Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 711 Blood transfusion kills?

The Taiji Palace was brightly lit, and Li Shimin sat in front of the case and meticulously handled the accumulated government affairs. The Sui Dynasty was in chaos, and the entire Central Plains was a hornet's nest. There were also invasions by grassland peoples such as the Turks. Although the thirty-six rebel kings were wiped out, the seventy-two rebel kings were defeated. The road is full of smoke and dust, but the world is already riddled with holes.

During the Xuanwu Gate Incident, Li Shimin killed his brother and forced his father, Li Yuan, to abdicate. It can be said that he risked the disapproval of the world.

Therefore, in the two years since he ascended the throne, he has been diligent and self-sufficient, never slacking off for a day. He wants everyone in the world to see that the Tang Dynasty will go to glory under the leadership of Li Er. He wants those who oppose him to know that he is better than Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng. If anyone is strong, he should be the emperor.

Chang'an, the moonlight is like frost.

After the curfew, Chang'an City was as quiet as a ghost. The people on both sides of the city wall were already sleeping peacefully. Only the night watchman Wu Hou held a torch and shuttled back and forth.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid horse hooves trampled the silent night sky of Chang'an City.

"Three hundred miles from Longyou, urgent!"

The messenger was riding a horse galloping through the city of Chang'an. Normally, he would have been captured by Marquis Wu, but at this moment, the Marquis Wu passing by held up torches to illuminate him.

"Longyou hurry up. Could it be that the Qiang people have surrounded Lanzhou?"

"Don't talk nonsense. There are Zuo Wuwei on the right side of Longlong, and Lu Guogong leads the troops to guard them. They can't easily capture the small Qiang people."

"But why did I hear that Duke Lu was in a bitter battle in Longyou and was unable to advance or retreat?"

"What you are talking about is all from the old man's calendar. A few days ago, two disciples of a hidden master came to the world and presented the method of making salt, which relieved the suffering of the lack of salt in Longyou. The soldiers regained their strength and have already attacked and defended Yixing."

"Oh? Is there anything else about this? Brother, can you tell me in detail."

Outside Tai Chi Palace, a rush of footsteps broke the tranquility.

Li Shimin, whose thoughts were disrupted, frowned and said to the eunuch beside him: "Go and see who doesn't understand the rules so much."


As soon as the eunuch opened the door, he saw a young eunuch holding two cloth bags in his hands and kneeling respectfully in front of the door.

"Three hundred miles from Longyou, expedited."

"Baiqisi is urgently reporting."

When the eunuch saw this, he didn't dare to neglect it. He quickly took it and ran all the way to kneel down in front of Li Shimin's case.

"Oh? It's rare for Cheng Zhijie and Bai Qisi to send urgent reports together."

Li Shimin raised his hand to signal the other party to bring it over, and opened the paint seal on the cloth bag. Li Shimin first read Cheng Yaojin's report. When he saw the words "Twenty stones per mu", his whole body trembled. .

However, Li Shimin suppressed his inner excitement, and then opened the cloth bag containing Baiqisi's secret report. The paint on it was intact, indicating that no one had seen the contents inside.

"Surely there is such a divine thing. God bless me, the Tang Dynasty, and God bless me, Li Shimin!"

Baiqisi's secret report was different from Cheng Yaojin's. Cheng Yaojin only briefly introduced a few words, but Baiqisi recorded the entire conversation between Qin Hao and Cheng Yaojin, word for word, on another piece of silk. , and also vividly depicts the appearance of potatoes.

"How come this magical creature that can produce twenty stones per hour looks so ordinary?"

At this moment, outside Tai Chi Palace, a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes walked into the palace.

"Your Majesty, why are you so happy?"

When Li Shimin saw the person coming, he immediately motioned for him to come up: "Mr. Guanyin, do you think there is really a grain yield of twenty dan per mu in this world?"

Empress Changsun burst out laughing: "Where did Erlang hear this from? Could it be that some officials made up such a big lie in order to cater to Erlang? How could there be food that yields twenty shi per acre in this world? Aren't the people in the world a fool?" If you have enough food and clothing, no one will starve to death again.”

"I didn't believe it at first, but Lu Guogong has always been mature and prudent, and Bai Qisi also saw it with his own eyes and even drew this thing." Li Shimin couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

Queen Changsun took it and took a look, her brows also wrinkled.

"Normally, Duke Lu is not someone who can be fooled easily. How did he know that this thing can yield twenty stones per hour?"

Li Shimin explained: "Previously, a disciple of a hidden master came to the world and offered the method of making salt from the salt mine. Does Guanyin still remember it?"

"Of course I remember, didn't Erlang also make them a baron? Could it be that this thing was also donated by the two of them?"

