Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 400 - 1982

The children have all gone to school, and Nuan Nuan’s life has gradually been on the right track. She no longer puts all her energy on the children. She is now back to the situation before she had children. Rooted in the lab.

Nuan Nuan’s laboratory is still the underground laboratory that Su Qiao built for her when she came back. After all, she has had many experiences before, so now Su Qiao is familiar with building this underground laboratory.

The underground laboratory is very spacious. The bottom of the 1,000-square-meter homestead bought by Nuan Nuan was all turned into an underground laboratory by Su Qiao. A lot of.

Moreover, the underground laboratory is nearly 15 meters away from the ground, which means that it takes nearly four floors to walk from the ground to the laboratory.

Su Qiao and Nuan Nuan didn’t pretend to be lazy with anything like an elevator, but every time Nuan Nuan went down, they would walk up the stairs of nearly four floors, which also gave Nuan Nuan a chance to exercise.

Every time Nuan Nuan stays in the laboratory for a long time, she neglects to exercise. It is just enough to let her walk such a high staircase every day, and it is also possible to exercise.

In fact, most of the time, when Su Qiao has to go to the battlefield and is not at home, Nuan Nuan will take root in the laboratory, and the children will be given to Dawa to take them.

Anyway, the security system of Nuan Nuan’s house is still very good. Although the wall of her house is only two meters high, she is not worried that someone can come in.

Because a circle of thorns and thistles was planted inside the wall of her house, people who could climb over the wall might not be able to enter their yard.

Moreover, the walls of their house are very strong, and the door is also very strong, and not everyone can open it. Unless the door was blown up with a bomb, she really wouldn’t be able to open her door.

Because I don’t worry about the safety of the children, Nuan Nuan often takes root in the laboratory, and the elder brother takes care of the younger brothers and sisters.

Of course, although Nuan Nuan was busy doing experiments, she did not ignore her children. Although she is rooted in the laboratory, she occasionally lives in the laboratory for a day or two. For the rest of the time, she will come out of the laboratory after the children are out of school, talk and chat with the children, give They are delicious.

When going to bed at night, occasionally the children can sleep with Nuan Nuan. Nuan Nuan is not used to sleeping with others, except for Su Qiao, she is not used to sharing her bed with others, so there are really not many opportunities for children to sleep with her.

Nuan Nuan’s life is still very peaceful, and Nuan Nuan’s home is equipped with solar generators. This time, the roof of her house was covered with solar panels, and the lights in the yard and the door were all solar street lights.

Because Nuan Nuan’s family has a solar generator sponsored by her fourth and fifth brothers, her family’s electricity is not worrying about. Her family has a TV, a computer, and various household appliances, so when Nuan Nuan is busy, the children can watch TV, and the eldest can use the computer to communicate with uncles and cousins.

Of course, most of the time, the elders who contacted uncles, cousins, and cousins ​​asked about academic matters, and they contacted grandpa, great-grandmother, and grandparents because the elders missed a few of them.

In fact, after moving to Liusha Village, it is not very far from Qianwan Village. The high-speed train from Kunming to Guangzhou is very fast, and it is not very far from Liusha Village in Kunming Road, so the elders have often come to see the children in the past two years.

Anyway, now Chen Tiezheng and the others are in a state of old age. When they can’t be free, they go out to sea to fish, or go to the ground to grow food and vegetables, raise chickens, ducks and geese.

But because they are in old age, they don’t get up early and stay up late, they don’t put all their energy into those things, and they live a very leisurely life.

These people have been busy all their lives, and it is absolutely impossible for them to do nothing at once. What’s more, because of cultivating supernatural abilities and spiritual power, their bodies are still very good. From their appearance, you can tell that they are not those old people who are too old to do anything.

So Chen Tiezheng and the other elders will do something to pass the time when they are bored, or when they miss Nuan Nuan and the children, they will come from Qianwan Village to Liusha Village to see them, and then come back to Qian after staying for a while. Bay Village.

They’re pretty close anyway, aren’t they? And Nuan Nuan’s house is very big, even if they come to live for a while, they will not disturb Nuan Nuan’s life, and they can help Nuan Nuan take care of her children when she takes root in the laboratory.

It is also because in the past two years, whether it is the three elders of the Su family or Chen Tiezheng and his wife, who have come to see Nuan Nuan and the children from time to time, each time they come here, they will stay for a month for a long time, and a week for a short time. The villagers all knew several elders of Nuan Nuan’s mother’s family.

It is also because they often see several elders of Nuan Nuan’s family, so the people in Liusha Village find that they are indeed Su Qiao and Nuan Nuan’s parents and relatives. These people are so good-looking.

Especially Nuan Nuan’s mother Yu Shi, the looks of the mother and daughter were carved out of the same mold. It’s just that Nuan Nuan is more youthful and immature, and somewhat similar to her father Chen Tiezheng.

