Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 86 - [It takes a few steps to domesticate the gods] [VIP]

kill him.

Aran held her fingers extremely cold, and his emotions had reached the climax.

He wanted her to kill Isaac to prove her loyalty. He clutched her fingers tightly and pointed her muzzle at Isaac.

Qiao Sha’s hand didn’t even tremble, she only hesitated for a few seconds, then pulled the trigger–

The “bang” gunfire followed by the “bang” sound of the power supply exploding, and the power grid at the end of the string of sparks also went out.

Qiao Sha shot and exploded the independent power supply that blocked the power grid that was blocking the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The entire corridor fell into darkness, and Snow Leopard seemed to think that Qiao Sha shot Isaac and flew towards Isaac.

Qiao Sha let go of her finger, and the gun in her hand fell. She took it with the other hand, held the gun, and fired a second shot without blinking her eyelids.


That shot directly penetrated Aran’s arm holding her hand.

Blood splattered on her face, and in Aran’s shock, she withdrew her hand and immediately backed away a few steps, and directly said to the person who was about to come to protect her: “Go to the central tower.”

Tolerant stepped and looked at her, even if she was worried to death, she still turned her head suddenly, revealing the black wolf, breaking through the dead power grid with it, and jumping out of the French window.

Aran dragged her painful and bleeding right hand and looked at her inconceivably. What is she going to do? Is she, is she deceiving him? She shot him again… She told Rong Yin to go to the central tower, what is she going to do?

The shot stunned him in place. He saw Qiao Sha smile and said to him: “The man in love is really stupid. You still don’t understand what I want to do?”

She lowered her eyes, played with her gun and said, “Soon you will understand. Wait for the concealment to release all the non-humans from the central tower, and all the non-humans come to eat you, and you will understand what I want. .Although this is a little different from what I originally planned.”

She was very sorry that her original plan was to be sent directly into the central tower and release all non-human beings directly inside the central tower. At that time, non-humans flocked to Aran. She did not believe that he would not release the spirit to fight and protect herself. , He will be blackened, she wants him to stage “Engulf Non-humans” in front of everyone.

Aran suddenly realized that she wanted Rong Yin to release all non-humans to attack him. Who are those non-humans who hate the most? It’s him.

Rong Yin has not been blackened, he will not devour those non-human spirit bodies, they will only flow toward him and toward the Supervision Bureau.

She wanted, killed him, ruined him, and ruined the entire supervision bureau. She didn’t want to complete this task with him. She lied to him from start to finish.

It hurts, his eyes, his arms…

Bai Ying came out from behind him for a moment, and his angry eyes reddishly let out a sharp cry.

“Stop Rong Yin, Bai Ying!” Alan yelled, and moved at the same time as Bai Ying, Bai Ying rushed to the French window, he rushed towards Qiao Sha, and stretched out his bleeding arm to strangle her throat.

He wanted to kill her, devour her, and dig her heart out to see who was pretending to be.

She leaned against the wall and looked at him with a smile, not afraid that he would kill her.

Does she think he is reluctant to kill her?

Seeing that his fingers were about to grab her neck, suddenly a group of white pigeons flew out, and a figure suddenly stood in front of Qiao Sha.


It’s him again!

Aran grabbed Isaac by the throat, and Isaac was willing to be strangled by his throat and stretched out his hand to push Qiao Sha from behind him.

He strangled Isaac’s throat and slammed him against the wall behind him.

The white doves were crowded in front of the French windows and blocked the white eagle’s path for life. The white eagle screamed and opened its mouth to tear apart the white doves. The snow leopard also pounced on the white eagle, trying to save the white doves, but was caught by the sharp claws of the white eagle. He grabbed his neck and pressed it to the ground.

Blood poured out of the snow leopard’s throat.

The **** smell came to Aran’s throat again, this time he didn’t feel sick, he just wanted to kill them, and kill all those who blocked his way.

His blood was burned all over, and the pain made him even more angry. He clenched Isaac’s neck tightly, watching Isaac’s breathless struggle, his complexion turning blue, and his veins bulging, there was something unspeakable in his heart. Isaac’s pleasure, Isaac came to the door by himself, and Isaac himself wanted to die for Qiaosha, then he would fulfill him…

“Let go of Isaac.” Qiao Sha was at his side and pointed his gun to his temple.

