Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 83 - [It takes a few steps to domesticate the gods] [VIP]

Isaac saw Qiao Sha outside the special ward where the supervision was hidden.

She followed Aran to the supervision bureau and walked over from the end of the corridor. She was wearing a white shirt, black suit skirt, and a windbreaker of Director Aran.

She also saw him, her eyes softened a little bit on him.

The chaotic memories in his mind all belong to, and the “shadow” also has a face, the appearance of the lamb Qiaosha, the appearance of Qiaosha at this moment…

She is the young girl curled up in his arms and crying, the weak lamb Qiaosha, right?

Even if her appearance is so different, but besides her, who will remember his name, what happened to him and her?

She also came into this world, for what?

Isaac looked at her, trapped in her soft eyes, and she stopped in front of him, seeming to want to say something to him, but lowered her eyes again.

Director Aran next to her glanced at her, her embarrassment written in her eyes, causing Isaac to frown.

What did Chief Aran do to her? She looked like a lamb afraid of him.

“Ride is inside.” Aran asked her: “Should I accompany you in? Or…”

“I’ll go in by myself.” Qiao Sha raised her head again, looked at him, and assured him generally, “Don’t worry, I know what to do.”

She knows what to do?

What does Chief Aran want her to do again?

She said nothing, nodded to Isaac and said, “Please open the door.”

Is it because of Chief Aran that she became so polite?

Isaac’s heart sank. He stretched out his hand to type in his palm prints and opened the door of the special ward. Generally, only he, Holly and Director Aran can open the door of the special ward.

The doctor’s voice came from inside: “Hold him down, hurry…”

Rong Yin was already conscious, and there was a lot of trouble. The doctor was doing a new round of calming him, and Dong Qing assisted the doctor in holding down Rong Yin.

Qiao Sha walked in from his side, and he smelled the scent on her, which was exactly the same as Director Aran’s smell. She was taken home by Director Aran yesterday and lived with Director Aran.

“Please let him go.” Qiao Sha said to the doctor and Dongqing in the room, “I will guide him personally.”

Holly was taken aback, turned around to look at her, and then looked at Director Aran outside the door behind her.

Aran nodded to her and the doctor, motioning them all to exit the room.

Only then did Holly let go of Rong Yin and led the doctor out of the room.

“Close the door.” Aran told Isaac, “You are not allowed to open this door at will without my order.”

Isaac looked at Qiao Sha in the door and opened his mouth. Can she be alone? Rong Yin is on the verge of blackening, and he has used a lot of tranquilizers. He is very, very dangerous. In this situation, let a person who has no experience in grooming go to guide her. Have you really considered her safety?

“Isaac.” Aran looked at him, frowning in dissatisfaction. He has now begun to disobey orders, “Need I repeat it again?”

Isaac closed the door after all.

Aran looked at him again, and Isaac’s memory must have recovered a lot. It seemed that it was time to clear his memory again.

He left Holly and guarded the door with him, turned and went into the next room.


This is a monitoring room, monitoring every ward here.

He asked the staff to adjust the monitoring of the special ward next door to the maximum and call out the voice-in the room, Qiao Sha was walking to the bed, reaching out to support the concealment of the bed that was about to be planted.

The effect of the tranquilizer hasn’t completely disappeared, and he can’t stand up, and his hands trembling on Qiao Sha’s back.

How can Qiao Sha guide him?

Grooming can only be done immediately when there is a stress reaction to avoid further deterioration.

For non-humans who have deteriorated, it is almost impossible to smooth them out, at best it will only temporarily calm his emotions.

But this is enough. Just temporarily appease, let Rong Yin implant the chip, and then he will be blackened.

–“Do not be afraid.”

Qiao Sha’s voice came out softly, her palms touched the faint black hair, and she unconsciously rubbed his neck, as if she wanted to relax him.

