Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 49 - couple

Today’s dinner is still very rich, but Nuan Nuan can’t eat that much. He has already drank a small bowl of soup and is very full.

However, the rest of the Chen family were quite happy. Although they did not say that they had suffered a lot during this time, they were still very happy to be able to eat such a sumptuous dinner.

It was Yu who felt a little distressed about the oil at home. The dishes we made were very oil-intensive. He was very worried that his oil would run out, and he would not know where to buy it.

It’s just that no matter how much Yu’s distressed about the oil in the family, today’s dinner is only cooked by the sons to show their filial piety. She still enjoys it very much, so she can only feel distressed, while satisfying her sons to share the work for herself.

“Mother, how about my craftsmanship? Try this stir-fried eel and see if I make it delicious?” Chen Chaoyang smiled and took a piece of braised pork and put it in Yu’s bowl to persuade.

“Mother, try it, has my craft improved?”

“Mother’s dishes today, but the three of our brothers made them by themselves to be filial to you and your father. Do you taste our full filial piety?” Chen Xunyang also said with a smile.

“And this stewed tofu with loach, this is what I asked my second brother to make just for Nuan Nuan, mother, can you taste it, is it delicious?” Chen Xunyang scooped a small spoonful of stewed tofu with loach with a spoon and put it in He went to Yu’s bowl and persuaded with a smile.

“Dad, do you want to try it too? Although our brothers are not so good at craftsmanship, they can still eat it. Would you like to try it?”

“You haven’t tasted our craftsmanship since you came back, nor have you tasted the delicious food that our brothers made for you, full of filial piety?” Chen Xunyang smiled, but his words were pleasant.

“Okay, I know all your news.” Chen Tiezheng was also very satisfied with the sensible and filial sons, and took care of Yu’s family to eat together with a smile.

“Well, it’s delicious, that is, it’s a little worse than what your mother made.” Chen Tiezheng said to his son with a smile after tasting the stir-fried eel.

“Mother and father, try this fried bamboo shoots with dried shrimps, and this…” Seeing that his father liked it, Chen Xunyang’s eyes lit up, and he introduced it to his father.

“Okay, okay, I’ll have a taste. You guys hurry up and eat. We’ve done a day’s work today. I’m hungry if you’re not hungry.” said.

“My son, you should also eat a little bit. The craftsmanship of these boys is quite good. If you try it, is it a little worse than you?” Chen Tiezheng smiled and served his wife with vegetables, gently persuading her to eat.

“Hmph, I’m not going to starve myself.” Yu snorted, then suppressed his distress for the oil at home, and ate happily.

After wasting so much oil, wouldn’t she be sorry for herself if she didn’t eat it?

The Chen family had a very happy dinner. The Zhou family from Suqiao also made a stir-fried eel and small loach with salt and pepper for Suqiao. Suqiao’s dinner was also very happy.

Just thinking that his wife is only a few months old baby and still can’t eat all the delicious food she is longing for, Su Qiao feels a little distressed and a little guilty.

His wife can’t eat it now, but it seems unkind to him to enjoy the food by himself.

On Su Qiao’s side, he was glad that he could eat the food, and on the other hand, he felt guilty that he could enjoy the food alone, and his wife could not eat it.

On Nuan Nuan’s side, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with Su Qiao enjoying the food by herself, even if she wanted to eat it, who made her small?

And Nuan Nuan tasted a small bowl of loach tofu soup today, and was very satisfied, and now she has been washed and put on the bed to sleep.

Just when Nuan Nuan was in a daze, he heard the rustling movement in the room, and his mental power swept away and suddenly diverted his attention embarrassingly.

Nuan Nuan didn’t share a bed with Yu and the others at this time. Nuan Nuan didn’t like to sleep in a bed with others. Even if she was reborn, she would only sleep in a bed with her husband, not even her parents. .

So since birth, Nuan Nuan has slept in a woven bamboo cradle hanging from the beams tied with ropes next to her, and she is also sleeping in this cradle now.

The bamboo cradle is also very old, and almost the twin brother Nuan Nuan has slept in this cradle.

As for the three brothers in front, Nuan Nuan believes that even if the brothers have slept in such a cradle, they will not be the same as hers. After all, her eldest brother is thirteen years old, and her second brother is ten years old, so the cradle should not be that long. longevity.

The warm bamboo cradle is transformed into an oval-shaped basket with a straw mat, which is then hung with ropes, and a mosquito net is hung on the cradle.

Nuan Nuan is quite comfortable sleeping alone. She is a two-month-old baby at the moment. It is better to sleep in such a ‘bed’ than to sleep with her parents.

Look, it’s not like this this time, her parents are making trouble again.

Since Yu’s full moon, Nuan Nuan has often heard the movements of his parents at night, and the couple are not very old.

Although Chen Tiezheng and Yu’s eldest son, Chen Lieyang, are already thirteen years old, Chen Tiezheng is only 32 years old, and Yu’s eldest son is not even 30 years old. Although the husband and wife have a hard life, they work all year round and their health is still very good. Not bad.

So the two of them are still very young and have been separated for so many years. They have been married for a long time. The relationship between the husband and wife is good, so we can’t get in touch with the relationship right now?

How do couples communicate with each other? Of course it’s a couple nightlife.

“Cuicui, you’re so soft.” Chen Tiezheng’s gruff and low voice recalled in the dark, the **** temptation made people blush.

Two-month-old baby Nuan Nuan: “…”

“Cui Cui, let’s change our moves?”

“Cui Cui, relax a little…”

Forced to listen to the warmth in the corner: “…”

Forget it, she should continue to use her mental power to temper her body, or help improve the crops in Qianwan Village.

Nuan Nuan didn’t pay attention to the movement in the room, but mobilized her mental power to slowly float past the door, and then encountered Su Qiao’s mental power when she extended to Su’s house.

The spiritual power of the couple has been blended many times in the previous life, and they are very familiar with each other’s spiritual power.

Nuan Nuan’s spiritual power continued to spread out, and the attracted Su Qiao’s spiritual power also spread out around Nuan Nuan’s spiritual power.

Also because Nuan Nuan’s spiritual power contains the essence of water and wood dual-type abilities, Su Qiao’s spiritual power instinctively uses the power of the earth element to help Nuan Nuan.

So where Nuan Nuan and Su Qiao’s spiritual power passed, the soil became soft and fertile, and the plants became strong, plump and lush.

In one night, Nuan Nuan and Su Qiao did not give birth to all the crops in Qianwan Village, but they still made them grow better.

------off topic-----

“Agent 99 Concubine”

She is the agent number 99 who came from across the country; he is the cold-faced son of the Qihou mansion, the seventh young master, and the king of Qinbei who is the king of the world.

When we met for the first time, he looked down, she looked up, the wind and the rain were rolling, and the thunder was rolling. Her eyes were like torches and she was fearless, and he was cold and arrogant, like a god.


“I am a slave.”

“I made you the master.”

“I’m violent and not fit to be a wife.”

“It’s okay, you can’t beat me if you don’t want to be gentle when you meet me.”

“I…” Chu Qiansu became annoyed, “What the **** do you want!”

“Be my princess.” Someone took a cup of tea and savoured it, the corners of his mouth full of an inevitable smile.

Chu Qiansu: Angry. Annoyingly cursed: rogue!

Qi Mo’s Quotations

– If she loses a hair, you will atone for the sin with your life; if she hurts her life, you will be buried with the nine clans.

Chu Qiansu’s Quotations

– Every drop of tears that fall will make me stronger.

– Holding a sword in the world, holding a sword in the world, here is sad and lonely. Only faith, indelible!

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