Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 727 Work-for-relief

The next morning, the sun rose in the east, but the victims lying on the roadside were indifferent. For them, the day was more difficult than the night, at least they would not feel hungry after falling asleep at night.

The sense of hunger prompted these victims to open their eyes, but there was no light in them and they were full of numbness. They gave the impression that they were not living people, but walking corpses.

Suddenly, an inexplicable aroma wafted over from the village. The victims finally had a trace of longing in their eyes, and the sounds of swallowing and the rumbling drums in their stomachs came one after another.

"Mother, the people of this Zhuangzi are blessed. I wish I could be reborn in this Zhuangzi in my next life."

"Oh, this tastes so delicious. I'm hungry. If I could just take a bite, it would be worth my life."

"Woo~~~Uncle, please do me a favor and give me a bite to eat. I will spend the rest of my life working as a cow to repay your kindness."

Faced with the pleading of the victims outside Zhuangzi, the villagers guarding the isolation fence felt uncomfortable. They were all fellow Guanzhong people, and they were not as ruthless as grass and trees. However, they also knew very well that their own food could not feed so many victims. Once this hole was opened, they couldn't stop it. They didn't dare to gamble with the lives of their parents, wives, and children.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of gong beating from far to near.

Old man Liu walked and beat the gong, came to the fence, puffed up his chest and shouted loudly.

"Listen up, everyone. Your Majesty is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see the fellow villagers suffering here. From today on, we will set up a porridge shed to provide porridge."

Before he could finish his words, he was completely covered up by the cheers and cries of the victims.

"Woo~~~Finally I don't have to starve to death."

"Father, mother, why can't you hold on for a few more days? If you hold on until here, you will have something to eat."

"That's great, brother, we can live, we can live."

The eyes of the disaster victims who had been dull before, like walking corpses, now have renewed energy in their eyes.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that animals live entirely by instinct, while humans live by hope. Once there is hope of living, the potential that humans can unleash is endless.

After the victims became quiet again, Old Man Liu continued to shout at the top of his lungs.

"Although the Lord is kind, he cannot produce food. There is a daily quota for porridge. Each person has a bowl. After everyone is registered, they will receive a nameplate. From now on, they can use the nameplate to get porridge. If someone robs them, If someone pretends to have their nameplate, they will be killed without mercy!"

In extraordinary times, extraordinary methods should be used. If you don't use some means to shock these victims, it will cause big chaos if not done well.

When people are extremely hungry, they can do anything. Who knows how many of these victims survived by robbing others of their food.

Faced with Old Man Liu's request, the victims showed no resistance. For them, as long as they could stutter and have hope of living, registering their place of origin was nothing.

"what is it call?"

"Zhang Aniu."

"Where is your hometown?"

"Zhangjia Village, Yangping Township, Chencang County."

"Well, this is your nameplate, with your name engraved on it. Take your bowls and queue over there. I'll call you when the porridge is ready." A clerk waved his hand to indicate the next one.

"Oh, thank you, sir."

The household registration book was soon filled with dense information about the victims, and the victims who had completed the registration consciously lined up in a long line one by one, eagerly awaiting the arrival.

After almost half an hour, a group of strong men came over carrying two large pots. The leader was burly and impressive.

There was a commotion among the victims.

Old Man Liu quickly led others to stop him, and the bankers all pulled out their long knives. Anyone who dared to make any move would immediately end up with his body and head missing.

"Let me see everything clearly. This is our lord, the great benefactor who saved your lives!"

Upon hearing this, the victims knelt down and kowtowed.

"My benefactor, this little old man will work as a cow and a horse for you in the next life."

"Our brothers kowtow to our benefactor."

Qin Hao took the iron spoon and knocked on one of the large iron pots.

"Everyone, get up. I have also opened a porridge restaurant on His Majesty's orders. If you want to thank you, please thank Your Majesty."

Giving porridge during a major disaster can win people's hearts and easily violate taboos. He believed that there must be spies from Baiqisi here, and it was important to show his attitude.

A ragged victim walked up to Qin Hao, but his eyes were peering into the iron pot. His Adam's apple squirmed. The yellow liquid in the iron pot exuded an aroma that he had never smelled before. Although he didn't know the taste, it seemed to him For him, it doesn't matter, that is his hope to survive.

