First Marriage Then Love

Chapter 12 - Sudden kiss

The phone was picked up very quickly, and even there was no opening. There was a voice coming from the phone and said: “Standing at the door, I will be there soon.”

“You, do you know where I work?” Enron could not help but ask.

Su Shi didn’t talk on the phone, just smiled. It was silent for 10 seconds. He only listened to him and said, “I am, Enron, are you out? I didn’t see you.”

“Hey.” Enron stunned, then turned and ran to the company’s gate, and saw him coming down from the car, holding a mobile phone, watching her smile.

Enron hung up the phone, and walked toward him, staring straight for a while, and then asked for a long time: “How do you know that I am working here!”

Su Shi smiled and reached out and shoved her broken hair hanging in front of her forehead. She said, “You are my wife. Of course I have to know where you are going to work.”

“But I didn’t say it!” This is the point. She didn’t say that she didn’t even say what line she was doing. How did he know it?

“I naturally have my way.” Su Shi smiled. In fact, it is not difficult to check a person in his current position. He reported her name to Secretary Zheng and asked him to transfer her directly through the human resources department of the city. The information and files, so I want to know where she is working to work for him is not a problem at all.

Su Shi reached out and took the bag in her hand and said to Enron: “Let’s go, where are you booking at night, I am going straight now, and look at the dishes by the way.”

His movements are very natural, and the tone is taken for granted. Enron sometimes reacted a little. After a moment, he reacted and rushed back from his hands. His face was slightly flushed and said: “Hey, that, That me, I have to drive myself.”

Su Shi took her shyness and uncomfortable look in her eyes. The smile on her face was even stronger. She said, “Nothing, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow weekend. If there is something you can drive my car, then I can do it on Monday. I am sending you to work.”

“Oh…” Enron was stunned by what he said. Some reactions are not coming. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, Monday, does he mean that they will live together every day? Will it be too fast! She hasn’t talked to him about the lifestyle of the two people. After all, your marriage is a bit special. “That, I, I think we should talk about it first.”

Hearing, Su Shi’s mouth looked at her with a smile and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Talk about how we get along in the future,” Enron said.

Su Shi smiled and looked at the watch. He asked: “Where are you booking at night, what time is it?”

“‘You’re living,’ at half past six, what?” Enron’s subconscious answer.

Su Shi pointed to the watch and said: “Now, at 5:45, from here to leisurely residence, it is more than 20 minutes’ drive, and now it is the peak of work, it is difficult to prevent traffic jams, so you think we have extra time. Let’s talk about how we get along?”

“Hey.” Enron looked at the phone. As he said, she really didn’t have much time. She just wanted to ask him when he had time. They had to give a time to talk about it. I saw that he had already opened the door. Open, smile at her, “Get on the bus.”

His smile is somewhat confusing, it makes people very comfortable, and there is a feeling like a spring breeze.

Seeing that she was not moving, Su Shi slightly frowned and asked, “What happened?”

“You…do you want to go together?” Enron asked. She didn’t know that her parents knew that she would not be surprised if she was so married. In fact, she wanted to first explore the parents’ tone in these two days. Time to arrange for them to meet.

“Is there a problem?” Su Xiaomei asked.

Enron opened her mouth. In fact, she wanted to say that she would not let him go. After all, this was a family gathering. It was not appropriate for him to appear outside, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped, and remembered the marriage certificate in the bag. The word ‘outsider’ seems to be no longer suitable for the piece of paper, and in such an occasion, it is true that he should be present in his current status.

“Well?” Su Shi looked at her inquiringly.

When Enron suddenly sounded to kiss him at noon, he heard him say that he went home at night, and said: “You, you call at noon, don’t you want to go home at night? So, you should have no time at night. “”

He said, Su Shi smiled and said: “I have a clear and decent weight. I can go home any day. Today is the birthday of my mother-in-law. Of course I have to go. Ok, get on the bus, then delay, maybe It’s too late.” He said that he drove directly into the car and lighted the door, and then he got around the front of the car and got on the other side.

Seeing her eyes safely, she seems to be still in a state of paralysis, watching him not even wearing a seat belt. Su Shi shook her head with a smile, and owed it to her to tie the seat belt for her.

Enron returned to God while he had been inspected. She was not comfortable with such intimacy. She was slightly tweaked to push him away and said: “I, I, I, come by myself, just come by myself.”

“Don’t move.” Su Shi’s low voice sounded in Enron’s ear.

The two were very close, Su Shi could smell the natural fragrance on her body, without any perfume, he could see her little face flushed, he knew it was shy, but this kind of shyness The appearance looks particularly cute at this moment, and it is particularly attractive.

Enron really didn’t dare to move. He was sitting in jeopardy and watching him. He only hoped that he would quickly turn around.

Her arrogant and daring look is a little ridiculous to Su Shi, but she seems to be more tempting to him. He always thinks that good self-control is completely disintegrated at this moment. Before leaning on the body, the lips are covered with precision. Her lips are soft, and the kiss seems to have a sweet taste. He doesn’t know if she has eaten sugar before, but he likes it.

The kiss didn’t last long. When Su Shi let go of her, Enron had been completely stupid because of the kiss, her eyes were big and her face was stunned.

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