Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 104 - [Eunuch\\\'s vicious stepmother] [VIP]

He sweated a lot, not knowing whether it was caused by pain or fever, he became more and more faint and weak under her touch.

“Xie Lanchi, why are you so hot?” Qiao Sha’s fingers held his cheeks and leaned in front of her face. She bowed her head and pressed her forehead against his forehead. She did not close her eyes.

Xie Lanchi closed his eyes amidst the alternating heat and cold. He smelled her smell, felt her body temperature, her skin, her… gentleness.

“Are you uncomfortable?” She asked him in a muttered voice, with the breath between his eyebrows, floating him as if he was having a gentle and painful dream.

He was uncomfortable, he was in pain, his body was in pain, and his brain was in pain, and that heart was also suffering from her suffering. He hated himself at the moment and felt sick with nausea.

He hated her so much, but he couldn’t let himself push her away at this moment.

He is so uncomfortable, how much he wants to take this as a dream and take a break.

“Do you want me to hold you?” She asked him, but her palm was already on his tight back, hugging him, gently stroking his uncomfortable body.

He trembled, knowing that he should resist her and waved her hand away, but he was so uncomfortable that he had never received such a hug or touch in his dreams.

Her voice was like a dream, and her embrace was like a dream, hugging him, stroking his tremor and resistance a little bit.

It must be because of the medicine, his body is weak and struggling, let her hold him.

He didn’t open his eyes, he never dared to open his eyes, as if opening his eyes, the “dream” woke up.

The carriage reeled, swayed the carriage, and shook him.

In such a quiet carriage, she didn’t say a word, just hugged him and held him motionless.

He was getting more and more drowsy, getting less and less awake, and slowly buried his sweaty forehead on her shoulders. He smelled her scent, which was familiar and unfamiliar, as if he had smelled it a long, long time ago. It’s the same smell I’ve heard in my previous life.

He completely leaned into her arms, like being stuck in a dream.

Until the carriage stopped, the coachman said from the outside, “Master Supervisor, here it is.”

He just woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and saw the wind-blown car curtain, which arrived so soon.

Before he pushed Qiao Sha away, he held his arm and released him first.

The cold wind blew in, as if waking up from a dream.

He was surprisingly cold, getting out of the wagon, feeling dizzy and almost unsteady on his feet.

In the carriage behind, Qiao Sha raised the curtain, looked at the water on the ground, and stopped him: “Xie Lanchi, you carry me in.”

In the dark of the night, he turned his head to look at her faintly, and saw that she was holding the hand of the coachman, still sitting in the carriage, and said delicately and inconveniently: “The ground is too wet.”

The coachman glanced at Xie Lanchi, fearing that he was annoyed, and said to Qiao Sha hurriedly: “Madam stepped on her little knee, or she asked you to go over.” How can they dare to let their factory superintendent carry it.

She took her hand away, looked at Xie Lanchi and said, “Xie Lanchi, come over, I will only let you carry me.”

Just let him back.

Xie Lanchi looked at her, ridiculously indulging in a kind of connivance that was needed.

He walked back towards her and reached out to her, trying to help her out of the car.

She hugged his neck, approached his arms from the carriage, and let him hold it.

He subconsciously changed from helping to hug, took her off the carriage, carried her into the Xie Mansion, held her all the way, and entered his bedroom.

There was no light in the bedroom. He was a little head-heavy and couldn’t see the way. He couldn’t find a place to put her. He carried her into the inner room and put her on the couch, but he fell unsteadily on the couch with her.

He seemed to be pressing on her, she let out a low gasp under his arm, his heart trembled as he panted, and he hurriedly moved his arm away.

She turned sideways to hug him, touched his face in the dimness, “It’s good if you are so obedient.”

Is she complimenting him?

Xie Lanchi’s sweaty face was held in her palm, and only her smiling face and eyes were seen in the dizziness.

She was watching him, praising him happily and satisfiedly, saying: “If you don’t make me angry, I will treat you better.”


