Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 143: Chimera Cursed Seal (1)

"Hmm~ you're finally back and even grace me with your original body instead of a clone. Have I been that good?" As Kai enters the underground construction within the T&I Department, publicly known as the Intelligence department, an almost sultry... nay, a totally slutty coo welcomes him. With her jet-black straight hair tied into a low ponytail, she wears a white lab coat on her curvaceous form and glances at him from a distance.

Not replying to her directly, Kai lets his gaze roam around... the large room. It's her fault that she's standing in the center of it next to the key point of interest and thus attracted more curious glances.

Unlike Fukushu's— the Second Priest of the Jashin Cult— room, this was quite spacious, like a hall. In the center, with many metal tubes injected into its body is a giant 'ball' of dog heads that are snoring quietly. Their muzzles have transparent masks connected to thick tubes that stretch and connect to the ceiling of the facility. On one of the four walls, a shelf filled with materials extracted from this Chimera Dog is sealed in glass tubes of various sizes. The other three walls are turned into various zones. One of them has a few mechanical tools to research, another one just has a simple desk with a journal and the strangest of them all is the lunch table...

Only the likes of Orochi and Tsunade wouldn't throw up in this room due to their extensive experience in such matters. A distinct odor of disinfectant fills the room, too. Right now, Orochimaru is writing a few things on her clipboard and beckons him over with a gesture and chuckles, "I heard you got a team for yourself. How quickly time passes. You're all grown up, hmm."

Kai shrugs and replies, "They still have a lot to learn and train. Especially when it comes to Iryo Nin... so? You're focusing on Cerberus instead of Fukushu?"

"Cerberus is easier to understand and conclude my findings upon. Fukushu... needs time. As a human, he has the resilience to torture and loves it. There is nothing I can really do to break him at the moment and even if I did, I feel that he doesn't know the true nature of the Jutsu used on him itself. He speaks the truth when he says that he got Jashin's blessing through a ritual."

"A seal maybe?" Kai muses out loud but she shrugs, "Don't know. At the moment, my time is better spent on this Cerberus. Say, you have a good relationship with the Inuzuka Matriarch's daughter. Could you get me a pack of dogs?"

"And get my dick bitten off?" He scoffs, "There are better ways to research this dog, no? Did you find out why this body doesn't have a limit?"

She understands what he's talking about. By nature, there aren't many lifeforms that impeded oneself. For instance, this dog cannot move or do anything else but bark. It cannot even eat and is naturally supported by chakra. This Dog's specialty of growing heads is also the reason for its downfall. But they realized early on in their research that this dog isn't meant to be so extreme. Yes, there are living beings who would hurt themselves naturally, but this Dog isn't one of them.

So, something must have been changed within it.

"Its limits are permanently removed..." Orochimaru narrows her eyes, "All living beings capable of wielding chakra have 8 special tenketsu in our chakra coils that restricts the flow of chakra, also called the 8 Gates. Opening the limits without care means overflowing chakra, i.e, the physical and spiritual energy. The Kumo's research team sought to better the beast and not only damaged the chakra coils of the beast but also opened 5 of these gates."

Kai looks at the sleeping beast with a thoughtful expression and asks further, "Can I look at the complete report on the damages?"

She hands him the clipboard and remarks, "I'm still formulating the rest but the observation on the beast's chakra coils is already concluded."

As he looks through the report, Orochimaru crosses her arms and leans on the nearest metal device for probing the beast, "Tsunade had something interesting to say... something along the lines that you've completed my work?"

"Just the rough framework," Kai snickers, "Your appetite is too big, Orochimaru-san. But yeah, the seal I developed is a step forward for you, too. In a manner that you may not necessarily have to risk your soul."

Her slit yellow pupils brighten and she licks her lips, "My appetite is just fine for me. It rather leaves room for a lot more," she lets her tone slur a bit and questions, "So? When am I getting invited to the happy event?"

"Oh, I'm not marrying now," Kai shrugs, "They still think I'm too young for it. I'll let you know, I've babysat Mikoto's half-brother twice now. I'm practically an expert on cleaning diapers... using my clones."

"Hmm? Who said anything about the marriage?" Her words finally pry his attention from the clipboard and let it settle on her as he frowns, "Then... training? If you want, you can stop by in the morning."

"Maybe they are right... you are too young," Orochimaru is a little speechless at this point, and understanding flashes on his expression, "Ah, you meant that. Eh, if you really want to join, sure. Who am I to stop you? Did you know, Nono already has developed a Genjutsu with you and me doing it, both of us are male in that."