He turned his head and looked at Qiao Sha. The gauze on his right eye had already been rubbed off. Both his eyes were filled with red blood. She pointed at him again, for the sake of other men, and for Isaac. Not dying him will only make him hurt.

Does she think she can end him with a gun? Non-humans cannot be killed.

But her appearance, pointing a gun at him to defend others’ appearance, made him angry.

“You want to save him? Are you reluctant to kill him? Killing him will make you feel heartache, right?” He grabbed Isaac’s throat and lifted him from the ground. He wanted to see her heartbroken.

“Swallow them, White Eagle.” He pinched Isaac’s throat, how could Isaac with one arm resist him? He wanted Qiao Sha to watch Isaac die!

Isaac grabbed his wrists unable to breathe, scratching and bleeding, but to no avail.

“Host, do you want to save Isaac?” 101 hurriedly asked her, “The gun can’t kill non-human beings. You should save Isaac’s spiritual body. Once his spiritual body is swallowed…” Will be completely removed from this world disappear.

She knows, of course she knows.

But she watched the white eagle shredded and swallowed the white doves in the way, blood splashed on the wall and the ground, she did not move.

She looked at Isaac who was about to break her breath, and did not pull the trigger.

Her fingers holding the gun were stiff, like her heart.

What a great opportunity, what a great opportunity to completely destroy the gods and let him completely collapse.

Her audience will arrive soon, and they will see Aran kill Isaac and consume Isaac…

Isn’t this exactly what she wants?

“Host, do you want to sacrifice Isaac?” 101 asked her incredulously.

Sacrifice to Isaac.

She looked at Isaac who was dying and listened to the sound of the white dove being chewed to pieces. She suddenly thought of the story of the Bible—the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac to God Jehovah.

She lowered her eyelids gently. She wanted to achieve her goal. As long as her goal was achieved, the main **** would also be hers. Yves disappeared from this world and there was nothing.

101 was so shocked by her that no one pretended in the host’s heart.

Isaac gradually lost strength.

A paper-folded star fell from the palm of his clenched palm and into the pool of blood under Qiao Sha’s eyes.

That is……

Qiao Sha looked carefully at it with her eyes down. That was the star she gave Isaac.

His stars.

Qiao Sha’s heart seemed to be lightly illuminated by the stars, and the words Yves had said to her, and the words Isaac had said to her appeared in her mind one by one.

His hugs, his kisses, his fingers holding her guns, his gentleness and kindness…

She suddenly heard many footsteps coming in from behind the open code door.

Here comes her audience.

Qiao Sha suddenly raised her hand and fired the shot “bang”.

A shot was directed at the White Eagle under the French window and hit its other eye.

Bai Ying screamed sharply.

At the same time, behind the code door, Liao Yi rushed in with the guards and Executive Li.

101 Then I want to ask, if these people didn’t rush over, would the host shoot to save Isaac?

“Aran!” Liao Yi was stunned by the pictures in the corridor—the blood-stained white eagle was tearing the snow leopard like crazy.

Aran covered one eye, threw away Isaac who was no longer breathing, reached out and grabbed Qiao Sha, and dragged her into his arms.

Liao Yi took the lead in raising the guns. All the guards raised their guns and pointed them at him, “Aran! Don’t hurt anyone!”

Aran grabbed Qiao Sha and looked at those people. He knew very well that his Supervision Bureau, his director’s persona, and his **** ending had collapsed and was destroyed by Qiao Sha, and he was powerless to return to heaven.

He has been unable to restrain his anger, killing intent, jealousy, hatred, **** desire…

“You are really non-human!” Director Li stared at him and said, “Hurry up and stop in time!”

There is no way to take it back.

Aran saw the broken floor-to-ceiling windows, the central tower not far away broke like an explosion, and thick smoke rose up and almost obscured the sky. Countless non-human spirit bodies gushed out of the thick smoke and headed towards the city. , Toward the Supervision Bureau, rushing toward him.

The **** white eagle flew out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, met the spirit body that was about to rush, and threw them away one by one, swallowing them one by one.

Qiao Sha would rather destroy the world than to destroy him.