He could not relax, but he could not control his limbs. The tranquilizer made him tremble so much that he could not hold Qiao Sha tightly. After trying several times, he suddenly exploded and slammed his trembling palm against the medical cart beside the bed. Go, grabbed the surgical scissors above, and usually pierced into his palm when he lost his mind.

Qiao Sha hurriedly stretched out her hand, and as soon as she grasped his hand holding the surgical scissors, she did not grasp the proper measure, and her hand rested on the tip of the scissors.

She let out a low gasp, and a bead of blood fell from her palm and between her fingers.

“Hidden, don’t.” Her voice was still strangely calm.

Rong Yin’s face turned pale for a moment, and he loosened the scissors in a panic, and trembling hands opened her palm to look.

The scissors fell on the bed, a cut was cut in her palm, and she was bleeding.

Rong Yin held her palm, looked at it, tears fell, he could not control his body not to shake, he felt that this body is no longer his, and his mind is also groggy, there are many, many words I want to tell her, but my mouth can’t express it clearly.

This sense of loss of control made him want to hurt a little, the more painful the clearer.

His hands were still shaking. He couldn’t hold her firmly. He opened his mouth and could only call out her name unambiguously: “Qiao Sha…” There were so many things he wanted to say, but his mind couldn’t handle it well. There were only a few words: “I lost my head rope.”

The sense of loss of control and the numbness of anesthesia made him want to vomit. Nausea and disgust were mixed together, and waves rushed into his mind.

He is getting more and more unable to control himself. He can’t even control what he wants to say and the tears he shed. The more he wants to control, the more he loses control. The more he wants to speak, the more chaotic the word order, “You will be angry, I don’t want to.”

Tears fell down faster. It wasn’t like that. He didn’t want to say that. He sat on the bed and couldn’t help but put his fingers in his palm. “Me, Joss, I dreamt of Joss and me… …”

His tongue is knotted, his brain is knotted, annoyed and even harder and harder to pull his palm, he wants to confess, he wants to admit his mistake, he wants to tell her that he was wrong a lot, he should have confessed that he dreamed of peace Joss had a relationship, he wanted to confess outside the crew.

But he was interrupted. No, it’s not the interruption. It was his fault. He had countless hours to confess to her, but he didn’t dare to say it like a coward.

Because he was afraid that she would leave him again and leave him behind as before.

But he was still wrong. He was dragged into a dream by Joss, and he realized that the dream had actually happened before. He had… loved so much other women.

That nausea rushed to his throat again, love is painful, zuo love is disgusting… After he met Joss, after falling into a dream, he completely lost all his desires.

His tears fell unconsciously, just smashed down, smashed into the palm of his about to pierce, what should he tell her?

His tongue moved again with difficulty, and he heard himself say vaguely: “I lost my head rope.”

He repeated what he had said again, choking like a knife in his throat, he couldn’t say it clearly, there was no way.

The head rope is lost.

Qiao Sha watched him twitching fingers in his palms, and wearing controlled electronic handcuffs on his wrists, she had already lost the hair rope she gave him.

He was crying, uncontrollably stressed, unable to speak a complete sentence.

He is now in a terrible condition. He has injected too many tranquilizers, and the anesthesia cannot go away, causing him to have an uncontrolled stress response in both his body and mind.

Like a mistaken puppy, afraid of the owner’s punishment, shaking uncontrollably.

Too bad, every non-human in this central tower is treated like this, excessive tranquilizers, imprisonment control, electric shock punishment, this is Aran’s way of justice.

She doesn’t care about other non-human beings, but her puppy is about to collapse.

She got up and walked to the bed, turning off all the lights in the room with a click.

There are no windows in this room, only a door, and all the light sources come from bright cold lights.

The light went out, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

The darkness will make him feel safe, the silence will make him feel at ease, and the hug will warm him up.

Qiao Sha stood by the hospital bed, hugged him from behind, pressed against his trembling back, held his self-harming hand with a bleeding hand, smoothed out his spasmodic fingers a little bit, and intersected him with ten fingers. Holding hands together, said to him: “I see, tolerate.”

