Find Out About Divorce

Chapter 76

Chapter 76:

Lin Lan followed the doctor into the consultation room, Jiang Wu and Shen Muze stood side by side against the wall, and no one said much.

Shen Mu’s clothes were draped over Jiang Wu’s body at the moment, but she still felt cold, not because of the rain, but felt a chill in her heart.

To deal with these negative emotions of Jiang Wu, Shen Mu used to think she was handy, she felt that no matter what happened, she could always make Jiang Wu happy, but this time she was helpless, she didn’t know what to say Only then can Jiang Wu be comforted.

Shen Mu raised her arm and wrapped Jiang Wu beside him into her arms.

Pass it on to the other party, and then gradually feel warmer.

“Lin Lan got off work a little earlier than usual today, and came to say hello to me when she left. She said that today is the birthday of her little sister who is still in junior high school in her hometown, so it will be a little earlier. Go back and make money for my hometown, and then prepare a gift with my own hands to bring back to her during the Chinese New Year.” Jiang Wu suddenly choked up as she spoke, her eyes were slightly red and she raised her head to look at Shen Mu, “You know, she is now She can’t go anywhere else at night, she can only go home.”

Jiang Wu still remembers that Lin Lan once talked about her family. Her biological father encountered misfortune on the way to work, and then her mother remarried with several children. Her stepfather did not want her to continue studying, so she accompanied her parents. She came out to work and worked hard for her younger brother and sister who were still in school. She was thin and thin, but she was also at the age of budding flowers…

Jiang Wu suddenly felt cold. The most hopeless time in life is not the injustice of fate or the unexpected, but the harm you have suffered all comes from your family and the relatives you think.

This kind of pain, Jiang Wu understands.

Shen Mu…I understand.

She hugged Jiang Wu tightly and patted her, then gently hummed the nursery rhyme.

“The moon is crooked, the moon is round, the moon is the face of a baby, the moon is cool, the moon is bright, the moon says the baby is going to sleep.”

Shen Mu’s voice was clear and mellow, like a gentle drizzle, sprinkled in Jiang Wu’s heart, she buried her head deeply in Shen Mu’s arms.

When God closes a door for you, he will surely open a window for you.

Shen Mu is that window, she came with sunshine and brought Jiang Wu endless warmth and love.

The corridors of the entire hospital were unusually quiet. Shen Mu and Jiang Wu stood embracing each other, silently waiting for the results of the examination being carried out inside.

I didn’t make them wait too long, the door that was closed just now was pushed open from the inside, and the little doctor came out by himself and took the door behind him.

She took Shen Mu and the two away from the door, and then said softly, “I just checked her and asked some questions, but luckily it didn’t go to the worst. ”

Jiang Wu and Shen Mu both know what the doctor is referring to, which is probably a fortune in misfortune, if the worst happens, they are really afraid of Lin A young girl like Lan couldn’t bear such an unbearable and humiliating experience.

But the little doctor changed her words, “But it just didn’t go to the worst step, she rubbed **** her arms, neck, back, waist, and… and chest. I can’t see the traces of the pulling, but when the bruises show up, I’m afraid it will be very obvious. She is still a girl who has never been hired. I’m afraid… I’m afraid she’s been a little frightened, and the whole person is a little confused. The scars on her body can gradually disappear over time, and I am afraid that she will leave a shadow in her heart.”

The little doctor didn’t know Lin Lan’s family situation yet and thought she was attacked, wx and hurt by strangers, but in fact, although Lin Lan didn’t speak out, Jiang Wu definitely concluded The reality must be much harsher than that.

“Doctor, the blood on that child…” Jiang Wu asked.

The little doctor said “Oh”, this was just ignored by her, and now Jiang Wu asked, she also gave an explanation, “I just checked, there is no trauma on the girl, I Think, the blood should not be her own, I have saved the sample for you to save it, I think if you are willing to call the police, this may also be the evidence to determine the suspect, and these, all I can provide is this A simple medical record, for such a situation, I still recommend that you apply for a special injury appraisal.”

Jiang Wu took the things and read them carefully.

Shen Mu on the side said to the little doctor on her behalf, “I’m really bothering you.”

The little doctor smiled, the smile was full of helplessness, “I can only do this, I gave the child a little warm salt water, let her have a good rest, and wait for her mood to stabilize , you can take her back, she may need more people to accompany her during this time, it is best to do more psychological counseling, if there are symptoms of insomnia and panic, then consider taking medicine.”

Jiang Wuzheng nodded, “Okay, I wrote it down.”

When Jiang Wu and Shen Mu pushed the door and entered, Lin Lan had already put on a white lab coat given to her by the little doctor, held an empty water glass, and sat on a chair.

She didn’t cry anymore, just stared blankly at the front, even Shen Mu and Jiang Wu didn’t seem to notice that they had walked to her side.

Jiang Wu wanted to pat her on the shoulder and call her name, but this simple action made Lin Lan almost bounce off the chair like a bird in shock.

Jiang Wu quickly pulled her to stand and let her look at him.

