Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 683 Ten Miles of Foreign Affairs

"Brother, is the situation really that bad? If we go to the United States, will my father come with us?" Gong Ruomei rested her chin on her hands, looking forward with her beautiful eyebrows.

Qin Hao shook his head at Gong Ruomei: "It won't happen in a short time, but judging from the current internal and external troubles of the National Government, it will definitely not be able to stop the Japanese. We must prepare in advance."

"I will try my best to persuade my uncle to leave with us, but you also know my uncle's temper. I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Gong Ruomei thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Brother, why don't you find a chance to knock my dad out, or I can get some sweat medicine or something, wait for my dad to fall asleep, and take him to the boat. He can’t even think about it.”

"Who did you learn this from? If my uncle knew about it, you would be angry to death." Qin Hao was very angry.

Gong Ruomei covered her slightly red forehead and pursed her lips: "Didn't you tell me that if you wander around in the world, you can't stick to the rules? It doesn't matter whether a black cat or a white cat is a good cat if it catches mice."

Qin Hao was speechless. The reason why he said this was because Gong Ruomei grew up in a closed environment like the Northeast Wulin. She had many rules and regulations in her little head, so she often encouraged her to break the rules. Qin Hao suddenly It feels like shooting yourself in the foot.

But to be fair, Gong Ruomei's method is not impossible. After all, Gong Baosen is already on the Japanese's wanted list, and it is too dangerous to continue to fall inland.

"Okay, take care of yourself first. If you want to study in the United States, it's important that you don't pass the English test. I'll give you tutoring starting tomorrow."


After that, Qin Hao returned to his usual peaceful life, still teaching martial arts to Wang Chao and Gong Ruomei every day, or tutoring Gong Ruomei in English.

Such ordinary days passed for more than a month, until one day Qin Hao received a telegram from Gong Baosen.

"Hmph, these little devils are really lingering." Wang Chao said angrily.

Since the Japanese occupied Fengtian, anti-Japanese enthusiasm has surged across the country. Even the people in the south are very angry. However, the top leaders of the National Government are busy in the power struggle. No one wants to fight the Japanese. On the contrary, some people who have studied in Japan The "pro-Japanese faction" is jumping up and down, trying to "peacefully coexist" with Japan.

Tanarata's death not only ruined the Japanese Kwantung Army's plan to quickly occupy the three northeastern provinces, but also slapped the Japanese military headquarters hard in the face. Naturally, the Japanese would not give up and put pressure on the Republic of China government to hand over Gong Baosen and Qin Hao.

The Nationalist Government did not want to break up with the Japanese and was afraid of being stigmatized, so they could only push the blame.

Seeing that the negotiations were fruitless, the Japanese proposed a plan for Sino-Japanese martial arts exchanges.

It is said that it is a martial arts exchange, but in fact it is an attempt to regain face in the ring and at the same time suppress the morale of the Chinese people.

According to Japan's request, in this Sino-Japanese martial arts exchange competition, each side will send five samurai to fight. Before entering the ring, they must sign a life and death certificate, and each will decide whether to live or die.

"Brother, the Japanese don't have any conspiracy, right?" Gong Ruomei said worriedly.

Qin Hao said calmly: "Regardless of whether there is a conspiracy or not, I have to help my uncle in this battle."

"Brother, if you leave me behind again this time, I will..."

"Okay, everyone goes, everyone goes."

When brothers Wang Chao and Wang Kai heard that Qin Hao was actually going to take them to witness this event, they jumped up in excitement.

Since this was the first large-scale competition and exchange between China and Japan, although it was nominally a non-governmental organization activity, once the news was released, it immediately attracted the attention of people across the country.

This is not a small competition like last time in Fengtian. All major newspapers sent reporters to follow up the report.

Anti-Japanese enthusiasm among the people was high. Seeing the Republic of China government pretending to be an ostrich, the people had nowhere to vent their emotions. They also hoped that this martial arts competition could rub off the Japanese's spirit and boost national morale.

Qin Hao and his party did not go north to Jinmen, but took the waterway all the way to the Magic City.

Originally, the National Government wanted to arrange the venue for the competition in Nanjing, but the Japanese believed that winning in the Magic City would better prove their strength in front of the world. At the strong request of Japan, the arena was set up in the Magic City. All.

"Master, is this the Magic City? It's much more lively than our Foshan." Wang Chao stood on the deck and looked towards the shore.

Huangpu Pier is crowded with people. Groups of coolies are moving goods like ants moving. Various trucks and carriages are shuttled back and forth on the dock road. The level of excitement is naturally not comparable to that of Foshan.