He trembled, and under her hug, he calmed down a little bit, his palm gradually felt, no longer a numbness, but a warm touch, her palm was warm and warm.

His tears hung on his eyelashes.

“You lost your hair rope. You dreamed of being in love with another woman.” She whispered in his ear, “Oh no, it’s not a dream, but you really loved another woman.”

He heard those two words, and his whole body was numb with electric shock. She knew, she knew, she would be angry, would go with Aran, right?

“This is a punishment.” Qiao Sha pinched the concealed chin with her fingers, turned his head to the side, and lowered her head to bite on his neck.

It was so fierce that he bit his skin so hard that he bleeds from the bite.

During the numbness, Rong Yin felt a little bit of pain, more and more painful, and the pain made him squeeze her hand tightly, and the tears fell blankly, falling on the back of the hand held by her, and there was a little bit of it there. Tactile.

Anesthesia and pain caused a strange chain reaction. His body became warm, restless, and surging like an electric shock. Desire and pain overwhelmed all the sensations.

He grasped Qiao Sha’s fingers tighter, she could always arouse his desires, she was like the **** who controlled him.

She slowly loosened his neck. “This is a punishment.” She leaned close to his neck again and kissed his bleeding wound lightly.

The very light and very hot kiss, mixed with his blood and pain, made him tremble, and heard her say: “This is a reward.”


He was even eligible to be rewarded, he was obviously wrong so much.

“Reward my puppy for not wagging its tail at others.” Her lips rubbed his neck.

Itchy and tingling, he couldn’t help pressing Qiao Sha’s palm on his knee, and waves of happiness and pain in his body impacted him. He could no longer hear and understand what she said, if he had Tail, he thought he must be unable to stop shaking her.

He wants him to have a tail, he wants him to be a dog, her dog, she can lead him, always lead him, don’t loose the rope.

She came to his eyes from behind him in the darkness, and stood in front of him, holding the hands they shook, their hands were full of blood.

She used his **** thumb under the end of her eyes and tapped it lightly.

“Look at me, concealed.” She moved his finger away, and the end of her eye was bloody, like a scarlet mole.

Moles of tears, crimson moles of tears.

Countless memories in his mind resurfaced-moles of tears. She stood at his door gently and tenderly, telling him that she hadn’t seen him for a long time.

——In the dilapidated house, she also dotted a crimson mole on the end of her eye to make him remember who she was.

She is… She is…

His mind wakes up a little bit, Joss is not her. In his dream, he knows that Joss is not the person he has been looking for, because that person doesn’t love him.

The answer stayed in his throat, and his tears fell from his eyes.

She was, she was the one who caused him to sink and didn’t love him.

He can’t remember more things, can’t remember what happened between him and her, but he remembered the mole. She had clicked the mole twice like this and told him who she was.

“You didn’t betray me.” Her fingers gently stroked his eyelids, wiping away his tears, “You only love me.”

He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, tears and all his emotions vented, it turned out that it was her, it turned out that it was her that he had always loved, only her…not Joss, no one else.

He cried terribly.

Qiao Sha lifted his face and said, “You need to be groomed.”

He didn’t know what dredging was, he only knew that at this moment, Qiao Sha killed him, and he was also happy.

He obediently let her push, he was willing to do anything.

She put her palms on his knees, leaned over in front of him, very close to him, and said to him in a low voice: “Your grandfather said that the day after tomorrow is your birthday, and today is your last day of 19 years old.”

He clearly felt the heat in her palm through the hospital gown, didn’t he? Is his birthday? He can’t remember. He never had a birthday after his mother left.

“I can give you a birthday present in advance.” Qiao Sha asked him, “What do you want?”

What does he want?

He thought of her hug in the rental house, her breasts, and she asked him what he wanted.

This time he reached out and hugged her waist tightly. She staggered and fell into his arms. He said with an inflexible tongue: “You.”

Fearing that he didn’t say it clearly, he repeated: “You, you.” He repeated: “I want you.”