She wiped the sweat off his forehead for him, and asked him gently, “Did you not take the medicine today? You will be hotter than it was in the morning.”

She is caring about him.

Xie Lanchi looked at her eyes, a little confused, is this her tempting means to care about…

Or is it her reward?

Reward him to hug her out of the wagon? Reward him to endure her revenge in the carriage?

He was tempted by this concern, and he felt that her revenge was nothing.

“Close your eyes.” She covered his eyes with her soft palms and said to him: “I will hold you and lie down for a while, and wait for you to get better before leaving.”

He closed his eyes a little bit in the palm of her hand, his heart was sorrowful and sorrowful, and his throat and eye sockets surged again.

No one has treated him like this, not even his biological mother. He has never felt loved by his mother.

He once imagined that the “gentle mother” would hug him when he was sick.

Just hug him.

At this moment, how much he thinks, how much he wants to hold her.

He is so tired that he is dying of illness.

She hugged him tightly, and gently stroked his back with the palm of her hand. He was groggy, not knowing when he fell asleep.

He had a tender and heartbroken dream.


The little maid did not dare to enter outside the door, and quietly closed the door.

In the dim room, Qiao Sha stroked Xie Lanchi’s dark hair and smiled slowly. The dog who lacks love and loves to bite is actually not difficult to be tamed.

101 finally spoke: “Host, I don’t quite understand…”

In order to abuse him and **** him off, the host went to protect Gu’an and seduce Gu Ze. Why is it…so good to him now that he comes back with him?

“There is nothing you don’t understand.” Qiao Sha loosened the palms covering his eyes and gently stroked the slap marks on his face. Dogs who love to bite can’t please him and obey him.

To punish and make him understand that you are the dominant one, and you can leave him at any time and have more behaved dogs.

He can only be rewarded if he is behaved and obedient, and he will naturally be obedient.

101 still didn’t understand, “But the task of this world is not to domesticate, but to raid Xie Lan Chi and make him fall in love with you like Surya and lose his godhood.” But he was also confused: “This world can’t see favorability, no Know how [love] this standard is calculated…”

He recalled the world where Surya lost the godhead, that world still had a hatred value, and when the hatred value was full, Surya completely lost the godhead and fell in love with the host.

But in this world, there is nothing.

“Is it the standard for him to say that he loves you?” 101 guess: “Or, for him to have a relationship with you, as the standard for task completion?” Like Surya’s world, after the host has a relationship with Surya, he Lost the godhead.

“If the criterion is to have a relationship… Then why don’t you fail to complete this task?” 101 doubted that this was what Aran planned to transport himself and his host to this world.

Without favorability and no measurement standards, how can love be defined? What kind of love will lose the Godhead?

There is no standard at all.

The only possible criterion is to have a relationship, right?

If this is the case, then the host will not be able to complete the task at all. Aran is a real **** in this world.

How did it happen?

He was anxious and worried for the host. He wanted to help the host leave this painful world as soon as possible and join Surya, who became the main god, at least so that the host would not have to suffer any more.

But the host, it seems that she is not in a hurry, she has no sense of doing tasks in this world, everything she does now seems to be just to torture Xie Lanchi.

“Yes.” Qiao Sha closed her eyes and put her fingers around his black hair. She fluttered and said to 101: “When she was willing to die for me, she fell in love.”

101 was speechless, in the dim bed, the pale host played with Xie Lanchi’s black hair, leaned on his shoulder, and said these words lightly, with an indescribable morbidity.

She is like a violent person, asking others to prove their love with her by death.

Outside the window, a figure flashed by.


In the cabin in the stable, Chang Shou cautiously reported that he really couldn’t bring Mrs. Xie here again, because…

“Xie Lanchi sleeps in Mrs. Xie’s room.” He spoke as tactfully as possible, only saying that he slept in the room, not on the same bed.

