Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 13c

Kingo's expression was a reflection of his utter confusion and words could not do it justice.


Unbeknownst to most, last Sunday was when the process had begun. Kingo was a particularly head strong individual and unlikely to let something as feeling queasy stop him from going to school. Especially when he needed to know what happened with Madoka and Toshi's date. He had to learn what happened and plan a counter attack. He could not waste a moment.


However, while he managed to dragged himself to school, he didn't last very long. The rumors flying around only served to make him feel even worse. Ikemoto insisted that Kingo see the school nurse. A quick visit to said nurse and given his blood pressure and heart rate, the nurse insisted that he go home. People assumed he was just being melodramatic, when in reality he was undergoing the process of switching minds between universes. The nurse arranged for him to be picked up by his parents who instead of taking him home, took him directly to the hospital when he became delirious on the ride home and promptly passed out.


Kingo recovered Thursday and would have been kept for observations, but he was getting weirded out by the hospital and insisted on going home. He was wondering why all the nurses were men and the TV stations were more than a bit... confusing. He was always a rather healthy individual allowing hm to just push his way through this process. Arriving at home late Thursday night, he insisted on going to school in the morning then collapsed into bed. Half-asleep in the morning, he didn't really figure out that the weirdness from the hospital wasn't JUST at the hospital. Instead he basically rolled out of bed, threw on what ever clothes he could find, remarked that it was cool dad was giving mom a break and grabbed whatever his father had made for breakfast on the way out the door.


Arriving at school, everyone thought Kingo was looking and acting like a complete nutcase.


Hence Kenko and crew's desire to protect Toshi because they figured, given what a complete wreck Kingo looked like, that Kingo was going to totally lose his shit at some point. Which was correct, but not for the reason they thought. As he lost it and had his little rampage, he eventually found himself having enough of all this nonsense and intended to simply leave the school and take a breather outside. Stepping out of the lunchroom to see Naora was the straw that broke the camel's back.


And so we return to the present to observe Kingo dealing with the strangest question he has ever had to consider.


Toshi let go and stepped away quickly. He kept staring at Kingo expectantly. Kingo straightened up and turned towards Toshi with wide eyes and wonderment. He opened his mouth slightly, but said nothing. Instead his eyes darted between Naora and Toshi. Toshi put a single finger to his lips and gave his head a quick shake. Okuda rubbed her nose and sniffled, "Sorry. Forgot my allergy medication at home." She stepped up to Kingo and got in his face to confront him, "Kingo, I was told you just got back from the hospital. Is that your excuse? Why do you have to start causing trouble.? It's not becoming of the head cheerleader to be acting in such an embarrassing fashion."


Kingo blinked and pulled his head back to look down at Okuda like she was completely MAD, "Cheerleader? What-" Then he noticed Toshi had moved behind Okuda to get into his field of view. He was looking very worried. Toshi shook his head and subtly made a cutting motion across his throat with the flat of his hand. Kingo blinked at Toshi for a second then looked at Okuda, "Arn't I on the track team?"


Toshi winced.


It was Okuda's turn to be confused, "We don't have a track team. Are... you okay?" She reached up to put the back of her hand on his forehead, "Are you having some sort of relapse?" Kingo opened his mouth, then noticed Toshi biting his lower lip and nodding slightly while he looked at Kingo imploringly. Kingo slowly looked around at the crowd of gathered people, then put a hand on his own forehead, "I'm... I'm very confused. Everything seems out of place." He looked right at Naora. She had been watching him this whole time with great reservation.


"But you know... Whatever happened..." Kingo turned back to Okuda, "I'm good with it." He started to smile, then laughed, "I... am so... grateful." He grabbed Okuda's shoulder and squeezed lightly, "It's a miracle! It's just a miracle." She just stared up at Kingo, "Ohhhh... kay." She grabbed Kingo's hand and took it off her shoulder, but didn't let go, "I think you are having some sort of relapse, okay? I want you to do whatever I tell you to do, understand? Assume whatever you are seeing isn't real and what I am telling you is."


Kingo blinked, "WHAT?" He turned to Naora in horror, "Am I hallucinating Naora?" Okuda looked from Kingo to Naora and back, "Uh, No. She's real." Kingo let out a long sigh of relief as Okuda continued, "But I'm not sure about anything else you are experiencing right now." Toshi stepped up, "Why don't I help you get him to the nurses office?" Ikemoto stepped up and shouldered Toshi out of the way, "I'll take care of Kingo, thank you very much!" Kingo stared at Ikemoto with a puzzled expression, then abruptly dug a finger into Ikemoto's cheek and scraped down. Ikemoto staggered back in surprise with a fearful squeak as he cradled his face. Kingo looked at his fingernail intently, then up at Ikemoto, "Ike, why are you wearing make up?"


Okuda didn't allow for a reply, instead she grabbed Kingo by the arm and started to forcefully lead him down the hall, "No more delays! Everyone out of the way!" She forced her way towards the nurses office, Kingo in tow. Until they rounded the corner and passed out of sight, Kingo spent the whole time looking over his shoulder.


His eyes never left Toshi.



"We've got a problem!"


Toshi had made an excuse to Kenko and practically fled the area until he could make it outside. He started calling Haruo as soon as it looked like nobody was around. Haruo had picked up, but Toshi never gave him a chance to talk, instead, just started shouting into the phone, "I think someone else in my school flipped. I don't understand why he didn't catch on earlier, but now he's here in the school having a melt down!"


Haruo replied, "Hold it hold it... wait. Is this Toshi?" Toshi let out a huff, "Yes! Sorry. It's Toshi. Fuck. Look. Got a problem." Haruo cut him off, "Hold it! Deep breath. Explain everything. Slowly." Toshi paused to take a deep breath, then explained the situation as it stood before asking, "Got it?" Haruo replied, "Yes. Okay. Well... I don't think you should have clued him in. Now if he starts babbling like a madman, he might get you involved, but... spilt milk. Okay. You said the other version of him hated you, yes?" Toshi nodded, "Yeah. And... I think he basically confirmed that my counterpart on the other side died."


Haruo was quiet for several seconds before he continued, "Holy shit. I'm... sorry. I just assumed your other version was alive like mine, but... Damn." A long pause, "Okay. Look. I live alone. I was going to... er... I can cancel my plans. Can you get a hold of him? Get his phone number and text him? Let's get him up to speed, so to speak. I'd prefer to meet somewhere other than my apartment, but I live alone, if push comes to shove... Look." He was quiet for a bit then a text came through, "Let's meet at this park. Get a hold of him. Confirm if he can make it. We can all go there and get him caught up. Sound like a plan?"


Toshi let out a long sigh, "Yeah." He paused, "Thanks. This means a lot." Haruo let out a soft chuckle, "We got to stick together. We're the only normal men on the planet. And hey, now there's three of us." Toshi asked, "Want to invite Ichikawa?" Harou thought about it, "Nah. Not to start. We'll feel him out first." Toshi took a deep breath, "Sounds like a plan. I'll get a hold of him. Later." Disconnecting the call, he gave Kenko a text. After a short argument about why he wanted the number, Kenko relented and gave it up. Toshi had meandered his way back into the school as he texted Kingo and was heading into the lunchroom when Kingo replied via text.


Kingo: 6pm

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