A large spoonful of porridge made from thick potato flour was poured into the broken bowls of the victims.

After the victim bowed to Qin Hao, he quickly took a sip. The porridge was a little hot, but he was reluctant to spit it out. He held it in his mouth for a while, then slowly swallowed it with a sigh of relief.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious. What kind of porridge is this? How can it be so delicious?" The victims' eyes widened.

One after another, the victims ate the porridge. They all marveled at the generosity of the Lord, who was willing to use so much grain to cook porridge for them. Even the porridge shed set up by the Chang'an City court only had clear soup and little water. There were not even a few grains of rice visible in the porridge.

"Good man."

"Your Majesty is truly a living Bodhisattva."

Some victims cried while eating, while others lay on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Hao after eating.

Qin Hao couldn't bear to see such a scene, so he handed the spoon to Old Man Liu: "Come and beat them. Don't be reluctant and fill their bowls."

"Sir, you give so many people porridge. I think one meal for one day is enough for them." Old Man Liu said with emotion.

Qin Hao looked at the victims who wanted to lick their bowls clean, and he couldn't help but sigh. In fact, he had tasted this porridge. To be honest, it didn't taste very good. He added some wild vegetables to the potato powder, and then added A pinch of salt. When Qin Hao was a child in the countryside, this was how his grandma fed the pigs.

There is no choice in this disaster year. Food is too precious. Even if Qin Hao is willing to spend money, it is difficult to buy enough food. He can only use potato flour instead. Fortunately, this stuff is more resistant to hunger than whole grains.

"I hope they can survive this disaster year."

With food to eat, these victims also have hope of survival. They are also more polite to the farmers guarding the fence, and there is no longer the tense atmosphere before.

The next day, under the organization of Old Man Liu, a group of young and middle-aged people among the victims were organized and entered Zhuangzi to start reclaiming wasteland and building water conservancy.

"You are lucky enough to have escaped famine and arrived at Ermen Village. The Lord is so kind that he cannot bear to see you starve to death. As human beings, we should repay kindness. Do you think this is true?"

"Yes, the old man is right, we don't eat for free, we have the strength to work."

"Yes, as long as there is food, we can do whatever we are told."

Old Man Liu nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. You only eat two thin meals a day outside. If you come here to work, you will have two hard meals a day to keep you satisfied."

"Old man, are you telling the truth? Are you really full?" The victims were in a commotion. Ever since the locust plague broke out in Guanzhong, they had never experienced what it meant to be full, and they had almost forgotten what it felt like to be full. .

"There are still lies in what Sir Alex said, but I will say the ugly things to the end. If anyone cheats and cheats while working, the old man will not rub dirt in his eyes." Old man Liu said with a stern face.

"Don't worry, old man, we will definitely do a good job."

"Yeah, yeah, we won't be lazy."

Under the temptation of "eating well", the enthusiasm of the victims for work was completely aroused. They were all farmers, and they were unambiguous about their work.

At noon, the women from the village came to deliver food.

After washing the round potatoes one by one, steaming them and bringing them over in a big pot, there was also a pot of wild vegetable soup, which was salted and had a layer of oil on it. It was the added lard residue. Qin Hao We know that it is useless to only ingest carbohydrates during heavy physical exercise. You will be hungry soon. Salt and fat are good supplements and can make people feel full.

Of course, he is the only one who is willing to do this. In ordinary porridge shacks, a large pot of clear porridge is cooked with just a few bowls of rice, as long as he doesn't starve to death.

"Woo~~~What is this round thing? It's so delicious."

"There is actually salt and meat in this soup. Oh my god, let us all eat these. How rich will this manor be? It would be great if he could stay in this manor."

When the villagers heard the comments of the victims, they couldn't help but straighten their chests. Sometimes happiness really needs to be compared.

The victims who had worked all day came out of Zhuangzi. Although these victims behaved well during the day, if so many young and middle-aged people stayed in Zhuangzi, it would be difficult to cause trouble. So we could only let them go back first. The next day he went to work in Zhuangzi.

