Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 20 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Why hasn’t she come back yet?

Hill looked at the pocket watch in his hand again, only a few minutes before the ball started, Qiao Sha hadn’t been sent back.

What’s the matter?

Or… she met Pei Yue in the palace?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. When he looked at Surya surrounded by gazes, his anger became even stronger. From childhood to defecation, as long as Surya was present, everyone would surround him involuntarily, even if he had nothing. Do, just sit there dumbly.

Even if he works harder than Surya in everything.

He brought a glass of wine and stared at Surya and drank it, seeing that the daughter of the duke and the daughter of the marquis were all waiting for Surya to dance the first dance, but Surya refused one after another. Waiting for the invitation of the princess.

He heard that His Majesty favors Surya very much. This time the princess’s adult ball is the Surya personally invited by His Majesty. This is obvious, but so what? Your Majesty is afraid of the old pope. The new pope has long been selected. For the godson of the old pope, the new pope will not allow anyone with [divine power] to become the princess’s fiancé, his majesty’s successor, and that will greatly weaken the pope’s authority.

And the new pope is a one who will not let go of any beauty…

“Master Pei Yue is here, he brought his new mistress, it seems that it is not the one from yesterday, I have never seen it before…”

Bae Yue is here?

Hill looked back hurriedly. Before he could see the person clearly, the magnificent piano and drums rang, and he was shaken by shaking the wine in his hand.

The prom has begun.

The magnificent music was repeated once and again. His Majesty and the Queen walked into the Laurel Palace hand in hand amidst the sound of music. The wave of guests with fragrant temples generally retreated to the sides and bowed their heads in salute.

But Pei Yue stepped on the music so generously, almost entering the arena with her Majesty and Queen.

Hill was sitting in a wheelchair with the crowds. He raised his eyes to catch a glimpse of Pei Yue. He was wearing a black robe and a golden lining collar with a circle of laurel flowers, but he had an open neckline. Two buttons, exposing the neck and collarbone, and long black hair tied in a red velvet headband, can wear the Pope’s clothes with a bohemian feeling, and only this half-blood of Oriental blood.

He was holding a woman in an Oriental style skirt in his arms, kneeling in panic and bowing.

It appears to be his new mistress, and this mistress seems to be a slave or a prostitute, only slaves and prostitutes need to kneel and bow when they see the noble queen.

Pei Yue also stopped and smiled and saluted the Queen who passed by him.

“You are late.” His Majesty said softly, without looking at him.

The queen glanced contemptuously at his mistress at his feet, as if looking at something dirty.

Pei Yue didn’t answer, and his Majesty and Queen walked into the center of the hall without stopping.

Hill knew that he must be deliberate, and Pei Yue always provokes the kingship like this.

The ball officially began. What the Majesty and the Queen said on the platform, Hill did not listen to a word, all his thoughts were on Qiao Sha who had not returned.

Until His Majesty mentioned the name “Suria”, Hill and Pei Yue looked at the teenager in the corner together. He stood silently in the most inconspicuous corner, but the gaze from the palace turned towards him like starlight.

It’s beauty.

Pei Yue held the crystal cup and had to admit that the famous “Suria” was even better than the rumors. The **** of the moon was generally quiet and indifferent, but full of mysterious attraction. No wonder girls would do it for him. sad.

He took a sip of the wine in the glass, the movement suddenly stopped, and when it sounded again, the music was changed. The music was grand and cheerful, slowly rising under the guidance of Yueqin, and the door on the ivory white stairs in the east of the palace slowly Open slowly.

The handsome captain Shelley walked out first, leading his princess like a knight.

The cute little father-in-law is on the stage.

Pei Yue embraced his mistress, smiled and looked up at the appearance of the princess. The cute little princess dressed up to welcome her into adulthood. She didn’t dare to step into the eyes of everyone by mistake. The red skirt set off her as if A rose, a delicate rose.

It’s so pretty.

Pei Yue admired the little princess’s slender waist and delicate and plump breasts. The little princess was so touching… His eyes fell on the woman who was following the princess again.

who is she?

Who is the black-haired woman in a close-fitting dress? She is by no means the princess’s maid. She is dressed differently from the other women in the temple. There is no huge skirt and a lock-up skirt. She doesn’t seem to even have a girdle. She wears a soft and close-fitting black silk sleeveless long dress with a waist. The dark red velvet is tied like a belt, and a tail-like bow is tied behind her waist, making her look like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As she walks, the velvet bow wobbles like a lamb with a tail.

She didn’t even wear the sleeves, showing her smooth and slender arms, her hair simply wrapped around her head, with a pearl headband, she lifted out her pure and delicate face cleanly.

Like the eldest lady with oriental blood.

Pei Yue couldn’t take her gaze away from the woman. She followed the princess arrogantly. No one glanced at her. Her beautiful eyes were full of carelessness. She was even more arrogant than the princess. He had to admit her appearance. The posture was born exactly according to his preferences.

“Who is she?” he asked the Duke behind him with interest.

