Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 10: I Drink Your Milkshake!

It’s been over a week since Erica and I first connected. Since then, we’ve been fucking like rabbits every chance we get. Exploring new things like only two new love birds would do. Today is Saturday. No school, no worries. Just Erica’s tight psycho pussy.

“Fuck Erica, your pussy is giving me that Geo-Dude grip.” I groaned into the air.

“Shut the Fuck up, Jason.” She moaned, embarrassed by our current position. “And it’s Geo-Gal.”

I gripped Erica’s hips, her toned muscles flexing beneath my fingers as I slammed into her with an intensity that made my vision swim. Her dimly lit bedroom swirled around us, casting eerie shadows on the antique wallpaper. Her moans filled my ears.

‘This is the life.’

Erica’s long blonde hair cascaded down her back, brushing against the velvet sheets as she arched it, pushing herself further onto me. The soft scent of roses clung to her, intertwining with the sharp tang of cigarette smoke that followed her everywhere.

“Jason, I... I hate not being in control,” she panted, her voice strained with pleasure and frustration. Her piercing blue eyes glanced back at me, full of desire and a hint of vulnerability that made my chest tighten.

I smirked, my hazel eyes locked on hers. “Maybe it’s good for you to let someone else take the reins sometimes,” I said, my voice laced with a teasing tone. The change of pace was interesting, but I couldn’t deny that I missed the feeling of being under her control, of being completely consumed by her obsessive love.

Erica’s full lips curled into a smirk, and she bit her bottom lip, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Nah, I still prefer being the one calling the shots.”

I chuckled, burying my face in her hair as I continued to thrust into her. My hands found her perfect round ass. She felt so good under me. So tight and warm. I sped up my thrusts. Her moans became louder as she ground back against me, begging for more. The smell of sweat and sex filled the room, mingling with the sweet scent of her shampoo and the faint trace of alcohol…..

‘Was she drinking? I want to drink with her.’

The headboard thudded against the wall with each forceful impact, echoing through the quiet house. Her body trembled beneath me, and I knew she was close. “Come for me, Erica,” I commanded, my voice rough with need. She whimpered and arched her back further, taking me deeper inside her. Her inner walls clenched around me as she let out a long moan followed by a sharp cry that made my toes curl.

I couldn’t help but taste her. The salty sweetness of her skin while I kissed down her spine towards her neck, nipping at it softly. My free hand found a breast and squeezed gently before teasing a hard nipple between my fingers. She tasted even better than she looked.

As I licked and suckled at the tender skin of her neck, she exploded around me. “Jason! Jason, I love you so much.” Calling out my name over and over again as wave after wave of pleasure consumed her.

Pulling out of her slowly, I watched as she collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. Her skin glistened with sweat under the dim light as Erica’s expression shifted, her eyes glazing over with a mischievous glint.

“Jason,” she panted, catching her breath after her orgasm. Her voice was low and seductive. “Would you be willing to... slip it in my ass?”

I faltered for a moment, taken aback by her sudden request. “Can I really?” I asked, my voice laced with a mix of curiosity. This was not something most women asked for where I’m from.

Erica grinned, her teeth gleaming in the dim light of the room. “If you can get it to fit,” she said, her voice dripping with challenge, “I want you to cum in my ass.”

My heart raced at the thought, my mind filled with images of what it would feel like to be inside her in such an intimate way. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I could handle the intensity of it all. But then I looked into Erica’s eyes, saw the desire burning within them, and knew that I couldn’t resist.

Erica resumed her position on all fours, which I had to beg her to try. I could see the tension in her muscles, the way her body trembled with anticipation.

‘Oh wow, I wonder if girls see anal here the way guys see it where I’m from.’

I hesitated for a moment, my hand shaking as I reached for the bottle of lube on the nightstand. I squeezed a generous amount onto my cock, my heart racing as I lathered it on.

I slowly pressed my finger against her tight hole, feeling her tense up as I began to work it in. She let out a low moan, her body relaxing as I continued to push deeper. I added another finger, then another, until I could feel her loosening up around me.

“Are you ready?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Erica looked back at me, her eyes blazing with desire. “Do it,” she said, her voice hoarse with need.

I positioned myself behind her, my cock throbbing with anticipation. I pressed the tip against her hole, feeling her tense up once again. I pushed forward slowly, my breath catching in my throat as I felt her tightness envelop me.

Erica let out a sharp gasp, her body shaking as I slid deeper inside her. I could feel the tension building within me, the urge to release growing stronger with each passing moment. But I desperately held back, savoring the feeling of being inside her in such an intimate way.