His heart was burning and painful, “Why?” He grasped Qiao Sha’s neck, the thin neck felt so warm, he was not willing to use force, he just wanted to ask her, why?

“You want to be sincere, and I will give you the sincere heart.” His throat burned like a pain, “You want to trust, I trust you completely…”

He lowered his eyes to look at Qiao Sha in his arms. His eyes were so painful. He felt that he was crying. The first time he shed tears, he actually felt like this, “You cried and said… the **** wants to see your heart broken. I can’t bear to see you sad and heartbroken anymore…”

She got all the love of the gods, but why, why did she ruin it all? Want to trample on his love and sincerity?

“Killing me, ruining me, what good is it for you?” He asked her, he just wanted an answer.

She didn’t look at him, just watched more and more non-human beings fighting with the white eagles, and said gently and slowly: “Because those words are fake, crying is fake, heartbreak is also fake, I never wanted your sincerity.”

She raised her eyes to look at him, smiled at him and said lowly: “I lied to you.”

Her gun rang along with her words. It was obvious that her gun was not aimed at him, but the gun still shot through his arm holding her.

He got off his hands subconsciously in pain.

She escaped from his palm like a escaping fish, from his arms, and rushed to the broken French window.

Under the gloomy sky, her black hair was flying up, she jumped out of the French window, and shouted: “Rong Yin!”

She wanted to escape again, she wounded him all over and wanted to escape!

He was so angry that he would not let her go even if he died! He ran to the French window instantly, jumped into the hazy sky, jumped into the window full of non-human beings, and at the moment he jumped out, he grabbed Qiao Sha back with divine power and held him tightly in his arms. Countless worlds can punish her, imprison her, make her admit her mistakes.

Bai Ying stopped in front of the black wolf who lunged over.

A dense crowd of non-human beings rushed towards him, he only hugged Qiao Sha and said to her: “You can’t save Rongga if you ruin this world!”

Qiao Sha didn’t have the slightest resistance or panic in his arms, looked at him and said, “Really?”

She reached out and hugged his neck, raised her head to kiss his lips.

He was stunned, unable to avoid her kiss, but when her kiss came to her lips, she stopped, with the corners of her lips raised low and said to him, “But if you ruin you, it’s okay.”

The fingers she hugged his neck slammed on his chip, and at that moment, she twisted without hesitation-to activate the detonating device.

He heard the beep from the chip, and suddenly understood that the chip was implanted not to help him, but to completely blow him up.

The moment the chip exploded on his neck, Rong Yin jumped from the black wolf, hit him and hugged Qiao Sha, slammed Qiao Sha from his arms, and threw it at the black wolf.

Countless white pigeons poured out from the French windows, surrounded Qiao Sha in the explosion, and pushed her onto the back of the black wolf.

Qiao Sha fell on the black wolf’s back, covered by countless white pigeons, and heard deafening explosions.

She saw Aran explode in the sparks from the gap, and the injured Rong Yin was caught layer by layer by the white pigeons.

Gentleness, kindness, as the holy light descends.

She grasped the black wolf’s back hair, and whispered to it: “Swallow the white eagle, swallow your other clone.”

The black wolf whispered and turned and rushed towards the white eagle who had lost his main heart.



The explosion sounded in the sky overhead, and the crowd on the street was in chaos. Everyone was running, escaping from the supervision bureau, and fleeing the street.

Only Song Qing was alone against the crowd, struggling to run into the supervision bureau, and the sound of the explosion made everyone hugged their heads and squatted down and screamed.

Song Qing raised her head instantly among the crowd. She saw the explosions blooming like fireworks under the hazy sky and in the high-level sky of the Supervision Bureau. Countless white pigeons flew into the explosion, layer after layer, like The gentle holy light surrounds a person.

She heard many screams, and heard the music that was too late to close in the roadside coffee shop. It was Bach’s Mass in B minor.

She stood there looking at the white dove in the sky and suddenly wanted to cry so much. She never believed in God, but now she wanted to beg the Lord for mercy.

She clutched the humble old silver pendant on her chest and prayed to the gods to bless Isaac, who was such a good and so good person.

It was the only one who said to her at a dinner party: “Forcing girls to drink is not good.”

