Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 668 Gong Ruomei, both civil and military

It is still the familiar courtyard, but it is slightly older than a few years ago, and a lot of the white and gray walls outside the fence have fallen off.

The door was ajar, but Qin Hao opened it with a gentle push.


As if hearing the sound of the door, Li Cunyi walked out of the house curiously.

Compared with a few years ago, Li Cunyi looked older, with many age spots on his face. The only thing that remained unchanged was that his back was still straight.

The moment he saw Qin Hao, Li Cunyi seemed to think he was being deceived and rubbed his eyes.

It wasn't until he was sure that he was not dreaming that he laughed.


"You're back? It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Li Cunyi held Qin Hao's arm, looked him up and down, patted his solid chest, and said with emotion: "It's taller, it's darker, well, it's a lot stronger."


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Cunyi coughed.

Qin Hao frowned and held Li Cunyi's left wrist. Li Cunyi shook his head with a smile: "It's an old problem, it's nothing serious. After all, he is already eighty years old. The old man can live to this age, he is good enough."

By diagnosing the pulse, Qin Hao also confirmed Li Cunyi's statement. His overall condition was good, and his internal organs were functioning well. However, the resistance was low due to the degradation of body functions. It must be said that Neijiaquan was good at strengthening the body. It is indeed much better than fighting skills.

This skill of diagnosing pulses by hand was something Qin Hao learned from them when he traveled in search of reclusive masters over the years. The relationship between Taoism and Chinese medicine has been extraordinary since ancient times, and those reclusive masters often lived in secluded places in the mountains. , if you don’t know any medical skills, you might catch a cold and die.

Just as Li Cunyi was about to say something, Qin Hao had already walked behind him.

Suddenly, Li Cunyi's eyes widened and he said tremblingly.

"Have you already broken through that bottleneck?"

Qin Hao shook his head and said calmly: "No, this is just a Taoist method to push the palace and activate blood circulation. The effect is only better than massage."

When Li Cunyi heard this, his eyes were full of disappointment, but he still turned around and said to Qin Hao: "It doesn't matter if you don't have a breakthrough. You are only eighteen this year, and you still have at least twenty years to explore."

"It's a pity, I don't have time anymore"


Li Cunyi smiled self-deprecatingly: "Okay, I just said casually, the old man has experienced everything he should have experienced in this life, and there is nothing to regret."

"Master, have you had lunch? I'll cook for you."

"That's a good relationship. The shredded pork with Beijing sauce you made last time was particularly good. I've been craving it for years."

"Okay, I'll go buy groceries."

Li Cunyi moved a chair happily and sat in the yard, watching Qin Hao busy with a smile on his face.

"Uh, yes, you are really good at cooking." Li Cunyi ate until he was eighty percent full. Qin Hao was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable after overeating, so he did not serve him a meal. He had to take a few more bites of vegetables, finish them quickly, and lick them He licked his lips and patted his belly with unfinished content.

For a whole afternoon, Qin Hao recounted his experiences in the past six years. Li Cunyi was like listening to a book in the library. When he heard that Qin Hao had killed corrupt officials, he couldn't help but scream in admiration.

Even though the old man is getting older, his fiery temper has not changed at all.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, as the sun set, Gong Baosen came to visit with Ma San and Gong Ruomei, and specially ordered a banquet to save Qin Hao from cooking.

While eating, Ma San also briefly talked about their current situation in the past six years.

Since Gong Baosen took office one year ago, the foundation has been solidified, so he has carried out institutional reforms to the Chinese Warriors Association, absorbing many young boxers, and also cooperated with the Republic of China government, allowing many boxers to enter the army as instructors.

However, it was said that it was cooperating with the Republic of China government, but in fact, it was the Beiyang government. At this time, the entire north was still in the stage of a melee between the Beiyang warlords. The six-year melee had also made the people in the entire north miserable, and the Beiyang government was becoming more and more miserable. People's hearts.

Gong Baosen suddenly sighed: "I heard that there is no peace in the south. They say they are preparing for the Northern Expedition. When will the days when our own people fight our own people end!"

"The Northern Expedition is not a bad thing. It is better than continuing to divide the north and the south. As time goes by, the most terrifying thing is that the country will lose its generals." Qin Hao said slowly.

A glint flashed in Gong Baosen's eyes, and he suddenly remembered that Qin Hao had attended a Western-style school when he was a child. This time he had traveled to half of China, and his knowledge was no less than his.