I began to thrust, my movements slow and deliberate. Erica moaned, her body responding to my touch as I continued to push deeper. I could feel myself losing control, the intensity of it all driving me mad.

“Fuck, Erica,” I moaned, my hands gripping her hips tightly as I thrust into her. She felt incredible. Her ass was so tight around my cock. The bed squeaked with each of my forceful thrusts.

Her soft cries echoed in the room, mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin, creating a symphony of pleasure. Her breath hitched with every moment we were together like this, our bodies moving in perfect unison despite the different sensations they experienced.

Her moans were more primal now; they vibrated through me as she begged for more while I slammed into her with abandon. Our skin slapped together in rhythm, creating a loud smacking sound that filled the room.

My own orgasm built within me at this newfound sensation. Her tight asshole was unlike anything I had experienced before but equally as satisfying. I felt it, the tension building within me, reaching its breaking point. I let out a low growl, my body shaking as I exploded inside her, my cum filling her tight hole.

“Erica! Ahh Fuck!.” I groaned as I painted her asshole white.

Erica let out a satisfied sigh, her body going limp as I pulled out of her. I collapsed on the bed beside her, my body spent and satisfied. I could feel her breathing slow, her body relaxing.

“Let’s go shower, Jay.” She laughed with a muffled voice.


Once we were clean, we stepped out of the shower, reaching for towels to pat ourselves dry. I couldn’t help but let my eyes linger on Erica’s toned figure, droplets of water accentuating every curve and muscle that spoke of her strength. She caught me staring and smirked, that same mischievous glint in her eye that always promised more than just a look.

“Come on, lover boy,” she teased, ruffling my damp hair with a towel. “We can’t lounge around here all day.”

I followed her back into her giant bedroom, watching as she dressed herself with the ease of someone who owned her space. It was a dance I had come to admire. Even something as mundane as getting dressed seemed to carry a sense of purpose when Erica did it.

‘Is this the honeymoon phase?’

Finally clothed, we collapsed onto the loveseat, the leather cool against my skin. My hair stuck to my forehead slightly, still damp from the shower, as I stole a glance at Erica beside me. She was staring at me, those piercing blue eyes intense and filled with a warmth that made my heart race. It was as if she had won some unspoken prize, and I couldn’t help but smile back, flattered by her attention.

‘I guess for her, it’s like dating a personal porn star. Ironically, it’s also like that for me.’

The moment was interrupted by the buzz of Erica’s phone. She glanced at the screen, her lips curving into a playful smile.

“Hey, Jason, Tara’s inviting us over over. You down to go?” she asked, her tone casual yet expectant.

“Uh, sure,” I shrugged, trying to match her nonchalance. “Not like I have plans.”

“Great! There’ll probably be drinking, though,” she warned, a hint of concern lacing her words despite her cool demeanor.

“Drinking?” I repeated. My experience with alcohol was virtually nonexistent. “I’ve never really... you know, but I think I’d feel safe trying it with you.”

Her laughter was a rich, melodic sound that filled the room. “Jason Parker, you’re such a unique guy. No other boy in the world would ever say they feel safe to drink around me.”

“Why?” I felt confused for a moment, not quite used to the social norms. “Oh, because they think you’d date rape them,” I laugh.

Erica frowns at the word rape but nods in agreement. “Yeah, uhh, sorry.”

“Erica, relax, I trust you. I mean, look at what you did to Jade for me. And to think she didn’t even snitch.” I snort out, surprised nothing came of Erica beating the shit out of a girl in school and getting away with it.

“I mean… I told her I’d kill her. Worst case, even if she did say shit, my mom donates enough to the school where they wouldn’t do shit anyways.” Erica answered in her classic delinquent tone.

“Dating you… It’s just all red flags, isn’t it.” I laugh hard.

She laughs, too. “Sure, whatever, Jason, And your all green flags with your new Star Wars obsession?”

I got serious for a second. I’ve always loved Star Wars, but since I got here, I’ve been very taken aback by all the changes. Leia and Luke effectively switched roles. Han Solo became Hannah Solo. It’s strange that not everything is one-for-one. Mark Hammil is Luke, But a female version of Harrison Ford is Hanna Solo.

“Erica, don’t joke about Star Wars.” I defensively state.

“Just cool it with your weird crush on Rey Solo; you like that Daisey Ridley girl too much.” She barks.

Rey became Kylo, and Ben became Rey; again, there are no consistent rules anywhere in this weird ass gender-swap world.

