Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 2 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

According to the description in the book “Sex to Cinderella”, Qiao Sha found this place-the cemetery of Young Master Gray Surya’s birth mother.

It is written in the book that Surya’s biological mother was the only daughter of nobles, and was the first wife of Earl Fuya. The two people were close friends and childhood sweethearts. Unfortunately, she died of illness after giving birth to Surya two or three years, leaving behind a huge amount of money. Manor and castle.

Within half a year, Earl Fu Ya married his second wife, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, who was also Hill’s biological mother.

Coincidentally, Hill’s biological mother died within two years after giving birth, leaving behind a large amount of fortune.

Count Fu Ya relies on his wife to have a house and money.

Qiao Sha came here because she cleared the plot point at this moment-Earl Fu Ya went out for a week and did not go home. Hill became even more torturing stepmother Qiao Sha, forcing her to torture her half-brother Surya. She refused to eat and drink, and made her move her hands and feet on Surya’s horse, causing Surya to break her leg while riding a horse.

Not only that, Hill just rushed into the room and asked her if she had done the things she explained.

This incident was that Hill ordered the original owner, Qiao Sha, to carry out Surya, who was in a coma with a broken leg, and threw it into the forest behind the manor, letting him fend for himself.

The original owner didn’t dare to defy Hill, and his conscience was disturbed, so after throwing Surya into the back mountain forest, he secretly returned to a small stone house that carried him back into his mother’s cemetery in the back mountain forest.

The small stone house was originally a slave living here to guard the tomb of the master, but after Earl Fuya took the second wife, the new countess did not allow slaves to guard the tomb, and the place was deserted.

Qiao Sha had walked a long way to find this place, her feet hurting from being worn by her beautiful high-heeled shoes.

The night is still black, the stars and the moon are corresponding, the tulle seems to give a little light, the deserted cemetery is covered with white roses, and large swaths of white roses cover the cemetery, swallowing the tombstones, and the tombstones are upside down. A broken idol, that is the only **** in the world-the Holy God of Light, the Holy God fell among the roses, only half of his face was exposed.

In the sea of ​​white roses and rose thorns, a small stone house stood quietly, surrounded by thorns.

Qiao Sha stepped on the roses on her high heels, stepped her feet with the white flowers, and walked to the stone house.

“What do you want to do?” 101 finally couldn’t help but ask her: “Do you want to save the hero Surya? You can’t change the important plot of the hero, saving the hero is not what you should do. Your task is to fill the male lead’s hatred value so that he will have the anger to become the male lead.”

She immediately faced a small mirror in front of her. In the mirror was the face of the system, and a progress bar-[male host hatred value 0100].

“If you change the important plot of the male protagonist, you will be immediately teleported out of this world.” 101 warned her more and more coldly: “Your identity is the vicious stepmother, and it is the matter of the female protagonist Princess Beth to save the male protagonist. Please don’t get involved in the story of the heroine, try to steal the heroine and turn yourself into position.”

And the plot here is very important-the male protagonist Surya is abandoned in his mother’s cemetery before he can meet his “fairy godfather”.

Surya is the incarnation of the Holy God. The Holy God gave birth to his clone in this empire to save the empire from destruction. He was born with a holy thing—a ring of rose and thorns.

The so-called fairy godfather is actually the messenger of the holy god, and the ring of thorns is used as a token. He found the **** of the holy **** Surya, not only healed Surya’s legs, but also opened the “sense” for him to restore him Half of the supernatural power.

In this way, he can go to the position of the imperial king without any disadvantages.

But if the host Qiaosha saves the male protagonist Surya here, it will completely change his destiny. This is not allowed, and both the host and the host will be punished!

—Rory, wow.

101 I heard Qiao Sha fluttering and taunting: Are you taking too many female partners to turn around? Think that all taskers love female competition? What robbed the male protagonist of turning into position, you think too much.

