Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 128

Chapter 127: Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet

The latest website: “Haha, comfortable!”

“He is golden and fat, and he arranged me outside a few days ago. How arrogant he was before, now he has a headache!”

“Forty houses have been sold, and many of them are old customers who were recruited by the salesmen when the project was in my hands.”

“There are seven or eight people checking out in a week, and the rest of the house will definitely not sell! It’s still me being smart and running in time!”

It was Father Su who was speaking.

On the evening of May 31st, he was sitting carelessly on the sofa, chatting with his old friend Qiu Wanfeng.

Su Yehao crouched not far away to tease the cat.

A Himalayan cat with a small black face and blue eyes, this newly bought little guy was originally put in a cat cafe, but he was bullied by other cats and scratched his ears.

Yin Liuli already has a fat golden gradient.

Su Yehao asked around and found that Nong Qingying wanted it, and she returned to Hong Kong City in a short time.

Therefore, I had to temporarily stay at home and ask the nannies to take care of her, and give her as a gift when she returns.

Hearing Dad’s self-promotion, Su Yehao rolled his eyes secretly, as the real hero behind the whole thing, just two words – low-key.

Qiu Wanfeng, an old tycoon with a scorpion on his face, said:

“In the past, the high house prices depended on confidence. Everyone thought that house prices would rise, and everyone thought that the assets sold by the British side would be taken over by others, seeking stability. However, the rise in house prices to the current level is something I did not have at all beforehand. As expected, don’t see that the trouble is Thailand, but Hong Kong City will definitely have problems this time. How much is the house price in Thailand, and how much is Hong Kong City already? It can’t be compared at all. Time is really bullshit, fleeing on the top of the mountain.”

Father Su continued to put gold on his face and waved:

“Where is it, it’s just luck. At that time, I was keenly aware of the wrong direction of the wind. After so many years of business, I can make do with my investment vision. You can’t compare with Lao Qiu. I liquidated Hong Kong stocks at the beginning of the year and made a big profit. Pen.”

Two old men, in private, also boasted about each other in business.

Hearing Su Yehao wanted to get up and leave, he didn’t recognize this biological father.

But the two of them occasionally talked about the Pengcheng cultural tourism project. Qiu Wanfeng seemed to have investment intentions, and 3.5 billion is no problem.

Judging from the previous conversation, Su Yehao was not the only smart person.

Su Yehao was able to predict through memory, but Uncle Qiu, who cleared the warehouse at the beginning of the year, was purely based on his vision and experience.

It’s no wonder that his son Qiu Yaohe lost more than 300 million in research and development of new drugs, and then he can get 200 million to do what the **** BP machine general agent, the Qiu family has made a lot of money in recent years… I just don’t know if it’s enough for him. Son’s business.

Considering that there is still a market for BP machines in the Mainland, it is expected that it is impossible to lose all 200 million, but it is impossible to make money.

According to the news in the newspaper, the Nokia 6110 with built-in Snake game is about to be released in the second half of the year. The compact and fool-proof model is now the final highlight of the BP machine.

Uncle Qiu’s son, Qiu Yaohe, was determined to find the agency for Bird Canada.

In Su Yehao’s opinion, the best result is nothing more than tossing around and working in vain.


Dark clouds topped.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

The real estate market in Hong Kong City was in turmoil, and Hong Kong stocks began to plummet.

It has not been long since Soros attacked the British pound in 1992 and the Mexican peso in 1995. People have a deep understanding of the harm that international hot money can cause.

The bubble in the entire Southeast Asian financial market is too big, and it is not a new thing to be targeted by people.

The stock price of Berkshire Hathaway, invested by Su Yehao, has risen by about eight points since its acquisition. This has a certain relationship with the flow of international hot money back to the United States.

Some time ago, Yahoo’s stock price rose for a while.

Now it fluctuates slightly, basically holding the price of 34 US dollars, the performance increases month by month, and it will rise again sooner or later.