When I don’t know her name, I’m willing to help her find a lost necklace, a worthless necklace…

He is such a good person, why would God never have mercy on him?

She saw the huge white eagle in the sky burst through the white dove, and saw the black giant wolf biting the white eagle’s neck and becoming bigger, biting the white eagle and crashing it into the central tower.

The high central tower collapsed with a bang.

Everyone was exclaiming, fleeing, only she was standing there watching.

What a thrilling scene, but she doesn’t care, she is just a humble employee of the Supervision Bureau, she only cares about the people she secretly admires, is it safe? Are you still alive?

She vaguely saw a woman sitting on the black wolf. She couldn’t see what that woman looked like, but she knew who it was.

It’s Qiao Sha.

The person Isaac admired, the person Isaac turned into a white dove, and he would also protect them layer by layer.

It’s his moon.

There was no trace of jealousy in her heart. She had met Qiao Sha, who was an extremely dazzling woman, and it seemed that everyone would like her.

She only hopes that Isaac can be happy and get what he wants. He is such a good, such a good person.


Devour him.

Qiao Sha jumped off the black wolf’s back and landed in the center tower that was about to collapse, looking at the white eagle that was hit into the tower.

The black wolf became huge, tore the white eagle apart, and swallowed half of it in one bite.

“Host, if you do this, this world will collapse.” 101 is no longer alarmed, she is already devouring the clone of the main god, what else is more ridiculous, “You are in this world, and you have not been given to change the male lead. Power.”

He just wanted to tell her that even if the plot follows the ending of the original drama, she does not have the authority to change the hero. Once the hero dies, the world will collapse.

It doesn’t matter.

Qiao Sha had a guess in her heart. She guessed that the main **** has only two clones. If the main **** has seven or eight clones, what is the point of one clone swallowing the other clone?

101 is stuck there, the host will always scare him, how could she guess that?

She guessed it casually, she wanted to try, did the main **** split into two clones, and swallow the other clone to become one.

“You, you want Surya to re…” 101 didn’t dare to say it, the host didn’t just want Surya to recover? Still want Surya to swallow another clone and become…the main god?

“But what if you guessed wrong?” 101 didn’t dare to think, “Not only did you destroy a world, you also destroyed the clone of the main god. If there are other clones of the main god, you will be severely punished and punished. , You have no retreat!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Qiao Sha watched the black wolf swallow the remaining white eagle in one bite, and whispered to 101, “I have never retreated in my life. I am happy now and at this moment, as long as I am satisfied.”

She is very happy to win, she is very happy to destroy God.

She watched the black wolf swallow the white eagle bit by bit, and watched Aran explode into fireworks. She was very happy.

Suddenly someone rushed over from behind.

She looked back and saw that Rong Yin rushed towards her from the ruins, stretched out his hand and hugged her abruptly.

There was a lot of blood on his body, and the back of his hand and forehead were exploded, causing some injuries, but he didn’t feel any pain. He hugged her tightly and asked her, “Did you hurt you?”

The black wolf swallowed the last bite of the white eagle.

The person holding her shuddered suddenly, as if connected by something, and her eyes turned black for a while.

At the same time, Qiao Sha heard the long-lost voice of the main **** system.

——[This world collapses, the task is being liquidated——]

Suddenly the main **** system got stuck, and he paused for a long time and said again.

——[The Lord God has bound the host Qiao Sha [The Lord God Task], about to send you into the new world. ]

There was another jamming sound.

Rongyin who was holding her suddenly weakened her knees, hugged her uncontrollably, and half-kneeled on the ground.

——[The main **** is being replaced——]

Qiao Sha listened to those chaotic voices, the system instructions that did not follow the preface, but she couldn’t stop ecstasy in her heart.

The disordered system keeps repeating.

——[The main **** is being replaced——]

——[Bound [Main God Task] is about to send you into a new world——]

Is she right?

The main **** split into two independent clones. All the worlds she had experienced before and the tasks she did were just that Aran’s clone guided her step by step to seduce Surya, another clone of the main god, Surya.

So that Surya loses his godhead, loses his body, and then Aran plans to devour him in this world.

After swallowing another clone, he can merge into one and become the only main god.

