First Prince of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 326

The food on the table is very ordinary, not to mention other princes and ministers, even ordinary wealthy businessmen can't eat simple food. After all, as long as there are some conditions, they all pay attention to food and taste.

But their father and son are used to it. Empress Ma is in charge of the affairs of the harem. Whenever there are natural or man-made disasters in the local area throughout the year, she will issue an edict ordering the palace to practice frugality and must not be extravagant. Four dishes and one soup, for herself, there are only two dishes and one soup, and the other concubines in the palace naturally dare not violate the rules when they see the queen setting an example.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a bite of the biscuits and said: The imperial court has newly arrived with more than one million shi of grain, so there is no need to be so frugal in the palace. We heard that my sister took the clothes and quilts that my concubine spent a day weaving yesterday. It is too hard work, let alone you I eat less on weekdays.

Empress Ma served him a bowl of duck blood soup and said: No matter how frugal the palace is, no one suffers from cold and hunger. The concubines and princesses have nothing to do on weekdays. They weave some silk clothes, satin quilts and so on, and then use them as royal clothes. In the name of giving to those old widowed and lonely old people, it can be regarded as a blessing for myself.

Zhu Biao swallowed the food in his mouth and said: The empress mother has a kind heart. Who in the court and the public does not know that the empress is virtuous and generous. I have heard it several times when my sons and ministers are out of the palace, but father and sons are rarely praised. ah.

Zhu Yuanzhang said happily: This is a good thing, it is better than a family of wicked people or a family of good people.

Empress Ma put down the spoon and shook her head and said: Chongba, I have heard in the harem recently that you have recently spread the killing ring in the court and the public, implicating the whole family and even the three clans at every turn. Is this too much? God has the virtue of good life, even if they Guilty and killing the chief culprit is why even women and children...

Zhu Biao suddenly heard Chongba almost spit out the food in his mouth. He often heard this name when he was a child. After the founding of the country, Empress Ma seldom called it that way.

But when Empress Ma called that, it meant that she was serious. Zhu Yuanzhang listened patiently for a while, but then he frowned and said: Sister, you don't understand important national affairs. We have our own discretion. Don't forget the harem. The law of not interfering with politics, and whoever said these in your ears, we have to punish them severely!

Empress Ma is not afraid of him, if there are palace maids and eunuchs, she will naturally not contradict him, after all, it is right to give face to a man, but now they are the only family here.

Empress Ma reached out and snatched the biscuits from Zhu Yuanzhang's hand: At this time, you know that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. Zhu Chongba, you are the emperor, but I am also the queen of the mother's world. If these children are at fault, you will be punished as a father, don't you? Is it okay for me, a mother, to beg for mercy and persuade me?

Zhu Biao buried his face deeply in the rice bowl, talking at this time is likely to be used as a goal to divert the internal conflicts between the husband and wife, today's food is really delicious.

Lao Zhu's face turned bright: What kind of children are those corrupt officials? okay?

After Empress Ma expressed her attitude, she didn't say any more. After sitting down, she began to serve her son with vegetables. Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly felt angry and had nowhere to vent her anger. I could only take a big gulp of the duck blood soup.

Seeing this, Zhu Biao had no choice but to say: Didn't my father pardon the juveniles in the families of criminal officials last time? Although it was suggested by my son-in-law, who can do it if my father doesn't nod? Mother, this corrupt official broke the law and messed up. Ji killed more innocent people, and the emperor's father was cruel to purge the imperial court, and the empress mother should be more considerate.

Empress Ma sighed and said: Your father and I also came out of troubled times. How can you not understand the truth that kindness does not command soldiers, but the affairs of the court should be more gentle, and wanton killing is not the end of the world. Wang Dao, besides, I'm afraid that going on like this will damage the virtues of both of you father and son. Since the ninth child, there have been many children in the palace, and the young ones have been sick recently...

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, but he slowed down and said in relief: Even if there is good fortune, then God should count how many people I, Zhu Yuanzhang, have lived. Even if there are still shortcomings after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it is generally prosperous. It’s better than ten times better than it was decades ago, and this should also bless my Zhu family!”

Zhu Biao also persuaded: No matter how meticulous the care is, it is difficult to protect all the children. This is also the fate of the individual. The queen mother does not need to think too much. Just like what the father said, the founding of the Ming Dynasty at least protected tens of millions of people. It’s enough to have the Yin virtues and blessings to repay the father and the queen and become a fairy immediately.”

Empress Ma covered her reddish eyes with her sleeves and said nothing, the father and son of the Zhu family looked at each other and immediately sat up. Knowing that this is just her trump card, there is nothing she can do about it.

Zhu Yuanzhang winked at his prince. He was embarrassed after he said the harsh words just now, but Zhu Biao simply shook his head. His old mother knew who was the one who called the shots. So exhausting.

In fact, Zhu Biao quite agrees that killing is a means, not an end, and the same is true of the three clans. The purpose is to warn other officials more deeply, and if they go astray, they will bear the consequences at their own risk.

But this implication is indeed a bit too much, not to mention those young children, even the relatives are close and distant, maybe the two have had conflicts for many years and have not been in contact for many years, but this sudden crime will not listen to these.

Even without careful investigation, one can think that there must be individual innocent people killed during this period. There is no way to do this. The ancient clans are like this.

However, since the eradication of officials has just begun, the sharp edge must go forward indomitably. It is Zhu Biao's limit to be able to protect those newborn children, and this is also the limit of the prince. It can be resolved in a few hours.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned and thought about it. Recently, the number of people who have been killed is almost the same. Those who have serious problems in Beijing have not escaped. His determination to eliminate officials and show no mercy to corrupt officials is also clear enough, unless it is really a heinous crime. For those who can't tolerate it, this punishment of gangs is not suitable for use. It is almost enough to kill his whole family, and those officials will not take it lightly.

Comrade Zhu finally said helplessly: Okay, let's be the villains, and you two will be the good ones. In the future, unless the whole family is full of crimes, or after the head of the culprit is killed, his family and relatives will be lenient and exiled to Fengyang to open up wasteland. It will be released after a few years depending on the situation.


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