Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 5 - Suqiao

In another family next to the Chen family, in a quiet room, a yellow-faced and thin four-year-old boy was lying on the bed with a struggling look on his face.

“Honey, darling, don’t be afraid, grandma is here.” A woman in her 40s and 50s sat beside the bed and patted the back of the little boy on the bed with concern.

“My darling, grandma’s darling is not afraid, not afraid…” The woman looked at the child with a distressed look on her face, her face full of sorrow.

This woman is the daughter-in-law of the Su family, the Zhou family.

Zhou was only sixteen years old when she married into the Su family. As a result, she gave birth to several children and did not raise them. In the end, only the youngest son was raised by her. But Zhou’s man also had an accident when the child was ten years old, and the family’s parents-in-law also died in the war.

Zhou can only pull his son to grow up alone, and the original relatives will not help them because they are orphans and widows.

Zhou worked hard to raise his son, and married his son a daughter-in-law. As a result, the daughter-in-law had no children for several years.

The Zhou family searched for all kinds of remedies, all kinds of ways to make her daughter-in-law give birth to the blood of the Su family, but in fact, she did not force her daughter-in-law to follow those remedies. Zhou’s daughter-in-law also wants to have children. After all, she has been married for many years and has no children and is called herself by others, so she is even crazier than her mother-in-law.

After several years of hard work, when Zhou’s wife was twenty-five years old, Zhou’s daughter-in-law finally conceived a child. Both Zhou and her son and daughter-in-law were very happy. Zhou’s son left the village to make a living for the child in his wife’s womb.

Later, I heard that the son of the Zhou family was going to be a chef for the senior officials of the Guo Party.

In the generation of Zhou’s father-in-law, the restaurant suffered a terrible loss. In order not to destroy the family, Zhou’s father-in-law sold the restaurant and took his family back to Qianwan Village to take root. So with the craftsmanship of his ancestors, Zhou’s son went out to make a living. He didn’t expect to hear that the Japanese army surrendered soon after, and then something else happened.

Because Zhou’s son was a cook for a senior official of the Fruit Party, Zhou’s son was involved and lost his life. Hearing that the man lost his life, Zhou’s daughter-in-law ran away without her next-year-old son, and quickly remarried without showing any mercy.

Zhou lost his son, and his daughter-in-law ran away and remarried, so she was the only woman who brought up her grandson. She was able to raise her son by herself back then, and now she can also pull her grandson to grow up.

But a few days ago, her grandson was bullied by other children when she went out to play, and came back covered with water, and then started to burn.

Zhou spent a lot of money to ask the doctor to help him see it. Fortunately, the child’s illness was not serious, but the fever had not subsided.

Zhou Shi looked at his grandson on the bed and couldn’t help but redden his eyes.

Why is her life so hard? She was born in troubled times, lost her father in her early years, lost her son in middle age, and now even her little grandson has suffered many disasters. No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman.

On the Zhou side, he complained about God’s injustice and patted his grandson to make him not afraid, but Su Qiao on the other side gradually regained consciousness.

After Su Qiao felt that he had regained consciousness, there was a small memory in his mind.

Compared with Su Qiao’s memory of more than 20 years and almost 30 years ago, the memory of this four-year-old child is not much.

This four-year-old is also called Su Qiao. His ancestors were chefs. Su Qiao’s father is also a very good chef.

As a result, because the family was poor, Su Qiao’s father went out to make a living for his family. Compared with the poverty on the Communist Party side, the Guo Party side was richer, so Su Qiao’s father went to the Guo Party side to work as a cook.

However, because of this, Su Qiao’s father lost his life in the subsequent war, and left his family behind.

Su Qiao’s mother also ran away because the man was gone and didn’t want to continue living with her, so she quickly remarried.

Su Qiao, who was only one year old at that time, didn’t know what effect this had on him. He only knew that from the time he could remember, there was only his grandmother in the family, and he had neither father nor mother.

But the current Su Qiao knows that the current Su family has a difficult life, and it is all supported by the Zhou family alone.

Su Qiao frowned.

Su Qiao, a powerful pharmacist from the end of the world, was actually a young man with no worries except for the troubles of adolescence under the protection of his family before the end of the world.

However, the end of the world broke out when he was in junior high school. His parents and brothers became zombies, and only he and his sister survived. If their siblings were not alert, they would have been eaten by their parents and brothers who turned into zombies.

When other relatives became zombies, Su Qiao could only leave the house with her sister, planning to find a safer place to survive. In this chaotic world, they actually don’t know where to be safe.

At the beginning, Su Qiao was weak, and his sister was also weak. They were not the first survivors to awaken their abilities, but they all survived strong.

Later, when Su Qiao’s sister was in danger, under the threat of life and death, she awakened the wood-type ability and fire-type ability, and Su Qiao himself also awakened the strengthening-type ability.

Because of the awakening of the enhancement system, Su Qiao was caught by her sister to train according to her various brain holes.

For example, strengthen various parts of the body, make him a powerful warrior, and allow him to fully use various weapons such as sniper rifles, bows and arrows, bows and crossbows, and knives.

Later, he had the ability to awaken the fire element of the natural element, and then his sister became even more mad and made him become a chef.

Because the fire type can make fire, and the strengthening type can strengthen the feeling, it is more convenient to learn cooking.

Five years later, Su Qiao met his future daughter-in-law Chen Nuannuan, and the three of them teamed up to help Chen Nuannuan find news about her family.

Later, Su Qiao and Chen Nuannuan got married under the witness of his sister. Su Qiao’s sister became an excellent pharmacist, he himself became an excellent chef, and his daughter-in-law became a powerful animal master and planter.

But ten years after the end of the world, his sister died when she was on a mission. He and his daughter-in-law hadn’t had time to be sad. A few months later, their husband and wife also sacrificed.

Su Qiao remembered the frightened expression of his daughter-in-law he saw before he died, and felt very sad.

I don’t know if he was reborn in the year when the country was founded. Has her daughter-in-law been reborn like him?

And my sister, I don’t know what happened to her. Did she have the same adventure as him and be reborn to another dimension or time?

Su Qiao was very excited when he thought of this. He wanted to get better as soon as possible, and then went to his daughter-in-law and sister.

------off topic-----

The male protagonist is Su Qiao, who is a double born and loves each other.

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