The nonchalance and the show Nono is watching by now make Orochimaru even more speechless. Deciding to stop 'teasing' the youth since it has lost all its effect, a rather hearty smile forms on her pale, oval face, "It's good to know that. But onto more important matters... I assume that Tsunade didn't come because you didn't leave her with the ability to walk, right?"

Fully knowing that she's just eager to know what he and Tsunade have been doing away from her, Kai just laughs, "If you're into it, sure."

He really isn't the person who should reveal Kushina's chakra mode or Tsunade's Mokuton and Sage Mode.

Pouting, Orochimaru huffs. But none of the coyness could be seen in her gaze. Instead, she struts toward Kai this time and leans onto his back. Her hands slip from under his arms and then tap the clipboard in front of him while she practically breathes into his ear, "It's rare for us to be alone like this." Her subtle, natural fragrance is too arousing to be ignored.

But suddenly, the figure behind Kai wavers and disappears altogether. Orochimaru is still leaning against the machine with her smile broadening further, attaining a wicked quality.

Even before she can speak, Kai smirks and looks at the clipboard, "What can I say, you taught me well, Orochimaru-san. To not be cautious around you is similar to letting... well, turning into a chick and believing Jiraiya has a great secret in his room. I'd be fucked in both situations."

At this point, he feels her on his back once again. Instead of tapping the clipboard, her hands slip from under his arms and roam over his chest through his shirt as she whispers, "But you only prefer one of these situations, don't you?"

Her breath is as alluring as possible. The brush of her lips against the corner of his lips as she leans over his shoulder from behind makes his throat dryer by the second but he nods and admits, "Yeah, I think I would learn a lot from Jiraiya."

She laughs but doesn't let go, like a snake. But her hold isn't ruthless one bit. "Is that so? And what would you do with all that knowledge?"

Setting the clipboard on the ice chamber not far from them, Kai hums thoughtfully, "Hmm, with all that knowledge and power... that's a good question... It has to be used on someone, right? I'll look for eager volunteers."

Her nails gently scratch on his flesh and she lets out a soft whimper purposely, "Maybe a volunteer is not far away. Maybe she is tired of these fingers already..."

'Damn it,' Kai restrained the urge to turn around. The thirst is real! 'Think Orochi as a dude, wait, no, that's stupid. If I accidentally get a boner then... then I will truly be lost. Think something. Quick. Oh... got it. Hiruzen and Biwako doing it... she's hot but... ew...'

He calms down rapidly and his eyes suddenly gain an odd twinkle.

"So?" Orochimaru pursues, "No one is here. And I'm not like Tsunade. I can actually show you a whole new world~!"

But then... her expression freezes and she pulls back slightly. The figure in front of her disappears alongside the clipboard in front of her and she turns her gaze to look at Kai, opening one of the eyelids on the beast with his other hand holding a clipboard.

All the 'lust' on her face disappears and a sincerely impressed look adorns her face as she smiles and questions, "When did you do that?"

"A few seconds ago. But you caught on way too quick even without your Sage Mode..." he huffs in annoyance, making her giggle as she walks up to him but doesn't jump him. Instead, she stands next to him and asks curiously, "So? What do you think?"

"Maybe in a few years? I really think getting in some more experience before relieving the duties your fingers have to endure would be better for me."

She rolls her eyes slightly and smiles, "I meant, the result of this observation."

Since Kai wouldn't speak of what he and Tsunade have been upto, she could either wait or push herself into their closed inner circle. Instead of being passive, she would take the latter approach but even she can only do so much at once. So, pausing her antics, she now decides to get back to work.

"I think... I can heal it? Well, healing is a big word. I can restrain the changes in its body. It's clear that the genetic ability, better known as Kekkei Genkai, of this beast, is thoroughly screwed. Wait, I may be going off the track but is it possible that our Kekkei Genkai can be controlled by the intensity of our chakra? So, what will happen if we permanently open our eight gates?"

"We die," Orochimaru replies with certainty but Kai isn't too eager to accept such an answer. Putting a mental pin on this thought, he remarks, "Well, we start slow. I'm here to help, after all. So, as I cut off the affected chakra coils, do keep things in close observation."

"Cut chakra coils?" Orochimaru raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Kai smirks, "Great skill to have, I'd say, when such a dangerous mistress is after someone."

She coolly matches his gaze with an obvious smile and gestures for him to continue. After all, it's just the two of them. They can take their time for certain things.


Alternate Title: This Mama is Scary!; Jiraiya IS The Hottest Sannin... Objectively


Shoutout to Jjstone, Umbreon, Caleb Zimmerman, Raju Logeshwar, and Devilisinus!!

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