Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 155: Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye (1)

"You're going to do a good job."

Tsunade's words keep on being one of the major pillars of support now that she feels he is ready to take a step in the direction of assuming the responsibility of the clan. Nawaki has been a chunin for some time now and the older he grows, the stronger he becomes— a trait shared by all the Senju whether they wield chakra or not.

Like Tsunade has Nono as her private assistant, Nawaki also has an experienced Jonin advising him constantly on many matters about the clan. Ever since he came to teach Third Kage's youngest son, and his teammates, Nawaki came to realize that leading is much harder if one wants to be a good and responsible leader. It often meant making tough calls, which, until that moment, Tsunade and Orochimaru had been taking for him.

But Nawaki's advisor had many things to say, almost all of them positive.

First, leading a team will give him the necessary experience that he needs to possess before taking over the clan. Second, the action of Nawaki being placed under his tutelage alongside an Uchiha girl is a show of an attempt to rebuild the bond with the Senju Clan from the Hokage's side. Things would never be the same between Hiruzen and Tsunade. Broken trust is often hard to repair, especially when Trust is the greatest currency a Shinobi can offer.

As for the Uchiha genin, according to Hiroshi— Nawaki's advisor, this is a transition. Mikoto's engagement with Kai may not be anything political for the two of them but that did not mean the world revolved only around the duo. Danzo's actions have been a wake-up call for the two founding clans and even Tsunade agreed to the hidden implications that maybe not in this generation but maybe in the future, the Uchiha and the Senju could truly have a relationship of mutual competition and cordiality.

Marriages certainly help build a bond. After all, as Tsunade's Legacy Guardian, Kai is considered Senju in all but his name. In fact, his antics, talents, and natural charisma have attracted a lot of goodwill from the older, retired Jonins of the clan. And the fact that he rose from 'nothing' has garnered quite the attention and admiration from the lesser-known clans and civilian shinobi.

The thought of Kai made Nawaki feel a bit awkward but... nothing he couldn't get by. The brutality of some missions he has been with Orochimaru, or at least, his clone, just made Nawaki realize more that he's actually fine with his sister finding happiness with a man who isn't a traitor to the village.

In hindsight, Dan's action really lowered the bar of expectations for Tsunade's closed ones on her choice of men. And Nawaki knows about the hierarchy of strength well enough to understand how strong an elite within the rank of a Jonin is. Nawaki himself can be considered a Jonin's match in a purely physical sense and chakra reserves but he lacked the skills to make use of both.

Gathering all the scattered thoughts, Nawaki looks around the meeting office. The advisors are already gathered here. This is none other than the weekly report sessions that other influential clans would attend through proxy and Nawaki replaced Nono as Tsunade's proxy this time.

His gaze then shifts from the three advisors and falls upon the proxies. Only the Nara clan's and Inuzuka clan's head is present as everyone waits for the Third Hokage to arrive.

Nawaki's presence itself attracts a lot of attention. Being one of the Sannin's disciples and the other one's brother is already a great background but when his sister is also the 'acting' Matriarch of one of the two founding clans and it's well known that he is going to assume the clan's responsibility once deemed eligible by Tsunade.

The Yamanaka clan's proxy smiles and questions, "It must be a new experience for you, Senju Nawaki-san. I would say that being well-versed in political situations is similar to strategies that a Shinobi learns through the missions but this arena is largely built through information. Be sure to question me anytime if you're confused on any matter."

Nawaki nods in affirmation but remains silent. Two pieces of advice surface in his mind. One from his advisor, and the other one from his Jonin Sensei.

"Silence is the best weapon in your arsenal when it comes to gaining experience and learning about politics without suffering any unnecessary failures."

"Never trust another shinobi. But if you trust, be strong enough to so that the consequences of your hindsight do not cost you anything or anyone valuable."

So, Nawaki patiently waits and like everyone, stands to greet the Hokage once he arrives.

It's hard not to display admiration for the title he wants for himself. Nawaki has never known much about his father and mother. They passed away when he was too young so he only grew while hearing the legendary tales of his grandfather and that became his motivation to achieve everything his grandfather did.

If it means being more responsible and studious, he'd do it. After all... one has to be incredibly competent to become a Hokage, right?

To be the ruler of a village full of powerhouses and maintain balance. To be able to both suppress and inspire these strong men and women.

Nawaki wishes to do all that. He wants to bring Konoha to the highest peak imaginable!

But as Tsunade and Hiroshi warned... his 'views' on many matters changed when he hears the financial complaints of the clans.

Now, he's too trained and experienced in real-life fatal situations to let his younger, hot blood go out of control but to see Akimichi Clan's proxy applying for greater freedom in the food industry than they already have opened Nawaki's eyes!

And from the looks of it, this isn't their first time requesting this. In fact, Nawaki soon realized that this round of applications is just a weekly 'routine.' None of the other individuals contradicted anyone on the table and the advisors watch the display calmly.

Nawaki, however, did notice the Hyuga Clan's retired elder acting as the proxy sending Hizashi Hyuga disgusted glances.

This matter is well known in the village and honestly, the more Hiroshi spoke about the Hyuga traditions, the more annoyed he felt how such a clan could even exist in the village despite his grandfather and granduncle being the first two kages and that's when Hiroshi implied how dangerously powerful political situations tend to be.

'If I became a Kage... I would immediately stop that... but Hiroshi is right. If a Kage actually intervenes in the well-established traditions of the clans that do not cross the lowest lines of the village administration then it would instinctively worry other clans... but this is just slavery at this point in the name of protecting their Kekkei Genkai. If it's like this, why haven't the Uchiha Clan started to protect their Sharingans in such a manner, too?'