But everyone looked carefully and found that although the mother and daughter look alike, they still think Nuan Nuan looks better. And although Yu’s face is not warm and more perfect, but her temperament is also very attractive.

The villagers of Liusha Village all sighed, what kind of fate did Chen Tiezheng have to marry a good-looking woman like Yu? What kind of good life is it to be able to give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Nuan Nuan? He even has seven sons, each of which is exceptional.

Chen Tiezheng and the others have spent most of their lives in the countryside. Although the children later became prosperous and their lives became richer, they didn’t mean to look down on others.

So because of this kind of character, when Chen Tiezheng and his wife, Zhou’s mother and son came to Nuan Nuan’s house for a short stay, they got along very well with people from Liusha Village.

Nuan Nuan, a house girl who likes to stay at home and doesn’t like to socialize, has lived in Liusha Village for two years, but her popularity is not as good as her elders, because she is not good at socializing and doesn’t like going out, so she likes to stay in home.

However, the elders understand Nuan Nuan’s character.

Nuan Nuan didn’t like to be lively since she was a child. The friends she made since she was a child seldom communicated with each other after she went to college. After graduating from Su Qiao University and marrying Su Qiao, she went to the army, and even less interacted with other people. .

Nuan Nuan used to have at least two older sisters-in-law who had a good relationship with her when she was in Daxing’anling. Her neighbor was Feng Rui, whom she was more familiar with, and later Feng Fei was added, so she didn’t know anything until she was in the Northeast. Nothing like this house.

But now that she is in an unfamiliar environment in the south, she doesn’t know anyone, so after she brings the children out, she often stays at home to do experiments, and doesn’t like going out at all.

Nuan Nuan was not the kind of enthusiastic child when she was a child, so the elders would not force her to go out and chat with others every day to make friends, because they knew that Nuan Nuan might not be able to chat with others.

After all, the things that Nuan Nuan is interested in are quite special, and there are really few people who can talk to her. Su Qiao has been able to spend so many years with Nuan Nuan because Su Qiao is familiar with Nuan Nuan’s hobbies and her career, so she can chat with Nuan Nuan very well.

Because there is a lot of conversation between Nuan Nuan and Su Qiao, their relationship has not deteriorated at all. Su Qiao also pets Nuan Nuan, and he supports her in whatever she wants.

But others are different. Others can’t keep up with Nuan Nuan’s ideas, don’t understand her hobbies, and can’t find a topic that Nuan Nuan likes when chatting, so of course she can’t talk anymore?

Nuan Nuan is not the kind of person who forces others to accommodate her, so she would rather stay at home than go out to chat.

Because of her personality, Nuan Nuan has not made any good friends in Liusha Village for two years, but because of her good personality, her children are also very attractive, so no one hates her.

Although some women are jealous of Nuan Nuan’s good looks, and some people are jealous of her family’s wealth, most of them still like people like Nuan Nuan.

Especially with the help of the village chief and the village chief’s wife, and most of the villagers are military dependents. In order not to lose the reputation of their own soldiers, they have always been very standardized in their behavior.

It is because of this that although Nuan Nuan is not so popular, it is still very comfortable to live here. The children are also very self-conscious about going to school, and the eldest baby can also help her supervise the children’s learning.

As Erwa grew up, he became more and more sensitive to numbers. Later, he became more interested in business. Recently, he often contacted his third uncle or his uncle’s cousin.

The eldest son of Chen Xunyang’s family, Chen Langran, is also sixteen years old this year. He has learned a lot from Chen Xunyang’s side since he was twelve.

Now sixteen-year-old Chen Langran has been handed over by Chen Xunyang to a small company for him to manage. He is slowly training Chen Langran. After graduating from university, he can directly enter the management of Xunyang Group.

The Xunyang Group is a family business. As the big boss, Chen Xunyang has a very large say. All the shares are his brothers and sisters, and the brothers and sisters are not involved in his management at all. He only needs to take dividends every day. The management of the company is all his own.

Because of this, Chen Xunyang trained his son. After his son graduates from college, he will directly enter the management team. The shareholders of Xunyang Group will not say anything. After all, the shareholders of Xunyang Group are either Chen Langran’s uncle or uncle, or his little aunt. They will not object to Chen Langran’s management of the company.

Erwa Su Xingzhou likes business things, so he often contacts Chen Langran or Chen Xunyang, and asks their father and son about things he doesn’t understand.

Now it has been determined that the big baby Su Jianshen aims at his father and wants to be a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. Erwa likes business and may become a successful businessman in the future.

As for Suwanwan, this guy just likes to eat, so she decided to become a chef when she grows up. Of course, Su Qiao would not let his daughter be a simple cook. She has been trained to be sensitive to medicinal herbs since she was a child, so Su Wanwan will become a pharmacist in the future.

As for the three little ones, they are only at the age of kindergarten, and they will not be forced to do anything Nuan Nuan in the future. What they want to do is their own freedom, as long as they don’t destroy themselves and don’t drag their family down.

