Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 148: Chimera Cursed Seal (6)

[Sage Arts: Divine Severing Waves (3/3)]

[Sage Arts: Water Prison (3/3)]

[Sage Arts: Vacuum Wave (3/3)]

[Sage Release: Storm Cloak (2/2)]

[Sage Release: Vacuum Prison (3/3)]

[Sage Release: Vacuum Point (3/3)]

[Sage Release: The Formless Eye (10/10)— Transforms Senjutsu into Yin nature to form an eye connected to the user's sight at a distance of 100 kilometers. The formless eye only grants regular vision. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 5% at every level. Current Senjutsu Chakra Consumption: 1800/hr.]

While Kai did need a lot of focus to create and grind the [Chimera Cursed Seal], he also gave a few of his clones the task to keep on grinding senjutsu variants of the skills he has learned in the same order for the sake of consistency. [The Formless Eye,] surprised him greatly because his natural senses in Sage Mode only cover upto 50 kilometers of the area around him, and the regular version of this skill, [Yin Release: Spy Eye], only has a range of 10 kilometers.

At a time of war, this skill could be great!

But despite the notions of war at their doorsteps, Kai remained more interested in research. The [Chimera Cursed Seal], for better or worse, is a breakthrough for him.

Kai simply wants to unify the 'grind' in a single, universal language that covers all the Kekkei Genkai— be it the elemental affinities or the physical boosts and dojutsu. Of course, for physical boosts like Senju and Uzumaki bodies, it's more about genetics and not being a skill. Kai doesn't care about that but these genetics form the secret to naturally using Mokuton and Adamantine Sealing Chains. Now that is interesting.

So, after forming the [Chakra Origin Seal] that converts life into chakra itself... Kai wanted to revert this chakra back to how things were. This is the next step. But... could it be easy in any manner?


Not even for him and his trait.

What Kai wants to achieve is the equivalency of becoming a God.

If he can convert everything into chakra including life and preserve it in the same state before reverting it after 100 years... is that not defying the very foundation of one's belief and existence?

Even in the world of chakra, it's crazy.

Even in Orochimaru's books, it's crazy!

But... Kai is rationally crazy.

If it can be achieved, he only needs to take one step at a time.

That's how he lives his life.

Yes, reverting everything back to normal is a very huge step... but can't this objective be converted into smaller, attainable goals?

The [Chimera Cursed Seal] is one such step.

Kai finds himself in his laboratory once again. He has two paths in front of him, and both of these connect to their dear old prisoner.

Not Dan, of course. Kai almost believes that Tsunade has already forgotten about the poor sap's captured soul. But then again... Dan is kind of the man one would forget unless he throws a traitorous tantrum.

No, he means Danzo.

Danzo, somehow, in an odd twist of fate, is deeply connected with not only the Uchiha but also the Senju. The mad lad wanted to eradicate both clans, no less.

From Danzo, Kai got a sharingan and he also has First Kage's stem cells planted into himself.

Kai could use Chakra Origin Seal on both of them and convert their chakra into Chimera Cursed Seals before planting them on himself and learning more about it.

The only issue is... which should he pick first.

'Well, Tsunade is learning Wood Style at a quick pace and also using Shadow Clones for that... and Sharingan is more about the eye than the skills. Although I did say I'll never get a Kekkei Genkai... heh, I'm still not. Only getting a seal, nothing more~'

Finding loopholes to make himself better hypocritically is simply the best feeling!

And Kai's eyes widened suddenly and he laughs.

"Why not both?"

Although he has tried to replicate Byakugan through sheer efforts alone, he still lacks a lot. Of course, this is mostly due to the lack of 'materials.' If Kai went on a wanton spree of slaughter, he could gain many byakugans but what's the use of that? Byakugan is merely another skill not mastered at the moment.

He could start with Sharingan instead.

Nay, he will start with Sharingan instead. The clones researching Byakugan can do so at their pace. They would disperse every month and get replenished at the start of the month.

Kai first enters the dungeon under Tsunade's manor built by Tobirama himself and then looked at the extremely young, handsome, and comatose Danzo. Whenever Kai used [Mystical Sage Palm], Danzo would slowly recover youth and get a boost in immunity. The former is due to Hashirama's cell and the latter is due to the skill's nature.

Of course, Kai has long sealed Danzo's mind and consciousness in every possible manner.

For Tsunade, both prisoners have lost meaning. In the first place, she isn't the kind to hold grudges for that long. It's simply not in her nature despite what she says. But she also doesn't want to kill Danzo and release him from this pitiful state because of how many clansmen he had killed— including having a direct hand in the death of her father and mother.

After touching it, assessing its quality of it, and taking it out, Kai extracted Danzo's wood...


Kai stood in front of the glass chamber filled with fluids on top of a stabilizing seal. Within this chamber is a sphere of chakra loosely taking the form of an eyeball with a violet undertone.

Although this is the form of chakra derived from a sharingan that once belonged to an Uchiha named Kagami, the usual scarlet pigmentation of the Sharingan's irides cannot be seen here.

Kai sets down the thumb-sized piece of a dark green wood-like vine and carefully begins to weave his chakra into the sharing in the front. At this point, it's just a masterful display of chakra control more than anything else.

Under his increasingly anticipative gaze, the chakra visibly twists and turns as his own begins to shroud it like a sticky chakra web. Not waiting another moment, Kai shatters the large glass construct as yellow nutrition fluid cascade down on the floor alongside the noise of breaking glass.

It attracts other clones for a moment but then they resume their own stubborn research into Byakugan.

Meanwhile, Kai grits his teeth as the chakra once sealed within the container now brand itself onto his right eye with a searing pain almost making Kai weak in the knees.

