Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 735 The collective wisdom of academy students

After the Double Ninth Festival, the academy had three more teachers, and the curriculum was enriched. These old gentlemen were all knowledgeable contemporary scholars, so the academy added three more subdivided courses: history, law, and agricultural economics.

These three courses are not considered main courses, but the final exam scores of each semester will be included in the students' total credits.

That's right, after discussing with Yun Ye, Qin Hao decided to adopt a credit system instead of simply and crudely deciding whether students can graduate based on test scores.

Although the examination system is relatively fair, it has a very troublesome drawback, which is that it sends a wrong signal to students: everything is for the examination.

Qin Hao has never doubted the test-taking ability of Chinese people. Even in top universities in beautiful countries, the test scores of Chinese international students are often among the top.

Although the credit system also has the disadvantage of "favorite points", generally speaking, it is much better than one exam that determines life.

Students will be given certain credits according to their behavioral scores and test scores in each semester. Only after completing the credits can they be eligible to participate in the final graduation examination. After passing the graduation examination, they can conduct a graduation defense.

The so-called behavioral scores are not just students' performance in class, but also students' performance in completing research tasks assigned by teachers.

Of course, research topics are only assigned in the last year of students' enrollment. These topics not only require students to have certain hands-on skills, but also often require teamwork to complete. The degree of completion of the topics directly determines the score of the entire topic group. .

Moreover, the credits you can get through research projects in the final year account for half of the total credits, which is very important.

"Senior brother, why do I feel that by designing the graduation system like this, doesn't it just give these guys an excuse to stay in the academy and refuse to leave?" Yun Ye said with a bitter smile.

Qin Hao thought the same thing: "Then add one more thing. Those who fail the first-year graduation exam can stay in school for another year. If they fail again, they will be expelled and will never be admitted."

Li Gang spoke highly of the graduation system designed by Qin Hao and Yun Ye.

"Yes, this way they can apply what they have learned instead of just talking about it on paper."

After getting Li Gang's approval, this graduation system was successfully passed. As Yun Ye expected, when the boys like Xue Er saw this system, they all cheered because it meant that they could stay in the college for one more year. .

In the next month, Qin Hao continued to live a plain but fulfilling life in the academy. In his spare time, he also tried to refine the elixirs according to the elixir prescriptions given by Yuan Tiangang, but all ended in failure without exception.

"Mr. Qin County, don't worry about it. The Qiankun Yiqi Pill and the Nine-turn Hunyuan Pill are Taoist elixirs. If they were easy to refine, they wouldn't have been lost to this day."

Qin Hao sneered at Yuan Tiangang's comfort. This old boy probably didn't know that after eight failures, AlphaGo had almost summarized the reasons for the failure of alchemy. As long as there was a while, he would be able to refine it. Create this so-called panacea.

Just when Qin Hao was about to clean up the medicine residue in the alchemy furnace, there was a rush of footsteps, and then a sharp voice came from outside the house.

"Your Majesty has a decree, please ask the men from Qin County to come to the palace to see you as soon as possible."

Upon seeing this, Yuan Tiangang took the initiative to take over the job of cleaning up the medicine dregs. After Qin Hao left, while cleaning up the medicine dregs, Yuan Tiangang was surprised to find that although the refining of the elixir failed, it was not the same as when he refined it. It exudes a foul odor, but on the contrary, there is still a hint of medicinal fragrance in the alchemy furnace.

"Has he already touched the threshold of refining the elixir?" Yuan Tiangang was startled by his guess.

After Qin Hao followed the eunuch who delivered the message to Chang'an City, he immediately found that the atmosphere was not quite right. There were obviously many more soldiers guarding the city gate than usual, and the number of Wuhou on patrol was more than double that of usual. A, at first glance, he looks like an elite who has been on the battlefield.

Just when Qin Hao was confused, he happened to meet Yun Ye who was rushing over outside the palace gate.

"Senior brother, something is wrong." Yun Ye quietly moved closer.

The eunuch leading the way turned around and glanced sideways at Yun Ye. Qin Hao signaled him to be silent. It must be no small matter to make all the eunuchs in the palace so nervous.

After arriving at the Tai Chi Hall, Qin Hao and Yun Ye were dragged into the military attache queue by Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda. Du Ruhui opened his mouth when he saw this, but in the end he just glared at Cheng Yaojin.

Not long after, Li Shimin walked into the Tai Chi Hall in a hurry.

"Just now, a battle report has been urgently sent from eight hundred miles away from Suzhou. The Turkic generals Yalkin and Ashinadur led their troops to the west of the river. Zhang Shigui and Zhang Baoxiang asked for reinforcements. What do you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the military attachés of Cheng Yaojin's faction all clamored to personally lead reinforcements to show the Turks some color.

