Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 694 Finals

Looking at the promotion list in his hand, Qin Hao couldn't help but shake his head secretly. The reason why the elimination rate of Chinese boxers was so high was still the same problem. They focused too much on fascia training and therefore lacked muscle strength.

No matter how good your moves are, they must be based on injuring the enemy. If you don't have enough power, even if you hit your opponent a hundred times, your opponent can kill you with just one punch, so how can you fight?

This is based on the fact that the rules are conducive to the performance of Chinese boxers, and many restrictions have been removed. If, like the boxing rules, hitting below the waist is not allowed, the opponent can hit you casually as long as he protects his head with both hands, and it will not break at all. Defend.

However, through this competition, those Chinese boxers can realize their own disadvantages and improve their usual training methods. It can be said that Qin Hao's competition was not in vain.

In addition to the high elimination rate of Chinese boxers, the elimination rate of Japanese samurai is also similar. Japan only has 4 places in the top 64. Of course, this is also related to the relatively small number of Japanese players participating.

The most advanced to the top 64 are American boxers, accounting for more than half, including many black boxers.

In this arena, the super athletic talents of black people are perfectly displayed. Whether it is strength, speed or ability to fight, black players are obviously stronger than white people and Asians.

Many Chinese boxers have also been defeated by black boxers. These black people have rough skin and thick flesh, which has caused the Chinese boxers to suffer a lot.

The next round of 64 knockout rounds was even more intense. Although nominally they were supposed to advance to the top 32, only 28 players ultimately entered the next round. The remaining four players were unable to complete the rest of the game due to serious injuries. Can abstain.

"Haha, now we are really going to get rich!" Jones was smoking a cigar, holding a large handful of bills crazily and waving them in the air.

Entering the knockout stage, the gaming company's performance has skyrocketed. In just 32 games, the net profit has reached 6.83 million US dollars. This profit alone is enough to cover the cost of the entire game. In addition to paying for the next games, After taxes, all profits belong to them.

"It's a pity that four boxers withdrew from the competition, otherwise we would have earned more in the next round." Metz said with emotion.

Jones blew out a smoke ring and said to Qin Hao: "Should we consider limiting the rules a little in the next competition to reduce casualties?"

This is the attitude of capital. He will not care about the life and death of boxers. Only when it affects his own vital interests will he consider formulating some rules to protect boxers.

Qin Hao nodded: "In the next competition, we can consider letting the boxers wear gloves."

Gloves protect not only the opponent, but also the boxer himself. After all, forces interact with each other, and the bones in the hands are not as hard as the bones in the head. Some players retire not because they were hit, but because they hit their opponents. At that time, he broke his finger and had to withdraw from the game.

"Among the remaining 28 players, have you found any that are worthy of training?" Qin Hao changed the topic.

Metz and Jones looked at each other: "We think there are three worthy of training. These are their information."

Qin Hao opened it and saw the photos of these three people on the first page. They were three white boxers.

Qin Hao was not surprised by this. After all, the status of black people in the United States at this time was not as high as that of later generations. Black people were not allowed to go to white schools or even take buses, let alone help black people become stars.

As for Asians, not to mention, it was not until Roosevelt was president that the "Chinese Exclusion Act" was repealed. At this time, Asians could only play bad roles like thieves in Hollywood movies. Even Qin Hao If he enters Hollywood, he can only play this type of role, which is why he rejected many film companies.

The power of capital also needs to compromise with the background of the times, not to mention that as two white men, Mays and Jones also reject black people in their hearts.

"Well, it looks pretty good, so let's tentatively book them first. Once they advance to the next round, we can start promoting them."

Seeing that Qin Hao did not propose to put Chinese boxers on the promotion list, Jones and Metz were obviously relieved. What they were most worried about was that Qin Hao would act on his own initiative, which might arouse the dissatisfaction of white Americans and boycott the competition.

Jones hesitated for a moment and said to Qin Hao: "In terms of the schedule, can we tilt it slightly towards these three boxers?"

