Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 12b

Toshi was wondering how his sock wound up hanging from the couch so far above him.


Toshi and Naora lay on the gym mat, tangled up in each other, clothes scattered about and breathing heavily. They were in the corner of the room furthest from the door behind four couches stacked upon each other. It had been an intense twenty minutes and half the effort was put into trying to be as quiet as possible. Which is to say, not very quiet, but they did keep the screams to a minimum.


Naora rolled over to pin Toshi's shoulders and look down at him. Toshi looked up at the fine sheen of sweat upon her and just smiled. He started to speak when she shook her head, "Don't." Toshi frowned, "Huh?" She leaned down to give him a long kiss then pulled away to start gathering up her clothes, "I know you. You were about to say, 'I'm sorry' or something. I don't know why, but you feel guilty as Hell every time we do this." Toshi opened his mouth, then closed it as he looked away. He mumbled softly, "Maybe."


She laughed lightly as she pulled her bra down from the couch, causing Toshi's sock to fall as well. It almost hit Toshi in the face, but Naora's hand shot out and caught it at the last moment. Toshi looked up, then moved his head to look past it at her. She just smiled at him. A single shaft of light had made its way between two window blinds and was lying across his chest, giving his skin a luminescence to it. Toshi reached up to take his sock, but she held on. Naora mumbled in way that was more to herself then to Toshi.


"I wish we could stay like this forever."


Toshi opened his mouth to respond, but Midori cut in, "Hate to break this up, but we can't be seen leaving together. Since it got quiet over there, I assume you are finished. You need to get dressed and we need to leave. Like, five minutes ago." Naora glared angrily towards the voice that came through the couches. Toshi sat up to abruptly kiss Naora on the lips, which seemed to improve her mood dramatically. He pulled away and said, "One down, two to go." As he cupped her face with one hand. She looked a tad bit regretful, then forced a smile, "Well, if I get some like this after the next two, I think I can deal with it."


Toshi just stared into her eyes before abruptly turning away to find his clothes, "My class is right below us. It'll take longer to reach your next class. You should leave first." Naora hesitated for a moment, then nodded as they both silently got their clothes on. As they stepped around the couches. Kagi was blatantly grinning and glancing out of the corner of her eye at the two. Midori's face was neutral and impassive and just focused on the exit. Nobody said anything as the three girls checked out the hallway.


It was empty.


Naora looked back at Toshi and grabbed him by the collar. She pulled him in for a long kiss, before she abruptly turned and left. Her two companions said nothing as they both slipped out as well. Only Kagi looked back at Toshi, giving him a nod and a wink as she closed the door, leaving it open a crack. It would lock automatically when closed, so Toshi was careful to leave it slightly ajar.


He leaned back against the wall by the door and checked the time on his phone. His plan was to wait about five minutes then head down. This gave him five minutes to hate himself, ~I am so weak. Why? Am I in lust? Am I in love? What the fuck? And I'm lying to everyone so I can do this. If you are hiding something, you know it's wrong. Why was I looking down on Haruo when I am just as guilty?~

Toshi started banging his head against the wall behind him, "Is it the same thing? How do I even start to put this in perspective?" He took a deep breath, "That's the problem, isn't it? I don't have anyone to talk to." He said to nobody in particular.


And that's when someone pushed the door open and stepped inside. Toshi turned his head to see Juba Okuda, the biology teacher, pushing open the door and looking around the doorframe.


"What do you need to talk about?"

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