As this thought occurs to Nawaki, he begins to wonder if the famed rival of the Senju considered this fact, too. It's hard not to. After all, you can never be too cautious in this bloody world. Just the stories of the previous war are enough to indicate this.

"Hmm, all seems to be in order. There are some new faces this time but nothing that's not unexceptional," Hiruzen smiles calmly and nods at Nawaki with blatant approval. The boy did keep his wits around and while not TRULY standing out or overflowing with limitless talent like a rare few gems that have emerged in these 20-30 years, Nawaki had learned to be steadfast. That's a quality needed by every shinobi.

"Ehm, while everyone is present, I would like to bring light on some matters."

Hizashi coughs softly and begins right before the cusp of the completion of this week's meeting. While Hiruzen looks at the youth deeply, the Uchiha advisor and proxy glance at each other discreetly.

"What else must we discuss?" The Hyuga elder comments sourly with a cold expression, "Although an advisor, Hizashi, you must learn to respect your senior advisors. Do you see them interrupting meetings in this manner?"

Hizashi merely retains his stoic expression despite the brief disgust flickering in his pale violet-grey, pupilless eyes. Instead, he looks at the Hokage, "I have been contacted by a Shinobi who is deeply threatened by one of the noble clans of our village."

The allegation itself makes many proxies in the meeting frown. It's not rare for their power and goals to be accomplished in a less 'savory' manner. But none has ever brought such a situation above the table.

Leaning forward with his elbows on the table, revealing that he is willing to let Hizashi continue, Hiruzen questions, "I value such inputs. But these matters are also needed to be backed by solid evidence."

"Or reputable witnesses, I'm aware, Lord Third. That's why I bring one of the most unquestionable and trustworthy witnesses. I believe that he serves directly for you. The nature of it remains unaware."

'So he is an Anbu,' Nawaki notes internally. Anbu members, at least, most of them are known to the more influential members of the village but openly calling them out is an act of a traitor and is highly incriminating. Even Hizashi, as an advisor, must tread this line calmly.

"Hmm, I see. Explain the situation more clearly," Hiruzen commands softly.

"Sir." Hizashi nods and looks at his distant uncle who, despite reaching his early nineties, still refuses to kick the bucket, "The man in question is Mukai Kohinata. He is currently enjoying his very deserving vacation but agreed to appear for this act of corruption after he realized how he will be helping the village as a whole. As a human, personally, this Shinobi has set a new level of admiration for me."

The name instantly makes a few furrow their brows. This name is not unfamiliar to them.

The elites of the village can be categorized into two levels.

The first category is those who are likely candidates for the position of Kage. The Three Sannins, White Fang, Wicked Eye Fugaku, and Legacy Guardian Kai all fall into this category.

The second category or elites are low-key and lower in number, too. Their strength is directly acknowledged by the Hokage and they are all part of the Anbu. For instance, Hokage's son, Enma Sarutobi or Mukai Kohinata. Of course, there are a few more names but they are far too distant from politics. They live to serve the village's interest, that's all.

"Mukai..." Hiruzen mutters the name with a touch of appreciation, making it clear that this individual is very valued as Hizashi speaks, "This man is threatened by none other than the Patriarch of Hyuga Clan, my elder brother, Hiashi Hyuga."

"Nonsense!" The Hyuga Elder instantly snaps and stands while slamming his wrinkled palm on the table, shocking the other proxies in the process. Pointing at Hizashi with his other hand, the elder coughs, and snarls, "You wretched thing–"

"Apprehend my Uncle," Hizashi calmly interrupts and directs, "And be gentle. He is aged. I shall speak for the Hyuga Clan to not be charged with disgracing penalties for your actions. Please inform Hiashi Hyuga to arrive and notify Mukai Kohinata to be present by this time, too... is that alright, Lord Third?"

Shooting the old elder, whose words are caught between his angered wheezes, a displeased stare, Hiruzen nods calmly, "That's fine with me. As for the rest of you, if you feel that your leaders must be present, inform them now. This meeting will continue after 20 minutes. As for the Hyuga Clan, they will not face any penalties. Escort the elder away."

Anbu and the other proxies except Nawaki move quickly while the boy is still considering what to do. Eventually, Hiruzen looks at him and smiles, "Nawaki-kun, these matters don't often emerge in these meetings. Feel free to contact Tsunade."

Nawaki nods obediently and leaves, too.

Only the Inuzuka Matriarch, the three advisors, and the Nara Head remain.

At this point, Hiruzen looks at the Inuzuka matriarch with some curiosity. The woman is already in her late forties but has refused to give birth to anyone after Tsume. Well... only one man ever did bear the woman's 'rough' techniques but once it became clear how torturous she loves making the progress, many others stopped courting her, too.

"How is Tsume-kun doing? Is she managing around her team—"

"Be straight with me, Lord Third. If you must know, my disappointment has yet to get Kai down her kennel. Makes me wonder where I failed in teaching her. She does train with him a lot so she's the best Chunin from the clan."

Hiruzen almost chokes. There is a reason why the Matriarch of this clan often attends instead of the proxy...

The Inuzuka Clan does not mince their words... and somethings... some phrases just feel less offensive when it's the matriarch speaking them and not the proxy.

As expected, the remaining members instantly feel more awkward even when the conflict that Hizashi sparked had yet to begin!


Alternate Title: You're a Fucking Disappointment.

– Soldier Boy.


A/N: She didn't fail as a parent... Kai just won as a human... technically... barely... by a thin margin.


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