Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 5 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

The little beauty leaned on the hand of the maid Kasha, carrying the cumbersome skirt, and struggling to walk out of the path full of thorns, towards Qiao Sha.

The closer she gets, the more she finds that the little beauty looks perfect, her skin can be broken by blows, her eyes are blue and there is no trace of impurities, she seems to be tired, and dense beads of perspiration emerge from her small nose, which looks cute. Extremely.

Getting closer, the little beauty finally discovered the existence of Qiao Sha. She was taken aback, and hid behind the maid Kasha in panic like a fawn, her azure blue eyes staring at Qiao Sha.

“Who are you?” her maid asked warily.

“Be polite, Kai’Sa.” The little beauty said lowly to the maid.

She seemed to be able to see Qiao Sha’s dress and appearance. She was deceived by her harmless temperament. The little beauty stepped forward, holding her skirt to Qiao Sha, and said generously: “I’m sorry, we passed by here. , I accidentally lost my way and disturbed you.”

He is a good and polite boy.

Qiao Sha gave her a gift when she came to the country and smiled friendly at her: “I didn’t disturb me. I made a special trip to wait for you here, Princess Beth.”

An expression of surprise appeared on her delicate face unabashedly, “You…Do you know me?”

The maid reacted first, stepped forward to protect Beth, and whispered, “Couldn’t she be sent by the head of the bodyguard to find you?”

“It’s the messenger of the Holy Spirit of Light, who sent me to find you.” Qiao Sha replied directly.

101 was surprised, it couldn’t understand what she wanted to do.

“The messenger of the Holy Spirit?” Little Beauty Beth showed a surprised expression, looked at her and asked directly: “The Holy Spirit of Light also gave you guidance, didn’t you?”

Oh, what a deceitful little beauty, she doesn’t doubt her at all.

The maid reminded in a low voice: “The princess should not trust strangers so easily…”

“Yes.” Qiao Sha decisively affirmed. She raised her right hand with the thorny ring and showed it to Little Beauty Beth. “The messenger of the Holy Spirit gave me this holy thing, the thorny ring, and let me Here is waiting for a princess named Beth to cooperate with her to complete a play.”

Half-truth, the ring was indeed given to her by the godfather, but she lied to it.

“It’s this ring!” The little beauty Beth recognized the ring at a glance, and there was no doubt about it. She was filled with joy and grabbed the hand of the maid and said, “This ring of thorns appeared in my dream. Seeing that the empire fell and the palace was engulfed by fire, it was the boy wearing this ring that appeared and saved me and the empire! Although I can’t see the boy’s face, I remember this ring and it’s the holy **** of light. Sacred…”

It turned out that before the ball, the Holy Spirit of Light had hinted to the princess in his dream. No wonder the princess, who was highly anticipated at the ball, did not accept anyone’s invitation, and patiently waited for Young Master Gray Surya to go online and put her first A dance was given to Surya.

But these are the plots of the heroes and heroines, so they didn’t appear in her book?

“Yes.” 101 answered her without concealment this time, “Your book only contains plots related to you.”

Qiao Sha smiled very lightly, she forgave it for not telling it in advance, she knew it would not be like this next time.

101 “hear” what she thinks, and don’t know how to respond to her, next time… it will try its best.

The maid Kaisha was still dubious, but Princess Beth was already walking towards Qiaosha like a deer who finally found Ganquan.

“It’s great to meet you. I’m lost here. I have never left the palace. I don’t know if my dreams are true or false. I dare not tell my father that the empire will fall in the future…” She seemed to be aware I said a little too much, so I stopped busy, frowned slightly, and apologized: “I’m sorry, I’m rude.”

The little expression on the girl’s face was vivid and cute, and Qiao Sha also smiled at her: “It’s okay, I can understand your mood. I was so excited when I met the messenger of the Holy Spirit.”

“You are so kind.” Beth clasped her hands on her chest and completely trusted her: “Will you take me to find that young man? You just said that the messenger of the Holy Spirit guides you and cooperates with me to complete a play. ?what does that mean?”