"Then who do you think will win, the Beiyang government or the Southern government?"

"After so many years of melee in the north, the Beiyang government has long lost the support of the people. Coupled with the many internal conflicts, this war is bound to fail!"

In the final analysis, the warlords in Beiyang who play politics cannot beat those in the south who play revolution.

Gong Baosen fell into deep thought after hearing this. Although he felt that Qin Hao's words made sense, the Beiyang government controlled 700,000 troops, while the Southern government only had just over 100,000 troops. Can they really defeat them?

However, Qin Hao's words are not unreasonable. You cannot put all your treasure on the Beiyang government. If the Beiyang army is defeated this time, the Chinese Samurai Association may also be implicated.

Ma San was not very interested in these topics and just kept eating.

Gong Ruomei has been staring at Qin Hao. Her father often told her about this senior brother's deeds. Before today, she actually didn't believe it. After all, she had seen senior brother Ma San's kung fu. Among his peers, he was already a leader, and even some famous masters in the martial arts world were no match for Ma San. How could he lose to someone so much younger than him?

But today, she happened to see the two of them competing. Qin Hao defeated Ma San effortlessly, using Bagua Zhang, which aroused a strong interest in her who had been learning Bagua Zhang since she was a child.

After eating and drinking, everyone met to hang out nearby to eat.

Gong Baosen and Li Cunyi walked in front, Qin Hao and Ma San followed side by side. Gong Ruomei, who was originally at the back, suddenly trotted to Qin Hao's side and said with an earnest look on her face.

"Senior Brother Qin, can you teach me Baguazhang?"

Qin Hao smiled: "Didn't my uncle teach you?"

"My dad is too busy." Gong Ruomei looked a little lonely.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with me. If you don't mind that I don't teach well and want to learn, just come to me."

"Really? You agreed. Let's say it first. You can't hide anything because I'm a girl!" Gong Ruomei's face was full of seriousness.

Qin Hao was stunned, and suddenly thought of Gong Baosen's education method, and it became clear.

The person Gong Ruomei admired the most since she was a child was Gong Baosen. She grew up watching Gong Baosen fight with others. In her eyes, her biological father was invincible.

Gong Baosen was just a girl like her, so she naturally regarded her as the apple of his eye. She was very talented and could learn everything she taught, and she could master it at once.

However, every time at this time, Gong Baosen would say: "What a pity."

What's a pity? Of course it's a pity that she's not a boy.

Gong Ruomei doesn't understand what's the difference between a boy and a girl. Is there something that a boy can do but a girl can't?

This question turned around and Gong Ruomei couldn't help but ask it when she came to Qin Hao.

Perhaps Gong Baosen once said that the calligraphy that has been hanging in her boudoir was written by Qin Haoti. She liked the four words "Aoshuang Duxue" very much, which was very powerful.

"Actually, from a physiological point of view, the upper limit of women's martial arts training is indeed lower than that of men."

Qin Hao's words were like a basin of cold water on Gong Ruomei's head.

Although it is cruel to Gong Ruomei, it is the fact.

In terms of muscle strength and explosive power, it is difficult for women to reach the height of men no matter how much training they do. These two things are exactly the key to improving combat effectiveness. As for flexibility and coordination, women do have some advantages, but they are far from the same. It cannot make up for the disadvantages caused by muscle strength.

Seeing Gong Ruomei's sad face, Qin Hao smiled.

"Did you go to school?"

Gong Ruomei tilted her head and thought for a moment: "Does private school count?"

Qin Hao shook his head: "I'm talking about a new school."


"Nowadays, women can go to school. No matter how powerful your martial arts is, you can't stop foreign guns and artillery. If you want to surpass Master Gong, why don't you take another path?"

"Another way?" Gong Ruomei was full of doubts.

Qin Hao gestured: "You see, Master Gong is now respected by the entire northern martial arts community. He feels that he is very proud and great, right?"

Gong Ruomei nodded repeatedly.

"But if you look at the whole of China, no, just in the north, how many people know about him?"

"If you study hard and learn how to build foreign guns and artillery, or even how to build warships and aircraft carriers, then people all over China and even the world will know you. Will you be more prestigious than Uncle Gong?"

Gong Ruomei pursed her lips and thought for a long time. Although she didn't know exactly what warships and aircraft carriers Qin Hao was talking about, the thought of being able to surpass her father made him proud of herself and no longer lamented why she was not a boy.

