while biting the torn chicken wings.

This pheasant is a little different from other pheasants. It is very fat and tender than domestic chickens, and the chicken wings are also very large. When Nuan Nuan eats chicken wings, he can eat a lot of chicken.

And the chicken is very tasty. The taste of all kinds of wild mushrooms and the taste of rice are all immersed in the pheasant chicken. It will not feel greasy, but it will make you want to eat it.

Nuan Nuan ate all the chicken wings in two or three times, and then ate other places, and quickly ate up the beggar chicken.

Although Nuan Nuan already had a big bowl of rice, the small handful of rice in the beggar chicken’s stomach made Nuan Nuan unable to stop eating. The rice that is full of mushrooms and pheasant meat tastes fragrant on the lips and teeth, which makes her unforgettable.

Nuan Nuan first drank a bowl of soup and then ate the beggar chicken, the little rice and all kinds of mushrooms in her stomach.

The beggar chicken is very cooked, so with a gentle pull of Nuan Nuan, the chicken legs or wings can be torn off, and the distinct fibers on the chicken can be seen, and the chicken shreds are particularly greedy. One bite, the chicken is very chewy, but it can’t make people feel difficult to chew, and it won’t make Nuan Nuan feel unable to bite.

The taste of pheasant is very good. Using the method of beggar chicken to make this pheasant, it really tastes very rich in various flavors. Especially the meaty fragrance with the delicious taste of wild mushrooms, warm and full of oil.

After three or two times, there are still two pounds of pheasant and all the wild mushrooms in the pheasant’s stomach. After eating all the wild mushrooms, Nuan Nuan still doesn’t feel full. As a high-level ability user, Nuan Nuan can digest and eat by himself. The food that goes down is converted into its own energy. So high-level ability users are big stomach kings, not a joke.

Nuan Nuan still didn’t feel full after eating two catties of pheasant plus about half a catty of mushrooms and rice. After eating the beggar chicken, before being full, Nuan Nuan picked up his big bowl of rice and ate half a pot of Feilong soup with relish.

Flying dragon can be said to be a very delicious and delicious ingredient among all poultry, plus some precious wild mushrooms are stewed together, and the taste is even better, just like the delicacy of the world.

Although Nuan Nuan’s cooking skills are not as good as Su Qiao’s, who made the ingredients like flying dragons and wild mushrooms so good? Even if the soup is simply stewed, the seasoning in it is only seasoned with a little salt, which can make this soup a worldly delicacy.

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