"Guanyin is really smart, she is exactly these two people."

"That being said, it is somewhat credible."

Li Shimin nodded: "Actually, it doesn't hurt to show off a little. As long as the yield per mu reaches ten stones, it can be called auspicious."

You must know that at this time, the yield of rice per mu was less than two dan, and the land was very demanding. It had extremely high requirements for the fertility of the land and irrigation. Judging from the reports from Cheng Yaojin and Bai Qisi, Potatoes don't have to be picked out and can be grown even on dry land. These two advantages alone are enough to make Li Shimin excited.

"It's a pity. If this thing had been born two or three years earlier, and the Turks invaded this time, I would have made him never come back!" Li Shimin slapped the case fiercely.

Empress Changsun comforted her: "Erlang doesn't have to be like this. This is a divine object. Since it is chosen to come to the world at this moment, it means that Erlang is the one who is destined to die, doesn't it?"

Li Shimin thought about it. If it had been a few years earlier, wouldn't it have been blamed on his father Li Yuan? What does it have to do with him?

"Yes, what Guanyin Maid said is true."

Queen Changsun thought for a while and reminded: "Such sacred objects must not fall into the hands of others."

"Yes, the Turks Chen Bing is in Jingyang, which is only 40 miles away from Chang'an. If he transports it rashly, there may be something wrong. I will regret it. It is best to wait until the Turks are driven back, and then let Cheng Zhijie personally escort them. Only then will everything be safe."

"Your Majesty is holy."

Li Shimin sighed: "Oh, it's a pity. I'm afraid I have to wait for a while before I can see the true appearance of the divine object."

Seeing Li Shimin's eager look, Empress Changsun was secretly amused. This Tang monarch had always shown his emotions and anger, but now he looked worried about gains and losses. If Wei Zheng saw it, he would probably nag him again.

"By the way, if this magical thing can really produce twenty stones per hour, how will Erlang plan to reward it?"

Li Shimin was also in trouble for a while. He had just given Qin Hao and Yun Ye titles, could they advance to another level so soon?

However, if we don't reward him heavily, we really can't do such a great service. This is food that can sustain countless people. In any dynasty, it would be enough to enjoy the Ancestral Temple for future generations to admire.

"Erlang, how about letting these two people come into the palace to accompany Qian'er?"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "Guanyin is really a good wife, okay, let's do it like this."

There is no rank in being a prince's companion, and it does not count as promotion to a noble rank. However, this position is of great significance. It is equivalent to giving an opportunity to build a good relationship with the future prince, and many aristocratic families covet it.

On the other hand, Yun Ye definitely didn't know that Li Shimin had set a so-called reward. If he knew, he would secretly scold Li Shimin for being stingy. He still had a title last time, but this time he got nothing and asked him to accompany a little boy. For a kid to study, this is not a reward, it is simply a punishment.

Of course, Yun Ye was not idle at this moment. Now Cheng Yaojin would come to his tent every day, mainly to look at the five large tanks. By the way, he would call Yun Ye and Qin Hao out to ask about the growth of potatoes. Condition.

Qin Hao and Yun Ye were both speechless. This thing had just been planted, how could it grow so quickly?

Later, when he got really tired of being asked, Qin Hao handed Cheng Yaojin a small hoe and asked him to dig it out for himself, as long as he didn't come to him if something happened.

Cheng Yaojin finally calmed down, but he still walked around in front of the large vats every morning and evening as usual. When it rained, he even had people move the vats into Yun Ye's tent, for fear that the rain would wet the potatoes. broken.

"Why don't you move these crappy things to my senior brother's tent."

"Your tent is relatively close." Cheng Yaojin said confidently, and by the way, he pressed Yun Ye's shoulders. Poor Yun Ye no longer dared to object.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Zuo Wuwei carried out a large-scale purge of the Qiang people in Longyou. Because Zuo Wuwei had sufficient salt supplies, they all changed from soft-legged shrimps to descending tigers, and the Qiang people Humans, on the other hand, have suffered from a lack of salt for a long time, and their combat effectiveness has been deteriorating. They have been defeated by Zuo Wuwei several times.

On this day, Qin Hao was sitting cross-legged in his tent meditating when he suddenly heard a noise in the military camp, and soon the curtain of his tent was violently opened.

Cheng Chumo was covered in blood, holding someone in his hands, and he knelt down in front of Qin Hao.

"Master Qin, please save my brother. As long as you can save him, Cheng Chumo's life will be yours from now on!"

Qin Hao frowned, and after taking a quick look, he frowned. There were nine cuts on this man's body. Although none of them were fatal, it was a miracle that he could still survive to this point after bleeding so much.

Called Yun Ye: "Bring me your mobile phone."