Qiao Sha leaned on his shoulder and smiled at him. She lowered her head and leaned close to his lips. He couldn’t wait to kiss her, but she opened her mouth and said, “Give me your hand.”

His anxious lips pressed against her, and he raised his hand obediently.

She took his hand from her waist to her hip.

She was wrapped tightly under the skirt, soft and…, he was hot. (Hello auditor, there is no follow-up)

She didn’t say anything, but looked at him with a little red cheek, grabbed his hot hand, and went all the way up.

It landed on her bulging shirt, like a balloon about to burst.

He actually… got his first wish.

The touch made him feel paralyzed, and joy surged, his mind was blank and there was nothing left.

I’m willing to die.

She took a low breath, flushed looking at him more and more clearly, sliding her fingers on his wrist and releasing the electronic handcuffs on his wrist with a click.

His brain was melted by her, and she grabbed her and kissed her in a daze. She responded enthusiastically to him…

The quiet ward was full of breathing, kissing, and then…

All the lights in the room suddenly turned on, and a voice came out of the monitor at the same time, and icy yelled: “Qiao Sha, stop dredging.”

The bright light shone blindly in an instant. As if frightened, he hugged Qiao Sha tightly and turned over and jumped off the hospital bed.

Without the shackles of the electronic handcuffs, his mental body was released in a moment of concealment.

The huge black wolf roared loudly and shook the incandescent lamp “bang-bang-bang”.

The ward fell into the darkness again, holding Qiao Sha faintly, protecting her head, and rushing towards the door.

Following his actions, the black wolf slammed into the door instantly, as if he was about to smash the door open.

The door banged loudly.

Qiao Sha put her arms around Rong Yin and whispered in his ear: “Black snake.”

With a faint glance, it turned into a faint green color at that moment, and a black snake spit out a bright red snake letter and stuck it on the door.

Qiao Sha let out a low exclamation.


Isaac and Holly outside the door heard the movement inside.

It was Qiao Sha’s exclamation.

Isaac’s first reaction was to open the door and save Qiao Sha, but when his palm print was pressed on the code lock, Aran in the next room walked out quickly and said coldly: “Don’t open the door. All his spiritual body is released.”

Isaac’s palm paused, he could stop and take it back now, but…

He spread his palms, and the code lock dinged.

“Isaac!” Aran’s expression changed, and he was about to rush over.

But the door has been pulled open from inside.

In an instant, countless black pythons gushed out of the door like a tide, and Holly and Isaac had only time to retreat.

The black wolf jumped out from among the black snakes, and rushed directly to the huge French window at the end of the corridor, and smashed the glass with a click.

Aran was wrapped in the black snake, unable to move her footsteps, she could only watch Rong Yin escaping from the ward holding Qiao Sha tightly, and jumped out of the window.

At that moment, he burned with anger, and his mental body was directly separated from his body, and followed his heart to rush towards the room-to kill him.

All his killing intent was received by the White Eagle.

The white eagle’s eyes turned blood red in an instant, and he gave a sharp cry and threw himself into the face.

“No!” Qiao Sha suddenly struggled out of his arms, hugged him, suddenly raised his hand, and shot at Aran’s white eagle.

This shot directly hit the white eagle’s right eye.


Aran and Bai Ying were in pain at the same time, and Bai Ying let out a chilling cry, and generally rushed towards Rong Yin and Qiao Sha out of control, this time directly engulfing them together——

“White dove!” Isaac suddenly rushed to the white eagle, and countless white doves flew away from behind him, blocking the white eagle’s path for life.

The white eagle broke through the white dove and slammed directly into the French window without its direction.

Only this time, Rong Yin and Qiao Sha had already followed the black wolf out of the French window and disappeared.

They escaped.

The black snake also disappeared instantly.

Only the white doves flying in the corridor are left.

The white eagle that hit the glass shards was stained with blood, and screamed, turned his head and opened his mouth among the glass shards, and bit Isaac’s arm in one bite.