"Senior Brother Qin, I go to school, but I also want to practice martial arts."

Qin Hao was happy, okay, this girl is really greedy.

"Okay, as long as you can keep up with your homework, come to me after school and I will teach you."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Gong Ruomei went back to find Gong Baosen and pestered him to send her to school. Gong Baosen was a little hesitant at first. After all, in the boxing industry, it seemed that no one had sent their daughter to school. It was still a new school.

However, under Qin Hao's persuasion, Gong Baosen agreed to his daughter's request and found her a primary school through connections.

At first, Gong Ruomei had not received any new education at all, and she was completely blind in class.

But I have to say that Gong Ruomei is indeed smart. If she doesn't understand something, she will ask her classmates or the teacher after class. Gradually, she will be able to understand the textbook.

After only three months of schooling, Gong Ruomei's grades gradually improved to the middle and lower reaches of the class. The teacher also liked such a diligent child, and would give her a little tutorial from time to time, and Gong Ruomei was able to get through it all.

Gradually, Gong Ruomei began to like school, where she was exposed to a completely different world.

It turns out that the way to resolve conflicts is not necessarily to fight. It turns out that girls can be as successful as boys. For example, her class teacher mentioned a female scientist named "Mary Somerville", who was called the "Queen of Science". "

This also proves that what Qin Hao told her is true, that studying hard can really make her surpass boys.

As a result, Gong Ruomei studied more carefully.

In addition to studying cultural classes, Gong Ruomei also did not fall behind in martial arts. She ran to Qin Hao after school every day.

Qin Hao did not hide his secrets. In addition to teaching her Baguazhang, he also formulated a set of scientific strength training content for her and adjusted it at any time according to her physical condition.

Gong Ruomei could clearly feel that her strength had been enhanced, and she was working extra hard when practicing. Many times, Qin Hao even had to force her to rest, otherwise she would have to practice more on her own.

Li Cunyi also welcomed Gong Ruomei's arrival. He liked children as he got older, let alone a beautiful girl like Gong Ruomei.

Gong Baosen didn't stop him. He was very busy and didn't have much time to take care of his daughter. It would be great to have someone to help him look after the child.

During this period, the Northern Expedition also officially started. Battle reports continued to come from the front. The two sides were also victorious and the situation was in a stalemate.

During the war, there was inevitably some chaos in the market. In order to protect the safety of his daughter, Gong Baosen specially sent Lao Jiang to protect Gong Ruomei.

From then on, wherever Gong Ruomei went, Lao Jiang followed.

Qin Hao had a very pleasant time during this period. In addition to teaching Gong Ruomei martial arts, he also helped Li Cunyi to promote blood circulation in Gong Ruomei and made some nourishing dishes. Not to mention, the effect was really good. Li Cunyi's complexion was obviously much better than before.

In Li Cunyi's own words, his body feels lighter and he seems to be several years younger.

However, Qin Hao also knew that given Li Cunyi's age, he would inevitably die one day. He just wanted this aging Xingyiquan master to be able to live a more dignified life without suffering too much pain.

On this day, Gong Baosen came to take Gong Ruomei home. Suddenly Ma San rushed over in a hurry and whispered in Gong Baosen's ear.

Gong Baosen's expression changed, and then he said to Li Cunyi with some emotion: "Senior brother, we have a visitor."

"Oh? Who is it?" Li Cunyi asked curiously.

"Ye Yunbiao!"

In the early years, when the Chinese Warriors Association was first established, it was jointly initiated by Li Cunyi, Ye Yunbiao and other northern martial arts figures. However, unlike Li Cunyi, Ye Yunbiao received a modern education and had studied in Japan. Later, Ye Yunbiao went to Shanghai, promoted the establishment of Shanghai Jingwu Association, and has been active in the south since then.

Ye Yunbiao came back at this juncture. Gong Baosen would definitely not believe it if he just wanted to catch up with old friends.

"The visitor is a guest, so just entertain him at home!" Li Cunyi said slowly.

Gong Baosen thought for a while and nodded. Ma San understood and immediately went out and got on the rickshaw.

Qin Hao's heart moved. Judging from this morning's newspapers, the recent situation of the Northern Expeditionary Army was unfavorable. Ye Yunbiao's visit to Jinmen at this time must have come with some purpose. (End of chapter)

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