Yun Ye didn't know why but still handed it over. Qin Hao turned on the flash and opened the man's eyelids. There was no obvious change in his pupils, which meant that he was no longer sensitive to light and had entered a state of shock and lost consciousness.

"Quick, prepare to suture the wound."

Upon seeing this, Yun Ye reminded: "He has lost so much blood. Stopping the bleeding alone is not enough. He needs a blood transfusion to save his life."

"Blood transfusion? How? I'll do it. As long as I can save my brother, I'm willing to kill him." Cheng Chumo grabbed Yun Ye's arm with red eyes.

Yun Ye gritted his teeth in pain. Qin Hao couldn't bear to see it anymore and threw Cheng Chumo out directly: "If you don't want him to die, just stay outside for me."

"There are blood test strips in the medical kit. You are responsible for the blood test, and I will suture his wound." Qin Hao said to Yun Ye.

With his life at stake, Yun Ye didn't care about the red mark on his arm that was scratched by Cheng Chumo. He took out the test paper and checked the blood type of the lying man first, and then came outside the tent.

When Cheng Chumo saw Yun Ye coming out, he immediately stretched out his arm: "Use my blood. Zhuang Santing took the knife for me, so I will give him my life as a gift."

Before Cheng Chumo could finish speaking, he was kicked down.

Cheng Yaojin cursed and said: "You bastard, I'm not even dead yet, so it's your turn."

After saying that, he turned to Yun Ye and said, "Boy Yun, do you have to have your own blood, or can anyone's blood be used?"

"As long as your blood type agrees."

Seeing Cheng Yaojin and Cheng Chumo's confused expressions, Yun Ye had no choice but to conduct some simple science popularization on them.

"Human blood types are generally divided into four types: A, B, C, and D. Of course, there are also some very special blood types, which are relatively rare and are not within the scope of normal consideration. As long as you know, only people with the same blood type can receive blood transfusions. Once the wrong blood type is transfused, according to the existing medical conditions, death is basically certain."

Cheng Chumo was still confused, but Cheng Yaojin understood: "In other words, as long as the blood types match, what about the Qiang people?"

"Theoretically it's possible."

Before Yun Ye could finish speaking, Cheng Yaojin waved his hand: "Go and bring me those Qiang prisoners!"

Soon, dozens of ragged Qiang prisoners were brought up. These Qiang prisoners thought Cheng Yaojin was going to kill them, so they all huddled together.

Cheng Yaojin said to Yun Ye: "Are these people enough? If not, there is still more."

"That's enough. Zhuang San Ting is a common blood type A. With so many people, there should be quite a few that match it."

"Then take a quick test."

Yun Ye took out a needle and test paper, pricked the Qiang prisoner's finger, and dripped onto the test paper. He was really lucky, and when he tested the second blood type, it was the same blood type as Zhuang Santing.

Cheng Chumo said eagerly: "Now that we have found the same blood type, can we do a blood transfusion?"

"Well, I'm going to get the tools."

"No need to go to so much trouble, just bring him in."

Cheng Yaojin lifted the Qiang man's neck, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and strode into the tent. He was also curious about how this thaumaturgy of "blood transfusion for life" was performed.

In the tent, Qin Hao had already stitched up the six more serious wounds on Zhuang Santing's body.

"Hurry up and get a blood transfusion, he can't hold on any longer."

When Yun Ye saw this, he didn't dare to delay. He immediately took out the needle from the first aid kit, found the vein on the Qiang man's arm and inserted it.

The Qiang man wanted to struggle, but was pinned down by Cheng Yaojin and Cheng Chumo. He could only watch as the blood on his body was extracted bit by bit into the strange transparent vessel.

"Woo~~~" The Qiang people kept mumbling something, and Yun Ye couldn't understand it. In addition, Zhuang Santing was already dying over there, so he couldn't care about so much. After drawing 500 ml of blood, He hurriedly gave Zhuang Santing a blood transfusion.

"Is this the end?" Cheng Chumo blinked. This was a little different from the "life-killing blood transfusion" he imagined.

Before he could finish speaking, the Qiang man's limbs went limp. Cheng Chumo thought the guy had fainted from fright, but when he checked his breath, Cheng Chumo was dumbfounded.

"he died."

Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened and he reached out to feel the pulse on the Qiang man's neck.

"This is how blood transfusion can kill someone. It's really miraculous!"

At the same time, Cheng Yaojin was secretly glad that he came out early and didn't let this boy do anything stupid. Otherwise, if the son he finally raised died like this, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin glared at his son fiercely.

Cheng Chumo didn't care about the look in his father's eyes, and hurriedly went to check on Zhuang Santing's condition. What surprised him was that Zhuang Santing's face, which originally had no color at all, was slowly turning rosy. (End of chapter)

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