Isaac cried out in pain.

The white dove swarmed towards the white eagle.

“Director!” Holly stepped up in panic: “You can’t swallow Isaac! Stop the Chief!”

The white eagle has ripped off one of Isaac’s arm and swallowed it in his mouth—

“Director!” Holly paled with fright, stretched out his hand and grabbed Aran’s arm.

Aran’s conditioned reflex was normal. He raised his hand and strangled Holly’s neck and slammed her against the wall. Holly let out a short cry of pain.

That painful cry made Alan Shana sober, and suddenly withdrew his hand, hurriedly shouted: “Stop the white eagle!”

The white eagle had swallowed Isaac’s arm into his abdomen, and was about to continue to swallow Isaac, and he stopped drinking.

He and the white eagle were looking at each other in the corridor, the blood on the floor mixed with glass shards, the white eagle’s eyes were bleeding, the white feathers were stained with blood, and the eagle’s claws and mouth were still dripping with bright red blood. , The blood of Isaac.

His mental body was stained with blood for the first time.

He stood there numb all over, leaned sideways against the wall abruptly, and vomited. The pain in his eyes and the surge in his body made him unable to raise his head.

The alarm was still ringing, and the people from the Supervision Bureau rushed into the corridor, looking at the scene in front of them, all stood in horror and did not dare to step forward—a huge white eagle stood in front of Isaac with a broken arm, like a hobbyist. Blood demon.

Whose spiritual body is that? Everyone has never seen such a bloodthirsty white eagle spirit body. Is this a new non-human being?

The old members of the Supervision Bureau know that the mental body of the special group Isaac is a white dove, and the mental body of Holly is a leopard.

Is this runaway white eagle a new entry? But where is its owner, non-human? There are only three people, Isaac, Holly, and the director…

Someone raised the anesthesia gun and pointed it at the white eagle.

“Don’t shoot!” Holly raised her voice to stop, and she held her red neck to look at the police officers who came, “You first exit the medical center.”

Don’t let others discover that this white eagle is the mental body of the chief.

This is because no one in the Supervisory Bureau, except for the special group, knows that the director is also non-human.

Holly stood in front of Director Aran and ordered them to retreat again.

The police officers collected their guns and exited the corridors of the medical center one by one.


The three of them were left in the corridor again, and Aran waved his hand and retracted the white eagle into his body. He closed his eyes and silently ordered Holly, “Come and see Isaac with a doctor. He and Rong Yin have lost control of his fight. Supervise him. You Go in person.”

Holly looked at him, unspeakable emotions surged in his heart, “Are you… okay?”

Secretary, shouldn’t we also carry out reassignment?

He almost swallowed Isaac.

“I’m fine.” Aran leaned on the wall and slowly opened his eyes. His right eye hurts so much.

The fear and anger in his heart were unprecedented, so he closed his eyes vigorously and said, “Also, all the monitoring of today’s medical center will be destroyed.”

Wrong, completely wrong.

Originally, the white eagle should only appear when the ending, destroying the hidden, and saving everyone.

——God will eventually carry sinners all over the world on his wings with eagles.

-God will destroy sin, and God will save the world.

The white eagle will become a symbol of the gods.

But now, the White Eagle is stained with blood. If he exposes his non-human identity at this time, the Supervision Bureau will collapse.

Director Aran, how can he be non-human.

He clenched his fingers, and in front of him was Qiao Sha holding the gun and shooting at the white eagle. Qiao Sha, Qiao Sha…

Did she deceive him and play with him again?

what is she doing? do what!

Not far away, Isaac sat leaning against the shards of glass, leaning against the wall, looking out the window where the wind was whistling, and under the hazy sky were tall buildings.

His broken arm was bleeding, but his heart settled down a little bit. He reached out to touch his pocket and touched a paper folded star.

His moon was found.

He hopes that she will be happy, go where she wants to go, and be nice to anyone, but don’t be alone.

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