"Your Majesty, winter is approaching. The Turks must be taking advantage of this opportunity to plunder. As long as Zhang Shigui and Zhang Baoxiang are allowed to strengthen the walls and clear the country, relying on the two strong cities of Suzhou and Ganzhou to attack, the Turks will surely retreat soon."

Before Du Ruhui finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin cursed loudly.

"Nonsense, the people in Hexi are also the people of the Tang Dynasty. Do we just watch them being plundered and massacred by the Turks? Let me see, since the Turks broke the treaty first, it is better to send troops immediately to conquer the Turks. Kill these sons of bitches!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, please send troops quickly. I am willing to be the vanguard."

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to be a pioneer."

The generals all fell to their knees. Yun Ye was dumbfounded. Should he kneel or not?

After thinking about it, I decided to kneel down. If he didn’t kneel down even though he was already kneeling, wouldn’t it look like he was too unsocial?

Li Shimin originally had a headache when he saw Wen and Wu arguing endlessly, but when he saw Yun Ye also asking for orders, he almost lost his temper.

"Yunxian man, do you also want to fight for this pioneer position?"

Sure enough, all the eyes in the court fell on Yun Ye. Yun Ye secretly cursed Li Er for being unkind. So many generals had requested orders, so why did he name him? He had no choice but to bite the bullet. stand out.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Turks were committing all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, looting and looting, and I was filled with indignation. Although I don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, I am willing to do my best to help the Tang Dynasty to exterminate the Turks."

Qin Hao almost burst into laughter. Yun Ye is such a naughty boy. Although he may appear impassioned on the surface, he actually points out that he is powerless. He just tells Li Shimin, you must not click on me. Be a pioneer, otherwise you will be responsible if something goes wrong.

Naturally, Li Shimin could hear there was something in Yun Ye's words, and he was very happy: "Okay, since the Yun County man has this intention, then he should join Zuo Wuwei's account and obey his orders."

"Ah?" Yun Ye was about to cry but had no tears. He didn't know how to fight, and he didn't want to go to the battlefield.

When Fang Xuanling saw that Li Shimin had already planned to send troops to conquer the Turks, he felt anxious and quickly stood up and knelt down to speak.

"Your Majesty, now that the national treasury is empty, people's livelihood is in decline, and everything is in ruins, it is really not appropriate to start a war lightly."

Cheng Yaojin heard this and said angrily: "We have been shouting about no money and food all day long. We are not ready, and the Turks are not ready either. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. In this battle, Old Cheng is willing to be the vanguard, and I will kill Old Jie Li." I present my son’s head to Your Majesty.”

Qin Hao nodded secretly. Although Cheng Yaojin looked tall and rough on the outside, he was actually very careful. He could see Li Shimin's hesitation. These words seemed to be asking for orders, but in fact they were giving Li Shimin advice to analyze the situation between ourselves and the enemy.

In the end, Li Shimin made a decision and decided to send troops from six directions to conquer the Turks.

Qin Hao knew that with this battle, Li Shimin would completely establish the title of emperor through the ages, and the Tang Dynasty would become the brightest pearl in the history of the Chinese nation. Even a thousand years later, the place where Chinese people gather will be known as "Chinatown" name!

The moment he walked out of the palace, Yun Ye was on the verge of tears: "Brother, why am I always the unlucky one?"

Qin Hao could only pat him on the shoulder to show sympathy.

"Okay, don't look so gloomy. After all, under the hands of Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda, you won't be in too much danger."

That night, Yun Mansion was filled with gloom and mist. Yun Ye's sisters hugged him and refused to let go, for fear that Yun Ye would disappear when he woke up. Mrs. Yun secretly wiped her tears from time to time.

Li Shimin did not let Qin Hao participate in this war to conquer the Turks. After all, swords have no eyes. There are only two people in Qin Hao's sect: he and Yun Ye. If something goes wrong, it will definitely be a huge loss for Li Shimin.

In November of the third year of Zhenguan, the war machine of the Tang Dynasty began to run at high speed. The first heavy snow in winter came quietly, but the military camps were busy. Regarding war, the children of Guanzhong had an almost obsessed fanaticism. This is also similar to It is related to the military merit system of the Tang Dynasty. For many ordinary people, killing enemies and gaining military merit on the battlefield may be the only chance to change their destiny.

Yun Ye went to Zuo Wuwei to report, and Qin Hao naturally had to teach for him at the academy.

