Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 157: Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye (2)

In the last three months since their training began, this might as well be the greatest test that Team 6 has been issued. And to make the matters worse, this test, according to their Sensei, is merely the lowest of low in his standards. There are three more layers of the test they must pass to be considered 'adequate' in his eyes.

Although the hospital halls are well-ventilated and the sweet summer morning barely brought any extreme heat, Kurenai, Konan, and Shizune couldn't help but feel extremely cold. They aren't allowed to discuss after the exam, their Sensei ordered them to. The three of them wanted to discuss the answers they wrote so much!


After all, it's a natural reaction to affirm the answers after a test. That's a basic human condition that Kai knew damn well to use against the precious student he spent three months on. He trained them from basic chakra control all over to gradually better taijutsu, shurikenjutsu, kenjutsu, and bojutsu. In fact, according to the known knowledge about their sensei, Bojutsu is the last thing he should know. But this versatility, while admirable in their Sensei, happens to be an overbearing burden for the three of them.

But while they felt they would be berated once they brought up this topic, Kai instead gave them concise pointers on their specialties and recommended them the weapons they would be good at.

Kurenai adopted Kunai.

Shizune adopted Senbons.

And Konan adopted Shurikens.

Compared to Nono, Mikoto, and Kushina who excelled in Kenjutsu, this certainly brought a refreshing change of pace for Kai.

Yet, their most difficult training wasn't with Taijutsu or Bukijutsu. No...

It was going through scrolls and books on medical terms and biological conditions.

Kai was determined to make each one of his students a practitioner of Iryonin. He saw that potential in them and most definitely wanted to unearth all of it.

But he knew on a first-hand basis how hard it is to motivate them for this. So, he locked the possibility of higher-ranking missions behind the results of their tests.

There are four levels.

The first one allows Team 6 to tackle C-Rank missions.

The second one allows them to jump to B-Rank missions.

The third one allows them to dive into A-Rank missions.

And finally, the fourth one allows them to S-Rank mission.

To be fair, Kai has no authority over S-Ranked missions but his team doesn't need to know it, right?

As the trio sat outside with heavy expressions, the door in the distance within the hallway opens up to reveal a group of genins walking out while chatting among themselves.

The moment they see Team 6 sitting in distinct silence without Kurenai and Konan at each other's throats, someone from the group breaks off and walks in their direction.

"Did you give the test another go?" Rin smiles and greets the trio. Many genins who have applied to become the medic of their team need to visit the hospital for theoretical classes daily aside from their basic training and missions.

Aside from Rin, a certain white-haired kid with a mask covering the lower half of his face watches them silently as he walks at his own pace and sets himself apart from the group.

But even when Rin greeted them, the trio only look at her awkwardly. Their lips part and close but they do not speak anything in the end.

"Is it a rule? I heard Mikoto Sensei saying that he likes to create new rules to instill discipline..." Kakashi finally questions, his curiosity takes the better of him. The moment he arrives, Rin quickly presses her lips together for a moment to moisten them more than they already are while the trio looks at the 'First' of Kai's fanbase.

Kakashi has always aimed for Kai as his goal. He became a Chunin almost as quick as Kai and now he is learning most of the things available to him that Kai learned himself. With Mikoto being one of the better Iryo-nin practitioners, it was merely a matter of time before Kakashi asked to be taught medical knowledge, too, effectively becoming his team's deadliest medic while Anya, who was supposed to take this role chose other Shinobi arts because she sucked at studying.

Another voice answers Kakashi with a chuckle, "I did," Kai walks out from the office that has Nagato's name on it and looks at the five of them with a raised eyebrow, "Studying are we? I went over through some of your preliminary reports from the doctors teaching you. Rin, you could be doing a bit better if you stop focusing on your lips, hmm... and your brows?"

Kai leans down in the distance as if focusing on her face while the brunette's face heats up and she pouts, "Kai-san, are you supposed to look through our reports?"

"Kakashi," Kai looks at the youth whose fervency in training, despite his stoicism and dad-bot, is second only to a pair of father and son in green jumpsuits, "Am I supposed to look through your reports?"

Kakashi looks thoughtful for a moment while Kurenai is already feeling jittery. She KNOWS the correct answer but as long as Kai doesn't show his team their scores, they cannot speak.

How torturous!

How shameless!

A passing glance in her direction makes it clear to Kurenai that Kai knew well what he is doing.

"If nobody can catch you breaking the rules... then nobody can pin the blame on you," Kakashi finally responds and Kai snorts a chuckle. This IS the right answer but in Kai's book, he must teach every kid who comes his way so retorts, "It's concerning how your first thought is something so despicable. I meant I am Tsunade's Legacy Guardian. I have authority on this hospital lower only to her and the Hokage... I'll have a chat with Mikoto and Sakumo-san once he returns from his sandy ventures and a fistful of new comedic twists."

Kakashi's mouth hung open under his mask while Team 6 roll their eyes. They are well-versed with their Sensei to some extent.

At this point, out of a sudden, Kurenai forms a seal and scoffs openly.

This is all the hint Konan and Shizune need to do the same while Kakashi and Rin are still confused.

Instead of answering them, Shizune forms another seal and walks over to the duo before tapping their foreheads.

Instantly, the 'Kai' in front of them disappears as the voice from behind the door snickers, "Well done, really. Now you can come inside and take a look at your scores."

"It... was a genjutsu?"

Rin is reasonably shaken while Kakashi feels no better that he didn't notice it himself.

This also encourages him to observe the trio in front of him.

'At least... Chunins. All of them...'

This somewhat frustrates Kakashi internally. He has asked Mikoto to be as tough on him as Kai is on his genin teams... but despite the lack of any stellar accomplishments, Team 6 is somehow growing at a breakneck pace— be it theoretical or practical applications!

