Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 10a

Toshi couldn't stand Toshi.


Which is to say, Kimoto Toshi was growing to detest Sato Toshi moment by moment, the longer he had to be exposed to his interdimensional counterpart. Toshi had agreed to this meeting quite a while ago at the recommendation of one of his business associates. The truth was, he really wanted to see what was happening with his mirror opposite. In the back of his mind, there was a nagging feeling that this was nothing more than a recipe for disaster. Somehow this would come back to haunt him. Kimoto Toshi just knew it. 


They met at a raman noodle place on a Friday after school. It wasn't far,  but Toshi was late getting to the meeting because he had to dodge Abi who was continuing to shadow him. He really didn't need to deal with explaining this crap to her. He arrived at the little hole in the wall eatery and sat down at the bar next to his counter part. They started talking and Toshi asked Sato to talk about himself.


That is where it started to go down hill.


The problem was that Toshi was hoping to have something in common with Sato. He figured they might be from different universes, but they had to share something. They did. Certain mannerisms and habits stood out. Just enough to convince Toshi that he was dealing with his duplicate. That was the problem. It made all the other habits Sato had stand out like nails on a chalkboard.


Sato Toshi was weak.


He had gotten out of a five year marriage that had basically destroyed his self-esteem. He also spent way too much time talking about his personal problems and... well... whining. He was a whiner. Toshi understood that in this world, these were habits of someone who expected to find common ground with another man. He noticed this from Kenko, but not to the same extent. The sharing of pain, the attempt to bond using 'the Brotherhood of Men'. Toshi was used to men being assholes to one another. Life was a competition. It was every man for himself. This version of himself relied on begging for sympathy and the kindness of strangers.


Kimoto Toshi wanted to punch his face in.


It was vile. It was disgusting. How? How could anyone wearing HIS FACE be so pathetic and weak? However, as the feelings welled up inside him, he also had to remind himself that if Sato was a woman, would Toshi treat him like that? If this was a woman, would he be so disgusted? Sato, when he discussed his past work, was a rather well trained and talented person with years of experience. If he had only turned down the marriage and kept his job, he'd most likely be having a job much like his old friends.


The same people Toshi had made friends with across the pacific rim.


Toshi was deep in thought, trying to resolve his emotions regarding all this when Sato abruptly said, "Look... I don't know if this is going to work out." Toshi looked up, "What?" Sato started to leave, "I can tell this doesn't seem-" Toshi held up a hand, "Wait. Hold it." Sato stopped, half standing, then slowly sat down, "Okay." Toshi looked at him, "What's wrong?"


Sato looked around, then back at Toshi, "I... can tell you don't like me and I really-" Toshi held up his hands, "Whoa whoa whoa! Who said I didn't like you?" Sato looked Toshi up and down, "I'm not blind. You obviously have been getting more and more annoyed talking to me since we started." Toshi stared at him. The abruptly collapsed against the counter, "Goddamn it." They both sat there for a few moments before Toshi spoke up, "Look... You are right but... the problem is me, not you. It's..." He looked at Sato. Sato seemed worn out. The face looking back at him was more gaunt than the one he remembered. This was a person who was pushed to his limits and was just now trying to find their footing again.


Sato took out a small shoulder pouch to pay for the meal. As he opened up, Toshi saw what looked like a family photo. There were three faces there. Sato Toshi, his ex-wife, and a small child that looked to be a boy. Toshi abruptly reached out and grabbed it, "What the...?" Sato looked shocked, but also wasn't aggressive enough to stop Toshi, "Thats-!" He cleared his throat and spoke in a softer voice, "That's my ex-wife and... my son."


Toshi stared at the picture, ~I... have a son? Wait. No, but... genetically...~ He looked up, "How is he?" Sato looked around nerviously, "Currently... I don't have a job and my wife has all the money so as this divorce proceeds it... looks like I won't get to keep him. So..." He reached out to take the picture, "I don't know how he's doing. It's been two weeks." Sato looked absolutely defeated as he relayed this information. Toshi stared at his counterpart. Sato avoided his gaze, but eventually returned the look, "What?"


"I'll hire you."


Sato blinked, "What?"


Toshi nodded, "A few things to explain... I'll pay you... what were you asking for, Eight?" Sato nodded. Toshi continued, "Okay. I'll pay you... Eighteen a year, plus a one percent bonus based on quarterly profits." Sato's eyes bugged out, "WHAT?" Toshi nodded and continued, "Plus, as a sign on bonus, I'll pay you two million now. That should pay for your lawyer easily." He then rolled his hand in the air, "Plus benefits. Whatever reasonable. You'll be-" Sato waved his hands to cut Toshi off, "Hold it Hold IT!" He stared at Toshi, "Why?"


Toshi thought for a bit, "Well..." He looked off out the window to the street, "You have a kid. I expect you to put him first. You need my job to get your kid back." He looked at Sato, "That will make you loyal." Sato narrowed his eyes. Toshi continued, "I need someone to be the front man. I'm not doing anything illegal, but it looks strange when a sixteen year old is worth a billion yen. I need you to be my face when I need it. I need you to cover for me when I do something insane. I need help dealing with my girlfriend, and this eSport event I want to enter and I basically need a step and fetch it who will work for me, do what I tell them, and more importantly..."


Toshi leaned back, "Not get on my case because they disapprove." Sato frowned, "Like..." Toshi tilted his head, "My girlfriend is in a well known crime family. The Kimoto family is a bunch of cops. And... how I make my money is legal but... well... things might get... odd." Sato raised an eyebrow, "Odd?" Toshi nodded, "Yeah. Odd. I need someone who won't ask questions when things get really strange, and no, I won't give more examples." Sato paused to look out the window, "Why does this feel like a deal with the devil?"


Toshi snorted, "Would you believe me if I said it was more like making a deal with a fallen angel?" Sato looked back at Toshi, "Yes. Yes I would." Toshi shrugged, "I'm paying way more then you are asking for. In exchange, I need unwavering loyalty and no second guessing. But... if you do find I am breaking the law, please come tell me. I don't plan on actually doing anything illegal... even if you will be dealing with people who do." Sato looked back out the window for a while. Toshi started to say something when Sato finally spoke up.


"And a company car."


Toshi raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" Sato looked at Toshi, "If I'm going to be your personal servant for all your... odd errands, I will need a vehicle. You pay for it." Toshi slowly smiled, "Okay. Company car then." He snapped his fingers, "And a company apartment. Near where I live." He paused, "I might need to use it occasionally, but I'll warn you when I need to kick you out." Sato Toshi nodded once, "Alright then... I... well... You got yourself a... face man." He bowed his head to Toshi, who returned the bow in turn. They both spoke at the very same moment, the exact same words, with the very same inflection.




"Please take care of me."

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