The war has not ended in the past two years, but according to the current strength of the country, this war will not last for too long.

In the past two years, Nuan Nuan has also provided a lot of convenience to this war. She has spawned a lot of Chinese herbal medicine, and later studied a lot of creatures that are good for injuries and diseases.

On the weapons side, the Nuan Nuan twin brothers are not vegetarians. Now they have put aside satellite research and specialized in weapons research, just to let other countries know that China is not to be messed with.

Su Qiao also came back every few months in the past two years. After all, he didn’t fight the war all the time. When the war subsided, he would come back from vacation to accompany his family.

He also knew from Su Qiao’s increasingly relaxed attitude that this war would not last long.

Then the time came to March 1982, the war was completely over, China won the victory, and other countries around the world who were eyeing China also saw the strength of China in this war. Don’t dare to provoke China casually.

Also because the war was over and Dawa was about to graduate from primary school, Su Qiao decided to wait for the matter to be completely resolved, and then take the children back to their hometown after his holiday.

Su Qiao has returned to Liusha Village every time he goes on vacation in the past two years, and he has never returned to Qianwan Village. Even during Nuan Nuan’s winter and summer vacations, or during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, he would take the children back to Qianwan Village, but Su Qiao had never been there.

Now that the war is over, Su Qiao can also take the children home to have a look. After all, his elders have also returned there, and his hometown is where he grew up since he was a child, so he should go back and have a look.

By June, the war has completely subsided, and the credit for the past few years will also be rewarded. Because Su Qiao has saved countless soldiers in the past few years, and also killed many enemies on the battlefield, the current Su Qiao has been It’s colonel level.

The official history of the restoration of the military rank system was in 1988. Because of the baptism of the Vietnam War, the officers he knew died and mixed with the friendly troops. They did not obey each other’s orders, and could not command and mobilize. pay a price.

The situation is similar now. After the war, the military rank system was restored, and now Su Qiao has also been promoted to the rank of colonel because of a lot of credits.

In fact, according to Su Qiao’s credit, he can completely get the rank of a major general. After all, Su Qiao is a military doctor and not a soldier leading a war. The rank of a major general is completely acceptable.

However, Su Qiao didn’t worry too much about this issue later. The rank of colonel and the rank of major general are actually not much different, right? He is confident that he can be promoted to the rank of major general, and it will not be long.

In fact, Su Qiao’s promotion to colonel is not temporary. If he makes a few more contributions, he may be able to be promoted. After all, they are not generals who need to lead troops to fight, so Su Qiao’s promotion is not that difficult.

Su Qiao was officially awarded the title of Colonel, but he was a military doctor in the military hospital, so even if he knew that he was promoted to Colonel, it would not be more sensational than those real soldiers.

Su Qiao didn’t care about this at all. He became a military doctor because Nuan Nuan liked soldiers, liked men dressed as officers, and liked military doctors. So he enlisted as a military doctor, but he didn’t think much about promotion.

Although he has now become a colonel and vice president of the Military Hospital of the Southern Military Region, he still does not have much mood swings. After all, the salary of being a vice president is not comparable to the dividends of shares in the name of his wife, so there is nothing to be excited about.

When Su Qiao stayed in the army until the end of June, Dawa Su Jianshen also graduated from primary school, and he was successfully admitted to junior high school. Of course, their children’s school’s elementary school, junior high school, and high school are all together, so he just got into junior high school smoothly.

But Su Jianshen’s grades are still very good. He has been the first in the class since he was a child, and Su Jianshen’s grades have always been among the best. Now Xiaoshengchu’s exam is still the first, which is very proud.

It just so happened that Su Qiao came back from the army. After the war, Su Qiao still has a long vacation. After all, he is a military doctor and not a real soldier, so don’t worry about him being called back to do missions or something when he is on vacation.

There are also many doctors with superb medical skills in the hospital, so Su Qiao can take a longer vacation this time. Also because he happened to catch up with his son’s first test when he came back, Su Qiao was ready to celebrate with his family.

Su Qiao was promoted to the rank of major, and Dawa took the first place in the test. Of course, several of the children in the family also scored not low in the final exam. But who made the big baby rise to the beginning? The graduates of Xiaoshengchu are the largest, so the celebration is also a celebration of the first place in the Dawa exam.

Su Qiao cooked himself and made a lot of delicious food to reward his son. Of course, other children except Dawa are also encouraged to study hard.

Of course, when you get good grades, you can’t forget your other courses. For example, Erwa likes business, but you can’t forget to read various economic books. knowledge.

There are also the youngest ones. Sanwa will also go to primary school when the school starts in the second half of the year. Su Qiao also gently urged Sanwa to be well in the future and get along well with her classmates. Of course, if you have suffered any grievances, you can tell your parents.

The family celebrated happily and lively, and then after two days, Su Qiao and Nuan Nuan locked the door and returned to their hometown with their six children.

------off topic-----

Time Dafa, everyone has grown up a little at a time~

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