It is only a gust of wind away from the arrival of the Southeast Asian financial crisis in the impression.

The Su family has a building in Central and other assets, which will inevitably be affected, but fortunately, the bulk of it has already been cashed out.

The layout didn’t suit Su Yehao’s wishes, but it was pretty good, at least it wouldn’t hurt.

As for the Huang family behind Huang Zewen.

In order to buy a property, I cashed out a lot of stocks, avoided one pit, but stepped on another pit.

After all, I have a house in my hand, and it will inevitably hurt for a while, but I will not be stunned. I will just give back some of the money I earn…


Visiting the art exhibition more than ten days ago, Miss Vera promised to give the largest painting “Peach Blossom in Bloom” to Su Yehao.

Now that the exhibition is over, she sent this oil painting as promised.

Miss Vera herself did not show up in person, and hired a logistics company to deliver the goods.

Su Yehao, who received the call, was a little worried when faced with such a large oil painting.

inside the house.

Father Su was still chatting with Uncle Qiu.

Su Yehao paid for it out of his own pocket and asked the logistics company to directly transfer the painting to the Shangfeng Sheung Shui mansion in Gangcheng.

The workers asked for a tip of 100 yuan. Just after they took the oil painting off the car, they happily carried it back to the car. The van disappeared in a flash.

Thinking of making a phone call to thank Vera, only then did Su Yehao realize that he didn’t have her phone number.

Jiang Yu, Zhao Yimeng, and Vera, the three of them held a small group in the school, and they often went to the toilet together after class. Su Yehao met more than once.

From Zhao Yimeng, it should be possible to call Vera.

However, Su Yehao always felt strange.

As for Zhao Yimeng, it’s right that he has the idea of releasing the fish to the sea. It’s not that he hasn’t let go completely yet. Calling her to ask for another girl’s number will inevitably make Zhao Xiaoyu worry.

Be sure to be safe…

When you go to school, thank Vera in person.

Seeing the truck go away.

When it comes to the Shangfeng Shangshui real estate in Hong Kong City, we have to talk about Nong Qingying.

Su Yehao sighed deeply.

We didn’t know each other at that time, and the relationship between the two was not that close.

Speaking carefully, he sold the property with more than 50 million yuan on the top floor to Nong Qingying. Seeing that the value of the property is about to shrink, it is difficult to say “I sold the house to you to take over the offer in order to avoid the pit”.

Moreover, people are not optimistic about the Hong Kong City property market now, and it is very difficult to sell it to the outside world.

Tens of millions of houses are not tens of thousands of dollars. People are chasing up and down, and countless second-hand houses are swarming into the transaction market. Potential buyers are not in a hurry at all, and they will not choose to invest in real estate at this time.

Su Yehao had a headache when he thought that the girl must have tears in her eyes and said, “I’m a little rich woman who only owns a house of 30 million”.

It doesn’t matter to let outsiders jump into the pit.

Everyone depends on their own eyes, and they are unlucky if they are planted.

But now that she is her own woman, this matter is a little inauthentic, and she is somewhat embarrassed.

He scratched his head, thinking for a moment.

That’s it.

If the family does not talk about the two, whoever loses is not a loss.

Su Yehao thought to himself: Anyway, she has already taken out a loan for the to buy Yahoo stocks, and it won’t take long to earn them back.

the other side.

Nong Qingying just received a call.

A businessman who had contacted in advance told her that a brand new fishing boat of 49 meters was on sale for HK$5.2 million.

She felt that Yahoo’s stock price had not risen much in the past two weeks, and it was estimated that it was over.

It is better to cash out a part and use it to honor your parents.

So as not to continue to stalemate with parents because of the presumptive idea of marriage, and the fact that he has not invited his family.


She contacted Su Yehao first, not stupid enough to sell Yahoo stock directly.

Otherwise, it will make things worse, and Nong Qingying will be in tears again…

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