Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 13a

Mieko cautiously approached her mother.


The Yamakawa family had been the owners and guardians of the largest shinto shrine in Tokyo for generations. They took great pride in managing and handling the estate. Mieko's mother handled running the shrine with military precision. Her harsh methodology was half the reason Mieko had so many problems making friends.


Mieko had been summoned by her mother and it wasn't wise to keep her waiting. She observed the proper rites and purification before entering the very heart of the complex. The room was dimly lit for her mother had only a few candles burning. One might think that living in a family owned shrine would be a relaxing life, but the truth was that it was nerve wracking. Especially when you are the youngest daughter in a society where women were human doings, not human beings. Shit flows downhill and Mieko was lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut on the family totem pole. So being called to a private meeting with her mother in this private area reserved for only the most pious was unusual. The gut twisting fear she felt as she kneeled behind her mother was the only thing on her mind. There was a long period of silence before her mother bowed her head to the shrine, then turned to face her daughter with a smile.


Mieko's heart sank.


Her mother expression quickly turned into concern, "What's wrong?" Mieko bowed her head, "Nothing, mother." Her mother looked quizzical, "If there is anything wrong, you can share it with me." Mieko knew this was a trick, for nothing could ever be wrong. Everything was perfect here at the shrine. Immediately. If you knew what was good for you. She kept her cool and have the proper, boilerplate response, "I am fine, mother. I thank you for your concern." She kept her head respectfully bowed.


A long time passed before her mother spoke, "I have not done right by you. Not one day." Mieko blinked and slowly raised her gaze to see her mother staring off into the distance. Mieko had no idea how to respond, "Mother?" Her mother just kept staring out past the altar to the far wall. She would occasionally shake her head or nod as she conducted some sort of internal monolog. Eventually she dipped her head and turned to look at her daughter, "Have I ever said that I was proud of you?" Mieko choked for a second and then lowered her eyes as she tried to control her emotions. She almost started crying as she struggled to control herself and just wound up shaking her head. Showing feelings was weakness and unfeminine, but to receive praise from her mother is such a rarity that it was difficult to maintain composure.


Mieko's mother smiled and put a hand on her daughter's shoulder, "I am. I am very proud of you. I was blind to my own family. I never paid attention like I should have and missed your rise to greatness." She squeezed Mieko's shoulder, "You are..." She closed her eyes as she turned away, clearing her throat in the process, "Special. And..." She turned back, "And I need to make it up to you." Mieko just shook her head, "Oh. No no no mother. You don't-" Her mother put a finger to her lips and Mieko reflexively went silent. She started to feel cold with fear as she just realized she had dared to contradict her progenitor. What horrible punishment would she have to endure for this insolence? She wondered.


"You are going on a date this weekend, yes?"


Mieko went from feeling cold to sweating buckets. She had tried very hard to make sure her mother hadn't learned anything of her date. She would never have approved, ~Oh god. Is that what this meeting is about? She was setting me up?~ She swallowed and nodded once, awaiting for the hammer to fall. Her mother just smiled and nodded, "Ah... youth. I heard you were going out with that Kimoto boy... Toshi... correct?" Mieko was confused by this response, "Uhhh... yes?" Her mother nodded, "Wonderful. He's a good boy. An excellent choice. I am very proud of you and your fine eye." She gave her daughter one more pat on the shoulder then folded her hands, "I cannot wait to meet him."


Mieko blinked and looked up, cautiously, "Mother? This date... it isn't... very serious." Her mother made a dismissive hand gesture as if waving off any concerns, "Oh, pish-posh. Don't worry about that sort of thing." She gave Mieko a smile that sent a chill down her spine, "I am certain that if you two are meant to be... you will be." She then reached into the folds of her clothing and pulled out a small bottle, "Here. Birth control pills." Mieko let out a gasp of astonishment, "What???" Her mother pressed the bottle into Mieko's hands, "You can't be too careful. Just make sure to take a pill a few hours before your date." Mieko stared at the bottle and contemplating pinching herself.


Her mother snapped her fingers causing Mieko to jump, "Oh. Almost forgot." She then pulled out an envelope, "Here's fifty thousand yen." Mieko took the envolope and gaped at it. Her mother kept talking, "Make sure to take him somewhere nice. And a little extra in case you need to... rent a room or anything?" She gave her daughter a wink. Mieko looked up at her mom, then very quietly raised her hand, and slapped herself across the face. Her mother looked puzzled, "Mieko?" She just sat there, "Just making sure I wasn't dreaming." Her mother laughed, "No. You aren't dreaming. I am VERY proud of you! And more importantly, I want you to enjoy your childhood. I haven't been a good mother to you and I want to try and make it up to you." She took her daughter's hands and squeezed them tight, "Please. Relax and be yourself. Enjoy your youth and enjoy the time you have with your new boyfriend." She squeezed a little tighter, "I hear he is a troubled boy, and subject to dark influences."


Mieko looked confused, "Uh... I guess..." Her mother squeezed even tighter, "Someone like that needs to be protected." She relaxed her grip and pointed at her daughter, "I think you are exactly the type of person he needs in his life to stick to the straight and narrow." Mieko nodded and forced a smile, "I understand, mother." Her mother gently have Mieko's head a pat, "Good daughter. I am so proud of you. I have no doubt you will do great things. God smiles upon you." Mieko relaxed at this last gesture and leaned into her mother's hand, "Th-thank you, mother! I will do my best to make you proud!" Abruptly her mother turned away, "I am certain you will." Mieko blinked at the sudden emotional whiplash. Her mother spoke in terse tones, "I have to meditate. See yourself out."


Mieko blinked, looked around, then bowed to her mother before quietly leaving. As Mieko stepped out and the door closed behind her, her mother glanced over her shoulder to make sure she was alone. The candles on the shrine all started to flicker in the same direction. Mieko's mother smiled softly as she turned to face her visitor.

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