Now, Surya has swallowed the clone of Aran and merged into one, becoming the only main **** in the entire world of Quick Crossing, so-the main **** is being replaced.

Because the old main **** Aran has disappeared.

“Host!” 101 said in a panic: “Your task has been changed from the stepmother task to the main **** task. The new world is loading, and you are about to be teleported…”

Before he finished speaking, the voice of the main **** system appeared again.

——[The new world has been loaded successfully, after three seconds, you will be teleported into the new world, 3……]

Qiao Sha hurriedly raised his face that was not sober, his face was full of cold sweat, his eyes could not be focused, he was fusing Aran’s divine consciousness and divine personality, right?

But there is no time.


“Rongga.” She called him another name, took him into her arms, and said in his ear: “Don’t be a demon, be a mortal, and be a **** again.”

Be a **** again, now he is the only god, return to the altar, redefine [the god], don’t care about the so-called godhead.

He stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly, calling her hardly: “Qiao Sha…” He wanted to say something, but the person in his arms suddenly disappeared, his arms were empty, and he fell down holding a ball of air. On the icy ground.

–[1. ]


It’s so dark, so dizzy that she wants to vomit.

This time Qiao Sha did not enter the system space, but was directly sent into the new world. She was drawn into the darkness and sent into the new darkness.

The dizziness made her feel nauseous.

Fortunately, her 101 was still there, and she immediately said to her: “Host, turn on the protection mode for you.”

Within a second, her dizziness and all discomfort disappeared.

101 is getting easier and better.

After she felt comfortable, she gradually came to take a look at the touch around her-the place where she slept was hard, the air was hot, the surroundings were smelly, her stomach was very hungry, and her body was sore.

Without the voice of the main **** system, the main **** system will usually appear at this time, renewing her mission in this world.

This time, she did not hear it for a long time.

Did not even settle the task of the previous world.

“The background keeps showing that the task of the previous world is being liquidated.” 101 replied: “It should be that the main **** has not been replaced yet? You have to wait until the main **** has been replaced before the task can be liquidated.”

101 looked at the backstage carefully and said, “There is no punishment. Your level and mine are still the same as before.”

It should be that the main **** has not been replaced and cannot be liquidated temporarily.

She opened her eyes, and it was completely dark. She was lying in a room that looked tattered. The tables and chairs were all broken and a layer of dust.

Even the bed under her was hard and the mattress was damp.

Old-fashioned bed curtains, old tables and chairs and diamond mirrors on the table.

This seems to be an ancient world? Xianxia again?

She tried to use spiritual power, and found that it was not, her body did not have the slightest spiritual power.

Is it just an ordinary ancient world?

“The story of this world has not been updated.” 101 felt that something was wrong. “There are no missions and story information. You still have those books in your bookshelf.”

Qiao Sha got up, dizzy and unsteady when she got out of bed, she hurriedly supported the bed, she was…

“Hungry.” 101 said, “This body seems to be hungry for a long time, and the body is weak.”

What kind of world is this? Certainly it was not the new main **** who sent her in. Listening to the previous main **** system, it seems that the old main **** Aran temporarily changed her mission and sent her into this world?

She held the bed to relax for a while, and said to 101: “Mirror.”

101 busy turned into a mirror and appeared beside her.

She picked it up and took a photo of herself to confirm her appearance in this world, staring at the mirror for a moment.

It turned out to be her true appearance.

The face in the mirror was what she looked like in the real world. She hurriedly lifted her hair and looked at her earlobes. One earlobe had two pierced ears, and the other earlobe had a pierced ear.

Even the piercings are exactly the same as in her reality.

Qiao Sha rolled up her sleeves again and saw a few scars on her wrists. She was completely sure that this body was her body in reality, even the scars of her cutting her wrists.

Is Aran’s design right? He had to pull her up again when he was dying.

Qiao Sha looked in the mirror again, she hadn’t seen her appearance for a long time, she was pale and sick.

She has taken many magazines, photos, and TV series, and is known as the Yanyan series.

But when she didn’t wear makeup, she was sick and haggard.

She doesn’t like her face.

She buckled the mirror on the bed, so she never wanted to be resurrected or reborn. She was tired of living in her world, and she was exhausted from being herself.

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