Behind the Duke, Hill clenched his fingers. He stared at Qiao Sha who was following the princess, staring at the princess, watching her hand and walking down the stairs step by step. He knew everyone was staring at her, and he heard the discussion. The voice is low all over–

“That is Earl Fu Ya’s third wife, the little lamb brought out from the slave house.”

“Is it her? Why have I never seen it before.”

“Naturally, I haven’t seen it, Earl Fu Ya never brought her to these occasions.”

“How could it be her? How could Her Royal Highness lead a slave… Isn’t Earl Fu Ya seriously ill and not attending? How could she be here?”

“I heard that it was specially invited by the princess, Master Shelley personally sent the letter, and I don’t know how a slave cheated the trust of the princess…”

“It must be amazing to be able to take down Earl Fu Ya’s slave…”

“What’s the name of this beautiful lady?” Pei Yue’s voice was especially obvious in those voices, and he asked without evasiveness.

Someone covered his mouth with a folding fan and laughed: “Oh, Master Pei Yue still don’t provoke this lady. I heard that Earl Fu Ya does not allow any men to approach his little wife.”

Hill was angry and panicked at this moment, the light of Qiao Sha at this moment could not be concealed, she was so beautiful, so eye-catching… She shouldn’t have appeared here, in front of other men!

Does she know that the princess’s favor is a disaster for her? Pushed her into the center of Vanity Fair.

He urged her to avoid Pei Yue, but she appeared in front of Pei Yue in a highly anticipated way…

She didn’t even know that there was no woman that Pei Yue couldn’t get! It’s not the first time that Pei Yue robbed someone else’s wife!

The movement set off the graceful voice of Yueqin.

Bess gripped Qiao Sha’s fingers tightly. Qiao Sha gently held the back of her hand with her other hand. Her tense fist heart was gently smoothed. She was always alone. But today she has Qiao Sha with her.

She thanked the Holy Spirit of Light for sending Qiao Sha to her side.

Qiao Sha sent Bess to the palace platform before letting go of her cold fingers, and walked to Hill’s side indifferently in the eyes of everyone, grabbed a glass of heavy red wine on the table, and held the table one by one. I drank all my breath.

She naturally knew that drinking like this was not decent enough, but she was dying of thirst, she didn’t care, just like she didn’t care about the eyes staring at her, she only cared if Surya saw her, how beautiful she was wearing tonight, When she wobbled the bow, did he think of her tail he touched on a rainy night?

She took another glass of wine and looked at Surya in the corner, just hitting his gaze, oh, her stepson had been looking at her, staring at her intently.

She gently held the crystal glass and watched Surya slowly take a sip of the mellow wine, which stained her lips even more red.

“Enough drunk!” Hill was pushed to her, reached out and held her drinking arm, annoyed in her voice, and whispered: “Are you trying to get drunk? Do you know how many people are staring at? Do you see it?”

“Hill.” Qiao Sha looked down at him, glanced at his hand, “You shouldn’t talk to your stepmother like this, so many people are watching.”

Hill, who had a pale face, withdrew his hand subconsciously.

Useless puppy.

Qiao Sha smiled and took another sip of wine, leaning on the table and looking at the lovely Beth on the platform. The godfather was blessing her, blessing her to walk with the Holy Spirit of Light, and blessing her to be protected by God.

Beth bowed her head religiously, clenched her hands on her chest, and closed her eyes as if she was praying. Maybe she was praying that she could successfully invite Surya today.

Hill was still with her, trying to take her away from the prom.

How could that be possible, the prom has already begun, she wants to complete the mission of the vicious stepmother.


The long prayer was over, and the movement sounded again. This time it was a prelude to a dance music that filled the brightly lit palace with grace and grace.

Everyone is waiting for the princess to dance the first dance. The princess’s adult ball is naturally led by the princess. Only when she finishes the first dance, other talents can play.

The first dance belongs only to the princess and her lucky gentleman.

Who will the princess invite?

A pair of eyes were staring at the beautiful princess behind the folding fan. Master Pei Yue smiled suddenly and stepped on the platform, stopped one step away from the princess, and stretched out her hand towards the princess: “His beautiful princess, can you enjoy your face? Dance with me.”

The fan’s sound “puff puff” sounded like everyone was excited to watch the excitement. Who didn’t know the heart of Lord Pei Yue who coveted the princess. As the godson of the pope and the future successor of the pope, Also coveted His Royal Highness the princess.

His mistress is standing just below.

The queen frowned, but she couldn’t refuse for Beth. She looked at Beth and hoped that Beth could refuse Pei Yue decently and not to shame her Majesty.

Beth stood there nervously shook her hands, gently lowered her eyelashes, raised her skirt, and raised her eyes to look at Pei Yue, and said politely: “I’m sorry, Lord Pei Yue, I’ve already liked it tonight. Dancing partner, I can’t agree to your request.”

“Really?” Pei Yue didn’t feel annoyed, and still looked at her with a smile, “I don’t know who is the dancing partner of the Princess? Is it your handsome Knight Shelley? Or is it a lucky theologian?”