The pain may have only lasted for a few seconds in real time but every moment of the sensation of that soul-burning pain still makes Kai covered in a cold sweat.

The physically weaker and mental creatures would need heavy rest after this seal is planted on them, as seen on Kuromaru. Those who cannot bear the pain would fall unconscious and even sick— the main reason why Kai kept Kuromaru unconscious the entire time.

But he didn't have such luxuries.

"Hufffff! FUCK!"

Kai hisses loudly the moment he regains the bearing to do so!

THAT hurt!

He silently looked at the green vine-like piece of wood and grumbled before converting it into chakra.

While the red sharingan takes a violet undertone in the pure chakra form, the green cells stemming from Hashirama take the form of a somewhat lightly orange-gold tinted chakra that gave a rather dignified feeling.

But Kai cared for none of that and felt another wave of terrible pain as the seal brands itself onto the left side of his chest and disappears into his flesh.

It takes time for his chest and torso to stop clenching in pain and then he sits on the chair near to him with an exhausted huff.

But soon, he stands up with an excited expression. Unlike Sage Transformation, the [Chimera Cursed Seal] utilized the Senjutsu chakra that forms this seal to collect nature energy from the surroundings and activate itself. This ingenuity came from Orochimaru instead of Kai and it was also present in the original research for Cursed Seals.

The other clones turn to observe the original carefully as Kai, too, stands in front of the mirror to see the changes.

In his right eye, within the dark pupil of his, a glowing pattern of three tomoes 'sizzles' similar to how his skin would take a darker shade after the illusion that molten lava was passing through him. As the three tomoes rotate like a wheel, his irides take a familiar yellow tone, the whites of his eye turn black, and the 'flaming' glow of the tomoe seals soon comes to a stop and takes a contrasting black color.

Kai leans forward and inspects his eye. Only the right eye shifted since the seal came from a single Uchiha eye but he quickly notes that the effects on his brain and mind are still not reduced in any manner.

"How does it feel?"

One of the clone questions.

"Agitated emotions. It would have been more prominent if this had been my first experience with Senjutsu. But..."

He narrows his eyes, "No skills."

This instantly deflates the clones but one of them nods as if it is to be expected, "Uchihas have great dynamic eyesight and a superb affinity with Genjutsu. Instead of having a skill based on Sharingan, how about you try forming a Genjutsu skill? See if the requirements to level up the skill have been reduced or not."

Another clone instantly rebukes, "Wait, that's wrong. When Bimbo planted us with the cursed seal's enzyme, we didn't get a skill for the enhanced body, yes. But we did get a skill for Sage Transformation that should be part of the Kekkei Genkai. Isn't Sharingan a transformation of pupils?"

"It's because of the cursed seal," Kai shakes his head, "Cursed Seal implants a static version of a kekkei genkai. According to Mikoto, there should be a Mangyeko above regular Sharingan but we can't get that using just this Cursed Seal. Think of it as a Static Skill itself. It cannot level up in any manner and it isn't a result of a grind but another technique, so we won't get a skill either... but if it reduces the requirements of Genjutsu Skills is yet to be seen."

"Fuck that!" One of the clones suddenly grins, "The only reason you branded Sharingan is to get a full experience on how the brain reacts to the chakra and if Nature Energy can bolster the effects of Sharingan. We didn't expect a skill in the first place... try and use the better seal! Did you get IT?"

Other clones look at Kai with bright expressions as he takes his shirt off and activates another seal.

Instantly, the area around his left chest forms a wave of black ring-like seal patterns to spread over half of his body with the same burning look as if the seal is alive and printed on his flesh with fresh, hot brands. These patterns soon turn black entirely. Meanwhile, a small portion of his left chest has not adopted a surface similar to a wooden bark.

These changes can entirely be removed if Kai is in his Sage Transformation but...

He wants to check something right now itself.

He closes his eye and feels the difference in his chakra coil. He feels a greater affinity with water and the earth nature transformation. As he has mastered both these transformations to a basic 20% that most Jonins achieve after 3-5 years of practice in just a single element, Kai has a better say in how this seal is affecting his chakra alignment.

Recalling one of the few Jutsu he could never use, Kai weaves hand seals for the first time in forever.

Anticipation grows wilder in the eyes of the clones and soon, Kai slaps his palm together.

The next second, a tiny flower grows out from the top of his head.

"Hashirama Style: True Vegetable Head."

Kai whispers with utmost dignity and silence descend upon the clones before they burst out cheering!

"Whooo! We fucking got it!"

"Damn right, we did!"

"Try the wooden capsule dick!"

"Nah, first tell us if you got it!"

One of the clones hurriedly speaks out and Kai looks at the screen in front of him.

[Hashirama Style— True Vegetable Head (1/5): Allows the user to create a plant on oneself or a target's head. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 10% at every level. Current Consumption: 300.

Next level: Use this technique 1/30 times OR 2 SP.]

Kai gives his clones a thumbs-up—

And the crowd goes wild!


Alternate Title: True Vegetable Legacy; Eye for an Eye; Future is Now; Danzo's Worst Nightmare; Edgy Eye meets Chad Wood; The Fabled Wooden Capsule Dick Protection


A/N: I sincerely believe that aside from his truly grand Jutsus... Hashirama has more than a few troll jutsus for the sake of practice. And with this, the use of Chimera Cursed Seal is stabilized. Let's see what we can get from Fukushu, lol. We're also slowly getting closer to the forbidden jutsus like Eight gates release and Imperfect reincarnation. Kai still hasn't gotten it only because he doesn't know about the canon in any manner and is just living and exploring things his own way. But as they say, all paths lead to the same destination.


Shoutout to WanderingNutt!

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