"If they can't even make it to the next round, it proves that they have no need to invest at all. There are good fighters. What we have to do is to get the maximum return for every investment." Qin Hao's attitude is still tough.

Seeing this, Jones and Mace stopped mentioning it.

Half a month later, the second round of knockout games started again. This round of knockout games attracted many American spectators to watch the game. Since it was an indoor game, there were only 2,000 tickets. After scalpers' hype, the price of one of the cheapest tickets reached For three hundred to five hundred dollars, it was still hard to get a ticket.

It is hard to imagine that this was 1931 during the Great Depression in the United States. It can only be said that no matter what time, there is still no shortage of rich people.

The warm atmosphere at the competition also made the players in the ring extremely excited. The fighting situation was very tragic. During the break in each game, the floor needed to be cleaned. The towels used to wipe the floor were covered with blood and sweat.

This is a true battle between men, the collision of muscles against muscles, the bursting of hormones and adrenaline amidst the cheers of the audience.

Over the next two months, all knockout rounds finally concluded, and the top two teams were determined to advance to the finals.

On the night of championship, the host introduced the players from both sides passionately in the octagonal cage.

"Let us invite Jon the Cheetah, a contestant from the United States. Oh, you can see that Jon is very excited today. He is like a beast that has just walked out of the cage and is looking for his prey."

Jon's appearance was very impressive. He was shirtless, with sharp muscle lines bulging on his body, and a ferocious expression. But just like this, it stimulated the male hormones of the audience. Waves of cheers and screams made the people in the center of the beam He was more excited.

He climbed directly to the top of the octagonal cage with a single lunge, then like a cheetah, landed in the octagonal cage vigorously, and then raised his arms and shouted.

"Oh, he is worthy of the nickname of cheetah. His skills are as strong as a cheetah's."

Jones in the box was very satisfied with Jon's performance. This way of appearing was specially designed by the agency for Jon.

In order for the audience to remember him, he must have characteristics, including Jon's nickname of Cheetah, which was also given by the agency after combining Jon's characteristics.

Another contestant also appeared in the entrance area at this moment, and the host pointed his finger in his direction excitedly.

"Let us invite another contestant in today's finals, Wu Zunlong, a Chinese martial artist from the mysterious East. After more than ten bloody fights, they finally meet in the finals. Let us look forward to an exciting battle. A breathtaking visual feast.”

Compared with Jon, Wu Zunlong's appearance is much more low-key. On the one hand, Wu Zunlong himself does not like this kind of hype. On the other hand, as a Chinese, his commercial value cannot be compared with Jon.

Qin Hao's eyes fell on Wu Zunlong and nodded secretly. Although traditional martial arts has the shortcoming of insufficient muscle training, some people have noticed this and improved it. Wu Zunlong is one of them. He practices It is the Vajra Fist of Shaolin Temple, which is also the powerful Vajra Palm in Jin Yong’s martial arts novels.

When the two sides met in the octagonal cage, the energy on the scene was pushed to a new peak.

"Hey, little man, I'm going to tear you apart!" Jon opened his arms in a very high-key manner, looking determined to win.

This was also in line with the appetite of the white audience at the scene, and the cheers became even more enthusiastic.

However, Wu Zunlong just put his hands together and silently recited Amitabha. As a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, this was also his practice before the start of the game.

Under the ring, some Chinese boxers saw this and encouraged Wu Zunlong.

"Master Wu, let this foreigner see how powerful our Chinese martial arts are!"

"Yes, Master Wu, you will beat this foreigner hard in a moment!"

After the referee checked that both sides did not carry metal objects, he announced that the game had officially begun. At this moment, the enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited.

"Jon the Cheetah, go up and tear him apart!"

"Jon, use your speed to beat him until he can't find his way!"

"Master Wu, attack his middle."

"Master Wu must win."

Amid the shouts of the audience, Wu Zunlong and Qiaoen moved at the same time.

Although Jon is tall and thick, he is actually very fast. In the blink of an eye, he has been only two body heights away from Wu Zunlong. This is also his best attack distance, and Wu Zunlong is taller and stronger due to his height and arms. At a disadvantage, he couldn't effectively attack Jon at this distance.

