Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 154

Chapter 153: When It Comes To Asking For Money, It’S Tough…

Bring clothes you just bought from the mall as a small gift.

Su Yehao returned to the mansion on the top floor of Building No. 1 in Shangfeng Shangshui Community. The workers downstairs were perfecting the landscaping and planting palm trees. The sound of the truck was a little noisy.

The entire community is in the final stage. Although the house is difficult to sell, the Huang family has to continue to invest money.

When Su Yehao told her that Yahoo’s stock price had risen sharply, Nong Qingying was so excited that she almost went to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, she felt a sense of excitement, and wanted to call her parents to show off.

The little tiger turned into a black rabbit, coupled with Nong Qingying’s figure, the evaluation is one word – absolutely.

There are no other residents in the building.

Simply top.

Until the afternoon, I found a restaurant to celebrate the two sides making a fortune together.

Su Yehao ordered a portion of fish gelatin soup, and while enjoying it, he nourished his body. With his own abilities, he had already made a profit of more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars. Of course excellent.

However, Yahoo’s sudden surge is more likely to fall.

Even if it doesn’t go down, I’m afraid it will take some time to digest this round of appreciation, just like the previous period from more than 20 US dollars to more than 30 US dollars, it fluctuated for two months, and it has not improved.

Businesses always take time to develop, and it is difficult to do it overnight.

After this big rise, Yahoo’s total market value is only more than 2 billion US dollars, and this asset is quite stable.

Su Yehao didn’t plan to sell it himself, and also persuaded Nong Qingying, who had made a total of seven or eight million Hong Kong dollars since the investment, to continue to hold it. The girl is now confident in her own man, and she still has some funds for daily expenses. She is obsessed with lying down. The taste of making money…


Since the accident in March, it is now late July.

After such a long period of precipitation, Su Yehao’s three views have quietly changed a lot compared to before.

For example, family property.

No longer thinking about the billions of my parents all day long, I began to seriously think about my future.

The money earned from the stock market is not in a hurry to cash out for the time being. When KOKO Ventures or TAT Network Technology is short of money in the future, it will undoubtedly be of great use, so as not to have to go to my parents to grind my mouth and watch Opportunities slip through your fingers.

Speaking of KOKO Ventures.

This private team, since its establishment in June, the only task of employees is to inquire about news, collect and summarize information related to technology and the IT industry.

From the information they collected, Su Yehao saw a familiar name again: Yinhai Software.

The morning of the twenty-fifth of July.

Sitting in the office of KOKO Ventures, Su Yehao flipped through Yinhai Software’s information and asked the middle-aged man standing in front of him:

“Two or three months ago, I actually had contact with people from Yinhai. At that time, I felt that it was not secure enough, and the financing price was a bit high, so it was temporarily put on hold. Now they only need four million US dollars and promised to give 40% of the equity?”

At that time, Su Yehao was bragging in front of the reporters of “Xinlian Zaobao”, and afterwards many people found Sihai International and wanted to get investment.

Silversea Software is one of them.

The two ceramic tile factories in Fochuan had already negotiated, and Jiang Shiye came forward instead of Su Yehao, and acquired the two companies for a total price of more than 19 million yuan.

It is an asset of Cosmopolitan International, and Su Yehao didn’t ask much.

I only know that an additional investment of 10 million RMB has been decided to expand the production scale, advertise externally, and reshape the brand image, and only keep the “Agelina” brand. money for advertising.

In the sales of building materials, Father Su has experience, so there is no need for Su Yehao to worry about it.

The middle-aged man standing in front of Su Yehao, whose name is Wei Dongyang, had worked for Lehman and Goldman Sachs. After coming to KOKO Ventures, he served as a vice president with an annual salary of 400,000 Hong Kong dollars. Recently, he has been working with an annual salary of 40,000. Almost in retirement.

Back in June, Su Yehao asked them to wait patiently for news.

This wait, until the end of July, KOKO Venture Capital has been slow to invest abroad, and the company has not much money on its books, but the information has been collected piles of piles.

In fact, Wei Dongyang and others doubted whether Su Yehao, the boss, had read the information they had collected carefully.

If it wasn’t for wages or something, it would be paid as usual on a monthly basis. Some employees had begun to wonder if the Su family had engaged in some shady private transactions, such as money laundering, through this leather bag company.

At this moment.

Vice President Wei Dongyang asked in puzzlement, “Mr. Su, have you ever been in contact with them?”

“Well, the major shareholder is called Chu Jun, right? I had a face-to-face interview with him, and he is quite a person. Unfortunately, my father didn’t like this company, and my own money is also used for other purposes. That’s it.”

After Su Yehao finished speaking, Wei Dongyang nodded in agreement, thinking in his heart, “It seems that the little boss really does something real.”