‘Unrelated Elden Ring is exactly the same? What the fuck is up with that.’

“You wouldn’t get it Erica. The head trauma makes me remember Star Wars differently!.” I defend myself again.

Erica holds me down again.

“I am the only woman that matters, okay. Not some weird ass Sith wannabe.” She looked at me with possessive eyes. I melted to her touch.

Erica also likes Star Wars because girls here like the same shit boys like back in my old world.


The door to Tara’s house swung open before we even had the chance to knock, revealing a grinning Tara with her choppy hair gleaming under the porch light. Her dark eyes flicked between Erica and me.

“Come on in, lovebirds!” she teased, stepping aside to let us enter the fray.

The living room was dimly lit, the air thick with anticipation and the heady scent of spiced rum. Nikki lounged on the couch, her athletic frame sprawled with easy confidence as she lifted her hand in greeting.

“Jason, my man, ready to have some fun tonight?” she asked, her eyes glinting.

“I’m looking forward to passing out and then being taken advantage of by Erica!” I smile as I joke. Nikki sat there, uncomfortable. Tara seemed nervous as well.

Erica nudged me forward, whispering, “You’ll be fine,” her breath warm against my ear. It was that gentle reassurance, that touch of tenderness beneath her rough exterior, that spurred me on.

Tara produced a bottle from somewhere behind her, the liquid inside catching the light and casting amber reflections across her mischievous face. She poured out four shots, lining them up on a makeshift bar that seemed more like an altar to the night’s potential recklessness.

“To new experiences and our first time drinking with a boy!” Tara declared.

Our little glasses clinked together, a sharp sound that set my nerves on edge. Beside me, Erica’s presence was a grounding force. Her piercing blue eyes met mine, filled with a wild kind of protectiveness that only she could convey.

“Bottoms up, Jason,” she said, her voice softer now, encouraging.

With a deep breath, I tipped the glass back, bracing myself for the burn I’d heard about. The rum blazed a trail down my throat, a fire that seemed to spread through my veins. I coughed a little, the unfamiliar sensation taking me by surprise, but I managed not to grimace too much.

“See?” Erica chuckled, her amusement clear despite the abrasive edge that usually colored her words. “Nothing to it.”

I nodded, already feeling the warmth of the alcohol spreading, the initial shock giving way to a budding courage.

“Hey, what’s the legal drinking age here?” I ask, wondering how there’s no way it’s not 21.

Nikki and Tara broke out laughing, but Erica and her patient eyes responded. “18 Jason. Same as it’s always been.” She was getting used to my dumb questions.

“More, everybody!” Nikki yelled as she filled the glasses back up.

The room’s energy spiked as the second round of shots poured. Beside me, Erica’s lips curled into a sly smile, her eyes never leaving my face, as if she enjoyed watching every reaction play out across my features.

As Nikki handed me another glass, the strong scent of rum mixing with the lingering thrill of the first shot, I hesitated for a split second. Erica nudged my arm gently. “You’re doing great,” she encouraged softly, her tone both commanding and caressing.

I nodded, feeling a weird mix of nervousness and excitement bubbling up inside me. The alcohol was beginning to weave its magic, loosening inhibitions and blurring the lines between caution and curiosity.

“Are you trying to get me drunk to fuck me?” I ask Erica.

“No, I think I’ll be to busy farting your cum to fuck again, I just really want to see you drunk.” Erica laughed as her friends looked at her with confused faces.

“Oh.” I also felt confused, but since I wasn’t a drinker, I guess I just didn’t get it. “Anything you want, Erica.” I smiled at her

“To making memories….. And ass cum!” Tara exclaimed, raising her glass high. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and even I couldn’t help but be swept up in the moment.

We all toasted again, and this time, when I swallowed the rum, it didn’t seem quite as fiery. I barely even coughed. My body was getting used to it, or maybe it was just Erica’s reassuring presence that made everything seem more manageable.

“One more shot?” I suggested, my words slightly slurred but filled with a giddy eagerness. The suggestion sparked an immediate chorus of approval from the group. The idea seemed to ignite something wild within them, their faces lighting up with mischievous grins.

“Here’s to Jason, the bravest of us tonight!” Erica cheered, her voice ringing clear over the chaos. Her hands were on my shoulders now, her touch electric against my skin. Each contact sent a jolt through my body, both comforting and exhilarating.

Everyone grabbed their glasses, holding them aloft as if they were warriors toasting to a hard-fought victory. The amber liquid glinted ominously under the low light as Tara expertly poured out another round.