"Brother, how can I really be full in there?" A skinny child asked, blinking his big black eyes.

The young man who was half a head taller than him pulled him aside, and then, in his surprised eyes, he took out two potatoes the size of a child's fist from his arms.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't be robbed. This is a potato. I heard from the people on their farm that it is a new type of food. The yield per acre is very high. Oh, if only our family could grow such food." , we will no longer be afraid of disaster years, and our parents will not have to leave all the food to us and starve to death." Zhang Aniu wiped his tears and put two potatoes into his brother's hands.

The younger brother looked at him hesitantly: "Brother, you better eat it. You did a lot of work today. I lay down all day and drank two bowls of porridge. That's enough."

"No, I've eaten enough. The Lord is kind-hearted. All those who work in the village have two meals a day. They are still full, but they are not allowed to take away. I secretly hid two meals while their farmers were not paying attention. I'll bring it to you tomorrow." Zhang Aniu rubbed his brother's head and said.

"Wow, you can still eat after two meals? It's a pity that my forehead is too small, otherwise I would have gone with my brother."

"Not only that, there is also soup, with salt and fat meat. Unfortunately, I only scooped out a small piece. I saw others scooping out several pieces. The taste is really delicious." Zhang Aniu unconsciously said He licked his lips with a look of aftertaste on his face.

"There's still meat. I'll be a good boy. The people in this village are living a life of immortality. It would be great if we could stay."

"Yeah, it'll be nice if you can stay."

At the same time, many victims outside knew that they could get such good treatment by working in the village. Their eyes were red, especially a small group of them who could have worked in the village, but pretended to be sick and didn't want to. Go, these people think they are smart, they think they have food and drink every day anyway, so why bother working for others.

At this moment, each of these people wanted to slap themselves twice. How long had it been since they had eaten enough?

However, the next day these people's request to work in Zhuangzi was rejected.

"You young people, I asked you to come yesterday, but you didn't come. Now I know you regret it. It's too late. There are enough people. We don't have that much food in the village for you. Those who read their names come in, and the rest are outside. Wait, I'll call you when there's work." Old Man Liu spat on the ground disdainfully. He hated these sneaky people the most. If I give you a chance to live, you won't even do any work. According to him, With my past temper, I shouldn't have given these people porridge.

The victims whose names were read entered the village happily, while the other victims could only watch helplessly. Of course, some victims stared at Old Man Liu and other villagers with resentful eyes.

These victims did not know that the victims in other areas of Guanzhong were in a situation where they might starve to death at any time. Even though Li Shimin listened to Qin Hao's various measures, he still could not stop the overwhelming locust plague from raging.

In ancient times without chemical pesticides, there was no solution to a locust plague of this scale.

Fortunately, Li Shimin had previously obtained a lot of grain reserves from aristocratic families. With the support of these grain reserves, at least the victims around Chang'an could still barely survive, but that was all. Not to mention they were full, and even the bowls were full. A few grains of rice will make you happy for a long time.

Li Shimin was so worried that his lips were blistered in the Taiji Hall. More than half of Guanzhong had fallen, and everyone was asking him for food relief reports.

After handling government affairs, Li Shimin rarely sat down to rest for a while. Suddenly he looked at the eunuch beside him and asked, "What are the men from Qin County doing these days?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the men from Qin County are helping the victims."

The eunuch eagerly handed over Baiqisi's secret report.

After reading it, Li Shimin finally had a smile on his face: "This guy is really good at being a good person."

"Where is that boy Yun Ye?" Li Shimin suddenly thought.

The eunuch handed over another secret report from Baiqisi.

Li Shimin unfolded it and took a look, then put it down after a long time. He sighed: "As expected, they are from the same school. The methods of saving the world and the people are exactly the same."

In fact, Yun Ye started hoarding food as early as last winter, even earlier than Li Shimin. In addition, after harvesting potatoes, he hoarded more food than Qin Hao. Similarly, he also launched a work-for-work system. Relief does not mean that the victims are allowed to reclaim wasteland, but that they go to study in academies.

With the labor force of these disaster victims, the college, which was originally expected to be completed in September, is expected to be almost ready for use in July.

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