Flip The Script

Book 1 – Ch 03 – Filling In The Details

The doctor was waving a penlight in and out of Toshi's eyes.


"I cannot explain it." The doctor clicked the penlight off, "I have never been so happy to be wrong." She looked up at the three standing next to the bed, "I hope you can forgive me for telling you to give up."


Hirofumi smiled down at Toshi, "My son is a fighter." He sniffed and wiped at the corner of his eye, "I never doubted for a second."


The mother took a deep breath and folded her hands. She extended both index fingers and pointed at the doctor, "The past is the past. I'm much more concerned about his memory loss. He doesn't remember us, himself, what day it is, who's the prime minister, nothing." She folded her arms, "What can we do to fix this?"


The doctor leaned back and thought for a while, "Well... there are a number of tests I want to run. He should stay here in the hospital for a few days, just to be on the safe side. However, I'm going to be blunt." She looked at the mother, "I have no idea how he's alive right now. He was technically dead. His rapist used way too much Rohypnol and he stopped breathing entirely for a very long time. He'd been-"


Toshi interjected, "Rapist?" Everyone stopped and looked at Toshi. The doctor realized she screwed up.


Toshi held up his hands in a 'T' sign, "Time out. Explain... 'Rapist'." Nobody said anything. Toshi started to look a little panicked, "Did some big, fat, ugly dude rape me in the ass?" Everyone blinked and looked confused.


His sister, Hinako was the first to speak, "Uh... no. It was... one of your fans. They have an image on a security camera, but they think she wore a disguise. She dragged you into a backroom. And... Security had lost track of you."


Toshi looked around, "Fans? I have fans?" He shook his head as if to clear it, "HOLD IT." He rolled his hands in the air, "Back up." He dropped them onto his lap, "A WOMAN raped me?" He looked incredulously at the doctor, "Uhh... HOW?"


The doctor cleared her throat, "I don't want to stress-"


Toshi interrupted, "NOW."


The doctor took a deep breath, "I can get a male doctor if-"


Toshi smacked his forehead, "Oh for the love of god!" He dragged his hand down his face and stared at the doctor through his fingers, "Just Spit It Out!"


The doctor looked very uncomfortable, "There is a drug." She pressed her lips together to form a thin line while she struggled to contain her disgust, "It's hitting the streets in greater amounts lately. It just used to be a trickle, but we are seeing more and more... victims." She took off her glasses and proceeded to clean them as she continued, "It's a combination of Rohypnol which is known as the date rape drug, since it causes memory loss, and the other is a drug that's only been on the market for a few years. You might not have heard of it. It's called 'Viagra'."


Toshi slouched back in his bed, "She roofied me then followed up with a boner pill." He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, "Whew! That's a load off my mind. I was thinking she used a strap-on or something."


Everyone in the room gaped at Toshi.


Toshi scanned the room, his words attempting to break the tension. "Hey, things only go out, not in, my ass. Okay? That's where I draw the line." Despite his attempt at humor, everyone remained fixated on Toshi, their expressions filled with disbelief. He muttered, "So... the combination of the roofie and all the blood going to little Toshi restricted blood flow to my brain. That deprived me of enough oxygen to survive and... I died."


Toshi rolled a hand in the air as he continued, "And with Rohypnol already having the side effect of causing memory loss, the oxygen deprivation amplified its effects, essentially erasing... me." A heavy silence settled over the room, akin to that of a quiet church. The father appeared on the brink of tears, while the mother attempted to envelop Hirofumi in a comforting embrace. He flinched momentarily, but settled into the hug, finding solace in her arms.


Hinako abruptly grabbed Toshi's hand, "I'll find her."


Toshi looked up and blinked, a bit confused by the impassioned gesture, "Oh?"



She squeezed his hand, "I will find her." Her face was a mask of stone.





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