Didn’t she want to save the man?

Qiao Sha passed through the virtual mirror and stepped into the stone house. The scent of roses and the smell of the morning dew filled the dilapidated house. A teenager was lying quietly on the stone bed under the window.

The stone bed was covered with dark green moss. White roses surrounded the stone bed. A ray of stars and moon shimmered in from the window, and the boy was photographed like a pale god. He has long light gold hair and covered it. Under his cheeks, the moonlight was almost snow-white, and his eyelashes melted in the moonlight.

A purple lily-of-the-valley flower as large as a small cup was leaning on the side of the stone bed, which was filled with clear stream water.

Qiao Sha remembers it was written in the plot that the male protagonist was in a coma here, and the small animals in the forest seemed to be psychic, quietly sending him water and fruits.

The male protagonist, who is incarnation of a god, is tenderly nourished by all things in the world. At this moment, he is slender, pale, delicate and holy in the moonlight. He is not embarrassed or painful even when he is injured.

It’s not fair.

She gently walked to the bedside, her eyes found the thin silver chain on his pale neck. The thorn ring on which he was written in the book had been tied around the neck with a silver chain until “the godfather of the gods” appeared. After restoring the divine power of the ring, he put it on his fingers, his legs were healed, and his mind opened up. This ring is the holy thing he opened and hung.

Bending down, she carefully hooked the silver chain around his neck with her fingers.

“What are you going to do?” 101 just asked.

Qiao Shagou was caught by the wrist of the chain.

“Oops, the main man is awake!” 101 could no longer hold her tone, but saw that Qiao Sha’s first reaction was covering Surya’s trembling eyes that she wanted to open, and her fingers hooked on the silver chain slammed hard. The thin chain was torn apart.

The ring of thorns fell into her palm along with the chain, and she stuffed it into her pocket without saying a word.

Surya’s slender fingers were still holding her wrist. She couldn’t expect to have so much strength. Fortunately, he didn’t wake up. His trembling eyelids did not open under her palm, and his thin lips He made a sound like a dream: “Water…water…”

He wants to drink water?

Qiao Sha couldn’t get away from his finger, glanced at the lily of the valley next to him, reached out and held it to his lips: Drink it, her noble stepson.

He drank all the water in the lily-of-the-valley with her hand, as if calm, his eyelids closed heavily and fell asleep again, but the hand still held her tightly.

When she moved, he put his forehead under her palm and murmured dizzyly: “Mother…Mother…I’m so cold…”

Did he dream of his mother?

Qiao Sha thought for a while, bent down and hugged him with one arm, and gently patted his back with her palm: Go to sleep, go to sleep, her troublesome stepson.

As he calmed down, he gradually let go of his grasping her, and murmured: “Mother…” he stretched out his hand to hug the gentle deceased mother in his sleep.

The second Qiao Sha released him, she immediately stepped away and ran out of the stone house without hesitation.

The comatose teenager on the bed only touched the pearl buttons. The warm embrace, gentle palms, and the fragrance of roses disappeared together. He was stuck in a nightmare and couldn’t wake up.


The dew on the rose fell to the ground by Qiao Sha, and the sky glowed with dawn. Qiao Sha did not run too far. She left the rose garden and stopped in the woods hundreds of meters away from the cemetery. The birds in the woods flew away. , She took out a silver chain and a ring of thorns and tied it around her neck casually.

The messenger of the holy **** relied on the ring of thorns to identify the deity of the gods. She wanted to try to see if the messenger would come next to her wearing the ring.

101 was so shocked that she actually wanted to take away the hero’s luck and cheats? How could it be possible that although the story says [The messenger finds the incarnation of the Holy God through the holy relic], the decent male protagonist is in a coma hundreds of meters away, and the messenger will descend on the cemetery…

A ray of light suddenly projected from the sky, interrupting 101’s thoughts.

