First Marriage Then Love

Chapter 170 - Lin Li\\\'s decision (3)

“Hey, boy, remember Auntie?” Enron smiled and said hello to the child.

The child was determined to look at Enron. It seemed that it would take a while to recognize Enron and look at her, but then bowed down and stared at the toy Transformer in his hand.

Enron sat down beside him and looked at him and asked, “So a man, what about your father?”

Hearing the words, the child looked up at her and did not speak, then turned his head and continued to stare at the toy in his hand.

Enron touched his nose, but he didn’t care. He decided to sit with him and wait for him to take care of him before he came back.

A young little nurse came over at this time, looked around and looked at the person. He didn’t seem to find it. He asked the child: “Zhou Jiabin, have you called your father? When will he come and pick you up?”

The child looked up at the little nurse in front of him and finally shook his head.

The little nurse was a little dissatisfied and frowned. He said, “Why are there such irresponsible parents? This child has been in a good condition for several days. I have never seen it, and I have not discharged anything from the hospital. People do, how can they be parents?”

Enron seems to have heard it. So when I looked at my child, I stood up and asked the nurse lady. “Miss nurse, you just said what happened, the child’s father hasn’t come over yet?”

Miss nurse saw her eyes and asked, “Are you?”

“Hey, I know the father of this child.” Enron explained.

The nurse missed her head and said: “Then you are a friend of the child’s parents, then you can help contact the father of the child. How can I not see the figure for a few days? I left the child in the hospital and left. The child’s high fever has already retired, and the body has long been no problem. You asked him to give the child a discharge procedure, so that the old bed is not good. Besides, the hospital’s germs are particularly hot. The child stays in the hospital as a whole, and is very bad for the child.” Saying, turned and walked back.

Enron had some accidents. She remembered that when she saw Zhou Han last time, it was three days ago. Didn’t he have been to the hospital for three days, could he simply forget his son in the hospital?

Enron looked at the child, only to see her low head down, and asked: “Did your father not come over these days? No one is with you to accompany you?”

The child Xu is somewhat introverted, does not speak, just shakes his head silently.

Enron only thinks that this person is too unresponsible. This kind of child can go to the hospital and can do it for a few days. This is too much. Just want to ask the child Zhou Han’s phone, this reminds me of the day because of the necklace, he gave me his own phone.

Take out the phone and look for the phone call record. Follow the number and dial it. The phone rings for a while before it is picked up. On the other side of the phone, Zhou Han seems to have some surprises about Enron’s call. After all, they are not familiar with it, and they have not been able to call each other to greet each other.


“Mr. Zhou Han, have you forgotten that you still have a son in the hospital, I am by your son, just a nurse has come over and asked how to arrange the child to leave the hospital. The child’s fever is completely good, Nothing to stay in the hospital, it is easy to get infected with bacteria and viruses.”

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Han stunned. For a while, he said faintly: “I have left the temporary company, so I have been on a business trip these days.” Because of the business trip, I didn’t have time to go to the hospital. I don’t know some things about my child.

“Is there no other person to take care of the children?” Even if you are too busy to be free, you should look for someone to take care of your children. The children are still so small. One person can stay at the hospital so safely. Wen Yan said that Zhou Han was obviously silent for a while on the phone. He said for a long time: “Can you give your child a phone call?”

Enron looked at the child, whispered, and called the phone to the child sitting next to her and said, “Your father wants to tell you.”

The child looked at her for a while, then took the phone from her hand, stuck it to her ear and screamed, “Dad.”

Enron didn’t know what they said about writing, only to see that the child took a few words and gently responded with a few words and no, for a while, then handed the phone back to Enron.

Enron took the phone and put it back to his ear, “Hey?”

“Can you bother to sit in the hospital with your child for a while? I am now arranging people to pick up the child and leave the hospital. Wait for me to let the person call you.” Zhou Han said on the phone.

In this way, Enron had to nod his head, hung up the phone, and sat with the child for a while. In less than half an hour, the phone rang, it was a strange number, and Enron knew that it should be Zhou Han’s person. Picking up the phone is a man’s voice, asking them where they are, saying that they are already at the hospital door, and waiting for it.

Enron only felt that the voice was familiar, but he didn’t think much. He only told that he and his children are now on the green lawn of the hospital on the first floor.

The man hangs up and waits for a few minutes. Enron is reaching out and touching the child’s head. Suddenly he hears someone calling himself, turning his head and seeing Ye Haowen looking at her unexpectedly.

“Gu Anran?!” Ye Haowen some accidental people accompanying Zhou Han’s son turned out to be Gu Anran! Just after he met at the company, he suddenly received a call from Zhou Han, saying that he would come to the hospital to pick up his son, and he is now on a business trip outside the country. There is no way to get back. He hopes that he can help take care of his son these two days. He slammed the meeting and delayed the meeting. He came to the hospital for the first time, but did not expect that the contact person mentioned in Zhou Hankou actually turned out to be Gu Anran!

Enron also had some accidents. Zhou Han called Ye Haowen, but I thought they were friends before. Now Zhou Han is not there, and it is not too strange to contact him.

“How are you here?” Ye Haowen stepped forward and looked at Enron with some strangeness.

Enron stood up and explained: “I came to see my friend, who happened to meet this child. Then the nurse said that the child was thrown into the hospital for several days, so I called Zhou Han.”

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