On a snowy morning, the students of the academy still started their day of study and life with a morning run.

The difference is that this time it was not Niu Jinda who pulled them out of bed, but Qin Hao.

Although the weather is cold, the students do not complain too much. People are very adaptable. In the three months since they entered school, their living habits have quietly changed. They take a hot bath and eat after running in the morning every day. Have breakfast, and then start the day's study until the end of Youshi. In the evening, you can have your own free time.

You can continue to stay up late reading, or you can play in groups, or go to the playground to sweat.

The peaceful and fulfilling life in the academy seems to make people forget the passage of time.

On this day, Qin Hao finished his last class in the afternoon and was about to leave the classroom when he was surrounded by Xue Er and his entourage.

"Mr. Qin, can you come with me to the canteen?"

Seeing their faces full of joy, Qin Hao couldn't help but smile and said, "You can't say anything directly, it's so mysterious."

"Hey, sir, you can tell at a glance." Xue Er and others looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Braving the wind and snow all the way to the cafeteria, Qin Hao smelled an alluring aroma before entering.

Xue Er and his entourage pushed Qin Hao to the back kitchen, where they saw two cooks waving shovels vigorously and stir-frying on a large pot.

"Is this what you want me to see?" Qin Hao stepped forward, grabbed a handful of white powder mixed with a little yellow from the pot, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it.

Xue Er and others looked at each other and smiled, and said somewhat proudly.

"Sir, this is improved military ration specially developed by us."

Qin Hao looked at them in surprise: "Oh? Military rations?"

"That's right, my Xue family has been a family of generals for generations, and I have been familiar with military camp affairs since I was a child. Our military rations in the Tang Dynasty mainly consist of cooking biscuits. Now in the cold winter months, if I take a bite of such military rations, I am afraid my teeth will break, so , we developed this new type of military ration."

"This kind of military ration is mainly made by mixing wheat flour and potato flour and frying it. It can be eaten directly. If it is brewed with hot water, it will not only taste better, but also make you feel fuller after eating it."

Upon hearing this, Qin Hao asked the cook to get a small cloth bag, filled it and turned around to leave.

Xue Er and others were originally waiting for Qin Hao's praise, but they looked at each other in shock when they saw this.

But when Qin Hao walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said to them: "This is a new type of military ration developed for the army. I should present it to His Majesty."

It wasn't until Qin Hao's back disappeared into the wind and snow that Xue Er and others embraced each other with joy.

In the Taiji Hall, Li Shimin was extremely busy with Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling and other civil servants. The troops and horses had not yet used the food and fodder. For the Tang Dynasty, which had just experienced drought and locust plague, raising military food for a hundred thousand troops was almost overwhelming. All of his family's fortune has been wiped out. If he loses this battle, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, a eunuch suddenly reported: "Your Majesty, a man from Qin County is outside asking for an audience."

"Oh? Please come in."


Not long after, Qin Hao walked into the Tai Chi Hall, and Li Shimin said to the eunuch beside him: "Go and add another brazier."


Li Shimin waved to Qin Hao again: "Qin Aiqing, there is no need to be polite. Sit closer to warm yourself."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Qin Hao was not polite and sat in front of the brazier.

"Qin Aiqing came here in the snow and wind, why?"

Qin Hao took out the small cloth bag directly from his arms and raised his hands above his head: "This is a new type of military ration developed by the students of the academy, specially presented to His Majesty."

"Oh? New military ration?"

Not only Li Shimin, but also all the civil servants were interested.

Li Shimin took the small cloth bag held by the eunuch's hands, opened it and found a pile of powder. Curiously, he twisted some with his hands, put it under his nose and smelled it.

"What's so special about this thing?"

"Reporting to your majesty, this is wheat flour and a small amount of potato flour stir-fried with salt. It can be eaten directly. It can be brewed with hot water to make you feel fuller. In such a cold winter, it is difficult for soldiers to eat traditional military rations such as dry food and cooking cakes. Swallow, so the academy students developed this new type of military ration."

Du Ruhui was the first to pour some powder from the bag and stuff it into his mouth. Not to mention, it tasted really good.

Li Shimin also asked the eunuch to get hot water for brewing. After drinking it, he felt a sense of warmth in his stomach.

"Well, this thing is really good."

However, Li Shimin changed the subject again and looked at Qin Hao playfully: "Qin Aiqing, could it be that you developed this thing yourself and named it after a student of the academy?"

Li Shimin was not surprised that such novelty came from the hands of Qin Hao and Yun Ye. As for those students, they had only been in school for more than three months, what skills could they learn?

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