The noble man on the bed was playing with a strand of black hair with thin white fingers. He couldn’t see if he was angry. He just asked him: “Today Qiao Sha seduced Gu An, provoked Gu Ze and Xie Lanchi, and made Li Rongzhao She was crying, didn’t she?”

“Yes.” Chang Shou really admired, Mrs. Xie turned a few men around, and these men are the new emperor, the general, the factory supervisor, and their nobles.

There is no second woman in this world who can do this, nor is there a man.

He wanted to persuade them not to be obsessed with Mrs. Xie anymore, take revenge, and get back to Jiangshan, it may be easier than getting this Mrs. Xie.

They have been staying in this Xie’s mansion for several days. What is your plan?

The nobleman gave a gentle “graciousness”, raised his hand, put the strand of black hair in his hand into a letter that he took out under the pillow, and handed it to him together, “Send this letter to him. Li Rongzhao.”

Changshou took the letterhead for a moment, and sent it to the current new emperor? Wouldn’t it be waiting for the new emperor to send a letter to Xie Lanchi and Gu Ze? Will the whereabouts be revealed by then?

“Send it tonight?” Changshou said, “The old general Duan will enter Beijing in two days. Why don’t you send it out at that time?”

The old general Duan is the “reinforcement” of the nobles. He rushed back from the border and had two days to enter Beijing. Would it be safer for the nobles to send letters at that time?

“Send it tonight.” He said to Changshou.

His seventh brother is now alone and helpless. He dreamed of killing Xie Lanchi for his Sasha. After reading the letter, he would definitely understand what he meant.

There was a lonely moon outside the window, gradually poking out his head from behind the dark clouds.

This night, some people slept very peacefully, and some were awake all night.


Xie Lanchi woke up when the window was shining brightly. He opened his eyes and saw Qiao Sha who was asleep in his arms, and he was stunned for a long time.

Hearing the chirping of birds outside the window and feeling the warmth in his arms, he gradually woke up, not a dream.

It was not a dream last night, nor is it a dream now.

The pain and discomfort in his head and body have alleviated a lot, but the pulling discomfort in his heart and stomach has increased unabated. What is he doing?

He carefully withdrew his arm and left the bedroom.

The dark guard standing outside hurriedly saluted him, “Master Supervisor…”

“Speak quietly.” He blurted out almost subconsciously, pursing his mouth again, rubbing his eyebrows and asked: “When is it?”

He still has time to go to the early morning.

He hurried to the study and ordered people to fetch water to wash and change clothes.

His close servant lowered his head and took off his clothes for him. He was taken aback as he unhooked the hair band, and looked at his earlobe in surprise and dare not ask.

Xie Lanchi saw the waiter’s eyes in the mirror, and then saw that there was still a pomegranate-red eardrop hanging on his earlobe, the earlobe was swollen, and the blood scab was coagulated on the earlobe.

“Go down.” Xie Lanchi sent everyone out.

He stood in front of the mirror, looked at himself, tilted his head, raised his hand to remove the earlobe from the earlobe, his painful brows frowned slightly, and the earlobe seemed to grow in the earlobe.

He pulled his fingers off, bleeding again, and the blood beads and eardrops fell into the palm of his palm, all red.

The earlobe was hot and painful, reminding him of the pain in the carriage last night, and thinking of her fingers, there was an inexplicable tingling.

He raised his hand and threw the earrings into the fish tank, with blood beads hanging on the earlobes, turned around and took a bath after entering the screen.

Last night, he was held by Qiao Sha and slept all night, sweating all over. Today he feels much better and his body is much lighter.

He was sitting in the tub, and it was hard not to think about her and last night.

After he finished the bath, he picked the earrings out of the fish tank again and put them in the inkstone box in the study. He didn’t know why he wanted to put them away, but he just didn’t want to throw them away.

Outside the door, the little maid serving Qiao Sha called out: “Young Master.” Embarrassedly replied: “Madam is awake, I must see you.”

Waking up so early?

