First Song

Pt. 1 Ch. 27 – Inner Space Affairs

CW: Sexual Content


Martin looked hesitant as I offered him my hand, and I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

“It’s not a trick. If you want to speak with Muse, take my hand,” I said, reinforcing what I’d just told him.

His colleague, Christine, still looked at me sceptically. I guess it was a pretty odd way to speak with beings from another world.

Alright. Fine. Muse?

If you had more control of your abilities then you could do this yourself, you know,’ she answered tiredly.

My sigh was quiet, but I continued to hold out my hand to Martin. He seemed like the one of the two that would be most open to something new. Christine seemed like she had something long and solid shoved up her backside.

It took a few seconds, but they both went wide-eyed, their mouths drifting open. I assumed that my eyes were doing their glowy effect trick thing again. I could never really tell – there wasn’t a tingle or anything that would let me know.

“Take my hand,” I repeated to him, more insistent this time.

He shuffled off the edge of the sofa and stood up. He looked awkward, like he was just about to become the butt of a massive prank, but crossed the room regardless. The stiffness in his movement told me that he was trying really hard to act naturally.

I slid forward on my seat so that he didn’t have to tower over me, and reached my hand out to him.

There were a brief few seconds of hesitation, during which he stared at my fingers like they might become snakes at any moment, but he eventually slipped his larger hand over mine. I would normally have been feeling utterly euphoric at the sensation of being dwarfed, but the situation was a bit too serious right now.

The way that he interacted with Muse wasn’t all too dissimilar from how Rishaan had done it. At first he was bewildered, looking around the room for the source of her voice. Next, he was shy – overwhelmed that he was talking to an actual alien. Finally, because Muse was so good at being herself, he was just chatting like they were old friends.

He asked her more personal questions about where she was from, and more importantly what the incoming aliens were planning to do. It sounded like she was being coy about her own mission, though, which was good.

From what I could tell, whatever they planned to do here once they arrived was not good. Martin was turning pale as he spoke his side of the conversation, his voice wavering with uncertainty

“So are your species originally from 31 Draconis?” he asked, but was apparently unhappy with the answers he was getting.

“She’s a bit picky about what information she gives out,” I smirked at him, highly amused that it wasn’t just me she did this to.

Christine was staring at Martin with shocked fascination, and not a small amount of excitement.

“You know, you could talk to Hunter if you want to,” Casey said to her. “Though they’re a bit serious –  unlike Muse.”

“Wait, you’ve spoken to Muse?” I asked her, eyebrows knitting together.

“Yeah, sometimes when you’re sleeping she’ll talk to me. It’s not really a conversation, just… kinda… letting me know how you’re doing,” Casey remarked quietly enough that only I could hear, but she was blushing profusely.

Good to know.

I rested my head against her tenderly. If she was worried about me then I couldn’t blame her for asking Muse.

Christine shook her head at us, and raised a hand placatingly, “Oh no. I’m… I’m fine as I am, thank you.”

A buzzing noise reverberated around the room, followed by the telltale musical jingle of someone’s phone ringing. Martin sighed, releasing my hand and reaching into his pocket. He gave me an appreciative smile, then turned to walk out of the room – his smartphone was already to his ear.

“So… if you didn’t come here to talk, why did you come here?” I asked, wiping my hand on the leg of my jeans.

Christine was taking gulps from her tea, but paused to reply to me, “We wanted to see if you’re as dangerous as everyone thinks you are.”

This made Casey freeze in place, her eyes narrowing as she squinted at the woman, “You’re not actually UNOOSA – are you?”

Christine lowered her cup down to her lap and scrutinised Casey for a long moment, studying her face. Eventually, and with a tight smile, she replied, “Well, you’re very astute. Very much your father’s daughter.”

I exchanged a glance with Casey, though I lifted my eyebrows questioningly. What was going on? What had she said? And who was Casey’s father?

“No one sends scientists or politicians to see if people are dangerous,” Casey declared, answering part of my question without me asking it. “Who are you, really?”

Christine was still considering her reply when Martin walked back into the room. He looked between us, noticing the tension that was chilling the ambience.

“What happened?” he asked cautiously. “I wasn’t even gone a minute.” 

“Who do you really work for?” Casey demanded, her voice rising. She was starting to get riled up and that wasn’t good.

Gently, I reached out a hand towards her. When my fingertips brushed against her leg she blinked, and turned to look at me. I smiled at her softly, my eyes pleading. She let out a deep breath in answer, but relaxed.

Martin took his seat again and sighed loudly, “We want you on our side, so how about the truth, eh?” He looked at Christine, then back to us, “We do work for the United Nations, but as a newly formed executive beneath Space Affairs.”

“We’re humanity’s unified effort to avert the coming disaster,” Christine added.

“Do you have a name?” I asked, curious.

Please be original, please be catchy,’ Muse was chanting in the back of my mind.