'Is it... because I'm still not doing enough?' He is self-aware enough to know that this cannot be right. He may not be as crazy as his 'rival' but he certainly puts in a lot of work. A lot.

But all his and Rin's thoughts are suppressed as they see a familiar red-haired youth with a white lab coat over his body holding a stack of paper. Meanwhile, Kai is...

Lying on the couch with a calm expression and his eyes closed. But his team, as trained to do so, quickly notices the somewhat strained vein over his temple and the tip of his index fingers twitching at times.

"Boss— ehm, Kai-san wants me to discuss your paper with you. I understand that this test is authorized by Tsunade-sama and will clear you for advanced medical knowledge held in the hospital. And I will also take your doubts and query. Kakashi-san, Rin-san, if you'd like, I can clear your doubts, if any, while you're still here."

Nagato, Yahiko, and Kakashi are one of the few genins who graduated early with Nagato being the oldest and his story being the 'best' from all three of the Ame Orphans who were brought to Konoha.

Unlike Yahiko and Konan, Nagato has devoted his life to making healing others easier and is constantly trying to improvise on the current standards of Iryonin using his spectacular talent in Fuin.

Compared to everyone in their batch, Nagato may as well be the most well-known of the bunch.

Seeing the five of them take their seats, Nagato first hands a collection of papers to Shizune and reveals, "You passed. You got a score of 31 out of 50. I was quite impressed that you managed to get the 15th question right. Kai-san did want me to add a few tricky questions but... it's really just biology at this point and not medicine. It's hard being creative without ruining the perception of the body."

Shizune lets out a sigh and groans finally, "Huff... I can finally talk... and go to C-ranked missions."

"It's your third time giving this test, right?" Rin questions.

"Yes," Shizune smiles wryly, "We failed the first two times..."

Saying this, Shizune looks at Konan and Kurenai with a bit of hope.

In reality, the situation is that all three must pass simultaneously and while Shizune cleared this test last month... Kurenai and Konan did not.

But Shizune has always been more tolerant and compromising when compared to Konan and Kurenai.

"Can I see it?" Kakashi requests and Shizune hands him the papers. Rin looks at Kakashi and then leans over to look at the papers, too while Kai suddenly clears his throat, "Sit your ass back down and focus on your studies. Nagato, hand her your original questionnaire."

Rin's face is beet red at this point and she looks in Kai's direction with more than just annoyance.

She would, at times, tag along with her Chunin Sensei Tsume to learn from Kai about Iryonin while Tsume herself trains with Kai. Of course, Kai had his fun while teasing the shit out of the purple-marked brunette.

"I WAS trying to read. And your eyes are closed, how are you even seeing?" She quickly defends herself and glances at Kakashi but the youth is focused on the paper with his brows furrowed.

"When my eyes are closed, I see everything," Kai hums while Nagato brings over another paper for Rin with an awkward smile, "Here, Rin-san."

While Rin had a bellyful of annoyance she wished to vent upon the strangely 'tired' Legacy Guardian, her brows are soon locked into a frown, too, as she reads through this difficult exam.

'This is just the first level?'

Rin and Kakashi are shocked internally.

Meanwhile, Nagato looked at Konan who instantly flinches nervously. Nagato rarely felt awkward around Konan or Yahiko. They are a family. Siblings, even. Adopting a much more prominent smile, Nagato shook his head, "You need 50% to pass... Konan..."

A look of disappointment flashes in the blue cinnamon's amber hues as even Kurenai and Shizune exhale soft sighs.

"You passed. 25 out of 50."

Nagato snickers and hand her the paper, causing Konan's eyes to snap wide open, "I did?... I... I did!"

She snatches the paper from Nagato and once she confirms her score, she instantly looks at Kurenai, "I passed. And so did Shizune... now we can only be held back for one reason."

The pressure on Kurenai doubles and she breaks out in cold sweat. Getting her answers right is a passion of hers... but she enjoys Genjutsu and other Shinobi arts more than medical terms of the body.

She watches quietly as Nagato gives her the paper at last and smiles, "Congratulations, Kurenai-san, you passed, too. You got a score of 26."

Kurenai's expression stills and then her gaze snaps in Konan's direction.

"I did better!"

"Just by a point!"

"In real life, only a point makes a difference between life and—"

Before Kurenai could finish righteously, Kai scoffs out loud and sits up, "None of you know about killing at this moment, and learn from Shizune. You outdid both of you but is calmer."

Matching his gaze, Konan and Kurenai lower their heads.

Looking at Nagato, Kai grins, "Thanks for helping out these three months. I owe you one. If you get stuck in your research, feel free to fetch me."

Nagato's expression instantly brightens and he nods.

Looking at Kakashi and Rin, Kai then continues, "You can take the paper home and try to solve it yourself. I only need one questionnaire to go through with my team to clear their mistakes later. But right now, I suppose I can treat you three to a good meal."

Team 6 instantly moves out while Kai nods at Nagato once more appreciatively. Before he leaves, he sends an amusing glance at Rin. She instantly puckers her lips in anger when he snickers once more, "Study, yeah? When Tsume was your age, all she had in mind was beating or... well, biting and clawing the competition away."

As Kai leaves, Kakashi speaks up, "Nagato-san, please help me understand these points..."

Nagato nods at the request since he did offer pointers while Rin begins to take things seriously, too.

After all, even in her own team, Obito could get stronger once he activates his sharingan and Guy is rare talent when it comes to taijutsu.

She needs to learn new and better things to pull her weight around.


Alternate Title: The Levels of Failure— 25, 26.


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