Xie Lanchi didn’t want to see her, especially now, he didn’t know what emotion to face her with.

“Tell her that I went to the court.” Xie Lanchi put on his coat and said.

The little maid said embarrassingly outside the door: “The lady said, if you don’t see her, she will be unhappy… Madam asked the slave to tell you this.”


Xie Lanchi paused, remembering what she said last night-“If you don’t make me angry, I will treat you better.”

What if she is not happy? Will go to Gu Mansion, will follow Gu Ze… Will think of tricks to make him unhappy.

She can do anything, she can always make him miserable.

But if she is happy, she will become like a dream.

He was upset and put on his clothes, opened the door and went out.

He stood there, letting his servant put his crown on him, and glanced at the sky.

After all, he turned around and went to his bedroom.


The bedroom door was open, and he saw it when he walked in. Qiao Sha sat at the table with her cheeks as if waiting for him. She had just bathed, changed her clothes, wore dark hair, and had no powder on her face. , Showing a bit of childishness.

“It’s so slow.” Her mouth was dissatisfied, but her face and eyes were full of smiles. She looked in a good mood, “Are you going up?”

She saw that he was neatly dressed, and she pointed her finger on the chair in front of her, “First accompany me to drink the medicine before leaving.”

Xie Lanchi saw two bowls of medicine on the table.

“It’s the lady’s medicine, the lady instructed the servants to cook a bowl for the young master.” The little maid explained.

She still remembered that he was sick.

Xie Lanchi looked at her, trying to see a trace of flattery or falsehood from her face, but she was just waiting for him to sit down, and without concealing his malice, she said to him: “I can’t be alone with such a bitter medicine. Drink this medicine to treat the wind and cold, drink it to death, and you will accompany me to drink the medicine in the future.”

This is her. She has to suffer from suffering, and she doesn’t care if the medicine is right for him.

Xie Lanchi was not angry on the contrary, and it was better to suffer together, rather than being alone in pain forever.

He sat down in front of her, did not say anything, picked up the bowl of medicine, and drank it first under her gaze. Before he frowned bitterly, he saw Qiao Sha who was staring at him frowned first. , As if suffering.

That look is surprisingly cute.

He couldn’t help but curled the corners of his lips. In fact, it was good to accompany her to drink medicine every day.

He waited for her to finish drinking the medicine before hurried out of the mansion gate. When he arrived at the mansion gate, he ran into Gu’s carriage.

The coachman seemed to have been waiting outside the door for a while.

Seeing the door of Xie’s mansion opened, he jumped out of the carriage and saluted him, and said with a smile: “Master Xie, our general asked the young man to pick up Miss Joe.”

Xie Lanchi frowned, so early? Gu Ze really couldn’t wait.

“Is he not going to court today?” Xie Lanchi asked the driver.

The coachman smiled and said, “I don’t know this little one.” He saluted him again, and the maid who came with him went to the house with Xie’s entourage to invite Qiao Sha.

Xie Lanchi was supposed to get on his horse and leave, but got on his horse and was upset and didn’t leave.

After waiting for a while, I saw that little maid lowered her head, ran out, and said to the coachman: “Miss Qiao said she will not go to Gu’s house today, what should I do?”

Not going to Gu Mansion?

Xie Lanchi was taken aback for a moment, holding the reins, uncontrollably happy, why didn’t she go to Gu Mansion? Because he followed her intentions and accompanies her to drink medicine today?

When she is happy, she will treat him better.


In Xie Lanchi’s bedroom, the door was closed tightly.

Qiao Sha sat in the chair and looked at the pomegranate red and the strands of black hair that the dark guard passed up.

The dark guard lowered his voice and said to her: “It’s not convenient to talk here. Madam, please go to the stable. Someone is waiting for you.”

Is someone waiting for her in the stable?

Qiao Sha picked up the black hair, which seemed to be her broken strand of hair?

Who cut it off? The man in the stable waiting for her? Who is that again? She had no impression of how the black hair was cut off.

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