Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 217 Protect you

Chapter 217 Protect you

"Who do you think is in the video, Lei Zhao?"

The message from the video kept running in his thoughts as if it participated in a marathon. Lei Zhao knew that he was currently at work but with this in his mind, how could he ever focus?

His eyebrows furrowed as he got the disk from his PC. He blankly stared at it and wondered who could he ever know for him to receive such a package?

But then again, Lei Zhao is known in their country and even in other countries. There might be people who knew him and would want to threaten him, which is why he or she did this.

But who? And why?

Lei Zhao heaved a sigh. He clicked the buzzer on his desk for him to call his secretary. The moment he buzzer sounded on the secretary's desk, he immediately entered Lei Zhao's office, giving him a small bow to greet him.

"Yes, Mr. Lei Zhao?"

The man stood up from his chair, getting the disk on the table as he put it back on the case. He then walked to his secretary and gave him the CD case, stating his order to his secretary.

"Investigate the contents of this CD. Also, do what you can to determine who the sender was. Once you have any leads about the content or on who the person who sent this, inform me immediately."

His secretary did a small bow, "Understood."

His secretary then left Lei Zhao alone in his office once more as he made way to process the work given to him. At the same moment, the phone of Lei Zhao rang, making the man get his phone on the table.

His eyes widened the moment he saw who the caller was. It was his wife, Yan Mei, his heart slightly jumping in delight and at the same time wonder because he was not expecting a call from her this morning.

He immediately answered the call and put it against his ear, speaking to greet his beloved wife.

"Wifey... what's wrong?"

"Lei Zhao..."

Lei Zhao's posture straightened when he noticed that there was fear and at the same time uneasiness in his wife's voice. His eyebrows furrowed a while. He wondered what was wrong to have made her call him at this time of day with worry in her voice.

"Yan Mei," Lei Zhao sounded quite serious this time. "What's wrong?"

"I-I got a message."

Hearing Yan Mei speak like this--stammering on her words even, it had made Lei Zhao think if something suspicious happened to her, too.

"What did the message say?" Lei Zhao asked, trying his best to put the pieces together as if doing a jigsaw puzzle.

Lei Zhao also noticed that Yan Mei was doing her best to mask her fear and uneasiness. With him knowing his wife was feeling this way, it made Lei Zhao worry for her, too, wanting to protect her if there was someone who meant to stir things up between them.

It made him wonder if the sender meant to irk him--or her.

"The message. It said, 'Run kitty, run.'"

The lips of Lei Zhao turned into a tight line. He already deduced as much that someone was indeed doing this on purpose.

With the message that was for him in the video, and with Yan Mei getting a suspicious text message from an unknown number, it made Lei Zhao want to investigate this further to get down it.

"Lei Zhao?"

With Yan Mei's fear plastered in her voice as she called out to him, it had snapped Lei Zhao out of his thoughts, shifting his focus back on Yan Mei to calm her down.


"I..." Yan Mei trailed off, her voice almost shaking as she tried her best not to show how scared she was, but it was too noticeable for Lei Zhao even in the call. "I think... it's that man."

'That man,' Lei Zhao thought. 'I only know some details about him from Yan Mei, but is she sure?'

Lei Zhao's grip on his phone tightened. He knew how this man had affected Yan Mei mentally. He only knew that this man abused her, but with the video played right before and with the question asked who they were, could Yan Mei be involved in this?

"Lei Zhao... are you there?"

Lei Zhao cleared his throat as he heaved a small smile, replying to Yan Mei as he wanted to go there as soon as he can to comfort her.

"Stay there. I'll come right to your office. Alright?"

"Mm... thank you."


Yan Mei was walking back and forth in her office. She had already told Su Bei that Lei Zhao is going to visit, so she went out to wait for him.

Yan Mei tapped her feet as she embraced herself, her hands running up and down her arms as if to warm herself even though it wasn't cold.

She grew nervous by the second. If it was that man, how could he know her number? What was his motive to send such a message to her? Wasn't he dead?

Yan Mei furrowed her brows in fear as her eyes became blurry, tears already pooling in her eyes. Her heart thumped as she felt nervous, memories of the past haunting her as she remembered how much she suffered back in the days.

"Yan Mei?"

Yan Mei instinctively turned her body to look at the door the moment she heard a familiar voice. The moment Lei Zhao closed the door, her lips trembled as she felt vulnerable in front of the man whom she trusted.

"Lei Zhao!"

She immediately ran in his arms, Lei Zhao embracing her tightly. The man caressed the back of Yan Mei's head gently, comforting her as he stood in silence, his heart aching to see his wife this way.

"I'm here, Wifey. I'm here." He planted a soft kiss on the top of her head, "I'll protect you, Wifey. Don't worry."

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