Gong Ruomei also came to the bow at this moment, waving her arms like onions excitedly: "Dad, I'm here."


Gong Baosen just looked at Gong Ruomei for a few times, and then walked to Qin Hao.

"Uncle Master." Qin Hao said to the two brothers Wang Chao and Wang Kai behind him: "I haven't met my uncle soon."

The two brothers were sincere and knelt down directly and kowtowed to Gong Baosen three times.

Gong Baosen was very happy. He helped the two of them up, squeezed their arms without leaving any trace, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, they are two good materials."

"Junior Brother Qin." Although Ma San took the initiative to say hello to Qin Hao, there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

He is the same generation as Qin Hao, and is a few years older. However, Qin Hao has already begun to accept disciples, but he has not yet become one.

In addition, in this Sino-Japanese arena competition, Qin Hao did not even need to participate in the internal selection and directly occupied a spot, but Gong Baosen did not let him get involved at all.

Yes, he admitted that his skill was not as good as Qin Hao's, but he had never lost against others, so why couldn't he fight?

This time Gong Baosen and his party came in a car. In the car, Qin Hao asked about the specific situation in the arena.

"This time, the competition in the arena is for each team to send five people to compete. However, it is not a best-of-five-game format, but one-on-one. You can choose to substitute or not, until one side has five players. If everyone loses, it will be considered a defeat.”

Qin Hao now knew why Gong Baosen tried his best to let him participate in this arena competition.

"I also want to buy insurance. This time the Japanese are coming fiercely. It can be seen that they are very confident in this competition."

Qin Hao nodded: "If one person picks out all five people on the opposite side, does that count as a win?"

"Yes, but there is one thing. The losing side can choose to compete with fists or weapons." Gong Baosen reminded.

"From the perspective of the competition system, it's quite fair." Qin Hao smiled and didn't take the Japanese too seriously. To be honest, the competition in the ring is still about the body. In this regard, he has surpassed what this world can achieve. At his peak, as long as he didn't use guns, he was confident that he would pick out all five of the opponent's enemies.

"But I always feel in my heart that the Japanese are up to something. You just have to be aggrieved these days and live with me in the Jingwu Hall and don't go out at will." Gong Baosen had a worried look on his face. Based on his many years of experience in dealing with the Japanese, From the looks of it, it was impossible for the opponent to come up with such a fair competition system if they were not sure of victory.

"Okay." Qin Hao followed suit. Anyway, there wasn't much to see in the Magic City at this time.

Shili Foreign Market, the bustling scene of the Magic City far exceeded the imagination of the two Wang Kai brothers. Just looking at it from the car window, both of them felt that it was an eye-opener. After getting off the car, they were still discussing some of the strange things they had just encountered.

A large group of reporters have blocked the door of Jingwu Hall, including many foreign reporters.

When Gong Baosen saw this, he asked the driver to go around to the back door.

When getting out of the car, Gong Baosen patted Qin Hao on the shoulder: "You have seen the battle just now, right? Now even foreigners are interested in our competition. If we lose this time, we will become The sinners of the ages will be nailed to the pillar of shame of history.”

"Don't worry, you can't lose as long as I'm here." Qin Hao's tone was extremely confident.

"Haha, with your words, I feel relieved."

Ma San followed behind with his luggage. When he heard Gong Baosen's words, the jealousy in his eyes flashed away. The master always believed in this junior brother, but never believed in him. It seemed that Qin Hao was the master's close disciple.

This made Ma San feel threatened. Seeing his master getting older over the years, he had a vague hope of taking over. If his master was interested in Qin Hao, he had no hope at all.

After settling down, at the dinner party, Gong Baosen arranged for Qin Hao to meet the other three representatives in the ring.

One is a master of Cai Li Fuquan, which is the most practical martial arts in the southern martial arts. It is said that the founder of this martial arts is called Chen Xiang. At the age of 12, he learned Buddhist boxing from his uncle Chen Yuan, and later taught martial arts. Tou Shi learned many southern boxing techniques such as Li Family Boxing and Cai Family Boxing. After mastering them, he created this boxing technique.

Although this sect has a history of a hundred years, it is not widely spread. However, it has many masters and has outstanding achievements in the Guangdong and Guangxi martial arts. This time, this less prominent sect can get this precious quota. Obviously, it has also reached an agreement within the Guangdong and Guangxi martial arts. They reached consensus and sent out the most capable masters.

