Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 174

Chapter 173: Aunt’S Ex Boyfriend

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The pharmaceutical market in Hong Kong City is so large, and the room for development is limited.

In the past few years, the Tang family’s business has basically been standing still, but because of the appreciation of real estate and financial income, they have made a lot of money.

For Su Yehao’s proposal to go to the mainland to develop new markets.

Mother Tang only told that someone had mentioned it before and that she was considering investing in a chain pharmacy. By the way, she would use the resources at hand to sell some drugs and medical equipment as an agent.

And Father Su also took the opportunity to propose the idea of opening a private hospital in Pengcheng, hoping to increase the added value of the cultural tourism city project, and often dispatched doctors from Hong Kong City to be on duty in the past.

If there is a top-notch hospital around the “town”, most residents can rest assured.

Being able to save lives quickly at a critical moment is not much more important to the rich than spending more money to buy a house?

Talking about this matter, Su Yehao learned that in the hospitals managed by his mother, the old equipment that was about to be replaced had been bought by a medical equipment agency company in the Mainland, and the package price was more than 17 million Hong Kong dollars.

The old equipment from a few years ago is fine to use, but the functions are not as advanced as the new ones.

Just like buying a second-hand car, you can still drive it, which is a balance between practicality and economy.

Mom’s business is developing steadily, and it is more worry-free. It has already become a climate, and it is difficult to lose money when opening a hospital and buying medicine.

As for the project of Sihai International Cultural Tourism Town.

Basically, we have talked about it almost, and there is a high probability that there will be no more changes.

Pengcheng has an official OCT project, but the project focuses on cultural tourism. This time, Father Su focused on commercial real estate and residential projects, which just fits the policy of developing the real estate industry in the mainland.

Coupled with many factors such as urban construction, driving economic employment, and stimulating investment confidence of businessmen in the two places, the above seems to use this project as a pilot and benchmark to build, such as land reclamation, and even future loans, all the way to green light.

When Su Yehao accompanied him to the inspection, the president of the bank personally accompanied him, in order to win big orders.

Four Seas International Group now has nearly 2.4 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in its account, and the delinquent construction payment from Singapore has already arrived in the account. Considering the problems of accounting at the end of the year and reasonable tax avoidance, Father Su is eager to reinvest the money. .

During lunch, in front of his wife, he discussed giving the golf course worth more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars to Su Yehao in the form of a family charitable trust.

Know without guessing.

This is because he is worried that the gamble will fail, so he plans ahead and wants to leave more capital for his son.

Obviously belong to the salty eat radish light worry.

Su Yehao had a lot of retreats. Even if his father lost even a dime, he could inherit hundreds of millions from his mother.

Once the golf course is donated to the family trust fund management in the name of “charity”, although Su Yehao can still take care of it after controlling the decision-making power of the family trust, it is difficult to take out a mortgage loan and dispose of the funds at will, because strictly Said the stadium has been donated.

And the nominal ownership will be removed from their family name.

This is not in Su Yehao’s interests, he can only enjoy it in a symbolic way. He said that he has a golf course, and he can neither use the loan for profit, nor sell it for cash.

Therefore, Su Yehao was very hard-hearted once, so he shook his head and refused, and bluntly said that it would be better to give himself some more money and use it to start a business…


In the afternoon, I brought Nangong Tian to the University of Hong Kong to listen to a speech.

The one standing on the podium in the auditorium is the honorary vice president of the School of Economics, whose name is Zheng Yongwen.

In his early 40s, wearing glasses, he was a former Hang Seng Bank executive, unmarried, resigned at home, retired early, and was already financially free.

The reason why Su Yehao knew about this was that he had just heard his mother mentioned him at lunch.

A few years ago, this guy had a relationship with Aunt Tang’s family, almost about marriage, and later broke up because of certain things.

Smelling the smell of gossip, Su Yehao made a special inquiry and learned that there happened to be a public speech, so he brought Nangong Tian over to join in the fun and sat in the first row.

The main content of today’s lecture is the exchange rate storm that attacked the British pound in 1992.

It’s a pity that this Zheng Yongwen likes to speak in Chinese and English. He often says a long list of economic terms, which Su Yehao can’t understand.

At this juncture, the old almanac of Soros’s attack on the British pound is undoubtedly targeted.

Su Yehao heard it, but he wasn’t too interested.

Sitting in the front row, distracted.

Thinking back to the noon meal period, don’t look at Father Su’s recent anxiety and worry, he is actually enjoying it.

Even if in the end it really takes a majority stake in the Cultural Tourism City project and actually spends a lot of money, the Sihai International Building in the central ring of Hong Kong City, those office buildings, apartment buildings, hotels, golf courses, luxury houses, etc. in the casino will still Very stable.

Therefore, it is not a desperate attempt. The strong family background can support Dad Su’s ambition, and he is enjoying the excitement brought by the entrepreneurial process.

According to Su Yehao’s understanding of real estate developers, the key to making money lies in borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

The process of developing real estate is probably that the real estate developer first advances the land, and after obtaining the land certificate and construction permit, they are allowed to pre-sell the house, build the real estate, and finally green, surround and complete. Valley

The costs of land, various taxes, and construction and installation are quite high.