As Jon swung his fist towards Wu Zunlong, he blocked it with his arm and took the opportunity to take a step forward to close the distance between the two parties. Jon was also very smart and immediately responded if the blow missed. Withdraw, giving Wu Zunlong no chance to get close at all.

The moves may seem inconspicuous, but they are actually deadly at every step. If you are not careful, you may be directly knocked out. You must know that neither party is wearing gloves. Once a key part is hit, it may result in fractures or even death. .

Jon is far from being as arrogant as he appears, or perhaps arrogance is just a personal trait. He is still very cautious when facing the enemy, which is also the key to his ability to enter the finals.

Wu Zunlong is also unhurried in looking for offensive opportunities in defense. As a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, he has enough patience to do anything.

In this way, the two sides started a tug of war with fists and fists, and soon both sides lost the prize. This scene also made the audience excited to watch.

In the box, Jones waved his hands and shouted excitedly: "Jon, use your speed and your long hands to hit him. Don't let him get closer again."

At this moment, Jones has completely assumed the role of a spectator, without any demeanor as an event organizer.

Mace was relatively calm, but judging from the fact that he was holding the wine glass tightly but not taking a sip, it seemed that he was just suppressing his inner excitement.

They naturally hope that Jon can win the championship. After all, a white champion has more commercial value than a Chinese champion. As long as Jon wins, his net worth will double.

Wu Zunlong's situation in the ring is indeed not optimistic. Even if his muscle strength is not inferior to Jon's, after all, the disadvantage in height and wingspan cannot be eliminated. Facing Jon's attack like a storm, Wu Zunlong Long could only resist with all his strength, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Jon, on the other hand, became more and more excited as he fought. Due to the congestion, the muscles all over his body looked stronger than before, and each punch became more powerful than the last.


After entering the third round, Wu Zunlong was obviously exhausted. With Jon's combination of swing punches and uppercuts, Wu Zunlong's defense finally showed a loophole. Jon seized the opportunity and punched him in the face. superior.

After Rumble fell to the ground, the referee immediately separated Jon who wanted to pursue him and started counting the seconds.

In the end, Wu Zunlong did not stand up again. The punch from Jon just now had completely knocked him out.

As the referee held up Jon's right hand, he also received the coveted championship.

"Well done, Jon."

"Oh, Jon, you're so awesome, I want to get on the boat with you!"

On the ring, Jon held the championship gold belt high and looked very excited. He shouted loudly: I am the champion, I am a fucking millionaire.

Compared with the honor of championship, becoming a millionaire is more important to him. From then on, he can let his family live a prosperous life, which is all wonderful.

At this time, Jon's wife and his two children also rushed to the Octagon, hugged Jon and cried, and this scene was recorded by the reporter's flash.

In the American concept, family always comes first, and only with family can we have a country.

Jones also gave Qin Hao a bear hug excitedly: "Oh, God, we are going to get rich!"

"No, to be precise, we have already made a fortune." Metz also had a smile on his face.

"Our gaming company made more than 30 million US dollars in this competition. Oh, I can't imagine that this was contributed by those guys who usually complain that they don't have enough food and want to receive government relief."

Qin Hao also laughed. This was only made by the gambling company. There were also various sponsorships and ticket sales, which totaled 10 million US dollars. After all, each of them could get 13 million US dollars.

Moreover, this is only the current short-term gain. For champion players like Jon, his commercial value will be continuously developed in the future, and he will continue to gain profits for them in the future.

"Man, I can't wait to prepare for the next competition." Jones looked at Qin Hao excitedly.

Qin Hao smiled: "Don't worry, the time interval cannot be too short, otherwise it will easily cause the audience's aesthetic fatigue, and they will have to wait at least a year."

"Oh, one year, can't it be shortened? Time is money."

"I think what Mr. Qin said makes sense. Don't be too impatient. Not only the audience needs to rest, but the players also need time to recover from their injuries."

In just half a day, the results of the finals were spread to thousands of households through newspapers, television, and radio stations, and Jon became a household star without exception.

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