“Lin Lan, it’s me.” Jiang Wu said.

Lin Lan saw Jiang Wu’s face clearly, and then relaxed her tense nerves slightly, “Lawyer Jiang.”

In Lin Lan’s situation, she can’t be sent home anymore. Jiang Wu asked her to sit back in the chair, walked over to Shen Mu, and said softly, “I want to take her back to me.”

Shen Mu understood that Jiang Wu was referring to her property located between Xincheng and Xinxiang suburbs.

Shen Mu nodded, rather than staying in a hotel, she also believed that a home with a somewhat family atmosphere would make Lin Lan feel more secure.

Jiang Wu hesitated for a moment, then continued, “The doctor just said that Lin Lan’s condition is not very stable, I want to… stay with her for two days.”

Jiang Wu and Lin Lan have known each other for a long time, but to Lin Lan, Shen Mu is still a stranger, and Jiang Wu also thought about bringing Lin Lan back to her and her Shen Mu’s house, or let Shen Mu live there with the two of them, but after careful consideration, Jiang Wu is still worried that with strangers present, the communication with Lin Lan and the psychological counseling will not be so smooth. .

As a last resort, Jiang Wu made this request. She thought she would not be so easy to persuade Shen Mu, but she didn’t expect Shen Mu to be too entangled, so she nodded and agreed. Not only that, she also Made more detailed arrangements for Jiang Wu’s plan.

Then I packed it up from home and sent it to you.” Shen Mudao.

Jiang Wu looked at Shen Mu with a thousand words in his eyes.

Shen Mu knew what she was thinking, and touched Jiang Wu’s face first, “Don’t say thank you to me.”

Jiang Wu’s eyes drooped.

“Go and take care of your little ones, I’ll take the car back and prepare, I’ll pick you up later.”

Shen Mu’s actions were quick, and Jiang Wu didn’t wait too long.

She took Jiang Wu’s daily clothes and items, and prepared a few changes of clothes for Lin Lan. After the two got into the car, she took them to Jiang Wu’s old house. .

At home, Shen Mu first asked Jiang Wu and Lin Lan to change out of the wet clothes.

Lin Lan did not cry or speak, but she refused to let people take off her clothes.

Jiang Wu held his temper and softened his voice, “Lin Lan, we won’t touch you, do you think it’s good, you go wash your face first, as for taking a bath, you have to wait, if you do cleaning I can’t collect evidence after calling the police. We will bring the door for you, wait for you outside, and put on clean clothes by yourself. Okay, now it’s cold and you’ve already been exposed to the rain. If you keep wearing wet clothes, you’ll be sick. already.”

After Jiang Wu finished speaking, he kept observing Lin Lan’s attitude, seeing that she finally stopped resisting and nodded lightly.

Lin Lan went in for a change.

Shen Mu stayed and made the bed. Jiang Wu originally wanted to help, but Shen Mu stopped him.

“Don’t worry about others first, go and change your wet clothes, wipe your hair with a dry towel, and I’ll do the rest.”

After Shen Mu finished speaking, Jiang Wu originally wanted to persevere, but she saw that Shen Mu, who had always loved to play coquettish with herself and was not serious, suddenly changed her attitude.

“Disobedient?” Shen Mu’s tone was a little heavy.


Jiang Wu was stunned for a while before he reacted.

Jiang Wu has never felt this way since her grandmother’s death. She is smart and excellent. No one has any reason to reprimand her. Few people are qualified to reprimand her. Having this level of intimacy reprimands her.

This kind of intimate and severe remonstrance is really long gone. It directly pokes Jiang Wu’s weakness and makes her obediently obey.

She walked to the side without a word, changed into the clothes that Shen Mu had prepared, took a dry towel and wiped her hair, Jiang Wu kept moving her hands, but her eyes were always on Shen Mu’s direction skimming.

Shen Mu neatly changed the bed with a clean quilt and put new sheets on it. The changed ones were also folded and ready to be taken home for cleaning.

At the end of the day, a towel was placed directly on top of her head.

In order to make it easier for Shen Mu to tidy up, she originally tied her long hair loosely in a ponytail and hung it behind her head, but now, before she could react, the hair tie that tied her hair had already been removed. She took it off, her long hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, and a pair of slender, cool hands carefully rubbed her hair with a somewhat unskilled and greenish technique.

Shen Mu was stunned for a moment, then stopped his movements for a moment and stood there honestly.

She went home first, changed dry clothes and went back to the hospital to pick up someone, but no matter how fast she moved, she couldn’t take care of her wet hair. All in the eyes and in the heart.

Shen Mu turned around suddenly and hugged Jiang Wu tightly in his arms.

Jing Wu’s neck has a faint lemongrass fragrance.

Shen Mu couldn’t control it any longer, she took a deep breath on her fair skin, and when she wanted to kiss her up along the elegant line, Jiang Wu had already turned around and slipped away.

“I won’t give you a kiss.” Jiang Wu’s voice was very soft, “You just murdered me.”

Murder her? Shen Mu shook her head, how could she be willing to kill her, she just didn’t love her enough.

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