The other is also a master of the Southern Martial Arts School. He practices dragon-shaped boxing, which is also a small type of boxing. Judging from the shape of the opponent's muscles, he should be a master who has practiced external skills to the extreme. One pair of hands in particular have exceptionally long fingers.

As for the last place, it is a northern boxer who practices Twelve-way Tan Kick.

Plus Qin Hao and Gong Baosen, there are exactly five people.

This list is what the reporters outside the door are trying to get. After all, this matter is so hot. If any newspaper can get the list, the newspaper will definitely sell like crazy the next day.

"Master Gong, can this kid hold the battle, can he?" The dragon-shaped boxing master looked at Qin Hao for a while and then raised a question.

Another master of Cai Li Fo Quan also looked disdainful of Qin Hao.

Gong Baosen smiled lightly: "Have you ever heard of forty masters from the five major sects being provoked by one person?"

The two of them suddenly looked shocked and looked at Qin Hao with incredible eyes.

"You said he is"

Seeing Gong Baosen nodding, the two of them quickly handed over to Qin Hao. The last defeat of the five major sects has become a taboo in the martial arts circles of Guangdong and Guangxi. Outsiders don't know about it because it is too embarrassing and no one will have the face to tell it. .

However, there are still rumors about Qin Hao circulating internally. Although the two of them claim that their martial arts skills are not inferior to others, it is absolutely impossible for them to fight forty against each other.

Qin Hao returned the gesture with a faint hug, and after the dinner, he returned to the backyard.

But they found that Wang Chao and Wang Kai were discussing with Ma San.

It was said that it was a competition, and Ma San seemed to have no intention of holding back. Although Wang Kai and Wang Chao were not as strong as Ma San individually, they still fought equally with Ma San due to their numerical advantage.

Wang Kai and Wang Chao didn't think anything of it, but Ma San couldn't accept this situation.

He knew that Qin Hao had only had apprentices for more than two years, and these two apprentices had never practiced martial arts before, so they had zero experience.

In less than three years, these two people were able to fight him back and forth with each other. Wasn't his training all these years in vain?

Thinking of this, Ma San's punches became faster and heavier.

Gong Baosen was so surprised when he saw this scene that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear. Although it was difficult for Wang Chao and Wang Chao to catch Ma San's moves individually, with the cooperation of the two of them, they were able to fight equally with Ma San. .

"Did you teach them the combined attack technique specifically?" Gong Baosen asked quietly.

Qin Hao shook his head. How could he have the spare time to teach these things? In less than three years, all he could do was help the two of them lay a solid foundation. As for joint attacks and other things, they should have practiced martial arts together all year round, and they were in the same village. Cousins ​​who grew up naked, they just have a tacit understanding.

In the backyard, Ma San finally took advantage of the two's inexperience to seize the opportunity and punched Wang Chao in the ribs, sending him flying away. Just when his fist was about to hit Wang Kai's face, he heard Gong Baosen shouting.


A trace of anger flashed in Ma San's eyes, but he still stopped his fist.

Wang Kai came to his senses, glared at Ma San fiercely, and immediately went to check on Wang Chao's situation.

"Don't worry, I've retained three points of strength and my ribs are not broken. Ten days and a half of rest will be enough." Qin Hao had already helped Wang Chao up.


"Now you know why I asked you to focus on exercising your abdominal muscles." Qin Hao did not ask about their motivations for competing with Ma San, but helped Wang Chao enter the room to push the palace to activate his blood.

Gong Baosen and Ma San were the only two people left in the yard.

"Come in with me."

Gong Baosen entered the room with his hands behind his back, and Ma San followed him like a child who had done something wrong.

As soon as he entered the door, Ma San was about to explain, but was interrupted by Gong Baosen raising his hand.

"We are all teaching skills. We should save our strength but not our hands. How much strength did you use just now?"

Ma San lowered his head: "Three points."

"You hit two juniors so hard, do you have a grudge against them?" Gong Baosen asked.

Ma San remained silent. He knew he was in the wrong, but he was still somewhat unconvinced.

"Ma San, do you know why I gave you this name?"

"You must speak three words, and your hands must speak a circle. This is an old saying in the martial arts world. You want to tell me that in everything you do, you must be humble." When Ma San said this, he clenched his fists. He was already three times. He was ten years old and still serving as an apprentice. He no longer wanted to be humble.

"Since you know it, you knowingly committed the crime. Just now in front of the juniors, I saved you some face. In the past two days, you should reflect on it in your room."

"It's Master." (End of Chapter)

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