First Move, Checkmate: How Will You Respond?

Chapter 33: Let's Pick a Good Day to Get Married!

Gwen walked through the main gate with her head down, a look of melancholy on her face.

She wasn’t paying attention and bumped into a soft body.

Gwen froze for a moment, then lifted her head.

“Sis… Sister!?”

“Long time no see, little Gwen~”

The woman standing in front of her with a beaming smile was her eldest sister — Caifla Delin.

She was a beauty of a different style than Gwen, with her long, light purple hair, picturesque eyebrows and eyes, rosy lips, and pearly white teeth. Every movement she made exuded elegance and nobility.

Just like a noble violet.

Gwen’s impression of her older sister was still from the past.

Back then, Caifla’s hair was silver-white, the same as hers.

‘Did she dye her hair?’

Gwen was somewhat curious.

But there was no denying that, after so many years living in the same family, the sisters were very close.

Even after a long absence, Gwen could not hide her joy at seeing her sister.

Her face was beaming with a smile, and her demeanor completely changed from just a moment ago.

“Seeing your sister, aren’t you going to give her a hug?”

Caifla stretched out her arms and said with a smile.

She was like a bright moon in the night, making anyone who saw her feel close to her.

Gwen blushed and nodded, giving her sister a big hug.

At this time, Caifla still asked with a smile:

“I heard from the servant that you came back in someone else’s carriage. Who was that?”

“Si… Sister!”

Gwen stomped her foot, looking a bit sulky.

Seeing her like this, Caifla nodded as if she knew everything.

“Yes, yes, I know without you telling me, it was Victor just now, wasn’t it?”

Gwen kept silent and lowered her head.

Her mind was a bit chaotic. She had just understood Victor’s feelings, and now her sister, who she hadn’t seen for years, suddenly appeared to tease her.

What was happening today?

“Come to think of it, it seems like I haven’t seen Victor for a long time either, I wonder if he still acts all high and mighty.”

“Should I take the time to visit him?”

Caifla was talking to herself. Gwen turned her head and couldn’t help but ask curiously:

“Sister, why did you come to the Royal Capital?”

“Oh? Of course, I missed my cute little sister~”

Caifla pulled Gwen into her arms and started to tease her. Gwen pushed her away a bit angrily.

“You know I can tell when you’re lying.”

“Okay, okay, I can’t fool you.”

“To use abilities on family… you’ve turned bad, little Gwen.”

Caifla stuck out her tongue, then became serious.

“Although I did plan to come to the Royal Capital, I heard from a friend that something happened here recently, so I rushed over.”

“Were you affected by anything?”

Gwen shook her head and said:

“The main ones affected were Duke Rivierre and Victor.”

Caifla tilted her head, a clear line of confusion flashing in her eyes.

“Hmm? Why would Victor be involved with Duke Rivierre?”

Gwen carefully chose her words and told Caifla about all the things that had happened recently.

“What! The volcano nearly erupted? And there was a volcano god hidden beneath it? A magical beast of that level was defeated by Victor?”

“Damn it, if it wasn’t for the situation at home, I would have loved to be involved in such an exciting event!”

“Next time, you have to include me!”

Listening to Gwen’s story, Caifla’s eyes were sparkling.

She bit her lip, clearly regretting not being able to participate in such an event.

Seeing this, Gwen couldn’t help but feel helpless.

“Sis, how could that possibly happen again?”

“Even if it did, I wouldn’t want to go through it again.”

Caifla, with a mature tone, seriously educated her:

“You don’t understand, Gwen, this is a rare opportunity for adventure.”

“Though it’s risky, it comes with opportunities as well.”

Upon hearing Caifla’s words, Gwen paused for a moment, suddenly recalling Victor’s posture and strong performance in the palace today.

“… Opportunity?”

“Yes, that’s right, opportunity.”

Caifla crossed her arms, nodded seriously, and said, “If you want to become stronger, relying solely on pure exercise is not unrealistic, but the slow progress can be discouraging.”

“I’m not worried about you giving up though…”

Caifla said something else, but Gwen wasn’t listening anymore.

Victor had suddenly become so strong, perhaps he too had gained some rare opportunity?

In her trance, Caifla’s voice came in.

“So, the Duke stopped the War Magic for his daughter… I suppose I should thank him.”

Gwen was a bit puzzled, standing from the perspective of the Empire, if a volcano erupted, the losses would be unimaginable.

That’s assuming Victor succeeded, but what if he failed?

Her sister should consider the interests of their family and the Royal Capital.

