First Marriage Then Love

Chapter 6 - The wicked first complained (2)

“Go to you, how do you know that you are a prostitute, I want to have a son.” Lin Li smiled.

The two of them were so busy for a while, and suddenly Lin Li said in a serious way: “Hey, tell you seriously, I have the goods in hand, do you want?”

“What goods?” Enron was said to be in the fog, I can’t understand.

“Men, Cheng Xiang’s colleague, I have seen, two years older than us, first-class appearance, first-class education, first-class work, anyway, the absolute best in the best, how, the water does not flow outside the field, I will give you a line “Lin Li said.

“Don’t, I am terrible, you still have to find me a normal point.”

“Go and go, this best product can compare with your ‘the best’, really, the conditions are particularly good, can’t see. If I already have our family Xiaoxiangzi, I must chase him.” Lin Li some Said the flower.

Enron Khan, “Looks like your family Xiaoxiangzi is also chasing your face!” This person is really difficult to change the nature of Jiangshan!

“Oh, the most important thing is not how to start, but what kind of ending, although the people I chased at the beginning are very hard, but after so many years, who can say that we are not happy.” Lin Li said proudly.

Enron listened, thinking in my heart, yeah! I don’t care what I have. The ones that stay with me are the most important. Who says no?

Seeing her no words, Lin Li said: “Anzi, if you don’t answer me, then you agree. Ha, tomorrow I will let our family Xiangzi go to contact, there is news to call you.”

Look, good is better than bad. If you can’t marry someone who wants to marry, who has the difference?

Lin Li is an action group. When she said that the introduction, she immediately arranged time for the two to meet. The time is set at noon on this Friday, which is tomorrow.

In fact, Enron wants to push it away, but he can’t stand Lin Li’s embarrassment and ‘I’m going to be worth it.’ In fact, she was busy recently. She just got busy with the case of ‘Bihuyuan’. She thought that she could rest for a while. I didn’t expect the company to take an intern at this time and say that it was a prestigious school and said that it had won awards. The director arranged, Jinkou opened, and now directly carried by Enron.

This intern is called Ling Lin. People are very beautiful, but they are screaming and screaming. When she came, the company’s **** men were all very excited. They secretly said that Zhiling’s sister was very diligent, but the company’s female compatriots were depressed. They secretly whispered in a whisper, and they were deliberately isolated. Her.

At noon that day, when I was busy, I was already a little faster. I went straight to the company restaurant. There were only a few people in it. Of course, the dishes were all cold and cold. I just ordered a few, and I looked directly at the tray. I sat down in the middle of the building and went to the construction site to see the construction process in the afternoon. In fact, she did not take more time to eat. She just went out in the morning and did not care about eating breakfast. Now she is very hungry.

Enron eats very quickly, the food is a little dry, almost not being squatted, but fortunately just hit the soup, busy drinking, some difficult to swallow, the company canteen is like this, the rice is soft and hard, the dishes are not salty First, the soup is the most uniform, it seems to directly point to the laver, directly flushed with boiling water, salt and MSG that is not used, a whole light and tasteless.

Enron shook his head and continued to eat the cold food.

Suddenly someone took a lunch box and sat down opposite her. The lunch box she knew was a famous ‘you’re living in the north of the city. The price was high. Enron looked up and saw Ling Lin sitting in front of her, smiling at her, sweetly screaming, “Gu Jie.”

Enron nodded and asked: “How do you eat it now, don’t you get off work early?”

“There have been too many people, I don’t like the noisy environment, so I waited until I came.” Ling Lin said with a smile, the hand opened the lunch box, the delicate dishes and the rice cooked in Thai rice. The dish and rice scent that came out were very attractive, and of course it was almost in stark contrast to the Enron plate.

Enron nodded, looked at her food and then looked at her own food, more and more appetite. However, she was so angry that she was an intern, how can she afford such an expensive lunch, and turned to the corner and asked: “This takeaway is very far away. It is better to buy it and eat it and then come back to save time.”

“My father is afraid that I can’t eat the food in the company and let my driver send it directly.” Ling Lin smiled, and the sweet and sour pork ribs with a mouthful of mouthfuls were given to Enron, saying: “Gu Jie also came. Taste, the taste of this house is doing well.”

Enron busy shaking his hand and refused: “No, I am full.”

Wen Yan, Ling Lin’s put back into the bowl, seems to want to find a topic, and asked: “If Gu Jie wants to change the taste, then tomorrow I can ask our driver to help you take it. Actually, I am really eating. I don’t like the food in the cafeteria.”

Enron dry smile, she thought, but she had no blessings, a lunch for her half-day salary, hard work and fight for a month, more than half of the wages all into the eating, then she still works Going home directly makes Lin Yufen raise a good number.

Enron looked at the watch, just wanted to say that he left, the cell phone on the table rang, and Lin Li, it is estimated that she would not forget the blind date of tomorrow.

Chao Linglin nodded, picked up the phone and got up and left. He answered and said, “Hey, my lady, what happened to you.”

“Anzi, I just…” On the other side of the phone, Lin Li changed her madness and madness, and she spoke up unexpectedly.

“Well?” Enron asked for the sound. How did she feel that Lin Li today was a little weird and asked: “What happened to you?”

“I just…” Lin Li swallowed and seemed to be pondering. Finally, she finally made up her mind and said quickly: “I just saw it!”

The words quickly let Enron almost did not hear what she was saying, but her speed was not fast enough, and she heard it, and understood it. She said she saw it!

Enron was silent, silent and silent, and the strength of holding the mobile phone was unconsciously aggravated, and she did not notice it.

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