Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 191

Chapter 190: Always Be Ideal

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The financial industry is different from doing business.

Like the Cultural Tourism City project on the Four Seas International side, it may not be possible to see the difference in three or five years.

However, the funds managed by Vice President Zheng Yongwen for Su Yehao, just two days after the last meeting, had new news.

The other party’s assistant is on Thursday, October 23rd.

Over the phone, tell Su Yehao that the New Taiwan dollar has fallen sharply! In just a few hours, he had earned more than 77 million yuan from the foreign exchange futures market for him, and he had already chosen to close the position for delivery. This profit was put into his pocket.

Not only that.

At that time, Vice President Zheng Yongwen, while shorting the New Taiwan Dollar, also allocated part of the funds for shorting the Hang Seng Index.

Hong Kong stocks dived quickly after the market opened today.

Not counting the previous income, just counting the last week alone, Su Yehao made a nine-digit profit.

Calculate the amount of income so far, except for the five-point commission promised to Zheng Yongwen, there is still more than 102 million left…

When Su Yehao heard the news, he couldn’t help but sigh.

He finally understood why there were so many people, even though he knew that this line of business was extremely risky, he still chose to plunge into it resolutely.

At this moment, Su Yehao is on the campus of the University of Hong Kong.

For the first time, he hurried to the library and read the latest newspaper today, only to find that the front page without exception was the news of the collapse of the New Taiwan Dollar.

In order to find out what happened, Su Yehao endured his excitement and carefully browsed the news content patiently.

in short.

The international hot money headed by Soros once again took a shot at Hong Kong City, mainly aiming at the Hong Kong dollar.

There has not been a big move on the Hong Kong side, but the island side could not support it first, and was the first to announce the abandonment of the old plan pegged to the US dollar and the implementation of floating interest rates.

This directly led to the instant collapse of the NT dollar, which plunged in just a few hours.

According to what the newspaper said, it chose to give up without warning, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Previously, the island has spent about 5 billion US dollars, and the currency has depreciated by about 3.3%, but the local foreign exchange reserves still have more than 80 billion US dollars.

Yet today.

On the other side, uncharacteristically, it suddenly lay flat and gave up all efforts to stabilize the exchange rate.

Su Yehao called John Zhou and asked the other party to check the rise and fall of the Hang Seng Index. He found the latest news that the international hot money began to consolidate its “forces” and concentrated its strength to deal with the Hong Kong dollar, which scared the Hang Seng Index into a big dive. , fell 7.6% directly.

This also means that, in addition to the original profit, shorting the Hang Seng Index also brings a lot of money.

I didn’t say anything on the phone just now, so Su Yehao didn’t know how much he made. This kind of experience made people feel like he was robbing money.

As I said before, earning one million with one hundred thousand yuan is much more difficult than earning one million with one million.

As for this investment in Zheng Yongwen, if the plan to short the Hang Seng Index is correct, Su Yehao’s profit margin will be at least 200% or more, and it will only take more than ten days before and after. The total income is basically the same as “hard work” holding positions Yahoo’s half year was flat.

I don’t mind going to class.

Quietly told Nangong Tian the good news, Su Yehao chose to skip class on the spot and went to the company of Vice President Zheng Yongwen, who he visited last time, to see what to do next.

To say that the profit of more than 30 million last time, he can still choose to let go and continue to fight.

At this point, his appetite was full, and he just wanted to settle down as soon as possible, take out part of the profit at most, and continue to gamble.

What Su Yehao wanted was only the start-up capital to support the company’s development in the future, and now he had basically got it.

So much profit, enough to do many things.

For example, investing in a travel company partnered with Jiang Yu’s father and his friends, and buying Yahoo.

The other is to make suggestions for Xiao Nizi, jointly fund the establishment of a film company with her, and give Nong Qingying more money to make her vice president more worthy of the name.

For the sake of the future, others need to give it a shot, and Su Yehao doesn’t need to be too dark-hearted.

Even if it continues to develop at a slow pace as it is now, the probability of success is still very considerable, and safety is the top priority.


While driving, I accidentally received a call from Vice President Zheng Yongwen.

After Su Yehao was connected, he laughed and said, “President Zheng is indeed a well-known financial tycoon! I heard the news, and I am on my way to your company. I plan to thank you in person!”

It was just a rainbow fart. The other party made so much money for him, and he should praise him for his reasoning.

At this moment, Su Yehao was in a very good mood, even brighter than today’s weather.

Zheng Yongwen was on the other end of the phone and asked, “Are you here? I just wanted to meet you, and I need to talk about something.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Driving the car in person, Su Yehao subconsciously felt that the aunt’s ex-boyfriend wanted to talk about the follow-up investment plan.

Although this way of making money is too amazing, and the possibility of continuing to sell successfully is also relatively high, but after thinking about it, Su Yehao still insists on the idea of leaving after one vote.

It is true that the benefits are high, but the risks are also not to be underestimated.

He knows that the general direction will continue to fall, but it is difficult to grasp the short-term trend. It may fall sharply today, rebound again tomorrow, and be strangled by the bulls.

Prepare your belly draft along the way.

When he saw Zheng Yongwen, before Su Yehao said that he was going to withdraw his capital, Zheng Yongwen took the lead and said, “The Hang Seng Index fell by 10.1%, I threw it all away, and made so much money for you, then don’t be greedy anymore, Eat and drink, enough for a long time.”

“…Why did you throw it all away?” Su Yehao asked Zheng Yongwen calmly replied:

“Luck is very difficult to follow one after another, and I can’t grasp the situation. Soros and the others are very difficult to succeed this time, and they may withdraw at any time. By then, the investors will have confidence, the possibility of a rebound is relatively high, and I have business to do. Busy, it is not suitable to enter in person.”

“Isn’t it a business to make money?”

Shaking his head with a smile, Zheng Yongwen said:

“The wind has been strong recently, and the situation in the financial field will change. I have to prepare in advance… I can give you all the profits, and I don’t want the 5% commission I agreed before, but I want to ask you to do me a little favor and replace me with it. Spread the news that you are making money, help me to build momentum, and I will arrange for the media, how about it?”


Su Yehao understood instantly.

The honorary vice president’s ambition does not seem to be in making money itself, but is more interested in being a consultant to the Hong Kong government.

Considering that once you become the chief advisor, you have the opportunity to manipulate tens of billions of dollars in funds, and to some extent, a “financial war”.

For a financial scientist like Zheng Yongwen who has no shortage of money for a long time, the opportunity in front of him is indeed quite precious, and it is likely to encounter such a once in a lifetime.

People, after eating and drinking enough, always have a little ideal.

The current financial battlefield is an opportunity for Vice President Zheng Yongwen to linger in his dreams and show his talents.

The so-called “motivation” is naturally to make him the chief financial advisor. In the face of this matter, even if it is a commission of several million Hong Kong dollars, Zheng Yongwen can say no or not.

Su Ye is more vulgar.

Thinking of earning millions more, without saying a word, he nodded with a smile:

“Don’t worry, I will definitely praise you. When someone robs you, I will point to his nose and scold him for the straw…”

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