Caifla saw what Gwen was thinking, sighed, and gave Gwen a punch on the head.

Gwen hurt, clutching her head, a few stubborn tears flowed out.

“Sis, don’t you know your own strength?”

“Sorry, sorry, I just couldn’t help it.”

Only then did Caifla affectionately rub Gwen’s head and comforted:

“But think about it, you were on the mountain when the Duke was about to release the War Magic.”

“Afterwards, how could I face your tombstone?”

Gwen was taken aback, she had never thought about this.

At that time, not only was Erica on top of the mountain.

She, who had gone after Erica, was also there.

Just as Caifla said.

Thankfully the magic array was led by the Duke, and he stopped the War Magic.

Once the magic was released, she wouldn’t have been spared either.

At this point, Gwen remembered Victor’s words.

He had defeated the Volcano God for her.

Even when she herself didn’t know.

“Victor… really saved me…”

Gwen became more confused, her feelings and expression became more complex.

“What’s the matter? What are you thinking about?”

Caifla looked at Gwen with a grin, her eyes scanning over Gwen’s head.

Hmm… she probably didn’t use much force.

She must not be hurt.

Gwen shook her head, since she accepted the kindness of others, there’s no reason not to repay it.

Once she figured everything out, she didn’t feel so conflicted.

Caifla laughed and nodded, suddenly as if she thought of something, she said.

“Ah! Since little Gwen hasn’t taken off her armor, why don’t we spar for a while, we haven’t crossed swords in years!”

Gwen looked at Caifla with some surprise, some disbelief, and some reluctance.

“Sis? You?”

Before she could say anything more, Caifla pulled Gwen by the hand and headed for the Practice Ground.

“Come on, let’s go! To the Practice Ground!”

“Don’t we need to put on protective gear?”

“No need, no need!”

“Huff, huff…”

Gwen knelt on one knee, barely propping herself up with a sword, preventing herself from collapsing.

She was sweating profusely, her strength nearly exhausted.

On the other hand, Caifla…

In her grip was merely a common knight’s sword, and she wore not a shred of armor.

Despite this, she seemed relaxed, as if she wasn’t putting forth all her strength.

Caifla stretched languidly, sheathing the knight’s sword and hanging it back on the wall.

“Mmm~ha! It’s been a while since I’ve had such a satisfying match! That was refreshing~”

Gwen managed to stand up and suddenly asked:

“Sis, why did you choose to abandon the path of a knight?”


Caifla turned her head back, propping her chin with one hand as if in deep thought.

“It must have been out of necessity.”

“After all, the family needed my talent.”

Gwen’s heart sank.

Her older sister, Caifla Delin.

As the eldest daughter in the family, she was exceptionally talented and powerful. Ten years ago, she had already held strength comparable to a royal knight’s.

However, she had given up her martial arts.

She had started anew, aiming for a political career, constantly honing her social skills and navigating through the political circles.

This too was a form of helplessness.

As part of the Delin family, a dominant force in the military arm of the empire, they needed a leader who could hold their ground in the political arena and lead the family away from crisis.

Even with their father’s numerous accomplished pupils, there were no shortage of people who saw the Delin family as a thorn in their side.

Caifla, cheerful and socially skilled with a high emotional intelligence, was a beloved beauty.

Quite the opposite of Victor.

And so, Caifla Delin put down her beloved weapon, becoming a sacrifice for the family’s sake.

Beneath her cheerful exterior, perhaps lay a pain that was difficult to voice.

“But there’s something troublesome, little Gwen.”

Suddenly, her sister’s voice pulled Gwen back from her thoughts.

She blinked, slightly puzzled.

Looking at her, Caifla said with a worried expression:

“Honestly, I came to the Royal Capital this time partly because I was interested in your strength.”

“You… don’t seem to have made much progress.”

Hearing her sister say this, Gwen gripped her sword tightly.

She indeed couldn’t defeat her elder sister, even though her sister had given up the path of the knight many years ago.

But, if it was said that she hadn’t made progress in recent years, she wouldn’t accept it.

Suddenly, Caifla said:

“This won’t do, little Gwen. If this continues, father might summon you back home for more training. What are we going to do?”

Caifla, feigning a worried expression, rolled her eyes around, observing Gwen’s response.

“I’ve got it!”

Gwen looked up at Caifla.

Caifla, as if she had thought of a perfect solution, said:

“Why not choose a good day and get married to Victor right away!”

“Father will definitely allow you to stay here then!”

Gwen blinked.


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