“Uh. We just go by the Terrestrial Defense Executive right now,” Martin answered, bringing a hand to the back of his neck. “It took about two days just to get everyone to agree on that.”


I had to hide the laugh that was threatening to escape.

“I want you to work with us,” he offered, smiling amicably. “You and your, uh... friends… will be invaluable.”


“Wow, I thought they were never going to leave,” I said to Casey as we watched the Executive duo leaving the house.

After a private discussion between the two of us – symbiotes as well – we decided that the offer seemed promising. Casey was more reserved about it than I was, but the whole thing about saving the world is that you might have to do things you’re uncomfortable with.

Honestly? I didn’t see any other way for us to be effective. We were more or less useless or on our own. We simply didn’t have the means or political will as just two young women.

There was a catch, though – they were based overseas – and guess who doesn't have a passport yet. This girl. 

When I’d told them, they’d just asked for a passport photograph. Luckily, we’d just been out to get some of those today. They took the picture, plus some personal details, and left. Someone would be back on Friday evening to see whether we were interested in taking up the offer to join.

In the meantime, I had a passport to apply for. Filling in the forms took a good long while, but eventually I’d finished. I’d attached another of the tiny pictures to the application, and included the letter from my doctor. What a faff this all was.


Sarah came home just as I was clearing everything away. When she heard us in the sitting room, she came in to join us, dumping her school satchel off in the corner. She had a spring in her step, and a beaming smile on her face.

“Hey squirt,” I called out when I saw her.

I guess it looks like things might be better with Paige? I would never condone violence, but sometimes it’s the only language that some people seemed to understand. It broke my heart to think about it, and I felt rotten to the core, but it’s true.

“Hey,” she said back, feigning a begrudging smile.

“You’re looking happy,” Casey said, still sitting on a spot on the three person sofa. “I’m guessing things went better at school?”

Sarah nodded her head a little, and I dragged her over to sit down next to the two of us. “So?” I asked.

“Well… I think things seem to be getting better?” she began. “Paige was really upset that Ryan tried to attack my sister’s girlfriend.”

The mention of girlfriends had me glancing sidelong at Casey. Sure, in my mind I considered us to be a couple, but we’d never discussed it. She looked back at me, a sly smile curving her lips. I blushed, looking back to Sarah again.

“Her parents seem to be more angry that he tried to hit a woman in public,” Sarah continued.

“A woman who then kicked his ass,” Casey added, making Sarah and I break out into quiet laughter. I could tell that the news that Ryan was recovering had lifted a weight from Casey’s shoulders.

“Well, she’s talking to me now, at least. She’s less scared of what her family thinks, now that she’s seen who they really are.”

It was then that I really looked at Sarah for the first time in a good long while. We were undoubtedly sisters – the resemblance between us was so strong. I began thinking about how our lives were all about to change. The incoming threat represented by the alien object was so real and imminent.

If we do decide to take up the TDE’s offer, this could be one of the last times I might ever get to see her, or any of the rest of my family. Ever.

It was chilling, it was sobering, and in my currently emotionally unstable state, I could feel it bringing tears to my eyes. My arms were around Sarah within an instant, holding her close and wrapping her up tightly.

“Uh, okay,” Sarah said in surprise, but she returned my embrace all the same.

“You’re the best sister I could have hoped for, Rah,” I sniffled at her. “Thank you so much for being you.”

“You’ve been amazing, too, Erin,” she answered, though she still sounded like she had no idea where this was coming from. “You always have been.”

I felt another hand touch my back, rubbing gently. It felt exactly like Casey, and it made me smile through my tears. I hope Casey knew just how much I loved her right now, too.

She knows,’ Muse told me.


After dinner, I asked Casey to take a walk with me. I still had to post off my passport application and I wanted to be able to discuss Martin’s offer. Walking always helped me when I needed to process, too.

We walked hand in hand through the evening sunshine – the sun was so low and bright that we needed sunglasses for their intended purpose.

“What do you think?” I asked her. It was bound to be the only question on her mind, too, so I didn’t feel the need to clarify.

She hummed quietly, taking her time to answer. She kept sneaking little glances at me, but I wasn’t sure why.

“Well. We’ve gotta do something, right?” she eventually said. “It’s not like we can just sit around waiting for everyone else to save our asses. We can help.”

I’d had exactly the same thoughts. If we’re going to try to save the world like we promised – and why the hell wouldn’t we – then we needed to get involved somewhere.

I am still interested in speaking with Prometheus,’ Muse cut in, ‘since I have some questions that he needs to answer.

That’s fair. I’d still be interested in hearing from him, too.

“Do you trust them?” I asked Casey next.

“Not one bit.”

I laughed at the way she’d said it, but that generally vibed well with my own opinion. They’d seemed like reasonable people, but they were still a part of a much larger organisation. The United Nations was known to contain some people that wanted to do the right thing for humanity as a whole, but they were all still a political organisation.

