First Son-in-law

Chapter 2235

Chapter 2227 First temple

Qin Li was dumbfounded.

The three major civilizations are all heavens.

In a trance, the three emperors slowly told a piece of history.



It also breeds infinite possibilities.

So a weird bubble was born.

It has not disappeared, it is constantly drifting, swallowing other bubbles.

This is the “origin bubble”.

I don’t know how long it has been, after all, where there is no time, trillions of years are meaningless.

at last!

That weird bubble.

Too much swallowed and turned into a sea of ​​chaos.

Endless waves scoured, forming road marks, intertwined with each other.

In the long time, the extremely disorderly Dao marks condense an orderly seed.

Order, swallowing chaos and disorder, so that it sucked up the Chaos Sea and gave birth to a supreme immortal lotus.

Chaos lotus!

It is a pity that there is a beginning and an end.

After the beginning, it must be the end.

The lotus fell and turned into the heavens, opening the first era.

As the so-called Dadao is fifty, heaven wins forty-nine, and escape one, the fairyland green lotus is the escape one of the chaotic lotus.

Begin, develop, prosper, decline, and perish.

The body refining civilization goes through everything and finally loses to the Fallen Domain.

It is as if a lotus flower blooms and finally decays into soil, and the perishing soil is the way of heaven.


Everything has reincarnation.

After the end, it is the beginning.

The path of heaven is declining, and the soil of despair gives birth to a new life.

That was the second avenue, the creation **** vine, which opened up the second era.

Gourd Shenteng is the escape one. According to Li Ping’an’s oral statement, he has died several times. Although the memory has been sealed, the past life of the past life, and even more past lives, the memory is a little fuzzy, vaguely witnessing the glory of the Shinto civilization.


Lost again.

Can’t escape destruction.

The Way of Heaven was born and destroyed the Second Age.


It is the third day.

Create the world tree and open up the heavens.

Next is the historical trajectory that Qin Li is familiar with.

Obviously, the World Tree also understands the situation, and also thought about struggling, and chopped out a piece of wood.

And this piece of wood is undoubtedly the biggest variable among the three epochs, like the same kind of fire, so that everyone can see hope.

“Oh! According to your statement, the immortal country Qinglian is the holy relic of the first era, and the earth is the holy place for body refining, and it is also your hometown.” Qin Li said.


The emperor nodded.

His face was cold, with a trace of sorrow.

She is not unfeeling, but she has seen too much destruction and is numb.

“Doesn’t this mean that the people on earth are all descendants of body-refining civilization.” Qin Li was secretly stunned that the Wasteland Continent had such a source.

Chu Qingyin nodded: “In the first era, there was a strongest race, the lotus clan, which was born in the lotus, crushing the wasteland, and tearing up Kunpeng. The people on earth are all extremely degraded lotus clan people, but they still retain a little bit of magic. ”

Qin Li suddenly realized: “No wonder there is not a single waste out of the earth.”

Everyone continued to chat about past stories.


The immortal boat shook suddenly.

Pill Shuangxian points to the distance.

Where there is darkness, there seems to be nothing.

In fact, it was enveloped by a layer of fairy formations, only the boat of the fairy spoon could enter.

Get closer.

Suddenly a golden rainbow appeared.

Pick up the fairy boat, enter the fairy formation, and come to a golden floating island.

As far as I can see, a piece of gold is shining, amber Qionglou, ancient palaces, shrouded in sacred light, and fairy flows.


Everyone jumped off the fairy boat.

Stepping on the Golden Palace is inexplicably stable.

Qin Li has been here once, so he is quite familiar with it.

Go all the way, cross the palace, and reach the center, where a treasure tree stands.

The innate spiritual root, the golden ancient tree, immortal and immortal, shining brightly, and grafted with a hundred immortal peaches, now dyed amber, and there are still many childish babies inside, all of which are sacred wombs, sleeping and awake.

among them!

There are two flat peaches.

He did not sit on the womb of the baby.

It just stores a huge amount of life essence.

“Finally back!” The pill Shuangxian picked off the immortal pan peach.

They did not choose to escape from the world, but sealed part of their power, and then stayed behind in the key boat, waiting for the time to come.

Now, they swallowed the Golden Immortal Flat Peach and injected an incomparable force. The Pill Shuangxian finally made up for the shortcomings, broke through the last trace, and became the true emperor.

“A rare comfort.”

Danxian Fenghua is peerless, graceful and infinite.

Qi Xian is very domineering, raised his fist and smashed into the ancient golden tree.


Bang bang bang!

There was a series of muffled noises.

The old golden tree shook and the leaves swayed.

“Don’t sleep! Give me a wake up, it’s time to be born!”