Qiao Sha touched her ring, smiled and said to her: “Please follow me.”

She brought Bess the little beauty and the maid Kaisha to the edge of the forest not far from the cemetery, and pointed to the stone house full of roses.

Before she could say, Beth opened the mouth and said: “Here, the boy in my dream was sleeping in a cemetery full of snow-white roses. He seemed to be injured…” She only dreamed of the white rose cemetery, leaning against Kasha After asking for her, I learned that the closest rose cemetery to the palace was the cemetery of Count Fu Ya’s dead wife.

She wanted to confirm whether the dream was true or false, and then tell her father, so she took Kai’sha secretly out of the palace and found her all the way.

“He is injured, very seriously injured.” Qiao Sha pointed to the ring of thorns, “Only the ring of sacred objects can save him.”

Beth looked at the ring in her hand and just wanted to say, let’s go and return it to him.

She tilted her head, leaned over, pressed it to Beth’s ear so close, and said softly and softly: “The princess doesn’t want to be his [redeemer]?”

Beth’s ears are hot and itchy, and there is a wonderful sweet smell on her body, like nectar and lactose, it smells very good, and the three words Redeemer are so touching by her.

Becoming that young redeemer, will he save her and the empire in the future?

“The messenger of the Holy Spirit asked me to cooperate with the princess to complete the scene. You saved him.” Qiao Sha said lowly to Beth’s lovely ears: “I am the despicable villain who stole his holy things. You are for him. The beautiful benefactor who regained the sacred object.”

Beth looked at her in surprise, her ears red, “How can this work…This is unfair to you, I can’t do this, and how can he believe that you are obviously a good person.”

“Of course he will believe it.” Qiao Sha likes this lovely and innocent little princess. She stretched out her hand to pull her golden broken hair behind her ears: “Because I am his stepmother, I often bully him for the vicious stepmother who treats him harshly. Qiao Sha.”

Beth’s eyes widened in surprise.


The sky was gloomy for some reason.

When Qiao Sha was brutally pushed into the stone house by the maid Kasha, Beth almost stepped forward to help her with anxiety, but Qiao Sha said that if she wanted to act realistically, she had to be fierce and act like she hated Qiao Sha.

Beth tried hard to be fierce, and then stepped into the stone hut, and saw the young man in the stone hut at a glance. She was stunned and lost.

She could not describe what kind of face it was, and the most sophisticated sculptor in the world could not sculpt such a face. It was white and flawless, soft and exquisite. He leaned on the stone bed like a bright moon, the early morning sun, and the rose. Flowers will fall for him too.

He opened his eyes and looked at them, gray eyes—the birds outside the stone house no longer chirped, the squirrel stood on the branch and watched, and the sun shone from behind the clouds.

With such a pair of eyes, one can’t help but sink in.

Qiao Sha looked at Beth and the maid, who were all stunned, and wanted to roll her eyes very much.

The male protagonist’s gaze turned towards Qiao Sha. Qiao Sha couldn’t help but rolled her eyes, and took the initiative to enter the play, lifted his tied hands, and opened with a strange yin and yang: “Look, my noble and beautiful stepson, see myself His stepmother was **** and was indifferent. Maybe she was beating the gongs and drums happily in her heart.”

The male lead’s gaze fell on her tied wrist, and the gleaming ring on her finger, frowning.

Beth reacted and hurriedly said, “You, you stole the ring from someone else, and you will return it soon.”

“How can it be called stealing?” Qiao Sha raised her eyebrows. “I fell on the ground and I found it. This is called stealing?”

“Even if you find it, you should return it to someone…” Beth doesn’t know how to fight, so she can only follow her words.

Qiao Sha was helpless, a simple little princess, who wanted to insist that she was stealing, so why did she go down the hill and count as she picked it up?

Qiao Sha had to be even more shameless: “Who can prove that the ring belongs to him? Can you prove it? You don’t know him at all. Don’t be nosy here, Miss Beth.”

Beth blushed, she didn’t know what to say, yes, she had no way to prove that the ring belonged to the boy, what should she do if she has no proof…

Beth looked at Qiao Sha anxiously. Qiao Sha was more anxious than her. Even the princess couldn’t take it? ?