The key point is that these costs often don’t come at the developer’s own expense.

There is 30% to 50% of its own funds. After the documents are complete, a bank loan can be obtained, which is enough to support the remaining development work. It is estimated that the total investment of 34 billion yuan, with the money on the book of Cosmos International, is almost enough. , even if you monopolize the entire project.

Su Yehao finished checking and filling up the omissions, but unfortunately his father didn’t want to listen to his proposal to develop recreational and commercial facilities first, and then develop housing projects last.

It should be worried that the return of the capital will be slow and the funds will be difficult to turn around, so I plan to start the construction of the playground first, and after the Ferris wheel is erected, the commercial real estate project and the residential project will be launched at the same time, and the real estate will be sold to the outside world.

Considering that the land area is large enough, the development will take time, and at least it must be put into the market in five or six phases, so the profit is quite guaranteed.

It is nothing more than to sell some of the houses first and make less money in the future.

If you continue to use the funds from the sale of the house to buy land, you will still earn the same amount of money.

Su Yehao was extremely relieved that he had led the old man to the right path.

in the auditorium.

Everyone was listening carefully, but Su Yehao was dozing off. His performance successfully attracted the attention of the honorary vice president Zheng Yongwen.

Being distracted at such a time is undoubtedly disrespect to President Zheng.

The other party came to Su Yehao at this moment, patted his shoulder, and asked:

“This classmate, what are you thinking, so focused and serious, what is my content that gives you insight?”

Su Yehao continued to sit.

Looking up at Vice President Zheng Yongwen, he just felt so stinky.

It may be because of his arrogance, or his personality is like this. From the preliminary information, this guy is indeed quite capable. When he was in his thirties, he earned hundreds of millions of net worth and retired.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become the honorary vice dean of SIPG. He has a vacant position in the school and occasionally gives classes to students.

Anyway, Su Yehao had a general impression of him, and he also understood why his aunt broke up with him at the beginning. The two sides obviously did not belong to the same kind of person.

Staring at Zheng Yongwen, and after taking a close look, Su Yehao said calmly:

“I’m thinking about how you would invest if I gave you 50 million. The financial turmoil in Thailand has affected the entire Southeast Asian market. Capital likes to eat people without spitting out bones. It’s impossible to stop just because you make some money. Both the property market and the stock market will fall, and places like Singapore and South Korea will also be affected, so how can we make quick money?”

Zheng Yongwen smiled and asked, “It’s not small, you give me 50 million? Let’s talk about earning 50 million first.”


Nangong Tian also didn’t like this guy. The most important thing was that he dared to look down on his dear brother Hao, and said decisively, “Vice-principal, he is Su Yehao, your ex-girlfriend’s nephew.”


Zheng Yongwen, who was arrogant just now and immersed in the capital battlefield, instantly understood.

I have been in contact with the Su family and the Tang family, 50 million or something, that is really sprinkled. Last time, the “Hong Kong City Morning Post” wrote that Hong Kong University had a great man and invested in stocks to earn 70 million Hong Kong dollars. Zheng Yongwen also saw the news. Pass.

Counting Yahoo’s growth these days, the stock price has reached a new high, reaching the threshold of US$53, and the actual total income has approached HK$100 million.

Su Yehao thought about waiting, the money that was redeemed and mortgaged with the watch was still sitting in the bank, and he was unable to enter the market in time to increase his position.

According to the trend of Yahoo in the past two days, it is a small loss.

It is impossible for a person to make all the money, and it is impossible to copy to the lowest and highest points every Yehao is already content.

I just heard Zheng Yongwen smile: “So it’s you. I saw you once in the past, but the past few years have changed so much that I didn’t recognize you.”

“It’s been a few years since we broke up. My aunt has been doing well recently.”

Su Yehao smiled and quietly settled the relationship.

I stopped by today to inquire about my mother’s younger sister, what kind of man she once liked, and she didn’t have any common thoughts.

The honorary vice-principal in front of him, although he can be considered a properly successful person, but Su Yehao’s family is a so-called elite wealthy family, there is no need to hug anyone’s thighs, the honorary vice-principal does not have much real power and cannot control Su Yehao’s head.

Zheng Yongwen was quite sighed, and quickly packed up his mood and continued to focus on the speech.

He returned to the podium and continued:

“Student Su Yehao asked me a very good question. He asked me how I would invest if he gave me 50 million Hong Kong dollars.”

“In the short term, everyone in Hong Kong is in danger. Many experts believe that the Hong Kong dollar may be forced to float freely like the Thai baht. In my opinion, this is indeed possible. In the past few years, the stock market has risen sharply, the property market has risen sharply, and the economy has The bubble is serious and the risk and potential harm is huge.”

“But don’t forget, we have the north to support us now, and our port city is not Thailand, and there are still tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves on the book. In May, international financial speculators used two tools, futures and spot, in the port city. The foreign exchange market, stock market and futures market simultaneously exerted efforts to attack the Hong Kong dollar, which ended in failure.”

“If I were me, I would take 50 million to short the New Taiwan dollar, the Korean won, etc., as well as the stock market in these places. If you want to say where you can survive, apart from Japan and Singapore, it should be us here. , but the stock market and the property market are bound to plummet…”

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