“If I don’t wake up again, I’m going to pick peaches!” Qi Xian shouted loudly.

Qin Li was speechless.

This wake-up method is too rough.

It’s the parents who urged you to get up early on Sunday.



“It’s Qi and Dan…”

The voice of milky milk came.

Among the immortal pan peaches, hundreds of divine fetuses are confused and groggy.


Bailijian blows.

Immortal energy swept out, moisturizing the flat peach.

This is a power with the same root and the same origin, completely awakening the fairy sage.

“How long have we slept!”

“Dan is back, and I’m here!”

“Look, your majesty is not dead, come back again!”

The fairy pan peach is swaying, and the ancient fairy sage is joyful, twittering, making a childlike voice.

Bailijian smiled and said: “You have slept for several great ages, and now the heavens are strong, and you need your help to exterminate the fallen domain.”

“We obey!”

Hundreds of flat peaches landed one after another.

Turned into hundreds of babies and juveniles.

Pink toot, small and cute, golden girl.

It’s hard to believe that these lovely children are the immortal saints of the First Temple.

When Gein was sealed, they completely abandoned their physical bodies, and now they are resurrected, they can only use immortal pantao as their incarnation.

As soon as he raised his hand, the ancient golden tree trembled, and the golden leaves fell rustlingly, turning into hundreds of yellow silk and satin gowns, which were put on them, like a group of children outing in spring.

“Okay, let’s promote the Golden Palace and return to Qianyuan.” The Shuangxian Pills saw the return of the former friend, smiling very happily.


The formation is activated.

The golden palace turned into a flying rainbow.

Carrying everyone, ready to return.

On the way, a group of fairy sage children asked questions.

“There are too many stories in the ancient gods, near the ancient fairy court.”

“Unexpectedly, the heavens will gather the five supreme combat powers, and break through the netherworld!”

“The most unbelievable thing is that the avenue did not leave, but returned from the resurrection through broken wood!”

A group of children surrounded Qin Li, and Shu Lingling’s big eyes were filled with curious golden light: “What a powerful body, surpassing the immortal body, far surpassing the immortal instrument, fifty worlds and fifty orifices, worthy of the great soul.”

“It looks like you have learned several supreme arts, you are welcome! We can teach you the remaining supreme arts, we just want to see what happens when the nine supreme beings gather together?”

Xiansheng is very enthusiastic.

Qin Li was embarrassed.

I don’t know, I thought he was a kindergarten teacher with a bunch of children.

“Everything is fine, but the sword at your waist may not be worthy of you.” A child said, he was old-fashioned, elegant and holy.

He is actually, Confucianism! It is also the founder of Confucianism and Taoism, known as the ancestor of Confucianism, the Confucian master of all ages, and the strongest combat power in the first temple, surpassing the true emperor.

But now that the breath is exhausted, the true emperor is inferior.


Qin Li pulled out too early.

Xianjian followed him for decades.

It is his killer, invincible weapon.

Once upon a time, this thing was the center of the world.

But now that Qin Li has the body of an immortal weapon, the immortal sword was a bit tasteless in the early days.


“Look at my brain!”

Qin Li was pleasantly surprised and took out the half-immortal short blade.

“Brother Baili, I have a question, I have forgotten to ask.”

“Half Immortal Shortblade and Taichu Immortal Sword are originally one, but it is a pity that they are divided into two parts. I want to merge, but it keeps failing. I don’t know if you can solve it?”

Everyone was taken aback.

Surrounded and looked carefully.

Qi Xian frowned: “It should be hopeless.”

Qin Li felt a sword in his chest, he really liked Taichu.

Bailijian carefully checked: “It is indeed hopeless, but if you go to him for help, maybe there is a chance?”


Qin Li said in surprise.

Bailijian smiled and said, “Chaos!”

See what he meant, it should be referring to the Chaos Fierce Beast.

The world tree is destroyed, turned into endless chaotic energy, intertwined with Dao marks, and evolves into the heavens.

Chaos fierce beast is the first creature between heaven and earth. At the beginning of its birth, it was beyond the existence of the true emperor, without any restriction, and was a disaster for the immortal.

“After I became supreme, I surrendered the Chaos Beast, but this guy is immortal. I can only seal him and send the twelve zodiac patrols to guard him.”

Qin Li was puzzled: “But what does this have to do with the fairy sword?”

Bailijian smiled:

“Why is there only one piece of fairy gold in the world!”

“Because this is the inner alchemy of chaos, planted in Qianyuan Xinzhou, absorbing the golden aura, and eventually spent countless hours and nurturing.”

Qin Li suddenly realized that after the birth of Xianjin, it would turn into a chaos and devour the veins. It turned out that it was the inner alchemy of the chaotic beast.

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