Fortunately, the male protagonist opened his mouth. When the female protagonist flushed, her stepson Surya calmly called the female protagonist’s name: “Miss Beth?”

Beth’s heart jumped when she was called, and she blushed and hurriedly responded, “Yes, it’s me, hello…”

Surya gently looked at Beth and said to her, “Thank you very much, Miss Beth.”

Beth shook her head hurriedly, no thanks, no thanks, but listened to what he said next: “Please untie Madam Qiao Sha’s rope first.”

Qiao Sha: “?”

“In any case, she is also my father’s wife.” His eyes stared at Qiao Sha quietly, like a force, seeing through her, but tolerating her, his thin lips opened and closed, “Although she is full of lies , The character is despicable, and there is no trace of regret.”

Qiao Sha: “…”

Does this **** Father know everything? How did he know? Hang up again? Mind reading? No, the ring is on her finger now, and he hasn’t recovered the slightest power.

“Please let her go first.” Surya repeated calmly, gentle but beyond doubt.

Bess nodded hurriedly, and stepped forward to untie the rope that tied Qiao Sha’s wrist, not knowing how she could go on acting.

“Please give it back to me.” Surya stretched out her hand to Qiao Sha, his slender hand, “This is my mother’s relic, you recognize it, Mrs. Qiao Sha, don’t lie anymore.”

Oh, it turned out that the lie was referring to this. She thought she had colluded with Beth when she saw it.

Qiao Sha rubbed her wrist and smiled and said to him: “Really? I don’t remember. Who will remember what your mother’s relic looks like?”

“Please give it back to me.” He said again, his tone still calm and gentle, but those gray eyes were watching you, making you irresistible and lying.

Beth didn’t dare to speak, she was afraid of the look in her eyes, she only hoped to end the play soon, and worried that he would really hate Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha touched the ring indifferently and said, “Since it is your mother’s relic, you should take good care of it. If you lose it, you can say that it was stolen by someone else. You are so unreasonable.”

101 is a little anxious: “Okay, the host, it’s irritating enough…”

“I said you stole it… he didn’t say it.” Beth said in a small nervous voice, “You give it back to him.”

Qiao Sha sighed in her heart, his teammates were too kind and hard to engage.

“It doesn’t matter if you give it back.” Qiao Sha took off the ring and reached out to hold Surya’s hand.

Surya frowned resistingly and wanted to take it back, but she held it tighter, her hot fingers gripped so tightly, sunken in his skin through the shirt, she turned his hand over. Standing in front of him, put the ring of thorns into his ring finger.

“But Surya.” She looked at him and said softly: “You should call my mother. Even if I am a slave with lies and despicable conduct, you still want to call my mother.”

She lowered her head and kissed the back of his hand quickly and softly.

As a fire burned the back of his hand, he wanted to take it back in an instant, and her finger had already loosened first.

Light burst out from the ring, violently covering Surya, the ground trembled, and thousands of birds flew.

Qiao Sha was almost blinded, and she took a few steps back and looked at the huge light in front of her and cursed “grass”. This is completely different from the special effects when she puts on the ring!

101 breathed a long sigh of relief. It didn’t expect that the host could return the ring like this, and still maintain the character of the vicious stepmother.

With a system sound of “ding”, the interface of [Hate Value] suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Sha-[Male Lead’s Hatred Value 1100].

Qiao Sha frowned: Only one percent?

101 stunned: Actually… there is one…

This is the first time someone has a task to show the male protagonist’s hatred value. No one has changed 0 to 1. In the process of such a play, the male protagonist’s hatred value for Qiao Sha has always been 0. Qiao Sha has been indifferent, but in this second, he actually brushed out a one-percent hatred value.


In the grand white light, no one saw Surya shrouded in it, watching his brow frown tightly on the back of his hand, and there was a red wound on the back of his hand, which was not big but painful, he was shocked.

That was the place where Qiao Sha had just kissed, and there was a sore that seemed filthy.

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