“Who’s your dad, by the way? Christine said something about being your father’s daughter?”

She laughed at the segue, but my deadpan delivery had her looking at my face quizzically.

“Wait, are you serious? You don’t know?” she asked, amusement burning in her eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders and bit nervously at my lower lip.

“Oh babe, you are being hella cute right now,” she giggled, reaching her free hand up to brush at my cheek. “I’m Cassandra Kowalski. My Dad is Bryan Kowalski.”

Oh, that name was definitely ringing a bell in my head. I could feel myself already starting to blush in embarrassment.

“The tech guy?” I asked, not sure if she was pulling my leg.

“The tech guy,” she confirmed, chuckling some more. “Holy shit, I can’t believe you didn’t know. I just kinda assumed.”

Bryan Kowalski was a well known name in electronics innovation and, more recently, gaming. The most exciting thing that had been in the news over the last year was one of his companies developing the world’s first VRMMO – though it was still a few years away at least.

He also happened to be one of Silicon Valley’s many billionaires. He had his fingers in so many proverbial pies that he had started hiring others just for their digits.

“I’m dumb. I’m sorry,” I said to her, my cheeks still burning.

She squeezed my hand, and playfully bumped up against me. Leaning in, she growled softly in my ear, causing me to flush all over, and bite my lip even harder.

We found the nearest post box soon after, and sent my little package on its way. I could feel Casey’s eagerness to get home. It was like a dog pulling at its lead.


She had me by the hand as soon as we passed through the front door. Without a word, I was being dragged up the stairs. Once we were outside my door, she pressed me against it and took hold of my wrists.

“I want you, Erin,” she whispered at me, voice laden with hot desire.

“I want you, too,” I answered, surprised at just how much that was true. We’d been toying with each other for days, but had never gone as far as either of us really wanted.

I felt my breath coming in small bursts as she pressed a tender kiss to my lips. It was only when I reciprocated that she released me, and shoved open the door.

Casey’s hands were all over me as we stumbled into my room. I was barely able to lock the door behind us before we were kissing passionately, her fingers searching for the hem of my t-shirt.

She peeled the fabric over my head, re-engaging my lips the moment it was free. Her hands were gentle as she caressed my sensitive skin, nails lightly running up and down my back. I took a half-step backwards, and she allowed me the time and space to unbutton her chequered shirt, freeing her from its confines. 

She was on me again, her hands rubbing up against my covered breasts and then around to the clasp behind them. Only once she’d unhooked the straps of my bra and allowed it to fall to the ground did she guide me to the bed, lowering me down gently.

Moments later, her legs were straddling mine. Her mouth was working its way upwards from my belly button, the kisses leaving a faint trail of moisture behind. I had melted completely, basking in the safety and worship that she was giving me.

She relented just as she reached the swell of my chest, moving herself further up my body, 

Her fingertips teased the cup of my breasts, making me shiver and break into a shy giggle – but her lips were on me again. They worked their way up the curve of my shoulder, until she found my neck. I gasped as her teeth gently nipped at my soft flesh.

I was breathing hard as my hands had found their way around her waist. My hands slid up, underneath her tank-top, and she allowed me the space to lift it over her head. Our eyes met for just a brief moment, and I saw desire burning in them. I could only guess what she saw in mine.

With her bare skin now exposed, she fell back down upon me like a wolf and her prey. I felt vulnerable like never before, but she had a strength and reassurance that let me know that nothing would happen to me while she was here.

My fingers tried to work the clasp of her bra, but everything was the wrong way around. I felt her break into a smile at my fumbling, her lips returning to my neck. Her insistent teasing of my jawline was making me gasp again, and my lips parted in reply. I was baring myself so completely to her –  loving that her ministrations were gentle and caring despite her passion.

Casey growled softly once I’d finally unfastened her. She returned her lips to mine, her hands cupping my face and fingers gently cradling my neck. My own hands were desperately caressing her – pleading her for more.

Ever so slowly, one of her fingers traced a line down my chest, passing through the valley between my breasts, and then further still. I whimpered quietly when she reached the button at the top of my jeans. She twisted expertly and it came undone.


We were curled up together an hour later, snuggling and completely naked. Casey was still placing soft kisses on my cheeks, and I was smiling, my eyes closed.

My phone buzzed on my desk, but I didn’t want to move. I’d never felt so calm and blissful as right now, nor so loved.

Casey was toying with my hair now, running her fingers through it and marvelling.

“I’m hella jealous of your hair, oh my god,” she said eventually, making me giggle in her arms.

“Maybe Hunter could do something for you,” I replied, nuzzling against her. “Muse could teach them how, if they don’t know.”

She fell quiet and I could practically hear the mass of inner conversations that she was having with her symbiote. That made me giggle even more, and I relaxed into the peace that she gave me.

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