Its host, like a shadow queen, suddenly knelt and sat in the dead branches, facing the cemetery, clasping his hands, hooking the ring of thorns with his fingertips, kissing the ring and weeping, pious and sad like a lamb that has lost the protection of the gods…

She cried in a low voice.

In that beam of light, a person fell by the cemetery, heard the sound, and walked towards her as usual when he received some guidance.

One step, another step.

Qiao Sha closed her eyes, kissed the ring and shed tears with her acting skills. She heard the person stopping in front of her, and also heard the person’s voice.

Magnetic and clean, he asked, “Poor girl, can you please stop crying and answer me a question?”

She opened her eyes in fright, her wet eyelashes with tears, and a black-haired man stood before her. He was dressed in a white robe like a priest, and his face was beautiful and eloquent. If it weren’t for a male voice, she would almost think he was. Is a woman.

He looked at her with a gentle tone, but that beautiful face was frosty, “Excuse me, is the ring of thorns on your neck yours?”

She opened her mouth and made a whimper to show that she was dumb.

He understood, took a step forward, bent down and stretched out his hand to her, Bai Yu seemed to gently lift her chin with his fingers, and stroked her throat.

Her throat poured into a sweet spring, and she opened her mouth again, and she said, “…Yes, this is… the only relic left to me by my mother…” She looked at him, letting tears run down her pale cheeks.

101: “…?”

“Your mother, is the one sleeping among the roses?” He pointed his other finger at the tombstone among the rose bushes.

She looked at the white sea of ​​flowers, covered her face and started crying lowly.

She did not answer, but in the eyes of others, it was undoubtedly acquiesced.

101: “How can you be like this…” Shamelessly, “You can’t steal the male lead’s plug-in, this is an illegal act!”

How can it be called a grab?

Qiao Sha thought: I just borrowed it. The book only states that the male lead got the cheat sheet of the godfather today, but did not say what time? Before today, as long as he gets it, it will be finished?

“…” 101 is speechless, it has never brought such a shameless host!

And the “fairy godfather” standing in front of her seemed to confirm her identity. He knelt in front of her on one knee in the light, and his eyes became more respectful, “If this is the case, why are you crying here? Not at you. Mother’s grave?”

She lifted her teary face, pulled up a little skirt, revealing her bare feet, which were a little bit torn by shoes and thorns. “My feet hurt so much that I can’t walk, and I don’t want my mother to see it. Until I cry…”

His gaze fell on her white foot, and that beautiful foot had blood blisters and shallow scratches, and further up, there were still a few whip-like scars on her ankle, sure enough, the Holy Spirit Suffered all the suffering and abuse in the mortal world.

He reached out and gently supported the injured foot.

White light envelops Qiao Sha’s feet, and the coolness gently nourishes her wounds, and they heal quickly.

Is this the male lead’s plug-in? That’s cool.

Soon, he found that there were many lash marks above her ankle, and he could not lift her skirt to touch her other wounds.

He still held her foot, raised his eyes and said respectfully to her: “Please allow me to kiss the back of your instep to heal all your hurts.”

The flying birds in the forest screamed for some reason, and landed on the branch near Qiao Sha, yelling at her, as if condemning her as a counterfeit of bad character.

Qiao Sha looked at the “fairy godfather” in front of him, thinking in his heart, did the messenger heal the male lead’s injury by touching and kissing? Then in the original plot, didn’t he want to touch and kiss the male protagonist’s legs?

The Holy Spirit can really play.

101: “Please pay attention to your words and deeds…” The behavior has not been said yet.

Qiao Sha leaned back slightly, supported the bluestone behind her with both hands, raised her smooth feet and placed them on the godfather’s knees, with tears hanging in her hands, and said softly, “Can I do this?”

The hem of her skirt slipped slowly, revealing her slender calf and thigh pressed against the dead branches.

101 has a new understanding of this host: shameless, licentious, and without the slightest moral bottom line.

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