How could he not know who the princess wanted to invite? He even knew that the princess had been to the seminary, and heard that the seminary was preaching that Surya, the theologian who was favored by His Majesty, refused the invitation of the princess.

So he deliberately asked this sentence.

“Master Pei Yue, Your Royal Highness has already rejected you.” Shelley, who stood behind the princess, looked at Pei Yue coldly, “You should leave.”

Pei Yue still smiled. He didn’t put the knight without divine power in his eyes at all. He directly cast his gaze to the young man in the corner, “Is that the handsome young Surya? The princess must be careful about His heart is broken. He seems to have rejected many girls tonight and has no plans to dance.”

Beth clutched the skirt and said with a cold face, “Perhaps he is waiting for me, Lord Pei Yue, you should retreat to where you should stand.”

Pei Yue looked at Bess in surprise. After all, Jiao Didi’s little princess had grown up and had courage and momentum. He pushed a little away, and the little princess carried her skirt and walked down the palace in an imposing manner.

She walked towards Surya.

The movement did not stop, accompanied by moonlight, night breeze, and the princess’s swinging skirt.

In the crowd, Qiao Sha drank the wine, and when the princess stepped down the steps, she stepped out together. She bypassed Hill and other people, and the butterfly also headed towards Surya.

She stood beside Surya first, smiled and stretched out her hand to him, “Fulfill your promise, Surya.”

Surya paused.

Lilith next to him was also surprised. Of course she heard that this was Count Fu Ya’s wife, that was Surya’s stepmother. His stepmother invited him to dance the first dance? And knowing that the princess came over to invite Surya…this is ridiculous!

But Surya only had a meal. He lowered his eyes to look at Qiao Sha’s smooth fingers, and reached out to hold Qiao Sha’s fingers.

“Suria…” Lilith was shocked.

Princess Beth was already standing in front of Surya, her chest was slightly panting, brewing all her courage, and she stretched out her hand to Surya, “Mr. Surya, you are willing to dance the first dance with me. Is it?” Please.

Surya just opened her lips to speak, Qiao Sha suddenly placed the hand he was holding in the princess’s palm. He turned his head in surprise, Qiao Sha tightly grasped his fingers, together with Beth’s fingers, Their hands are held together.

“He is very happy.” Qiao Sha answered for him.

Surya looked at her incredulously, and she was watching him with a smile, leaning towards him, snuggling in his ear and whispering and saying: “I will give you the right to the first dance.” Silk, Surya, you must keep your promise, God will not betray your faith.”

Her words were full of mellow wine, but Surya thought of the night’s aroma of crow and crow grass, the hallucinogenic and paralyzing poison.

His anger almost made him throw away, that smooth hand, it turned out that she didn’t want to dance the first dance with him, she was just to please the princess, win him, and let him go.

“Surya, you promised me.” Her voice came with an indescribable aegis, so lightly passed into his ears, “I have the dominance of your first dance.”


Surya looked at her and suddenly felt funny, he was like an object, and she had won his dominance.

He will keep his promise, this is the last time he has tolerated her.

He looked at Beth and said softly, “My pleasure.”

Qiao Sha’s fingers are like gossamer, let go of his hand, and smiled and said to Beth: “Happy birthday, my lovely princess, I wish you the first night of adulthood, and enjoy yourself.”

Beth looked at Qiao Sha in surprise and indescribably. Is this the grown-up gift she said she gave her? Qiao Sha…how did Surya accept her invitation?

Qiao Sha smiled and watched her. The adult world opened the door to her. Beth will understand later that the twisted melon is sweet or not, as long as you get it.

The music played the first climax, the first dance of the beautiful princess and the gods.

Lilith looked at Qiao Sha in surprise. She couldn’t see through this woman. Is this woman trying to please the princess?

Qiao Sha turned her head and smiled at her, “You are so beautiful today.”

Lilith was stunned by the praise, and then reacted, is she pretending to praise her to please her? But… it was indeed in her eyes at this moment that it was her, this woman actually praised her sincerely.

Qiao Sha returned to Hill again. Poor Hill seemed to be very angry. He told her in a low voice that she shouldn’t interfere, don’t get close to Surya, and shouldn’t offend Pei Yue!

“Your Royal Highness should choose Pei Yue.” Hill stared at Surya in the center of the dance floor.

“But she doesn’t want to.” Qiao Sha said while drinking.

“It doesn’t matter whether she wants or not.” Hill looked at her, “Sometimes a woman’s wishes are the least worth mentioning.”

Qiao Sha rolled her eyes and approached a smiling person.

It’s Pei Yue.

He put the wine glass in his hand on the table next to Qiao Sha, and smiled very close to her and asked her: “Madam, can I invite you to the next dance?”

Hill’s face turned pale all of a sudden, he stepped forward and was about to say that she can’t dance.

Qiao Sha put down the wine glass in her hand and said to Pei Yue lightly: “Sorry, I don’t want to jump with you.”

Hill and Pei Yue were all stunned.

She didn’t want to know how… a rude and unconcealed way of rejection.

Qiao Sha smiled and swept Hill, “My will is more important than the Holy Spirit of Light.”

Her system rang suddenly–

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