Wei Dongyang continued: “It is indeed called Chu Jun. He may not know that this is your company. Last time, he was introduced by a friend and went out to drink coffee together. Mr. Su, the last time you talked to him about financing, the price is the same as this. Same time?”

“It’s not the same. At that time, he wanted five million US dollars to be killed in exchange for 40% of their shares in Yinhai, and he did not give the corresponding decision-making power.”

Su Yehao took a sip of tea and said with a smile: “It seems that life is difficult, but I still haven’t been able to get the financing, and the five million dollars suddenly turned into four million dollars. A certain right to speak, maybe I have already voted.”

“… With so much equity released at one time, shareholders are definitely not willing to hand over decision-making power. In fact, this company is quite good, but unfortunately the product cannot be sold, and the competition is too great.” Vice President Wei Dongyang said.

“They are afraid that I will mess up, so why am I worried that they have no vision and finally cause me to lose money.”

Su Yehao took a serious look at the sales of WPS in the most recent quarter. In three months, the turnover was only over one million yuan.

Free Word is at your fingertips, cheap and affordable.

Although the seriously developed WPS is good, the retail price of the product is as high as 169 yuan. Individual customers are definitely not willing to pay this money, which limits the development of Yinhai Software and can only be used for enterprises, institutions, schools, etc. Wait.

The five million dollars before, as long as Su Yehao goes home and rolls around, he should have a chance to get it from his father.

It is precisely because Chu Jun is too strong and does not let go of his right to speak at all that Su Yehao chooses to take the money from the loan and go to buy Yahoo stock.

Looking back now, it is clear that it was the right thing to do.

Su Yehao was thinking about the 20 million Hong Kong dollars start-up fund promised by his father. He said that he would give it when he was admitted to the university.

The current admission letter of Hong Kong University was obtained by donation from Mr. Tang, but Su Yehao also received the admission letter from Nanling University of Hong Kong City, which he was admitted by himself.

Thinking that if Dad keeps his promise and is willing to pay the 20 million Hong Kong dollars, it is not impossible for Yinhai Financing.

After thinking for a moment.

Su Yehao told Wei Dongyang:

“Continue to contact them and press down on the price. It’s best not to mention my name. If you get the money, how will you plan to develop in the future and how to compete with Microsoft Word.”

“Mr. Su, do you like this company?”

Wei Dongyang was immediately excited, and he had nowhere to show his talents. If he continued like this, he was even embarrassed to give himself bonuses.

When I’m busy, I always think about taking a vacation.

Going to work is too leisurely, and it is also exhausting both physically and mentally.

Wei Dongyang has been playing minesweeper and spider card games for more than a month, and suddenly found something to do, and was a little excited.

Su Yehao said bluntly:

“First contact and try to see if you can get the right to speak. According to the current price of the WPS document, it is a dead end to compete with Word, and it is a little tricky under fifty yuan. It is best not to collect money and seize the market. After getting it, cultivate a fixed customer base, and then consider making profits in the future. But this is too expensive, and I need to think about it carefully.”

Wei Dongyang has been in the United States for four or five years and has dealt with companies in Silicon Valley a lot, so he can understand what Su Yehao means.

A few years ago, the sale of floppy disks was popular in Silicon Valley. Recently, many companies have given up the idea of making profits in the short term. As long as they have customers, market share and technology, they can continue to attract investment, which is equivalent to selling “future income” to the outside world.

Yahoo’s surge is clearly one of the proofs of the shift in people’s thinking about investing.

If it were left in the past few years, an Internet company like Yahoo, which was continuously losing money, would have been left unattended on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Recently, it has been sought after by many people.

After a simple exchange.

Su Yehao sat alone in the office, took out his mobile phone and called his father.

He came up and asked: “The 20 million Hong Kong dollars that I promised to start a business, where is the money? Doing business, talking about credit, the admission notice of Nanling University is at home, so I studied hard and got admitted!”

As expected of his own son.

When he asked for money, he was very arrogant.

“Qianqianqian! I usually don’t say a word. I don’t even ask when I twist my waist. I only know that I call me for money. I owe you something?” Father Su’s voice was filled with anger, and it seemed that he was on the phone. The timing was not right. UU reading

He didn’t go home recently, and even about the admission letter of Nanling University, his second concubine specially informed him, and Su Yehao knew about it.


Su Yehao asked:

“Why are you twisting your waist? How old are you, and you’re not careful. I found a good project recently, and it was the last time I went to Yinhai Software. If you don’t give me the money as agreed, the next time you see my mother, I just told her that you were sprained at the fourth concubine’s house.”


On the other side of the phone, Father Su, who was threatened, was speechless for a while.

Because… the old man really twisted his waist at the fourth concubine’s house.

The unfortunate son he gave birth to, actually learned to blackmail, and it was so accurate and effective.

It directly grabbed Father Su’s lifeline.

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