“Bottoms up!” Tara shouted with glee.

As everyone downed their shots, I noticed Erica hesitating momentarily. “I think I’ll sit this one out,” she declared with a sly smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “But don’t let me stop you, Jason. Go ahead.”

‘Strange. I wonder what her game is.’

Her encouragement felt genuine, but there was clearly more to why she didn’t want to drink herself. Nevertheless, emboldened by her words and spurred on by the group’s enthusiasm, I tilted my head back and let the liquid fire cascade down my throat.

The burn was less severe this time, almost like an old friend patting me on the back rather than an adversary challenging me to a duel. Laughter erupted around me, and I could feel myself being swept up in the infectious joy of the moment.

Through it all, Erica’s fingers trailed across my back, up to my arms, her touch deliberate and possessive. Each brush of her fingertips was both an anchor and a wave pushing me further out into this sea of intoxication. Her eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made everything else fade into the background.

In that hazy moment, surrounded by jovial shouts and laughter, Erica leaned in close enough for her breath to caress my ear. “You’re doing so well,” she whispered, her voice a tantalizing mix of pride and promise. “Just let go and enjoy it.”

The alcohol worked its magic, making the room spin slightly and blurring the faces of Tara and Nikki. Their laughter became a distant echo as my focus zeroed in on Erica. Her presence was overwhelming, intoxicating in its own right. Her hand never left my body, a constant reminder of her possessiveness.

“Jason, you really are something else,” she murmured, her voice barely audible over her friend’s voices. Her fingers traced a path up my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

“I think I’m really starting to enjoy this,” I slurred, trying to keep my balance as I leaned closer to her. The desire to kiss her was growing stronger with every passing second.

“Eyyo’m gonna kiss this bitch.” I accidentally spoke my internal monologue.

I attempted to pin her down, my movements clumsy and uncoordinated, but Erica’s strength easily overpowered mine. She flipped us effortlessly, pressing me onto a couch with a playful grin.

“Not so fast,” she teased, her lips brushing against mine briefly before pulling away. “I’m in control here, remember?”

I could feel my pulse quicken, a strange mix of frustration and exhilaration coursing through me. The power dynamic was clear, and I found myself craving her dominance. “You’re driving me crazy, Erica,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. “I just want to kiss you.”

Her laughter was like a melody, both mocking and affectionate. “Patience, Jason,” she said, her tone dripping with authority. “You have to earn it.”

The room seemed to shrink around us, the outside world fading into insignificance. My attempts to assert myself were futile. Each time I tried to pin her down, Erica would easily reverse it, her strength and agility making it look effortless. She enjoyed my struggles, her eyes gleaming with a wild, possessive light.

“Is this some kind of game to you?” I asked, my voice tinged with desperation and a hint of awe.

“Everything with you is a game,” she replied, her lips curving into a smirk. “And I’m always winning.”

“If fun is a zero-sum game, Erica, then I’m sorry to say it, but that land's been had.” I mix up my words with a quote from There Will Be Blood.

“Wait does There will be blood exist here?” Before Erica had time to even consider my question, I lunged at her again, and once more, she flipped me, pinning me down with a playful but firm grip. Her lips captured mine in a searing kiss, her dominance evident in every movement. My mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions, frustration at my own helplessness, and an overwhelming desire for her control.

“Erica,” I breathed against her lips, my voice filled with longing. “You’re all I can think about.”

She pulled back slightly, her eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made my heart race. “And you’re all mine,” she declared, her voice unwavering. “Don’t ever forget that.”

The words sent a shiver down my spine. I was completely under her spell, every fiber of my being craving her touch, her approval. Like Vegeta challenging Goku, I tried to assert myself once more.

“KAKAROT!” I drunkenly did my best Vegeta impression but was once again overpowered with ease. She pinned my wrists above my head, her lips hovering inches from mine.

“Do you like this, Jason?” she whispered, her breath warm against my skin. “Do you like constantly losing and being at my mercy?”

I nodded, too drunk to form coherent words. The truth was undeniable. I loved it. I loved the way she controlled me, the way her dominance made me feel both vulnerable and exhilarated.

“Good,” she said, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Because I’m not letting you go.” Her lips on mine in a flash.

Her kiss was both a promise and a command, sealing my fate. I was hers, completely and utterly. As the night wore on, I found myself surrendering more and more to her will, my own desires melting away in the face of her overwhelming presence.

Finally, after a few hours of more drinking, more debauchery, and a bit of sobering up, Erica drove me home.

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